savings groups

Projet AINA Rapport Final

Le projet AINA mis en œuvre par CARE International à Madagascar a démarré en mai 2013 dans la Région de l’Anosy, district d’Amboasary Atsimo, au niveau de 6 communes à savoir Ebelo, Ifotaka, Behara, Amboasary, Sampona et Tanandava. Le projet a pris fin en décembre 2016, une phase d’extension sans coût supplémentaire est accordée pour la période de mai 2016 à décembre 2016.
Le Sud de Madagascar est reconnu par l’insécurité qui a surtout régné pendant les deux premières années de mise en œuvre du projet. C’est également une zone subissant les impacts du phénomène El Nino, la baisse importante de la précipitation a entrainé deux années de difficulté alimentaire affectant la santé nutritionnelle des ménages, mais aussi surtout des enfants de bas âge. Read More...

Good Growth Project Baseline Report

CARE International in Ghana sought to collect information on the background sociodemographic characteristics and nutritional status of children 0-24 mo of age in selected communities in the East Mamprusi District of the Northern Region, where the organization intended to implement its Good Growth Project with the view to improving health and nutrition of children in the district.

GRAD Project Final Performance Evaluation

The performance evaluation of Graduation with Resilience to Achieve Sustainable Development (GRAD) Activity assessed the activity’s results at higher and intermediate levels, the extent to which the activity met its goals, the overall effectiveness of partnerships and identified the strengths and challenges in implementation. Six evaluation questions were investigated to assess the: (1) Technical areas of GRAD, which have and have not exhibited sizable results; (2) Extent of beneficiary households’ asset and income changes over the life-of-the activity; (3) Extent of households’ resiliency improvement during periods of shock; (4) Level of GRAD partners’ influence in the beneficiary households’ graduation process; (5) Extent of the activity’s contribution to gender equity and women empowerment; and (6) Effectiveness of GRAD’s collaboration/complementarity with other feed the future activities. [138 pages]

Hayat Project Endline Survey

76-page report on end-line data on member households from a sample of 316 women in the five targeted communities of the project. The targeted villages are located in Menia governorate, managing the stages of data-entry, data-analysis and reporting the Hayat end-line survey and comparing the results of end line with the baseline survey (20 VSLA groups around 316 respondents) to measure the impact of the project regarding women’s empowerment. Read More...

Improving Girl’s Access Through Transformation Education (IGATE) Endline Evaluation

This 165 page document reports the results of the IGATE project funded by UK Aid Read More...

LINK UP Final Project Evaluation

This report focuses on the potential of linkages between formal financial services and savings groups to create change for the savings groups, banks, and households. One of the projects that is involved in this work in LINK Up, a project supported by CARE, Access Africa and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. LINK Up is a 3.5 year project working with savings groups in Tanzania and Kenya.
We use multiple datasets to explore trends over time that can answer the three guiding learning questions embedded in the LINK Up project.
(1) What is the impact of access to formal financial services on savings groups?
(2)What does the account performance look like for these groups and how does this affect the associated banks’ business models.
(3) What value do the people involved derive from gaining access to formal financial services?

VSLA Securing Rights and Improving Livelihoods of Women Kadam Elkhair

This 60 page document reports the results of the Kadam Elkhair Project Read More...

Final evaluation report of kadem el-khair project final

This 60 page document reports the results of the Kadam Elkhair Project Read More...

Pastoralist Afar Girls’ Education Support Project (PAGES) Final Report

This 84 page document describes the results of the PAGES project Read More...

Afar care pages project final report january 26 2017 with annex final

This 84 page document describes the results of the PAGES project Read More...

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