Emergency|Humanitarian Aid

Cyclone Idai Regional Rapid Gender Analysis

CARE International is responding to the impact of Cyclone Idai and the associated floods in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. As part of our response, CARE’s team in each of the countries is currently developing or is planning to develop a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) for the affected regions. An RGA provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis. It is built up progressively using a range of primary and secondary information to understand gender roles and relations and how they may change during a crisis. It provides practical programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls of different ages, abilities and other contextually relevant forms of diversity and to ensure we ‘do no harm’. RGA uses the tools and approaches of Gender Analysis Frameworks – such as community mapping; focus group discussions, key informant interviews, safety audit tools and secondary data review - and adapts them to the tight time-frames, rapidly changing contexts and insecure environments that often characterise humanitarian interventions. Read More...

EU-Recovery Midterm Evaluation Workshop Summary

The project aims to enhance the social and economic stability in the drought affected areas through supporting the recovery of livelihoods of the affected population and building their resiliency in the target 18 Woredas/Districts of the Oromia, Amhara and Tigray national regional states.

The project contract with the donor EU was signed in March 2016 while the project implementation was started retroactively in January 2016, with budget of Euro 18 million for 18 months duration up to July 2017. The project is being implemented jointly by CARE UK/Ethiopia (leading NGO) and SCI, ORDA and REST in 18 Woredas/Districts of the Oromia, Amhara and Tigray national regional states. [8 pages] Read More...

Integrated Emergency Response Program for South Sudanese Refugees and Affected Host Community Members: Baseline

The CARE International in Uganda is implementing three projects through funding from the Australian Development Agency (ADA), Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) and Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The NMFA and GAC are being implemented in Rhino Extension, Omugo Settlement while ADA is operating in Imvepi settlement. The projects are designed to address core protection pillars in the refugee programing and emergency response that are in tandem with part of CARE’s priority interventions areas that targets reduction in vulnerability of refugees and host communities, through the promotion of human dignity, increased resilience, and improved protection. In order for CARE to measure project indicators at baseline that would also serve as a benchmark needed to assess progress at the end of project implementation. Varimetrics Group Limited was contracted to conduct an integrated baseline evaluation survey of the three projects in both Imvepi and Rhino Omugo settlements to provide baseline indicators’ performance measurements. [57 pages] Read More...


The following report provides an independent review of COSACA II, a consortium comprising Concern, Oxfam, Save the Children, and CARE in Mozambique responsible for implementing a DFID, Sida, OFDA, and ECHO funded drought recovery for the period July 2016 – June 2017 (July 2016 – March 2017 for DFID). The project covers seven provinces: Gaza, Inhambane, Sofala, Zambezia, Manica,Tete and Maputo with the primary aim of ensuring that drought affected households have adequate access to food and water to meet their daily essential needs, as well as access to market integrated livelihood activities which support their children’s well-being. COSACA was created in order to leverage the unique technical skills and geographical reach of each agency in order to more effectively coordinate humanitarian preparedness and response, and to improve members’ capacity to respond within 72 hours of a disaster. Each of the Consortium agencies has a committed, long-term presence in Mozambique, and this brings expertise and experience working in various provinces across the country. Together, they are currently delivering programmes focused on Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), child protection, education, health and nutrition. [76 pages] Read More...

Integrated WASH, Shelter, and Protection Response to Newly Arrived South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in Uganda: Endline Report

Uganda is hosting 1,154,352 refugees, of which 785,104 are South Sudanese1 . Oxfam, CARE, CEFORD and Save the Children have implemented a WASH, Shelter, Protection and Early Education programme targeting new South Sudanese arrivals in refugee settlements in West Nile Region of Uganda. This internal evaluation is verification that the programme has broadly met its intended objectives. [68 pages] Read More...

Assistance for Damrey and Flood affected communities in the Central Region of Vietnam

