Sexual|Reproductive Health

End of the Project Evaluation | Strengthening Approaches for Improved Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health in Myanmar: Lashio Township, Northern Shan State, Myanmar

GSK and CARE Myanmar have been working together in the country since 2012 to provide better health services. The project was expanded from 45 villages to 60 villages in northern Shan State, based on successes and lessons learned in 2012-2015. The project goal is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality through increased access to, and quality of, sexual and reproductive health, and maternal and child health services. Read More...

Gender Analysis Uganda – Rhino Refugee Settlement – Omugo Extension and Ariaze

Since the last decade, conflict in South Sudan (SS) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has led to an influx of refugees to Uganda. Across the West Nile region of Uganda, the refuge influx has increased the strain on a chronically overburdened health system and other services.
CARE is working in a consortium of partners1 led by MSI Reproductive Choices (MSI) on a multi-country programme across Uganda, Niger and Madagascar named the ASPIRE Project to identify, test and develop innovative, sustainable and scalable approaches with the aim of reaching some of the world’s most marginalised groups with comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).
To inform key programme design decisions, CARE conducted a gender analysis to understand the gendered dynamics around sexual and reproductive health, including barriers that women, girls, men and boys face with respect to accessing SRHR information, services and products, and present findings to the consortium.
This gender analysis provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis and how the crisis has impacted gender roles, relations and norms. The focus was on refugee women, men, boys and girls currently settled in Rhino Refugee Settlement in the West Nile Region of Uganda. Specifically, the study participants were from Omugo Extension Village 6 and Ariaze B. Read More...

Gender analysis on sexual and reproductive health Niger – Maradi

L’objectif de cette analyse est de donner des recommandations pour la conception des activités du projet afin de garantir que l’intervention s’inscrive dans le «Do no harm» (Ne pas causer des préjudices), et prenne en compte les raisons et les influences les plus profondes sur les comportements et les choix des personnes.
Le consortium en charge du projet représente un partenariat pionnier qui testera des approches innovantes, durables et évolutives pour atteindre certains des groupes les plus marginalisés du monde avec des services complets relatifs à la santé et aux droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR). Face aux chocs permanents auxquels sont confrontés les groupes vulnérables dans les milieux fragiles et affectés par le changement climatique, cette approche globale du projet ASPIRE est fondée sur un cadre de résilience. Alors que le monde en développement est de plus en plus touché par le changement climatique et les crises humanitaires, le renforcement de la résilience devient une priorité essentielle si l’on veut permettre aux groupes vulnérables de s'adapter et de mener une vie saine et épanouie, dont l'accès à des services de santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR) de qualité est une composante essentielle. Read More...

Analyse genre sur la SSR et la résilience climatique Madagascar – régions ANOSY et DIANA (Gender and Climate Change Resilience Analysis)

Dans le contexte actuel du changement climatique global, les situations de crises induites par ce phénomène touchent beaucoup plus les femmes et les filles qui voient leur vulnérabilité accrue et leur capacité d’adaptation et de résilience réduite. Donner un choix aux filles et aux femmes en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive permet de soutenir leur résistance à faire face aux chocs et facteurs de stress provoqués par le changement climatique. C’est pourquoi le programme ASPIRE souhaite «accroître la résilience des communautés touchées par le changement climatique grâce à des programmes intégrés de santé sexuelle et reproductive, de conservation et moyens de subsistance ».
Ce programme sera mis en oeuvre dans 3 pays dont Madagascar, avec le concours de plusieurs partenaires qui sont MSI Reproductive Choices, Care International UK, Blue Ventures, ThinkPlace et l’Itad. Le programme adopte une approche innovante en utilisant l’approche «Population, Santé et Environnement» (PSE), dont l’objectif est de «renforcer la résilience par des approches intégrées de la santé sexuelle et reproductive, du changement climatique et de la population, de la santé et de l’environnement». Comme cette association est peu fréquente dans le milieu du développement, l’idée est de disposer d’un large éventail de preuves sur la façon dont la prise de décision en matière de SSR participe à l’effort de renforcement de la résilience face au changement climatique. Read More...

