
Multi-sectoral and integrated humanitarian assistance for the conflict displaced and most vulnerable populations Sudan

This baseline survey was conducted for the USAID/BHA funded project “Multi-sectoral and integrated humanitarian assistance for the conflict displaced and most vulnerable populations in South and East Darfur” implemented by CARE International in Sudan. The baseline was designed to collect data in selected communities in southern and eastern Darfur State to assess the situation before the start of the project and determine baseline values for project indicators. The baseline used multiple methods for data collection, including desk review of project documents, individual interviews with household leaders using a structured questionnaire, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with representatives of different groups in the communities, Key Informant Interviews (KII) with the respective institutions.

When asked how much water they collect per day for all uses, it was discovered that households collect a mean of 5.6 Jeri Can per day (1 Jerrican=20 liters) which gives 17 litters/day/person from all sources including unsafe ones, keeping in mind that this water is collected from all sources including unsafe ones and for all types of uses.

Access to latrine: From the total surveyed families, 39% do not have access to latrines (48.3% M, 31.9% F). Lack of access to latrines is common in SD, with the majority of HH (55.9%) without access compared to ED (21.4%). And from the total families;23.3% of the HH surveyed acknowledged that their family members usually practice open defecation (26.4%M, 20.8%F), 23.5% use community latrines, and 3.8% share latrines with their neighbors. 51.8% of those who have latrines are inaccessible to people with disabilities (61.5%M, 44.2%F).

Feed the Future Ethiopia Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) Learning Activity

This report presents the baseline resilience analysis of the USAID Feed the Future (FTF) Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) activity in Ethiopia. The overarching goal of L4R is to increase economic growth and resilience in Ethiopia by enhancing livelihood opportunities for chronically food-insecure households in targeted woredas. The objective of this report is to provide insight into the extent to which L4R activities improve key household resilience outcomes and strengthen the resilience capacities of food-insecure and vulnerable households in the project areas. The impact evaluation (IE) baseline study provides estimates against which to monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of L4R activities during implementation and after the activity is completed. Given that the ending of the IE will occur one year after the L4R activities have ended, the final results will also be able to measure the sustainability of the project’s impact.

The L4R impact evaluation seeks to answer eight research questions. This baseline study gathers data that answers some of the research questions now; other questions will be addressed in subsequent recurrent monitoring surveys and the endline report. Read More...

Línea de base del programa de intervención en movilidad humana del eje programático de gestión de riesgos y respuesta a emergencias

El Eje Programático de Gestión de Riesgos y Respuesta a Emergencias, está implementando, desde el 2018, proyectos orientados a la atención de las necesidades humanitarias de población refugiada y migrante, -especialmente venezolana- que está en territorio nacional, alineándose a una estrategia de implementación coordinada y articulada dentro de un Programa de intervención e implementación conjunta, dado que existen acciones complementarias y contribuyentes entre ellas. Por tal motivo, se ha determinado la realización de una línea de base que permita el abordaje integral y lectura del estado situacional de los indicadores al inicio de la intervención desde las diferentes aristas que los afectan. Read More...

Provision of lifesaving and sustainable WASH services for Vulnerable Populations in South Darfur and South Kordofan states, and emergency WASH services to Tigray refugees in Gedarif State Baseline

This baseline survey was conducted internally by CARE staff, led by the MEAL coordinator. The main objective is to collect information on the project's indicators and to provide baseline data generated for the intervention areas in South Darfur and South Kordofan States. The baseline data was collected in SD using both quantitative and qualitative methods. In SK, the project used endline data from the recently ended ECHO project as a baseline, as that dataset covers the same areas and same indicators. The data collection and consultation involved 253 individuals (118 females, 135 males). 123 people were consulted in SD (34 females, 89 males) while 130 were consulted in SK (84 females, 46 males).
All consulted households have no water inside houses, and they have to go to collect water from external sources. The distance to water sources varies between communities, and takes considerable time they spend fetching water. Most of households confirmed they collect more than 5 Jerri Cans of water per day, but this is not available all year. This water is not only for human consumption and use; they use it also for animal consumption and irrigating trees.
There are many problems in water sources affecting participants' access to safe water. The top rated problems are the high cost of water, continuous breakdown of water points, congested water sources, and far distance to the sources.

