Inclusive Governance

Evaluación del Proyecto “Promoviendo el Fortalecimiento de Pueblos Indígenas para la Gestión de Recursos Naturales en Perú , Ecuador y Bolivia”

La presente evaluación del Proyecto “Promoviendo el Fortalecimiento de Pueblos Indígenas para la Gestión de Recursos Naturales en Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia” – PIAR, se efectuó en torno a la dinámica de los procesos que se ejecutaron, a la forma en que las variables interactuaron entre sí y al modo en que influenciaron los factores internos y externos. Estos elementos fueron interpretados y evaluados, de donde se extrajeron las conclusiones, las lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones de esta experiencia en torno a el análisis del proyecto – PIAR, como una experiencia singular en la región de América Latina.

El eje de análisis de la evaluación fue el impacto del proyecto PIAR. Impacto entendido en tres sentidos como:1) cambios cualitativos y cuantitativos producidos directamente por la acción del proyecto, 2) las incidencias de la acción, sobre los medios físicos y humanos circundantes. Es decir, los efectos que devienen de la conjugación de los resultados directos de la acción, más otras dinámicas o limitaciones del medio en que se desarrolla la acción y 3) los cambios en la calidad y modo de vida de las personas, de los grupos sociales, de las comunidades. [83 pages] Read More...

Bougainville Community Governance Project

Final evaluation of the BCG Project reporting on its three main objectives:

- Community Governments in ARoB are increasingly participating effectively in planning, governance, and service delivery
- District and Community Government level public servants in ARoB have enhanced capacity to facilitate planning and delivery of accessible, acceptable, available, and quality (AAAQ) services
- Village Assembly (VA) leaders in ARB are increasingly engaged in local governance and community self help initiatives [30 pages] Read More...

Sisi Vajana “We the Youth” Initiative

Sisi Vijana is a three-year (December 2013- November 2016) innovative initiative that works with young people between 13 to 23 years old in Burundi and DRC. The objective of the initiative is to reduce sexual and gender-based violence and promote gender equality. Due to the lack of research on masculinity among young people in the Great Lakes region, the first phase of this initiative includes a formative study on the attitudes of young people towards gender equality, masculinity, sexuality and violence. The results will contribute to the development of a regional model of engagement of young men and boys focused on transforming gender roles. The model will be used for capacity building of youth in the prevention and fight against SGBV. [52 pages] Read More...

L’initative Sisi Vijana (“Nous Les Jeunes”)

D’une durée de trois ans (Décembre 2013- Novembre 2016) SISI VIJANA est une initiative innovatrice qui travaille avec les jeunes de 13-23 ans du Burundi et de la RDC car travailler avec des jeunes hommes s'est avéré être une stratégie efficace pour redéfinir les normes de genre d'une société en faveur de l'égalité des genres. L’initiative est mise en œuvre par deux partenaires locaux à savoir REJA et JJB dans les provinces de GITEGA et NGOZI. L’objectif de l’initiative est de réduire les violences sexuelles basées sur le genre (SGBV) ainsi que la promotion de l’égalité des genres. En raison de l’absence des recherches sur la masculinité chez les jeunes dans la région des Grands Lacs, la première phase de cette initiative comprend une étude formative sur les attitudes des jeunes face à l'égalité des genres, la masculinité, la sexualité et la violence. Les résultats vont contribuer à l’élaboration d’un modèle régional d’engagement des jeunes garçons axé sur le genre transformatif. Le modèle sera utilisé pour renforcer les capacités des jeunes dans la prévention et la lutte contre les VSBG. [57 pages] Read More...

Norms and practices impeding gender equality in Burundian society

The overall goal of this study is to add to CARE Burundi’s understanding of men’s behaviours and attitudes and changes in those attitudes and behaviours with regard to promoting gender equality. The results of the study will be used to inform, drive and monitor policy development in promoting gender transformation. [41 pages] Read More...

