Women's Economic Empowerment

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool Tanzania Savings Groups

his tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. [3 pages] Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool – Link Up

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice. ” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. [2 pages]

Women for Women: Creating Opportunities for Women in Enterprise Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Women for Women (W4W) project was implemented by CARE Ethiopia and its implementing partner, Mission for Community Development Program (MCDP), with the financial support from the H&M Foundation. The project was implemented for three years (February 2015-September 2018) and mainly targeted economically active but poor women in three sub-cities of Addis Ababa: Arada, Lideta and Kirkos. The project had an objective of empowering women entrepreneurs and women workers from low-income urban communities in Ethiopia to reach their full potential.

The evaluation result revealed that the project targeted appropriate group and made significant changes in the lives of women through its interventions on skill development, creating access to financial services, and facilitating market linkages, among others. Accordingly, the project has contributed to diversification and expansion of business activities of beneficiaries and enabled them to enjoy moderate net earnings. Through organizing women in to 182 VSLAs and 6 SACCOs, linking them to Addis Saving and Credit Institute and Addis Capital Goods Finance S.C., and preparing business plan competitions and granting capital for winners, the project has played a key role to improve women’s access to formal and informal financial services. This enable women to double their working capital after the project, increase their income and asset holding of the household, and improve their culture and level of saving. Read More...

For the Project of Financial Linkage for Inclusion: Remote Ethnic Minority Women

In line with CARE Vietnam’s program priorities, Financial Linkage for Inclusion – a project funded by VISA - focuses on empowering ethnic minority women in Dien Bien through financial inclusion. The programme was implemented from July 2015 until March 2018. This project aims to increase Remote Ethnic Minority Women’s access to formal financial products and services to increase their financial inclusion. Under FinLINK, CARE International in Vietnam entered into a partnership with LienVietPost Bank to deploy the solution. It focuses on piloting a product is ViViet to support ethnic minority women VLSA members with access to formal financial services including savings and micro-loans.

The greatest impact of the project is to help the women know how to save money and manage their families’ finance. This would have huge downscale impacts in terms of families being able to improve their family health, education status etc. 97.6% of the VSLA group members said that they could save money on a regular basis. Among the increased income sources, 85.5% of the women (the highest proportion) said that their families’ income increased thanks to their shares contributed to the VSLA groups and their interests. Because of a habit of saving, 65.9% of the women said that they always managed to keep cash for urgent and emergent situations like sickness, paying children’s tuition fees, buying
fertilizer/pesticide in the event of a pest attack. The project clearly impacted not just at the level of building knowledge but there is an evidence of actual change in the behavior. Read More...

Baseline Report Promotion of the Rural Economic Development of Women and Youth of the Lempa Region of Honduras

Baseline Report for the PROLEMPA project (Promotion of the Rural Economic Development of Women and Youth of the Lempa Region of Honduras implemented in Consortium with TechnoServe, CESOSACO, SAJE and Socodevi and funded by Global Affairs Canada. Read More...

Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia: Year 3 Report

In July 2015, CARE Czech Republic together with CARE International in the Caucasus, started implementation of the project “Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia” in three municipalities of Georgia: Samtredia, Senaki and Abasha. The project was funded by the Czech Development Agency
implemented activities, main achievements and findings. [33 pages]

Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia Final Evaluation Report

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the project “Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia”, 3-year project funded by the Czech Development Agency, managed and implemented jointly by CARE Czech Republic and CARE International in the Caucasus in three target municipalities of Georgia (Samtredia, Abasha, Senaki). The evaluation was carried out by CARE Caucasus MEALS team in December 2017 involving a document review, an inception meeting with project staff and a field visits to the target locations of the project to talk to project participants, representatives of local civic organizations, and other key informants such as local stakeholders. The project started in July 2015 and completed in December 2017 having had the three independent project cycles/years. [28 pages]

Projecto Oreriha – Avaliação final

O projeto Oreriha foi desenhado em 2015 seguindo uma solicitação de propostas da FSDMoç. A CARE em parceria com Ophavela respondeu esta solicitação e submeteu uma proposta dum projeto de dois anos em maio de 2015. Nesta proposta escolheu-se de propor quatro mudanças chaves na abordagem de implementação de grupos de poupança:
1. Adaptação da metodologia ACPE para permitir mais flexibilidade nas poupanças. Isto responde às necessidades dos grupos heterogéneos em Nampula com rendimentos sazonais.
2. Reduzir o número de sessões de formação e visitas de animadores para as mensagens mais essenciais e momentos críticos na formação do grupo, que serão apoiados por mensagens de vídeo e em um novo manual simplificado.
3. Melhorar o processo de formação do grupo, transmitindo mensagens claras, consistentes e atraentes aos potenciais membros do SG, usando um vídeo promocional, reduzindo o tempo e os custos da mobilização da comunidade;
4. Substituir registos no papel por e-Registo para melhorar a precisão do registro, a qualidade do grupo e a independência dos grupos, particularmente no acto de distribuição.
[44 pages]

Rapport d’Etude de Base CARE IFONS Region de Segou

Baseline study of the IFONS project implemented in Mali by CARE Canada and CARE Mali as part of the LINKAGES program funded by Global Affairs Canada. [67 pages] Read More...

ABDISHE: Strengthening Women’s Livelihoods through Markets in Fedis Woreda, East Hararghie Zone, Oromia Region Baseline Study Report

Baseline study of the ABDISHE project implemented in Ethiopia by CARE Canada and CARE Ethiopia as part of the LINKAGES program funded by Global Affairs Canada. [130 pages] Read More...

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