
Endline umugore arumvwa – a woman is listened to

This 88 page report highlights findings from the EU-funded CARE Rwanda project focusing on gender ba... Read More...

Women’s Empowerment Project Rwanda

Endline evaluation of the CARE Norway supported women’s empowerment programme in Rwanda. Read More...

Keeping Girls At School Program Impact Evaluation rwanda edoag care final report

The Keeping Girls At School (KGAS) program is an initiative of CARE Rwanda aimed at reducing the number of girls who drop out of secondary school and increasing the share of girls that transit from lower to upper secondary education. CARE Rwanda and its implementing partners worked in 30 schools, across three districts in the Southern Province. The KGAS initiative has three main channels through which it aims to reduce dropout rates among adolescent girls: i) Providing mentorship opportunities for girls within the context of Girls Clubs; ii) Engaging girls in voluntary savings and loans (VSL) and income-generating activities; and iii) Establishing a Community Score Card (CSC) system that allows girls to comment on and influence institutions affecting their education
experience. [This 86 page document highlights the results of the KGAS program] Read More...

Great Lakes Advocacy Group Project

Report of learning review into Great Lakes Advocacy Group Project. Read More...

Farmers of the Future Initiative Midterm Review

objective is to ensure the adoption of sustainable modern methods applied into Natural Resources Man... Read More...

Communities Responding to HIV/AIDS Epidemics (CORE)

The major focus area for the project is to raise general awareness on HIV, implement community based... Read More...

Rwa – ecocomf – midterm – fy 06

Le but final du projet est d’apporter un soutien institutionnel et technique aux intergroupements à ... Read More...

Nkundabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support (NIPS) Presentation of Final Report


CARE Rwanda’s Case Management Program Evaluation Report

The CM model aims to holistically address the complex and numerous needs of PLWHA with a specific fo... Read More...

Evaluation à mi-parcours du projet ECOCOMF

Le but final du projet est d’apporter un soutien institutionnel et technique aux intergroupements à ... Read More...

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