Food security, nutrition, climate change resilience and gender

This Policy Analysis is part of series of country-specific studies on Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and Climate Change Resilience (CCR) policies in the Southern African region that CARE International is currently conducting. CARE identifies advocacy as one of the priority approaches to influence broader change and scale up effective
solutions. Multiplying the impact of innovative solutions that bring lasting changes, by documenting and replicating successful experiences, promoting pro-poor approaches and advocating and influencing policies are key aspects of CARE global 2020 Program Strategy. [112 pages] Read More...

Enhancing Community Resilience Programme 2011-2017

The Enhancing Community Resilience Programme (ECRP) was designed to address the chronic climate vulnerability faced by rural people in Malawi. It started in 2011 and is closing in 2017. The purpose of the ECRP is to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to climate variability and change. DFID, Irish Aid and the Royal Norwegian Embassy fund the ECRP. Its total budget is £30.6m, of which £27m is provided by DFID.

ECRP had five major components that aim to build resilience to climate change. They are 1) improved capacity of local authorities (especially village, area and district civil protection committees); 2) improved and resilient livelihoods for vulnerable households in target areas; 3) enhanced early warning for District Governments and vulnerable households; 4) informed policy in areas relevant to climate and disaster resilience;
and 5) strengthened humanitarian response and recovery. Component 4 is managed by CEPA which aims to distil lessons learnt from the programme to advocate for improved policies and programmes at district and national level. Component five was added in 2015-16, following large scale floods that affected the country in January 2015, with the recovery component supporting households affected both by floods and the subsequent drought. Read More...

Conscience Politique et Action collective des structures Mata Masu Dubara au Niger

Cette étude fait partie d'un vaste programme d'apprentissage contribuant à la Stratégie de Croissance de l'Impact (IGS) de « Femmes en Mouvement » (WOM) de CARE en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le but de cette étude est de tirer les leçons de plus de 25 années d'expérience de CARE Niger sur le modèle Mata Masu Dubara (MMD) qui a fait ses preuves en matière de leadership et d’empowerment des femmes. Il s’agit d’éclairer la mise à l’échelle du modèle MMD et de son impact dans la région Afrique de l’Ouest. Le but de de cette stratégie Femmes en Mouvement (WOM) est d'atteindre une masse critique pouvant servir de levier pour un mouvement social porteur d’une véritable transformation des normes sociales et des lois en faveur des droits des femmes et des filles. La prémisse générale de cette orientation est que les mouvements sociaux sont essentiels pour créer et maintenir un changement social à long terme, et des recherches publiées ont montré que l'activisme féministe est le moteur le plus important et le plus cohérent pour un changement de politique progressiste. [21 pages] Read More...

Political Consciousness, Leadership and Collective Action in the Mata Masu Dubara Structures in Niger

This research study is part of a broader learning agenda contributing to CARE’s Impact Growth Strategy (IGS) in West Africa - “Women on the Move” (WOM). The purpose of this study is to learn from CARE Niger’s more than 25 years of experience with the Mata Masu Dubara (MMD) which has a proven track record of women's leadership and empowerment. It is also about informing efforts to scale up the MMD model and its impact in the region. The goal of the WOM strategy is to reach a critical mass that can serve as a lever for a vibrant social movement with potential for real transformation of social norms and laws in favor of the rights of women and girls. The overall premise of this direction is that social movements are essential for creating and sustaining long-term social change, and published research has shown that feminist activism is the most important and consistent driver behind progressive policy change. [22 pages] Read More...

Nâng Quyền- Women’s Empowerment Final Evaluation

This report summarizes the findings of a final evaluation made of the Nâng Quyền (“Women’s Empowerment”) (NQ) project, a 4-year project with the goal of empowering female sex workers (FSW) in Viet Nam to influence policies and decisions that affect their lives and have equitable access to opportunities and services. The executing agency for the project is CARE Australia, under a grant of AUD $1,566,779 from the Government of Australia, and implemented from July 2013 until June 2017, by CARE International in Viet Nam (CVN) in partnership with the Department of Social Vices Prevention and Combat (DSVP) of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA). [73 pages] Read More...

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