Improving Access to Safe Employment for Migrant Women in Myanmar

Description of the document: This 43-page document evaluates the success of the Safe Employment project. It aimed to provide options for more safe jobs, implement accessible sexual and reproductive health and legal services, reduce sexual and or gender-based violence and increase social support for migrant women. The project operated in the HlaingTharya Township, Yangon and the townships of Pathein Gyi and Aung Myay Tharzan, Mandalay, Myanmar. Read More...

Civil Society Support to the right to food

This 32 page document highlights the findings from the first round of the Civil Society Support to the Right to Food project, funded by the Danish government. The project partnered with the Nepali organizations: Community Self Reliance Center, National Land Rights Forum, Right to Food Network Nepal, and the National Farmers’ Group Federation. The project reached 23,000 people directly with $2.5 million from 2013-2017. Read More...

Lend With CARE Akhuwat

This 21 page report highlights findings from the University of Portsmouth on Lendwithcare—a crowdsourced lending platform where individual donors can pick what businesses they want to fund. People who participate in Lendwithcare see higher incomes, a better quality of life, and stronger incomes. The project disbursed 11,300 loans between 2014-2017, with $760,000 in funding from individuals from all over the world. Read More...

Informe de Diagnostico Inicial Proyecto Esperanza Para Mujeres Jovenes

Initial assessments for parents, girls from third – sixth grade, and girls with learning disabilitie... Read More...

Gender and GBV analysis and operational suggestions – CARE Nigeria field Assessment

CARE international has deployed a multisector assessment team in North East Nigeria to assess the increasing humanitarian needs and inform CARE’s emergency Strategy and response programming. The assessment will look at the areas of food security, Sexual and reproductive Health and Gender based violence. The gender-specific dynamics and impacts of the insurgency require a strong focus on gender mainstreaming and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and mitigation. Therefore a rapid gender and GBV analysis has been conducted with the global objective to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response in the North East Nigeria through strong integration of gender equality and GBV at all stage of the humanitarian project cycle.

This analysis aim to provide answer to the following key questions:
• What are the different Impact of the insurgency for girls, women, boys and men and what
are the different needs of these groups?
• Who has access, and who has control over what resources and assistance? Who has the
decision among the family and the community? How the crisis has affected this power
relation, what social norms and practices affect the access and control?
• What are main GBV risks? Who is most affected and at-risk among girls, women, boys and
men? What are main social, cultural norms and practices that shape GBV in the Area?
• What are main GBV services providers and actors in the ground and what is their capacity to deliver? Do GBV survivors have access to comprehensive GBV services? What are main gaps
in service
• Formulate geographic and programmatic recommendations to guide CARE decision on GBV
• Develop a GAP to improve gender integration into the assistance. Read More...

Impact assessment atmanirbhar

This 69 page document highlights impacts from the Atamanirbhar project in Rupanedhi that focuses on ... Read More...

Evaluación proyecto mas mujeres 2014-2016

This 77 page document reports the results of the Más Mujeres.- Mayor Autonomía Social y Económica de... Read More...

Reve niger – platformes contre le vbg

This 24 page report highlights successes and challenges of the REVE Projects (Revaluing and Living T... Read More...

Ardhi yetu program (our land rights) midterm review

The Mid-term Review to assess progress, review appropriateness and recommend ways of strengthening p... Read More...

Suivi de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie d’appui aux survivant(e)s des violences basées sur le Genre

Dans le cadre de l’assistance aux réfugiés centrafricains et leurs populations d’accueil dans les régions de l’Est et de l’Adamaoua, CARE Cameroun, avec un financement de la Coopération Allemande (GIZ), a mis en œuvre un projet d’Assistance aux survivant(e)s de VBG de Janvier à Juillet 2016. Cette assistance a ciblé les réfugiés centrafricains et leurs populations hôtes dans 11 villages des communes de Meiganga, Kette, Djohong, Borgop, Yamba et Ngaoui, régions de l’Est et de l’Adamaoua. Une analyse protection et violences basées sur le genre a été conduite en février 2016 au démarrage de ce projet pour mieux comprendre la problématique et formuler des recommandations pour la mise en œuvre du projet. Les résultats de cette analyse ont permis aussi de définir une approche d’intervention holistique qui implique tous les acteurs qui interviennent dans le domaine des VBG. Le présent rapport concerne la mission de suivi de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie du projet, mission conduite du 16 au 28 juillet par la spécialiste Genre en urgence de CARE international. Read More...

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