Women's Economic Empowerment
Context et Analyse Politique, Action, et Strategie de Plaidoyer
La présente étude se situe dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’une stratégie de plaidoyer qui vise à mener une analyse complète des politiques existantes favorables ou non aux femmes entrepreneurs, du contexte et des acteurs de leur mise en oeuvre en Côte d’ivoire afin d’orienter la conception d’une stratégie de plaidoyer au niveau nationale pour le Programme « Femmes en Entreprise », en mettant l’accent sur le plaidoyer en faveur du développement des femmes entrepreneurs. Une collecte des données a été effectuée à Abidjan et dans les régions du TONKPI et du GBEKE auprès des acteurs impliqués dans la problématique de l’autonomisation des femmes, de l’inclusion financière et de l’entreprenariat féminin.
A l’issue des analyses, des obstacles au développement de l’entreprenariat ont été identifiés ; il s’agit notamment du faible niveau d’instruction des femmes, de l’accès limité au crédit, à la terre et à l’information relatives aux activités entrepreneuriales et au manque de culture entrepreneuriale. Read More...
A l’issue des analyses, des obstacles au développement de l’entreprenariat ont été identifiés ; il s’agit notamment du faible niveau d’instruction des femmes, de l’accès limité au crédit, à la terre et à l’information relatives aux activités entrepreneuriales et au manque de culture entrepreneuriale. Read More...
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Project Rwanda (GEWEP II)
The present report summarizes the findings of the end line study conducted to measure the progress of key project outcome indicators against the baseline values of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Programme (GEWEP) II and the status and progress in women’s empowerment in the GEWEP II project zone of influence.
GEWEP II is a four years (2016-2019) project funded by NORAD through CARE Norway and implemented by a consortium of three Local Non-Government Organization (LNGOs) namely Association Rwandaise des Travailleurs Chrétiens Féminins (ARTCF), Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre (RWAMREC), Pro-Femmes Twese Hamwe and CARE International in Rwanda as a lead partner. GEWEP II builds on GEWEP I (2014-2015) and on Women’s Empowerment Programme (2009-2013) and has the main purpose of empowering women and girls facing poverty, inequality, violence and social exclusion to claim and realize their human rights. GEWEP II has four crosscutting thematic focus areas: (i) Strengthening of civil society, (ii) women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, (iii) women’s participation in decision-making processes and (iv) men’s engagement in transforming gender norms. Connected to these four areas, CARE has developed global outcome indicators. Read More...
GEWEP II is a four years (2016-2019) project funded by NORAD through CARE Norway and implemented by a consortium of three Local Non-Government Organization (LNGOs) namely Association Rwandaise des Travailleurs Chrétiens Féminins (ARTCF), Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre (RWAMREC), Pro-Femmes Twese Hamwe and CARE International in Rwanda as a lead partner. GEWEP II builds on GEWEP I (2014-2015) and on Women’s Empowerment Programme (2009-2013) and has the main purpose of empowering women and girls facing poverty, inequality, violence and social exclusion to claim and realize their human rights. GEWEP II has four crosscutting thematic focus areas: (i) Strengthening of civil society, (ii) women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, (iii) women’s participation in decision-making processes and (iv) men’s engagement in transforming gender norms. Connected to these four areas, CARE has developed global outcome indicators. Read More...
Labour Rights for Female Construction Workers Cambodia
CARE International in Cambodia (CARE) implemented the three-year Labour Rights for Female Construction Workers (LRCW) project, with funding from the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency, from January 2016 to December 2018 to enhance the protections for women in the construction sector. The project aimed to strengthen the capacity of female construction workers, civil society and government, and increase the voice and influence of female construction workers. The LRCW project partners included the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLVT), Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CWPD), Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW) and the Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUC). The target areas included seven districts in Phnom Penh.
The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the progress towards the project’s goal and
outcomes, to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the
project, to capture lessons learnt, and generate key recommendations for future programming.
The evaluation included quantitative and qualitative methods involving a desk review, interviews
with 171 female construction workers, separate group discussions with 26 female and male
construction workers, and individual interviews with 21 project partner staff and other key
stakeholders. The evaluation took place from 25 January to 25 March 2019, including visits to
ten construction sites in five districts around Phnom Penh. Read More...
