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Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Post-Distribution Monitoring Report

CARE implement an emergency funding funded by Humanitarian Response in Afghanistan ERPF –CARE International to respond to urgent humanitarian crisis including drought, displacement, conflict and COVID through provision of MPCA and NFI. CARE distributed cash to 522 households of which 75% were female-headed, in Kabul and in Kandahar. The activity directly assisted around 3660 people in the two provinces of Kabul and Kandahar. The distribution was done directly to the registered beneficiaries from CARE’s team female and male staff. The distribution went on smoothly without any interruptions.
CARE conducted a need assessment prior to provide cash assistance in the target areas to identify most vulnerable female headed households and disabled male headed household for this assistance.
In second week of November 2021, CARE’s Program Quality Unit (PQ) conducted a Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) – on a randomly selected beneficiary to ascertain area including but limited to cash receipt, cash utilization, decision level for cash expenditure and assess monitoring and accountability measures – satisfaction levels from the response. Read More...

CARE Afghanistan Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment MULTI SECTOR NEEDS ASSESSMENT – KEY FINDINGS February 2022

The purpose of this MSNA was to identify key gaps and needs where CARE operates, with the view to inform future programming priorities and better understand the impacts of the current situation on humanitarian needs.
A total of 364 households were interviewed from 20 districts across 8 provinces (Herat, Kandahar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktia, Parwan, Kapisa, and Balkh) in December 2021. An average of 18 interviews were collected per district. The survey administered a household questionnaire and a focus group discussion (2 per community –female and male) in each district.

Key Findings on Education, Gender, Humanitarian Access, and Food Insecurity are presented here. For more data and information, please refer to the full MSNA report.

The top 5 concerns raised by the communities were all related to the consequences of Afghanistan’s current economic and humanitarian crisis:
1. food security (72% of respondents),
2. lack of employment opportunities (66%),
3. livelihood and economic empowerment (56%),
4. lack of access to humanitarian aid (36%), and
5. lack of access to shelter/ housing options (36%). Read More...

Advancing gender equality in coral reef social-ecological systems

Gender equity is considered to be a foundation for the resilience and wellbeing of people dependent on coral reef social-ecological systems. Nonetheless, gender inequality persists, and many interventions are still struggling to meet in practice the commitments they make on paper. Gender transformative approaches (GTAs) are considered the frontier of gender research and development because they challenge and shift the invisible social constructs that underpin and perpetuate inequities. A collaboration between the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, WorldFish, and CARE International sought to determine the extent to which GTAs have been applied alongside or within the management and conservation of coral reefs. The intent of our work is to increase awareness of and knowledge about GTAs among funders, researchers, development agencies, and fisheries and conservation stakeholders who seek to advance gender equality in coral reef-social ecological systems. Read More...

Dili Flood Response Program 2021 Evaluation Report

Heavy rains across Timor-Leste from 29 March to 4 April 2021 resulted in flash floods and landslides particularly affecting the capital Dili and the surrounding low-lying areas. Responding to the floods, CARE Timor-Leste mounted a rapid emergency response with ECHO funding and proceeded to develop an integrated shelter strategy responding to the acute needs of those affected by the floods.
CARE supported the families who were impacted by implementing an innovative program of community-led recovery projects rehabilitating and repairing the community infrastructure, an emergency distribution of food and other essential items in line with the findings of a consultative gendered shelter assessment. In parallel, CARE played a key role in the development of a national Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaign around safer home construction that included distributing a shelter IEC campaign through CARE’s longstanding educational Lafaek magazine.
This support directly benefitted 203 vulnerable households through emergency distributions, 2,500 people living in 10 Aldeias in Manleuana through community infrastructure projects and 103,000+ households across Timor-Leste reached with safer home construction information included in the Lafaek community magazine. Read More...

Evaluation finale du projet Education For Change – EFC Education Pour le Changement « Jannde Yiriwere » de CARE International au Mali

Le projet Education Pour le changement utilise une approche de résilience en vue de répondre aux défis environnementaux et humains auxquels le Mali est actuellement confronté et qui affectent sérieusement l'éducation, la sécurité des jeunes et leur accès aux opportunités. Le projet combine la Réduction des Risques et Désastres (DRR) et la résilience, le Droit à la Santé Sexuelle et reproductive (SSR), l'alphabétisation appliquée, et les opportunités d'accès à l'autonomisation financière en milieu scolaire et chez les jeunes non scolaires à travers l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies bien établies. L'Education Pour le Changement a conçu et est en train de tester un modèle intégré d'éducation, de la sante de la reproduction et d’autonomisation jeunes pour une mise à échelle au profit des jeunes vulnérables et marginalisés du Mali.
Le projet est exécuté par CARE International et ses partenaires dans la région de Mopti depuis 5 ans. Les bénéficiaires qui sont les élèves, enseignants et communautés ont bénéficié de différentes activités pour améliorer leur connaissance sur les différentes thématiques du projet et offrir l’opportunité de l’utilisation de NTIC dans l’éducation scolaire des adolescents.
Le contexte opérationnel de la région de Mopti pendant la période de mise en oeuvre a été l'un des nombreux défis majeurs. En plus des sécheresses et des inondations périodiques, des épisodes périodiques de conflit civil ont contribué à une forte migration. Deux grèves prolongées des enseignants pendant les périodes de mise en oeuvre du programme ont entraîné des fermetures d'écoles pendant les périodes de mise en oeuvre. Et puis COVID-19 a contribué à la livraison d'activités et aux défis moins que prévu pour les communautés bénéficiaires. Ajouté à cela, 3 écoles n'était pas joignables pendant une partie du projet.
Comme tout programme, le cadre des indicateurs a été évalué en 2016 avant l’exécution des activités, une évaluation s’en est suivi en 2018. Le présent document présente les résultats de l’évaluation finale du projet. Read More...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality and Food Security in the Arab region with a focus on the Sudan and Iraq

