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Social inclusion through team sports and education: sport for development

Dysfunctional family relationships make the social integration of children into a regular school career more difficult and put a strain on them, and accordingly also reduce the children's future prospects. One of the most important prevention and protection mechanisms for the successful development of children is therefore their inclusion in the public school system. Unfortunately, parents and schools do not offer the children the support they need to successfully complete primary and secondary school (primary school / primary school grades 1 to 9 and secondary school another 4 years). The premature drop-out rate from school for Roma children and other disadvantaged / vulnerable children in Bijeljina is high. Diverse efforts are necessary for disadvantaged / vulnerable children to remain successfully in the Bosnian school system. Children need separate learning support, an incentive to attend school regularly and to improve their social skills. Parents' awareness of education must also be heightened and communication between home and school intensified. At the same time, prejudices on the part of the school (and the majority society) against children in the relevant settlement must be broken down; but at the same time the fear of the Roma community about state institutions must be reduced. The "Sports for Social Change" project addresses all of these interfaces and has already achieved far-reaching successes through the innovative use of football as an inclusion method in combination with non-formal educational offers, which must now be consolidated and expanded. Read More...

Endline Report: Maman Lumière III Project Project / Etude Endline: Projet Maman Lumière III

In response to the major findings and to help achieve the objectives of the State's Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES°), CARE in Niger has negotiated the third phase of the "Projet Maman Lumière III" project, whose interventions aim to break the cycle of malnutrition, particularly in contexts of recurring crises. Financed in January 2020 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Luxembourg for a period of 48 months, the objective assigned to this project is to contribute to a substantial and sustainable reduction in malnutrition among children under 2 and women aged 15-49 in poor households in the Zinder region by December 2023. At the end of four years of project implementation, and in accordance with contractual requirements with the donor, a final evaluation is carried out to assess the performance, quality of activities carried out, results and sustainability of the project.

The methodology used for this study is based on a sample survey with two (2) sampling levels. It targets children under 5 and their mothers. In addition to quantitative data, focus groups were held to gather qualitative data from communities and groups. In all, 412 households were surveyed in 21 villages by 3 teams.

Pour faire face à des constats majeurs et contribuer ainsi à l’atteinte des objectifs du Plan de Développement Economique et Social de l’Etat(PDES°), CARE au Niger a négocié la troisième phase du projet « Projet Maman Lumière III » dont les interventions visent à briser le cycle de la malnutrition, en particulier dans des contextes de crises récurrentes. Financé en janvier 2020 par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères du Royaume de Luxembourg pour une durée de 48 mois, l’objectif assigné à ce projet est de contribuer à une réduction substantielle et durable de la malnutrition des enfants de moins de 2 ans et des femmes 15-49 ans des ménages pauvres de la région de Zinder d’ici décembre 2023. En effet à l’issue de quatre ans de mise en œuvre du projet et conforment aux exigences contractuelles avec le bailleur une évaluation finale est conduite pour apprécier la performance, la qualité des activités réalisées, les résultats et la durabilité du projet.

Ainsi la méthodologie utilisée pour cette étude est basée sur une enquête par sondage à deux (2) degrés d’échantillonnage. Elle cible les enfants de moins de 5 ans et leurs mères. Au-delà des données quantitatives, des focus groupes ont été animés pour recueillir de données qualitatives auprès des communautés et groupements. Au total, 412 ménages ont été enquêtés dans 21 villages par 3 équipes.

Learning From Failure 2019

Driven by a wish to learn more from what goes wrong in our programming, and to examine where changes to the broader organization and system can improve our programming and impact globally, in 2019 CARE undertook its first evaluations-based failure meta-analysis. This analysis draws learning and evidence from 114 evaluations of CARE’s work from 2015-2018 to understand the patterns and trends in what goes wrong. This helps us take a data-driven approach to strategic investments and action plans to live out CARE’s commitment to high program quality and continuous improvement across the board.
The review draws from project specific data, but deliberately anonymizes the data and focuses on overarching trends to remove blame for any specific project team or set of individuals. This exercise is designed to help us learn more about how we can change our processes and patterns of support and engagement around weak areas to improve our work. CARE is using this data to build action plans and next steps to continuously improve our programming.

Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Post-Distribution Monitoring Report

CARE implement an emergency funding funded by Humanitarian Response in Afghanistan ERPF –CARE International to respond to urgent humanitarian crisis including drought, displacement, conflict and COVID through provision of MPCA and NFI. CARE distributed cash to 522 households of which 75% were female-headed, in Kabul and in Kandahar. The activity directly assisted around 3660 people in the two provinces of Kabul and Kandahar. The distribution was done directly to the registered beneficiaries from CARE’s team female and male staff. The distribution went on smoothly without any interruptions.
CARE conducted a need assessment prior to provide cash assistance in the target areas to identify most vulnerable female headed households and disabled male headed household for this assistance.
In second week of November 2021, CARE’s Program Quality Unit (PQ) conducted a Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) – on a randomly selected beneficiary to ascertain area including but limited to cash receipt, cash utilization, decision level for cash expenditure and assess monitoring and accountability measures – satisfaction levels from the response. Read More...

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