On 2 November 2017, Typhoon Damrey gained strength and headed to Vietnam with wind speeds of up 90km/hour. The Vietnamese Government sent the alert to the Central provinces to guide the emergency response. 35,000 villagers in high- risk areas were evacuated to safe places before the arrival of the typhoon. On 4 November 2017, the Typhoon made landfall with winds of up to 135km/h, wreaking havoc in the central and south-central areas. The Vietnamese Central Committee of Disaster Prevention and Control announced the risk of the disaster was at level 3. During its 16 hours in Vietnam, the typhoon blew the roofs off thousands of houses, felled trees and electricity poles across the southern coastline and caused the destruction of thousands of homes. The typhoon caused flooding in 15 provinces across central Vietnam.
Following to the typhoon, CARE International in Vietnam (CARE), as a core member of Disaster Management Working Group (DMWG) joined the Rapid Needs Assessment in the two worst affected provinces, including Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam. The assessments revealed widespread damage to housing, infrastructure, WASH and livelihoods.
CARE was successful in mobilizing AUD $400,000 funding from DFAT to provide support for affected populations in four communes of Dai Loc District (Quang Nam Province) and Quang Dien District (in Thua Thien Hue Province). This funding enabled recovery activities to take place from the beginning of January to the end of September 2018, with a particular focus on addressing the different needs of both men and women for livelihood recovery and WASH. [33 pages] Read More...

Durable Solutions for Returnees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS): Midterm Review

The 96-page mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the DSRIS project, implemented by the NGOs CARE, Save the Children, ACTED, SSWC and IMPACT, has been carried out by a four-person evaluation team (ET) of the Nairobi-based company, Intermedia Development Consultants (iDC). It has conducted a documentary study, carried out key informants interviews (KIIs) and held focus group discussions (FGDs) in four of the five of the project’s target districts, Bosaso and Galkayo North in Puntland, Adado and Galkayo South in Galmadug. Also, it has conducted a household survey in these and the fifth target district of Dhusamareb.

The ET has followed the conventional ‘big five’ evaluation themes in its data collection and reporting methods:

Relevance: An assessment of the significance of the needs the project is designed to address;
Efficiency: An appreciation of the quality of programme management, in terms of coordination between implementing partners, work planning, competencies of staff, funding – towards determining value for money;
Effectiveness: An assessment of the extent to which envisaged outputs (facilities and services put in place) are being achieved and the appropriateness of the strategies being implemented;
Impact: An appraisal of the actual or likely outcomes of the programme – changes in attitudes and practices;
Sustainability: An assessment of the likely continuation of project activities, outputs and outcomes.

Integrated Shelter and Protection Improvements Programme Evaluation Summary

The programme contributes to building resilience by:
• Increasing access to infrastructure through upgrading housing units and implementing neighborhood building and street upgrades;
• Increasing the knowledge of the residents about protection issues through supporting relevant interactive performances and delivering awareness raising sessions for adults and children;
• Improving the health of the residents through upgrading housing units, neighborhood building and street upgrades and running awareness raising sessions.
Further investigation is required to confirm if the programme contributes to building resilience by:
• Increasing community cohesion through establishing the neighborhood committees and running awareness raising sessions;
• Increasing connectivity between residents and external stakeholders through introducing the neighborhood committees to the municipality and CSOs. Read More...

Evaluation of the Integrated Shelter and Protection Improvements Programme for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli, Lebanon

Since 2015, Care International in Lebanon (CIL) and its local partner Akkarouna, have provided shelter, water and sanitation, and protection assistance to vulnerable Syrian refugees and Lebanese host community members in Tripoli and Beirut as part of its Integrated Shelter and Protection Improvements programme for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities (the ‘programme’). The programme is on going – with phase IV continuing from September 2018 to September 2019 – and is funded by the US Government’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).
The aim of this evaluation is to ‘provide guidance to CARE Lebanon and its partners in order to learn from experiences, strengthen capacities and identify opportunities for increased integration of sectoral approaches as a pathway towards greater effectiveness and sustainability’. There are two objectives to the evaluation, firstly an assessment of Phase III of the programme (completed from September 2017 to August 2018); secondly a contribution analysis evaluation of Phases I, II, and III of the programme (from 2015 to 2018) in order to develop a theory of change. Fieldwork to collect primary data- interviews, focus groups and direct observation- was carried out in September 2018. This was combined with an extensive literature review in order to triangulate the data and refine the findings. [66 pages] Read More...

Improving Agricultural Production and Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Drought Affected Populations Project

The Masvingo El Nino Recover Project was implemented by CARE in Zimbabwe with funding from the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). The programme/project goal was to provide immediate assistance and recovery to drought affected populations in Masvingo Province through asset (livestock) protection, access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and improved agricultural production. Specifically, the project aimed to:
 Improve agricultural production and productivity among smallholder farmers in marginal areas prone to drought
 Build household and community economic activities through establishing and strengthening Village Savings and Lending Associations (VS&L).
 Improve WASH practices.

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