How Bangladesh Is Getting COVID-19 Vaccines to the Last Mile

Bangladesh has been one of the fastest countries receiving COVAX support to scale up vaccines, delivering more than 221 million vaccines by March 14, 2022. 54% of Bangladesh’s population is fully vaccinated, and another 22% have received at least one dose. Bangladesh is on track to meet its goal of 70% of the population fully vaccinated by September 2022.

Close coordination across multiple actors—from the Government of Bangladesh to INGOs like CARE to local health entrepreneurs—have been one of the keys to success. Working closely with the government-led National Vaccination and Deployment Plan and innovating when there have been gaps and challenges have helped achieve this success. These strategies continue to make sure that vaccines reach the people who need them most.

The Cost of Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines in Zambia

While Zambia aims to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to 70% of its people by June 30, 2022, the road to getting there is uncertain. The Zambian Ministry of Health reports that, as of February 21, 2022, 21.6% of people were fully
vaccinated. Vaccine doses available in the country are slowly rising, with 6.2 million doses arrived as of February 11, but less than half of those doses have made it into people’s arms. By February 23, only 2.77 million doses had gotten to people. By December 31, 2021, only 7.2% of people had gotten a vaccine, compared to a goal of 40%. Without significant investments in last mile delivery, especially for people at highest risk, Zambia risks missing its next COVID-19 vaccine targets.
CARE estimates that in Zambia, vaccine delivery costs a minimum of $17.18 per fully vaccinated person, or $7.30 per dose delivered. That is 7.2 times more than current global estimates. Even with its robust childhood vaccination system—93% of Zambian children got their first measles vaccine in 2019—Zambia has not been able to get enough COVID-19 vaccines to the last mile. Read More...

A Lifesaving GBV, Women’s Leadership, and SRMH Support for Refugees, in Uganda, Arua District, West Nile ENDLINE EVALUATION – FINAL REPORT

CARE International in Uganda commissioned an endline evaluation to establish the performance of the GAC 3 project on outcome indicators and related information to determine reasonable targets and guide for assessing the outcomes of the project interventions. This report presents the results of the end term evaluation for the GAC 3. The results are from the two sampled refugee settlements of Rhino and Imvepi in Madi Okolo and Terego District formerly Arua District in West Nile Uganda. Overall the end term evaluation survey reached a total of 280 household respondents (186F, 94M) within both settlements.
Fieldwork was conducted for five days, using mixed quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods. Quantitative data was obtained through a household survey using mobile data collection devices. A detailed questionnaire was developed, pre-tested for incorporation of relevant information. Primary qualitative data was obtained through six Focus Group Discussions (involving women, girls, boys and men) and twenty Key Informant Interviews that comprised of GAC 3 project staff, district local government officials, health workers, health partners, Office of the Prime Minister, among others. Qualitative data from mainly key informant interviews and FGDs were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques and the findings were used to strengthen the interpretation of the quantitative findings.
The end line evaluation findings indicate that there is improved feeling of safety and dignity. This was measured at household and community level. There was an improved feeling of safety and dignity as shown by the survey at 91% (92%F, M89%). Further interrogated, the respondents indicated that they felt safe at both household and community levels. At the community level people feel safe at 86% (86%F, 86%M) and at the household level they feel safe at 93% (94%M, 91%F). The study findings indicate men as change agents and as clients in relation to Gender Based Violence (GBV) seem to have been successful exhibited by the high values. Read More...

