Sexual|Reproductive Health

HAMORIS Project (Hamenus Mortalidade no Risku ba Inan Sira)

This report is an end-stage evaluation of CARE International Timor-Leste’s HAMORIS project. The HAMORIS project aims at contributing to lasting reductions in maternal mortality and morbidity by increasing the number of women accessing quality Sexual Reproductive and Maternal Health Services (SRMHS).

There are four sets of conclusions drawn from the findings:
• There is increased access and utilization of improved quality SRMHS by women and men in the targeted communities of the HAMORIS project
• Normative changes towards acceptance of Gender Equality and less tolerance for GBV, have been produced as a consequence of the project
• There are unintended consequences for marginalised voices, including PWD
• Many of the recommendations of the MTR were followed but further time, resources needed to implement them all. Read More...

Foster good health and economic resilience (in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond): Integrated Programme to Reduce the Medium-term effects of COVID-19 (IPIC) in Sudan

This is the final evaluation for the Kassala state-implemented "Foster Good Health and Economic Resilience (in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond): Integrated Programme to Reduce the Medium-Term Effects of COVID-19 (IPIC)". The evaluation's goal is to assess the project's impact on the targeted beneficiaries and to assess the project's level of achievement, as well as to provide project stakeholders with information about the project's performance in relation to its stated objectives, from January 2020 to December 2022.
Relevance: The project was found to be relevant and responding to the real needs of the targeted communities. The selected communities are among the most vulnerable people in the state, with the majority of them living below the poverty line. According to the baseline survey conducted in October 2020, most of the targeted beneficiaries (53%) have incomes ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 SDG’s per month, which is equivalent to 22 to 44 USD.
Efficiency: The project was carried out with good and acceptable efficiency; the project completed 100% of its planned activities with a high level of participation from the targeted communities and important institutions, particularly the state ministry of health.
Effectiveness: The project was determined to be very effective and resulted in many changes among the targeted persons, as well as a substantial contraption for preventing COVID-19 and reducing its harmful influence on the targeted people, as evidenced by the fact that:
During the project's implementation period, a total of 47,268 people received COVID-19 knowledge and capacity building. This includes all people in the targeted areas, with the possibility of duplicate counting because some people received the awareness more than once. These capacity building and awareness programs were carried out through the execution of awareness campaigns, and the trained community outreached played important roles in disseminating information to their community members. The community outreached were carefully selected with gender (50% women) in mind, and they were trained and provided with the necessary COVID-19 prevention items.
The evaluation witnessed high level of impact and effectiveness in health sector, this ensured by the feedback of all consulted people by direct interviews, FGDs and KII interviews, in addition to the observation of the evaluation team. Different sorts of support offered to the three health facilities enhanced access to health care for 3015 HH (21,105 people), this representing all HH in the three villages.

Multi-sectoral and integrated humanitarian assistance for the conflict displaced and most vulnerable populations Sudan

This baseline survey was conducted for the USAID/BHA funded project “Multi-sectoral and integrated humanitarian assistance for the conflict displaced and most vulnerable populations in South and East Darfur” implemented by CARE International in Sudan. The baseline was designed to collect data in selected communities in southern and eastern Darfur State to assess the situation before the start of the project and determine baseline values for project indicators. The baseline used multiple methods for data collection, including desk review of project documents, individual interviews with household leaders using a structured questionnaire, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with representatives of different groups in the communities, Key Informant Interviews (KII) with the respective institutions.

When asked how much water they collect per day for all uses, it was discovered that households collect a mean of 5.6 Jeri Can per day (1 Jerrican=20 liters) which gives 17 litters/day/person from all sources including unsafe ones, keeping in mind that this water is collected from all sources including unsafe ones and for all types of uses.

Access to latrine: From the total surveyed families, 39% do not have access to latrines (48.3% M, 31.9% F). Lack of access to latrines is common in SD, with the majority of HH (55.9%) without access compared to ED (21.4%). And from the total families;23.3% of the HH surveyed acknowledged that their family members usually practice open defecation (26.4%M, 20.8%F), 23.5% use community latrines, and 3.8% share latrines with their neighbors. 51.8% of those who have latrines are inaccessible to people with disabilities (61.5%M, 44.2%F).

