Gender Equality

Raks Thai Rapid Gender Analysis Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrants in Thailand

Although a number of reports on migrants have recently been released, these have mostly been based on secondary data and stakeholder perspectives, whereas this study aims to give voice to migrants through primary data collection and seeks to provide migrants an opportunity to directly addresses their struggle during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this Rapid Gender Analysis utilizes a qualitative methodology to identify the differing impact on male and female migrants.
Being away from home during this pandemic, migrants in Thailand are likely to lack access to support services. Furthermore, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to affect migrant women disproportionately due to harmful gender norms of the host country. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Lebanon May 2020

On February 23rd, Lebanon reported its first COVID-19 positive case. On March 16th the Lebanese authorities responded in a promptly manner by declaring a state of general mobilization and encouraging citizens to observe physical distancing. At the same time the newly formed government adopted a series of measures including movement restriction, curfews, shop closure the temporary suspension of flights. The virus was identified on January 8, 2020 and has since spread to 210 countries, infecting more than 5.33 million people and caused fatalities all around the globe. As of June 16th, Lebanon counts 1,446 COVID-19 positive cases.

The Covid-19 pandemic in Lebanon is a crisis within a crisis. It occurred during a broader socio-economic meltdown that has shaken the country in recent months. In October 2019, Lebanese occupied the streets in various cities across the country demonstrating against corruption, unemployment and sectarianism in the country. Lebanon appears to have responded effectively to the pandemic so far, a number of major challenges await it. With little measures to mitigate the economic impact of the confinement and protesters pushing to return to the streets, the country is entering a challenging era with a major impact on people’s lives; refugees (about 1,5 million) and host communities. It is imperative that measures that address the different needs of women, men, children and youth with particular attention to underlying vulnerabilities of certain groups including displaced people, refugee populations and migrant workers should be adopted in a comprehensive and coordinated way.

The Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) intends to highlight how COVID-19 in the context of the socio-economic crisis impacts differently women, girls, boys and men and recommend measures to address and mitigate risks related to the protection and wellbeing of affected population. The RGA is looking into the following areas of interest:

• Gender roles and responsibilities
• Decision making, participation and leadership
• Health, mental health and SRHR
• Access to services and resources
• Safety and Protection
• Access to information and technology
• Capacities and coping mechanisms

CARE Zimbabwe Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19

Zimbabwe has not been spared by the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID 19). The coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, the capital city in the Hubei province of China in December 2019. The disease has since spread to every corner of the world causing serious health and socio-economic challenges. As of 31st May, Zimbabwe had recorded 174 confirmed cases and 4 deaths.
CARE carried out a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) to assess the immediate and anticipated adverse impacts of COVID-19 on men, women, boys and girls. The assessment was conducted in geographical areas where CARE is implementing its portfolio of development including food security and nutrition, WASH, education, resilience and humanitarian programs. A qualitative methodology was applied and primary data was collected through key informant interviews, and supplemented by a desk review. Primary data was collected remotely using phones and emails. The team could not go on the ground due to the introduction of a COVID -19 national lockdown that initiated on the 30th of March 2020, and also in compliance with WHO and organisational guidelines on the prevention of the spread of coronavirus Read More...

Northeast Nigeria Rapid Gender Analysis COVID-19

Even before the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic, the crisis in Northeast Nigeria is one of the most severe in the world today. In the 3 most affected states in 2020, 7.9 million out of 13 million people needed humanitarian assistance—up 11% from 2019. 79% of the displaced people are women and children.
Compounding this crisis, by July 2, 2020, Nigeria reported 26,484 cases and 603 deaths—a dramatic growth in cases over the month of June. While men make up 68% of the cases, women are bearing a higher burden of mobility restrictions, economic loss, and restricted access to services.
This Rapid Gender Analysis reviewed secondary data and conducted interviews with 109 people between May 6th and May 21st, 2020 in the three Northeast states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe where UN Women, CARE International and Oxfam operate. Read More...

Barriers and supports to reducing early child bearing among newly married adolescent girls in Zinder region: A qualitative study

CARE carried out formative research to understand the underlying gender and social norms, barriers to and facilitators for delaying early child birth among married/soon-to-be-married adolescent girls in Zinder region, from the perspective of multiple gatekeepers in the lives of married/soon-to-be-married adolescent girls. Read More...