The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the progress towards the project’s goal and
outcomes, to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the
project, to capture lessons learnt, and generate key recommendations for future programming.
The evaluation included quantitative and qualitative methods involving a desk review, interviews
with 171 female construction workers, separate group discussions with 26 female and male
construction workers, and individual interviews with 21 project partner staff and other key
stakeholders. The evaluation took place from 25 January to 25 March 2019, including visits to
ten construction sites in five districts around Phnom Penh. Read More...
Women For Change Cohort 1 and 2
Le présent document est le fruit de la consultation relative à l’évaluation finale du projet Women For Change à Guéyo (Cohorte 1). Ce projet, intervenant dans un contexte où les femmes dans les communauté de la Côte d’Ivoire sont confrontées à des disparités basées sur des croyances sociales et des structures de pouvoir qui sous-estiment leur valeur dans la société et dans ce cas précis, leur contribution à l’agriculture, vise à autonomiser les femmes productrices de cacao et les femmes vivant dans les ménages de cacaoculteurs pour qu'elles participent davantage au développement
communautaire et à la prise de décision sur la gestion des entreprises et des moyens de subsistance des cacaoculteurs à travers 3 piliers : (i) Accès au leadership et à la formation sur les compétences de vie courante (lifeskills) ; (ii) L’engagement des hommes et des garçons, engagement pour l'égalité des sexes, y compris le dialogue des couples ; (iii) L'apprentissage et la recherche pour démontrer le lien entre la productivité et l’autonomisation des femmes.
L’objectif de l’évaluation finale est de démontrer de façon significative l'impact du programme qui devra conserver la spécificité du contexte et des significations culturelles du changement de comportement des femmes et des hommes. Read More...
communautaire et à la prise de décision sur la gestion des entreprises et des moyens de subsistance des cacaoculteurs à travers 3 piliers : (i) Accès au leadership et à la formation sur les compétences de vie courante (lifeskills) ; (ii) L’engagement des hommes et des garçons, engagement pour l'égalité des sexes, y compris le dialogue des couples ; (iii) L'apprentissage et la recherche pour démontrer le lien entre la productivité et l’autonomisation des femmes.
L’objectif de l’évaluation finale est de démontrer de façon significative l'impact du programme qui devra conserver la spécificité du contexte et des significations culturelles du changement de comportement des femmes et des hommes. Read More...
Promoting Resilient Livelihoods in Borana (RESET II) – Midterm
RESET II project, which began in October 2016, has been implemented for 42 months with a total budget Euro 6,586,291 and is financed by European Commission through European Union Trust Fund (EUTF). Implemented through a multi stakeholders consortium which included CARE Ethiopia, Oromo Self Help Organization (OSHO) and Action Against Hunger (AAH), the project was designed to address root causes of displacement and irregular migration in Arero, Miyo, Dire, Moyale, Dillo and Dhas Woredas within the Borena Zone, Oromia region. With the overall aim of enhancing the resilience of over 100,000 PSNP and other vulnerable communities, of which over 70,000 are women covering 21,000 households in total, the project results framework consists of five outcomes i.e. improved access and coverage of health and nutrition, diversified and increased livelihood opportunities and incomes, improved Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) capacity, enhanced research and knowledge management systems and reduced barriers to women empowerment. In order to achieve the above aim, the project partners employed CARE’s Pastoralist Resilience Casual Model (PRCM) using proven CARE’S Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA), Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA), Social Analysis and Action (SAA), Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) and AAH’s as well as Assisting Behavior change (ABC) methods and approaches throughout the project implementation.
The main purpose of this evaluation is to assess the progress, achievements, constraints and lessons learnt from the implementation of the project and to produce sufficient evidence that would help achieve the project overall objective. With that in mind, while the primary audiences for the evaluation are the consortium partners and the European Union, the secondary audience could also include relevant sector government offices and other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) implementing similar projects as lessons learned here may guide similar programming. Read More...
The main purpose of this evaluation is to assess the progress, achievements, constraints and lessons learnt from the implementation of the project and to produce sufficient evidence that would help achieve the project overall objective. With that in mind, while the primary audiences for the evaluation are the consortium partners and the European Union, the secondary audience could also include relevant sector government offices and other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) implementing similar projects as lessons learned here may guide similar programming. Read More...
