Final Evaluation Report: Nourishing the Future II Project, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica
The CARE-Cargill Nourishing the Future II project was implemented in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica between September 2016 and August 2019 (36 months). Its primary objective was to help producers and women micro-entrepreneurs improve the quality of life of their families, assuring their food security and the sustainable management of natural resources.
Six impact indicators and 32 outcome indicators were tracked for Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, and 11 indicators were applied in Costa Rica, where we implemented a subset of interventions (food security, nutrition and hygiene). Overall, when comparing indicators to their baselines, the average effectiveness was 72%, with Honduras achieving the best results and Nicaragua having less favorable results due to ongoing social, political and economic issues.
Among the most relevant findings of the evaluation were the success of Cargill’s inclusive business model and value chains in integrating small producers and micro-entrepreneurs into markets; an increase in the resilience of households to the effects of climate change; an increase in the use of sustainable agricultural practices; and an increase in incomes as a result of market sales, access to financial services and related training. Moreover, we observed the target beneficiaries working together in rural savings unions, cooperatives and producer associations, supporting the provision of financial, technical and marketing services to their members. Regarding food security and nutrition, our work with schools led to an increase in the consumption of healthy foods at the household level. The project increased access to nutrient-rich foods through community, school and family gardens as well as increased knowledge and application of good practices in sanitation and hygiene.
Six impact indicators and 32 outcome indicators were tracked for Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, and 11 indicators were applied in Costa Rica, where we implemented a subset of interventions (food security, nutrition and hygiene). Overall, when comparing indicators to their baselines, the average effectiveness was 72%, with Honduras achieving the best results and Nicaragua having less favorable results due to ongoing social, political and economic issues.
Among the most relevant findings of the evaluation were the success of Cargill’s inclusive business model and value chains in integrating small producers and micro-entrepreneurs into markets; an increase in the resilience of households to the effects of climate change; an increase in the use of sustainable agricultural practices; and an increase in incomes as a result of market sales, access to financial services and related training. Moreover, we observed the target beneficiaries working together in rural savings unions, cooperatives and producer associations, supporting the provision of financial, technical and marketing services to their members. Regarding food security and nutrition, our work with schools led to an increase in the consumption of healthy foods at the household level. The project increased access to nutrient-rich foods through community, school and family gardens as well as increased knowledge and application of good practices in sanitation and hygiene.
CARE and Cargill have built on their fifty years partnership in implementing PROSPER Project: Promoting a Sustainable and Food Secure World in seven countries. Two phases of the project have already been implemented during globally and in Egypt. In Egypt, the Phase II work called the Origination and Development of Soya Bean Smallholder Farmers project. The project addressed the food and livelihood security of farming families in the three governorates of Minia, Behera and Beni Suef, and ended in July, 2017.
CARE and Cargill has launched a third phase of the project in 2018. The goal for Phase III is to create a more inclusive socio-economic environment along the soybean value chain for small-scale farmers in Egypt. The project targeted 3000 farmers.
The evaluation focused on providing an overview of the project’s relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The evaluation assessed assess the status of achievement of project indicators, identified implementation challenges, derived lessons learned and recommendations for future phases of the project.
CARE and Cargill has launched a third phase of the project in 2018. The goal for Phase III is to create a more inclusive socio-economic environment along the soybean value chain for small-scale farmers in Egypt. The project targeted 3000 farmers.
The evaluation focused on providing an overview of the project’s relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The evaluation assessed assess the status of achievement of project indicators, identified implementation challenges, derived lessons learned and recommendations for future phases of the project.
Rapport de la revue interne-Projet de Recherche-Développment pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et l’ Adaptation au Changement Climatique
L’objectif stratégique du projet REDSAACC vise à appuyer les efforts du gouvernement dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle en contribuant à mettre les populations Nigériennes à l’abri de la famine et à leur garantir les conditions d’une pleine participation à la production nationale et à l’amélioration de leurs revenus.
L’objectif global de cette revue interne est de montrer et mesurer les changements opérés du fait des actions du projet REDSAACC à travers l’évaluation des effets/impacts de la mise en œuvre de l’approche du projet dans le transfert des technologies et le partage des innovations locales pour une adaptation des systèmes de production agricole aux changements climatiques. Read More...
L’objectif global de cette revue interne est de montrer et mesurer les changements opérés du fait des actions du projet REDSAACC à travers l’évaluation des effets/impacts de la mise en œuvre de l’approche du projet dans le transfert des technologies et le partage des innovations locales pour une adaptation des systèmes de production agricole aux changements climatiques. Read More...
United in Building and Advancing Life Expectations Participatory Gender Analysis Final Report
United in Building and Advancing Life Expectations (UBALE), is a five-year (2015-2019) Food for Peace program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by a consortium led by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in partnership with the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), Save the Children, and the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM). The program aims to reduce chronic malnutrition and food insecurity and build resilience among vulnerable populations in threedistricts in Malawi, Blantyre Rural, Chikwawaand Nsanje.
The UBALE team carried out a gender analysis in August and September of 2015, with the participation of UBALE key staff from across the program. This is the final report for that gender analysis.
The UBALE team carried out a gender analysis in August and September of 2015, with the participation of UBALE key staff from across the program. This is the final report for that gender analysis.
Informe Final de Evaluación Proyecto Nutriendo el Futuro Fase II
El Proyecto Nutriendo el Futuro Fase II se ejecutó en el marco de la alianza CARE y Cargill, en apoyo a cuatro países del área centroamericana: Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Costa Rica.