Gender-sensitive WASH, Health/SRHR, and Nutrition support to vulnerable communities in East Darfur and South Darfur Project

This baseline study is carried out for the project "The Gender-sensitive WASH, Health/SRHR, and Nutrition support to vulnerable communities in East Darfur and South Darfur Project." The project builds on CARE learning over many years in the region, responds to the global overviews and the donor GAC interest in saving the lives of conflict affected communities, by providing urgent humanitarian assistance to 144,173 persons including females, males, girls and boys, from the host, IDPs and refugees’ communities, located in 7 localities in ED and 2 localities in SD. The key live saving activities delivery is designed with a gender sensitive perspective focusing on the health and nutrition needs of pregnant and lactating women and girls of reproductive age and children under 5. The project activities include; WASH, Health and nutrition interventions. Read More...

Enhancing resilience through improved food security, disaster risk reduction and peaceful co-existence In South and East Darfur

This base line survey was conducted for the project “Enhancing resilience through improved food security, disaster risk reduction and peaceful co-existence in South and East Darfur.” The baseline was designed to collect data in the targeted communities in South and East Darfur State to assess the situation before the start of the project and determine the benchmarks for the designed project indicators. The baseline used mixed methods for data collection, including: desk review of project documents, individual interviews with household leaders using structured questionaires, FGDs with representatives from different groups in the communities, KIIs with institutional representatives.
The targeted areas in East and South Darfur are suffering from acute and chronic malnutrition. It is widespread and poses a significant public health problem, caused by acute food insecurity, unstable livelihoods, limited health services, poor hygiene practices and the lack of access to adequate safe drinking water and sanitation practices.
Women and children travel far distance to fetch water. During the rainy season, people may get poor quality water, which negatively affects their health. The government institutions have very poor capacity and lack the required logistics to provide good and sustainable water supply.
Women and girls are vulnerable to GBV, especially when they go far distances seeking different services such as water collection, firewood, farming, marketing and markets.
Women also face a very high burden, as they are responsible and participating in all household chores such as childcare, farming, fetching water, and transporting products to markets. This negatively affects children's nutrition and hygiene practices and exacerbates malnutrition. On other hand they have a limited access to resources and income-generating activities, and do not share any responsibilities in community structure, where men alone control and have access of most resources and have more decision-making power than women.
847,126 people in South Darfur and 124,351 in East Darfur are in IPC Phase 3 or higher and unable to meet their immediate needs. Kass and East Jebel Mara in South Darfur have the highest number of people experiencing acute food insecurity at 25% and 35% respectively, which need urgent intervention to contribute in reduction of acute food insecurity caused by currency devaluation, inflation, and local conflict is hitting both states.

Step up to Empower Women and End Violence (SEEV) Baseline Survey

South Kordofan’s localities of Rashad and Abujubeiha have been affected by the instability created by the conflict between the Government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement- North (SPLM-N). The population of those localities have been significantly affected by the humanitarian crises that resulted from this conflict. However, amongst different segments of the communities, women are the most affected by the humanitarian crisis as many of family responsibilities are placed on them. Indeed, the challenges that women face increase as they often find themselves heading households because men family members migrate to other parts in Sudan looking for jobs and income opportunities.
CARE international Switzerland (CIS) is implementing a two-year project funded by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Step up to Empower Women and End Violence (SEEV). The project works in partnership with different stakeholders at the local and federal level. The principal objective of the project is “to empower women and girls living in Abujubeiha and Rashad localities, South Kordofan state, to achieve a good quality of life and a life free from violence”. This is planned to be achieve through promoting women engagement in decision-making forums; women economic empowerment; and enabling environment for women and girls. Read More...