Krishi Utsho Endline Evaluation
Krishi Utsho is a self-sustaining market based model that operates through a multi-stakeholder participatory approach, wherein stakeholders such as private sector, government bodies and extensions, local community level shop owners (enlisted as franchisees), and rural farmers all come together to form a network of interconnected business and market interactions and relationships that benefit all. Through its unique business model, KU provides support to rural smallholder farmers (especially women) in accessing quality agro-inputs, market information, and technical assistance to strengthen and realize their agricultural
potential and help to sustain livelihoods as well as ensure food security.
This impact assessment has been undertaken to identify Krishi Utsho’s impact (economic and social) on beneficiary groups, and to assess performance in terms of intended objectives and outcomes. To capture the information required, mixed methodology was used – quantitative survey was administered to 400 KU farmers, while 9 FGDs (with farmers), 9IDIs (4 KU franchisee shop owners, 2 private suppliers, financial institution representatives, and 1 Upazila Agriculture Officer (UAO) were conducted to supplement the
qualitative information to support the quantitative data.
Under the umbrella of KU, the project has successfully developed a network of 251 agro-input shops (franchisees), 25 private sector suppliers with quality agro-inputs, strategic partnerships with government extension agents and financial institutions. Through this extensive and interconnected network, the project is able to serve the agro-input, technical support and information needs of over 51,788 smallholding rural farmers, out of which (27% are women). Apart from this, KU has ensured employment, income and different social securities of project beneficiaries. To ensure that vulnerable women are also benefited through the KU project, it undertook EWYSEA - an initiative under the broad KU umbrella, to facilitate and engage women and youth in income generating activities especially in agro-business. To advance in agriculture and increase outputs, it is important to have access to finance – something that the vulnerable farmers often lack. As such, to address this issue, KU started another initiative, namely MEDA that promotes and facilitates access to non-traditional financing for rural farmers in the KU geographical areas. Read More...
potential and help to sustain livelihoods as well as ensure food security.
This impact assessment has been undertaken to identify Krishi Utsho’s impact (economic and social) on beneficiary groups, and to assess performance in terms of intended objectives and outcomes. To capture the information required, mixed methodology was used – quantitative survey was administered to 400 KU farmers, while 9 FGDs (with farmers), 9IDIs (4 KU franchisee shop owners, 2 private suppliers, financial institution representatives, and 1 Upazila Agriculture Officer (UAO) were conducted to supplement the
qualitative information to support the quantitative data.
Under the umbrella of KU, the project has successfully developed a network of 251 agro-input shops (franchisees), 25 private sector suppliers with quality agro-inputs, strategic partnerships with government extension agents and financial institutions. Through this extensive and interconnected network, the project is able to serve the agro-input, technical support and information needs of over 51,788 smallholding rural farmers, out of which (27% are women). Apart from this, KU has ensured employment, income and different social securities of project beneficiaries. To ensure that vulnerable women are also benefited through the KU project, it undertook EWYSEA - an initiative under the broad KU umbrella, to facilitate and engage women and youth in income generating activities especially in agro-business. To advance in agriculture and increase outputs, it is important to have access to finance – something that the vulnerable farmers often lack. As such, to address this issue, KU started another initiative, namely MEDA that promotes and facilitates access to non-traditional financing for rural farmers in the KU geographical areas. Read More...
Secure Farming for Rural Smallholder Farmers An Initiative on Non-traditional Financing Services
Krishi Utsho is a successfully proven supply chain model which has improved the food security situation of vulnerable farmers and their families. As part of the KU initiative, the idea of MEDA (Non-traditional financing initiative) project is to mitigate the financial predicaments of vulnerable farmers, through introducing financial institutions to provide benefits to the farmers and bring banks and financial services closer to them. The plan is to create a linkage with bank and insurance company to secure financial offers
by becoming a guarantor where farmers’ loan will be secured by the insurance services. The project is being piloted in Bogura and Jashore. As the starting point, a baseline study has been commissioned to assess the current situation and circumstances of the target beneficiaries. This report is a reflection of the findings of the baseline survey.