Adolescent Motherhood: Understanding Individual and Community Perspectives to Delay First Birth in Rural Bangladesh

Globally, more than one third of girls marry before the age of 15. In Bangladesh, like in other developing countries, adolescent marriage is still very common. Early marriage leads to early pregnancy, as young wives are not allowed to make their own decisions about contraceptive use and timing of childbirth, deferring instead to their husbands and extended family. The major objectives of this formative research were to explore the intentions, desires, perspectives, motivators, and de‐motivators around the first pregnancy among married adolescent girls (MAGs). The study also explored ways to delay first pregnancies among MAGs, focusing on influential people in their lives, health providers, and positive deviants. Additionally, we examined alternative opportunities and barriers to delay first pregnancy through pursuit of an alternative life course and the use of modern contraceptives. The findings will be used to design an appropriate intervention for rural Bangladesh. Read More...

IMAGINE Baseline Analysis Report

CARE has partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to implement IMAGINE, a project that examines how to support married adolescent girls and their families. The project aims at helping young women in Niger and Bangladesh to delay their first birth and to envision, value, and pursue alternative life trajectories. IMAGINE’s goal is two-fold: to identify, design, and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents and to document and share learning from this initiative with the wider development community to inform others working to address the issue of adolescent childbearing. IMAGINE is multifaceted, with components that enable married adolescent girls to delay first birth and to afford greater choice in pursuing an alternative life course. Read More...

COVID 19 Rapid Gender Analysis Global Trends June 2020

In the three months since CARE released its first Rapid Gender Analysis of COVID-19, the situation has evolved quickly and spread globally. CARE has continued to closely monitor this situation, by conducting context-specific analyses in 5 regions covering 64 countries. This has included conversations and data collection with more than 4,500 women.
This new analysis confirms the initial findings and predictions of the first analysis. It also reveals new areas of high priority for women and girls—and for men and boys—as the crisis deepens. Our recent research reveals:
• The highest immediate priorities 3 months into the crisis are food, income, and rights—including concerns around Gender Based Violence, caregiving burdens, and mobility. Women and girls show these needs most acutely, but they also rise to the top of men and boys’ priorities in COVID-19.
• Women’s burdens are increasing. As frontline workers in the health system, as survivors of Gender Based Violence, as the people primarily responsible for food, cleaning, and childcare—especially with schools closed, women confirm that their burdens are rising, and so is the stress around them.
• Women are displaying remarkable leadership, but are still unable to access most decision-making, around COVID-19 and around daily life. They are also quickly approaching the end of their safety nets.
In this context, this document provides updated recommendations to focus on lessening the immediate impact on women and providing the chance to build back equal. These recommendations cluster around:
• Urgently addressing top priorities of food, income, and rights by expanding safety nets—both in the immediate response and in long-term ways for all people to provide their own food and livelihoods.
• Reducing women’s burdens by providing extra support for caregiving, services for GBV prevention and response, and investing in women healthcare workers.
• Prioritizing women’s leadership by creating space for women leaders at all levels of the response, and consistently listening to women’s perspectives and data as the crisis evolves.

Indonesia Rapid Gender Assessment in Response to COVID-19

Following the first reported COVID-19 case in Indonesia, Yayasan CARE Peduli (YCP) had immediately started to prepare its response package to support communities in areas where it operates. Given the mobility restriction, it had been quite challenging to prepare the response package particularly in preceding the response with much more detailed field-based needs assessment. This Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) was prepared almost simultaneously with the delivery of the first stage of the response. While it has been limited in its use for the first stage response, it is intended to guide YCP’s next stage of response which will be aimed at mitigating the social economic impact of COVID-19, emphasizing the needs of women and access to the support. This RGA will serve as the basis for further in-depth study or assessment to support detailed design of the support schemes and other assessments that other development partners are planning to undertake.
Information on the local situation and needs were gathered from the projects’ database and information from the local governments and partners. Therefore, the first stage of YCP’s response consist of preventive and protective measures from the virus transmission which was aimed at the communities in general.
Specifically, the RGA has the following objectives:
1. To analyze the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of the communities especially the vulnerable groups such as women and children, the elderlies, people with disabilities and other vulnerabilities;
2. To inform the design of COVID-19 response based on the identified needs of the different groups, focusing on: (i) paid and unpaid productive works; (ii) gender relations and decision-making process; (iii) basic services; (iv) safety and security with respect to gender-based violence; (v) influence of faith and religion; (vi) access to information and technology; (vii) WASH and livelihood; and (viii) child protection and education. Read More...

Iraq COVID 19 Rapid Gender Analysis

As of June 2020, Iraq is experiencing drastic increase in the number of people who contracted COVID-19 compared to the preceding months. With the everchanging context of COVID-19, women, girls, men and boys in Iraq have been affected differently; and they developed different coping mechanisms. Furthermore, their roles within households have been directly impacted by the crisis, and their participation and access to services also have reflected the gendered dynamics of the COVID-19. There has been an increase in the protection and gender-based violence risks identified and reported, and women and girls are disproportionately affected by these risks. Read More...

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