Evaluation finale du projet Education For Change – EFC Education Pour le Changement « Jannde Yiriwere » de CARE International au Mali

Le projet Education Pour le changement utilise une approche de résilience en vue de répondre aux défis environnementaux et humains auxquels le Mali est actuellement confronté et qui affectent sérieusement l'éducation, la sécurité des jeunes et leur accès aux opportunités. Le projet combine la Réduction des Risques et Désastres (DRR) et la résilience, le Droit à la Santé Sexuelle et reproductive (SSR), l'alphabétisation appliquée, et les opportunités d'accès à l'autonomisation financière en milieu scolaire et chez les jeunes non scolaires à travers l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies bien établies. L'Education Pour le Changement a conçu et est en train de tester un modèle intégré d'éducation, de la sante de la reproduction et d’autonomisation jeunes pour une mise à échelle au profit des jeunes vulnérables et marginalisés du Mali.
Le projet est exécuté par CARE International et ses partenaires dans la région de Mopti depuis 5 ans. Les bénéficiaires qui sont les élèves, enseignants et communautés ont bénéficié de différentes activités pour améliorer leur connaissance sur les différentes thématiques du projet et offrir l’opportunité de l’utilisation de NTIC dans l’éducation scolaire des adolescents.
Le contexte opérationnel de la région de Mopti pendant la période de mise en oeuvre a été l'un des nombreux défis majeurs. En plus des sécheresses et des inondations périodiques, des épisodes périodiques de conflit civil ont contribué à une forte migration. Deux grèves prolongées des enseignants pendant les périodes de mise en oeuvre du programme ont entraîné des fermetures d'écoles pendant les périodes de mise en oeuvre. Et puis COVID-19 a contribué à la livraison d'activités et aux défis moins que prévu pour les communautés bénéficiaires. Ajouté à cela, 3 écoles n'était pas joignables pendant une partie du projet.
Comme tout programme, le cadre des indicateurs a été évalué en 2016 avant l’exécution des activités, une évaluation s’en est suivi en 2018. Le présent document présente les résultats de l’évaluation finale du projet. Read More...

IMPACT ASSESSMENT: CARE’s Psychosocial Support Program

As part of the CARE’s response under the Syria Regional Response Plan (3RP), CARE International in Jordan is providing Psycho Social Support (PSS) to refugee and Jordanian women, girls, boys, and men in urban areas and Azraq camp, covering the second and the third layers of IASC’s intervention pyramid; community and family supports and focused, non-specialized supports. The main purpose of the PSS program is to protect them from psychosocial distress, improve their emotional and social well-being, and strengthen their coping mechanisms and resilience.
With more than twenty-one Jordanian staff as of August 2021, according to CARE, the program has benefitted over 44,627 women, 17,936 girls, 19,265 boys, and 33,049 men including 94,421 refugees and 20,456 Jordanians to date. There are eight safe spaces at CARE’s community centers in urban areas (Amman, Mafraq, Zarqa, and Irbid) and Azraq camp.
This document presents the findings of a qualitative impact assessment that aims to explore the impact of the PSS interventions, including both intended and unintended impact on targeted beneficiaries. The Programs Quality (PQ) Department used the Outcome Harvesting participatory approach, which collects evidence of what has changed “outcomes” and, then, working backwards, ascertaining whether, how, and to what extent the intervention has contributed to these changes.


CARE International in Nigeria is implementing the AMAL initiative (Adolescent Mothers Against All Odds) to meet adolescents’ SRH needs through the creation of adolescent-responsive health systems and equitable community environments. The AMAL Initiative includes three components: a Young Mothers Club (YMC) for first-time mothers and pregnant adolescents, participatory exercises with health providers, and reflective dialogues with community members. The AMAL Initiative seeks to inform the global evidence base and dialogue around nexus approaches to adolescent-responsive SRH and gender-based violence (GBV) programming. After over a decade of conflict between non-state armed groups and the military, the humanitarian crisis in northeastern Nigeria is intensifying and the health needs of the population are growing. Deteriorating conditions such as ongoing displacement of peoples, lack of resources and shelter, and increased risk of sexual violence have contributed to increases in early and forced marriage for adolescent girls. These high rates of sexual violence and forced early marriage result in significant increases in adolescent pregnancy thereby further compounding the health risks experienced by girls and women in communities. Read More...

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