To capture the information to fulfill the objectives of the study, mixed methodology was used – wherein 100 KU beneficiaries (randomly selected) participated in the quantitative survey, while six FGDs (target beneficiaries), two IDIs (KU franchisee shop owners) and two KIIs (representatives from insurance company and commercial bank) were conducted to supplement the qualitative information to support the quantitative data.
by becoming a guarantor where farmers’ loan will be secured by the insurance services. The project is being piloted in Bogura and Jashore. As the starting point, a baseline study has been commissioned to assess the current situation and circumstances of the target beneficiaries. This report is a reflection of the findings of the baseline survey.
To capture the information to fulfill the objectives of the study, mixed methodology was used – wherein 100 KU beneficiaries (randomly selected) participated in the quantitative survey, while six FGDs (target beneficiaries), two IDIs (KU franchisee shop owners) and two KIIs (representatives from insurance company and commercial bank) were conducted to supplement the qualitative information to support the quantitative data.
Impact Report Empowering Women and Youth for Sustainable Entrepreneurship through Agro Business
The idea of EWYSEA (Empowering Women and Youth for Sustainable Entrepreneurship through Agro-business) project was
conceived with the objective to create opportunities for earning income and becoming self-reliant, for both rural women and
youth groups through avenues of entrepreneurship. Krishi Utsho is a successfully proven supply chain model which has
improved the food security situation of vulnerable farmers and their families. As part of its commitment to improve the
gender parity in rural areas, where women and youth are the most vulnerable segments of society, and to improve the food
security situation in its program areas, KU implemented EWYSEA under its umbrella project to act as a vehicle for support.
This endline study was commissioned to assess the economic and social impact of the project and its initiatives on the target
groups, and the satisfaction level of customers and stakeholders of the EWYSEA project, with direct impact of EWYSEA on
beneficiaries. The endline study was designed as mixed methodology.
In the case of women entrepreneurs, major sources of income were found to be petty trade, agriculture and livestock farming.
All depended on cash income and only 33% on in-kind income. Range of monthly average income varied from BDT 2,100-
9,300, and major expenditures were for food, health, household purchase and children’s education. Most respondents
reportedly take household decisions jointly with their husbands; furthermore as earning members in HH they now enjoy more
decision making authority. Community level participation has increased since EWYSEA started. Women entrepreneurs found
training and awareness sessions conducted by Krishi Utsho highly informative and enlightening, by receiving information on
business strategy and marketing.
conceived with the objective to create opportunities for earning income and becoming self-reliant, for both rural women and
youth groups through avenues of entrepreneurship. Krishi Utsho is a successfully proven supply chain model which has
improved the food security situation of vulnerable farmers and their families. As part of its commitment to improve the
gender parity in rural areas, where women and youth are the most vulnerable segments of society, and to improve the food
security situation in its program areas, KU implemented EWYSEA under its umbrella project to act as a vehicle for support.
This endline study was commissioned to assess the economic and social impact of the project and its initiatives on the target
groups, and the satisfaction level of customers and stakeholders of the EWYSEA project, with direct impact of EWYSEA on
beneficiaries. The endline study was designed as mixed methodology.
In the case of women entrepreneurs, major sources of income were found to be petty trade, agriculture and livestock farming.
All depended on cash income and only 33% on in-kind income. Range of monthly average income varied from BDT 2,100-
9,300, and major expenditures were for food, health, household purchase and children’s education. Most respondents
reportedly take household decisions jointly with their husbands; furthermore as earning members in HH they now enjoy more
decision making authority. Community level participation has increased since EWYSEA started. Women entrepreneurs found
training and awareness sessions conducted by Krishi Utsho highly informative and enlightening, by receiving information on
business strategy and marketing.
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Programme II 2016-2019
CARE Norway runs the GEWEP II program, which continues the efforts of GEWEP I (2014-2015) and the Women Empowerment Program (2009-2013), in 6 countries including Niger. In Niger, GEWEP II is implemented by PROMEESS II. The ultimate vision is for the full realization of women's socio-economic and political rights. The program works in 25 communes in Niger, which is about 10% of all communes in the country. These municipalities have nearly 3,136,812 inhabitants, or 16% of the country's population. Phase II of PROMEESS runs for the period 2016-2019. The end line evaluation is carried out at the end of 2018, and provides information on the main achievements (services, products, and changes (effects) in the economic, social and political conditions of women. The end line evaluation sanctions the current phase, but will also serve as baseline (reference) for the next phase. [45 pages- Read More...