Inspiring Married Adolescent Girls to Imagine New Empowered Futures (IMAGINE)

Each year around the world, almost 13 million girls under the age of 20 give birth, nearly 1 million of whom are younger than 15 (1). Child marriage is a strong indicator of early birth; 90% of adolescent pregnancies in the developing world are to girls who are already married; and married adolescents are more likely to experience frequent and early pregnancies than their unmarried peers (2, 3). Adolescent girls who undergo early marriage (often defined as prior to age 18) and subsequent rapid birth are more likely to experience a host of negative physical, mental and economic outcomes, including complications during pregnancy and delivery, higher rates of maternal mortality, and poor educational and economic outcomes for both themselves and their children (2-5). Read More...


El proyecto de ayuda humanitaria “Alimenta su Fuerza” en su segunda etapa, fue ejecutado por CARE Perú y financiado por el Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP); su continuidad nació de la iniciativa para dar respuesta a la crisis alimentaria generada como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 debido a medidas restrictivas que afectaron el ingreso económico de muchas familias y con ello la posibilidad de cubrir necesidades básicas. El proyecto tuvo como finalidad mejorar la seguridad alimentaria de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad, brindando apoyo alimentario con raciones nutritivas a través de espacios estratégicos como los comedores auto gestionados adscritos al Programa de Complementación Alimentaria de los gobiernos locales, a su vez de forma complementaria se incorporó un piloto para la prevención de la anemia en niños y niñas de 6 a 36 meses, que consistió en la entrega de preparaciones que incluyeron alimentos fuente de hierro, para ello se articuló acciones con establecimientos de salud y agentes comunitarios de la zona, así mismo se brindó acompañamiento a las madres o cuidadoras de los niños y niñas para que mejoren las prácticas de alimentación y accedan a los servicios de salud para la prevención y reducción de la anemia. Read More...

“Supporting the response to COVID-19 alongside the Community”. Fast & Fair Initiative

The “Supporting the response to COVID-19 alongside the Community” Project contributed to the government's efforts to control the pandemic. The project strengthened outbreak prevention and control measures in selected communities, targeting people in human mobility, LGBTIQ+ individuals, sex workers and indigenous people of the Awa nationality. The project was implemented in partnership with ASOCIACION RIOS (in Spanish), a local NGO with experience in community health work. This project was funded by CARE USA, as part of the Fast & Fair strategy, in response to COVID-19, which objective is to support countries so that the most vulnerable people can access the vaccine and overcome gender-based and other types of barriers that create inequalities regarding access to vaccination and health services. Read More...

Fast and Fair Support to COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery in Burundi

As response to the COVID-19 pandemic, CARE International in Burundi has implemented a COVID-19 humanitarian intervention (funded by CARE USA/ECSA’s flexible funds) that ended in June 2021. CARE Burundi focused its risk communication and community engagement intervention on the negative economic impacts of the pandemic on women’s workload and health. CARE Burundi has experimented with SMS awareness and community and youth-focused hackathons (idea challenges/solutions) as empowering and dignified mobilizations approaches, unlike traditional outreach activities (widely known as "sensitization", a rather tiring and degrading concept). Read More...

Fast and Fair: Technical strategy for CARE’s support to COVID-19 vaccine delivery in Guatemala

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the economy, political and social conditions in all countries of the world, however, countries with a high economy have reached almost 100% of their population vaccinated, on the other hand developing countries such as Guatemala report statistical records show that only 36% have a complete scheme. It is widely known that as long as there are unvaccinated countries, new variants of SARS-CoV-2 will continue to develop, which will make it difficult to end the pandemic, it is therefore essential to ensure that the vaccine reaches all countries and all people quickly and safely, without discrimination. Read More...

Improving lives of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Bangladesh through sexual and reproductive healthcare integrated with gender-based violence prevention, response violence prevention and response

The intended impact of the project is improved living conditions for women and girls in Rohingya refugee camps and host communities in Cox’s Bazar.
Outcome Statement: Improved sexual and reproductive health, GBV survivor support and protection from GBV of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Cox´s Bazar Bangladesh.
Purpose of the Study: This endline study has established endline values for the following project outcome indicators. This assessment has provided a comparison of baseline value and endline value of the indicators. A set of recommendations has been provided through the assessment report on project interventions. Read More...


Se desarrolló un proceso de evaluación sobre el Proyecto denominado: “Expansión de la Respuesta Nacional al VIH en Poblaciones Clave y Vulnerables de Ámbitos Urbanos y Amazónicos del Perú”, cuyo objetivo fue contribuir a la reducción de nuevos casos de infección por VIH en poblaciones clave y vulnerables en el Perú, y que fue iniciado en junio del 2019 bajo la administración de CARE Perú, con recursos financiados por el Fondo Mundial de lucha contra el SIDA, la Tuberculosis y la Malaria Read More...

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