This rapid gender analysis (RGA) explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality and food security in the Arab region. It is a joint collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and CARE International (CARE). This collaboration recognizes the need to expand the evidence base on gender-differentiated impacts of crises for informed recovery and response planning, while highlighting the imperative of collecting sex- and age-disaggregated data (SADD) more consistently.
This initiative was an innovative pilot project between FAO, WFP and CARE. The aim of the collaboration was to foster multilevel partnerships and strengthen gender analysis for the food security sector in crisis contexts. The initiative brought together technical experts in food security, nutrition and livelihoods across the agencies involved, as well as gender specialists to explore, develop and test tools, methods and approaches. The regional focus of the study identified key themes, challenges and norms across multiple contexts in the Arab region, while highlighting specific findings for Iraq and the Sudan. While sources have varying regional definitions for the Arab region, for the purpose of this review, the denomination includes the countries under the FAO Near East and North Africa region, the WFP Middle East and North Africa region, and the CARi Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The findings and successes of this initiative are intended to strengthen the relationship between gender and food security actors
regionally, and in particular within Iraq and the Sudan, while increasing the availability and transparency of gender analysis in the sphere of food security. Read More...

Integrated Wash, Health And Protection Response To Covid-19 In West And East Hararghe Zones Of Oromia Region, Ethiopia

The report presented findings of end-line survey findings compared with baseline data for the same project. East and West Hararghe zones are located within the Oromia region, one of the largest and most populated regions of Ethiopia. Like many parts of Oromia and the country, over 80% of the people in East and West Hararghe rely on agricultural livelihoods. The main activities of the project are hygiene promotion, provision of hygiene supplies, hand washing facilities installation at health centers, and integrating protection actions. The project was implemented in Kersa and Babile Woredas of East Hararghe Zone and Meiso and Gumbibordode Woredas of West Hararghe Zone.

Integrated WASH and Multipurpose Cash Support to IDPs and host Communities in Oromia and Somali Regions

This report presented an end-line survey for the project entitled Integrated WASH and Multipurpose Cash Support to IDPs and host communities in Oromia and Somali Regions, Ethiopia. The endline survey objective was to assess the impact of a one-year project compared to the baseline dataset. The data collection was conducted from September 10-20, 2021. End line findings confirmed that the project impacted the life of the target community. Progress from baseline showed for most of the variables measured under this end line survey compared to baseline data. Read More...

Harande Most Significant Change Stories

Le programme Harande, financé par l'USAID, est mis en oeuvre dans la région de Mopti pour la période 2015-2020 dans le but d'améliorer durablement la sécurité alimentaire, nutritionnelle et le revenu de 224 100 membres des ménages vulnérables d'ici 2020 dans les cercles de Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara et Douentza dans la Région de Mopti - une région du centre du Mali qui souffre de sécheresses fréquentes, de conflits récurrent et d'instabilité. Le programme est un DFAP (Development Food Assistance Program) et est mis en oeuvre par un consortium composé de CARE International (lead), Save the Children International (SCI), Helen Keller International (HKI) et deux ONG nationales : YAGTU et Sahel Eco.
Harande s'attaque aux causes profondes de l'insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans 238 villages de 16 communes des quatre cercles ci-dessus cités de la région de Mopti, en se focalisant sur les ménages vulnérables

The USAID-funded Harande program is implemented in the Mopti region for the 2015-2020 period with the aim of sustainably improve the food, nutrition and income security of 224,100 members of vulnerable households by 2020 in Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza districts in the Mopti region — an area in Central Mali that suffers from frequent drought and current conflict and instability. The program is a DFAP (Development Food Assistance Program) and is implemented by a Consortium made of CARE International (lead), Save the Children International (SCI), Helen Keller International (HKI) and national NGOs: YAGTU and Sahel Eco.
Harande addresses the root causes of food and nutrition insecurity in 238 villages in 16 municipalities in the four districts of the Mopti region, focusing on vulnerable households Read More...

RAPPORT FINAL Etude de base Projet Voix Collective des Femmes et des Filles dans les régions de Ségou & Mopti

Les résultats clés de l’étude de base de l’initiative « Voix Collectives des Femmes » sont présentés par résultat.
 Résultat 1 : La société civile est redynamisée via la structuration les Associations Villageoises d'Epargne Crédit (AVEC) en fédérations et le renforcement des capacités de leurs membres.
Le mouvement associatif féminin occupe un espace politique indéniable et compte un nombre important ’organisations faîtières. CARE International au Mali a mis en place plus d’une cinquantaine de réseaux villageois et une trentaine de réseaux communaux dans les régions de Ségou et Mopti. Les capacités de ces réseaux MJT ont été enforcés sur les techniques de plaidoyer et de négociation sociale, de leadership, de la planification, le suivi et la réponse à la crise alimentaire, etc.
Dans les sept communes enquêtées sur les 14, on compte 69 conseillères communales, soit 26% des élus communaux. Dix-huit (18%) des femmes, membres d’un parti politique, estiment être en mesure d’influencer les décisions au niveau de la communauté et non au niveau régional ou national.
Neuf personnes sur dix (9/10) des enquêtées font partie d’une association communautaire de base dont la plupart sont membres des groupements MJT créer par CARE MALI, soit 84%. La proportion des femmes enquêtées qui sont membre d’un organe décisionnel au niveau des collectivités territoriales et qui estime être capable d’influencer les décisions au sein de la communauté est de 48%. En effet, 26% affirment pouvoir influencer beaucoup les décisions au sein de la communauté, 19% modérément et 2% estiment qu’elles n’exercent aucune influence sur les décisions prises au sein de la communauté. Read More...

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