Barrier Analysis Study to understand the socio-economic and technical factors affecting water yards’ sustainability in Asalaya and Bahar Alarab localities, East Darfur State

Achieving sustainable operation, maintenance and management of water supply still poses major challenges in rural areas of East Darfur State, despite the progress achieved in terms of the construction of new facilities and/or rehabilitation of non-functional ones. The main objective of this study is to identify the socio-economic and technical barriers to sustain the operation and maintenance of the water yards in Bahar Al Arab and Asalaya localities. The findings will be used to design the approaches to problems of water yards’ operation and maintenance in ED. The study investigated the technical, socio-economic/cultural factors, water tariffs and policy factors influencing sustainability of water supply for rural communities in the pilot localities. Different tools and techniques were applied to collect quantitative and qualitative data from a sample size of 1400 HHs served by 28 boreholes, 5 focus group discussions with water management committees and users, 18 community meetings and 33 questionnaires targeting key informants. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS version 25.
The study findings show that there is a relationship between sustainable OM&M of water supply facilities and the technical, socio-economic, socio-cultural factors and water tariffs. The study has proved that the frequent breakdown of water facilities is largely because of poor maintenance culture. Another barrier is inadequate funds for O&M due to the way water tariff was set, collected and utilized. There was lack of involvement and participation of users in all process of water supply, which resulted in a lack of ownership and no role for users to support OM&M. Despite the fact that users are not involved in setting water tariffs, the study shows high level of users’ willing to pay for any service improvement. Technical factors were found to be limited due to lack of repairing tools like crane and inadequate technical capacity of the SWC maintenance teams at the locality level to deal with various aspects of water supply. Read More...

Baseline Report of the Titukulane Resilience Food Security Activity in Malawi

While Malawi is moving up on the Human Development Index, in 2017 it is still classified as a low human development country (171 of 189). Despite decades of robust government and donor investments in livelihoods, food security, nutrition, and resilience, over 50% of the population lives below the poverty line. Previous activities have not sufficiently reduced the number of chronically food and nutrition-insecure households nor effectively enhanced the capacity of local and government structures to implement resilience focused policies and actions. To address these issues, the Government of Malawi has developed a National Resilience Strategy (NRS) to guide investments in agriculture, reduce impacts and improve recovery from shocks, promote household resilience, strengthen the management of Malawi’s natural resources, and facilitate effective coordination between government institutions, civil society organizations and development partners. CARE and consortium partners have designed the Titukulane Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) which means “let us work together for development” in the local Chichewa language—to support implementation and ensure the effectiveness of the NRS. The Titukulane RFSA, implemented by CARE International in Malawi (CIM), aims to achieve sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and nutrition security for ultra-poor and chronically vulnerable households. Titukulane is implemented in Zomba and Mangochi districts of Malawi’s Southern Region. Read More...


Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet ESPOIR pour l’Appui à l’initiation à l’entreprenariat et à la structuration des apprenantes des Centres d’Autonomisation des Femmes de Kaloum-Cameroun-Mamou exécuté par CARE et financé par l’Agence Belge de Développement-ENABEL et sera exécuté en partenariat avec AID, et la DGCAEF. S’il est évident que les résultats de l’étude serviront à mesurer l’impact du projet, il convient de rappeler que l’objectif de cette étude est de recueillir dans la zone du projet, des données fiables permettant de déterminer la situation de référence dans les communautés ciblées au démarrage du projet ESPOIR afin de pouvoir apprécier les changements produits au terme de sa mise en œuvre contractuelle.

Les apprenantes bénéficiaires directes des CAEF et leurs chefs de ménages, les populations (hommes et femmes) bénéficiaires indirects et les partenaires de mise en œuvre ont constitués les principales cibles de l’étude qui a été réalisée en avril 2022. L’étude a démarré avec la conception des outils de collecte, puis a suivi la formation des agents de collecte, y compris leurs superviseurs ; ensuite la collecte à proprement dire des données quantitatives et qualitatives dans les régions de Mamou et Conakry (Kaloum et Dixinn).

En termes d’approche méthodologique, la mission tire ses constats des entretiens approfondis individuels et de ménages, et auprès de plusieurs groupes de discussion au sein des communautés ciblées (des groupes hommes et femmes dont des groupes homogènes d’adultes et des jeunes) avec les différents partenaires ; en termes d’entretiens individuels et de ménages les enquêtes ont touché 195 personnes (dont 117 apprenantes et 96 chefs/cheffes de ménages).

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