Su objetivo fue contribuir a que los productores/as y microempresarios/as de las áreas rurales y periurbanas del área de influencia de Cargill mejoraran la calidad de vida de sus familias, garantizando su seguridad alimentaria y el manejo sostenible de sus recursos naturales. El mismo se implementó por un período de 36 meses, entre septiembre de 2016 y agosto de 2019. El Proyecto brindó apoyo directo a un total de 84 comunidades, 1,606 pequeños productores/as, 968 microempresarios/as y 25,968 niños y niñas en edad escolar. Más del 50% de los beneficiarios (12,863) fueron mujeres y niñas. Read More...
Su objetivo fue contribuir a que los productores/as y microempresarios/as de las áreas rurales y periurbanas del área de influencia de Cargill mejoraran la calidad de vida de sus familias, garantizando su seguridad alimentaria y el manejo sostenible de sus recursos naturales. El mismo se implementó por un período de 36 meses, entre septiembre de 2016 y agosto de 2019. El Proyecto brindó apoyo directo a un total de 84 comunidades, 1,606 pequeños productores/as, 968 microempresarios/as y 25,968 niños y niñas en edad escolar. Más del 50% de los beneficiarios (12,863) fueron mujeres y niñas. Read More...
Promoción de la Seguridad Alimentaria, Desarrollo Económico e Inclusión Social en la Región Lempa de Honduras
Se presenta el informe de la evaluación final del proyecto “Promoción de la Seguridad Alimentaria, Desarrollo Económico e Inclusión Social en la Región Lempa de Honduras” resultado de un ejercicio participativo realizado entre mayo y septiembre de 2019. El proyecto fue diseñado e implementado por CARE Internacional Honduras, y tenía por objetivo principal contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida de hombres, mujeres, niñas, niños y jóvenes que viven en condiciones de pobreza, exclusión, vulnerabilidad y riesgo, generando condiciones para la seguridad alimentaria, la salud, la nutrición y la gobernanza en materia de seguridad alimentaria, a través del desarrollo de componentes programáticos bajos estas temáticas. En términos de alcance cuantitativo, se lograron evaluar 26 indicadores con disponibilidad de información, encontrando que el proyecto logró el cumplimiento de 16: cumplió con 8 de 8 indicadores en el componente de disponibilidad de alimentos, 4 de 6 en el componente de gobernabilidad, 1 de 2 en el componente de alimento solidario y 3 de 10 en el componente de salud. Read More...
La troisième phase du Programme de Gestion Equitable des Ressources Naturelles et de Renforcement de la Société civile au Niger, PROGRESIII/JIMIRI financée par CARE Danemark, intègre les leçons et bonnes pratiques de PROGRES II et prend en compte les évolutions des approches et concepts de développement ainsi que les évolutions de contextes internes et externes du Niger, de CARE et des bailleurs institutionnels comme DANIDA. Elle met l’accent sur le pastoralisme à travers le renforcement de société civile pastorale, le plaidoyer, la résilience, le genre et la jeunesse liée aux aspects de migration.
Ce programme contribuera aux objectifs de la stratégie 2020 de CARE, aux ODD et de plan stratégique pluriannuel de CARE Niger. Le PROGRESIII/JIMIRI contribuera aux trois goals programmatiques de CARE Niger, dont majoritairement au (i) programme Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (SAN), au (ii) programme Leadership et Empowerment des Femmes des Filles et des jeunes (LEFFJ) et à (iii) la Coordination humanitaire.
Ce programme contribuera aux objectifs de la stratégie 2020 de CARE, aux ODD et de plan stratégique pluriannuel de CARE Niger. Le PROGRESIII/JIMIRI contribuera aux trois goals programmatiques de CARE Niger, dont majoritairement au (i) programme Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (SAN), au (ii) programme Leadership et Empowerment des Femmes des Filles et des jeunes (LEFFJ) et à (iii) la Coordination humanitaire.
UBALE: United in Building and Advancing Life Expectations – PARTICIPATORY GENDER ANALYSIS FINAL REPORT
United in Building and Advancing Life Expectations (UBALE), is a five-year (2015-2019) Food for Peace program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by a consortium led by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in partnership with the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), Save the Children, and the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM). The program aims to reduce chronic malnutrition and food insecurity and build resilience among vulnerable populations in three districts in Malawi, Blantyre Rural, Chikwawa and Nsanje.
This report describes the process and findings specific to the UBALE program. Read More...
This report describes the process and findings specific to the UBALE program. Read More...
The HAFORSA project in Timor-Leste – 2016 to 2019 – sought to address two of the most challenging issues facing many of the world’s poorest countries; namely, development of subsistence-based agricultural livelihoods and women’s empowerment. The main targets of the intervention were, very appropriately, 430 prospective members of farmer groups (including women-only farmer groups) in some of the most inaccessible and impoverished parts of the country, namely, in Atsabe sub-district of Ermera District. Particular challenges in the project-targeted areas included: lack of irrigation system and limited public investment in agriculture, the high levels of illiteracy, and longstanding perceptions (prejudices) regarding the traditional roles of women.
This document describes the results of the end of project evaluation – conducted during June and July of 2019 - based upon: the results of a review of project-related documents, a survey of 109 respondents, 10 key informant interviews, 10 semi-structured interviews, and two focus group discussion meetings. Read More...
This document describes the results of the end of project evaluation – conducted during June and July of 2019 - based upon: the results of a review of project-related documents, a survey of 109 respondents, 10 key informant interviews, 10 semi-structured interviews, and two focus group discussion meetings. Read More...