
Evaluation finale du Project Sahel COVID-19 Response in Mali dans la Region de Mopti

Le projet « Sahel COVID-19 Response in Mali » a été mis en œuvre par l’ONG CARE International au Mali pour une durée de 6 mois allant du 1er Mai au 31 Octobre 2020 dans les cercles de Mopti, Bandiagara, Bankass, Douentza et Koro, dont 5 sites de déplacés. Il a ciblé 815 ménages directement pour les activités d’assistance et des dizaines de milliers pour celles de la sensibilisation. Les secteurs de réponse du projet comprennent le WASH, la Sécurité alimentaires, l’accès aux services de santé reproductive et le Genre & Violence basée sur le genre.
Cette évaluation finale a été commanditée afin d’établir le niveau d’atteint des indicateurs du cadre logique du projet en référence à l’étude de base et de disposer des caractéristiques des marchés [69 pages]. Read More...

Emergency Response After Action Review for CARE Ghana’s Response to the 2019 Floods in Upper East Region Final Evaluation

Torrential rains in the Upper East region of Ghana occurred from the 2nd to the 15th of October 2019. The continuous rains led to flooding in all the fifteen (15) administrative districts/municipalities which resulted in the collapse of buildings, deaths and displacement of a sizeable percentage of the population . The most affected districts were; Builsa North, Kassena Nankana Municipal, Bongo, Kassena Nankana West, Builsa South, Tempane and Talensi .
CARE International in Ghana, collaborated with government agencies namely National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Ghana Health Service (GHS) and Information Service Department in the region to respond to the emergency. Key interventions implemented as part of the emergency response were the distribution of food and non-food relief items, cash disbursements, Covid-19 risk communication to victims in four worst affected districts. The districts are; Bongo, Talensi Builsa North and Kassena Nankana Municipal. The relief items included; rice, oil, gari, sugar, Winimix, maize, beans, fish aqua tabs, sanitary pads, buckets bar soap and cloth. Additionally, cash to the tune of GHC 814.00 per flood affected household was disbursed through mobile money system and physical distribution to a total of 700 flood victims across the four districts in three tranches. The cash transfers were meant to enable beneficiaries rebuild after the disaster [12 pages]. Read More...

Ghana Strengthening Social Accountability Mechanism (GSAM) final

USAID/Ghana contracted Social Impact, Inc. to conduct an impact evaluation of USAID’s Ghana Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) program, which aims to increase accountability of local District Assemblies in Ghana. This randomized-controlled trial, impact evaluation tests the effect of two distinct efforts to increase accountability and improve service delivery outcomes at the district level. One-hundred and fifty of Ghana’s districts were matched and randomized into one of three groups: a top-down treatment group that received performance audits conducted by the central government Ghana Audit Service (GAS); a bottom-up treatment group that received civil-society organization (CSO) led scorecard campaigns; and a control group that did not receive either intervention.
Through surveys with citizens, local administrators, and local politicians and through a review of administrative data, we find that both CSO and GAS programming generally reduce citizen satisfaction with projects and services, but this is largely driven by districts that receive negative audit reports. That citizens are correctly attributing bad audit performance to poor-performing DAs is encouraging from the point of view of accountability. This progress with citizens has not, however, translated into many substantial changes in how administrators or politicians manage projects or project budgets. Neither GAS nor CSO programming improve transparency or corruption. GAS programming does reduce the incidence of partisan manipulation of public resources by politicians, and it also increases the perception of partisan manipulation among administrators. This is consistent with GAS sensitizing administrators to partisan manipulation and reducing its actual incidence among DA politicians.
CSO programming increases citizen-reported consultation on recent development, and administrators in CSO districts spend, on average, three hours more responding to constituents. Reasons that the intervention did not have a stronger impact on district officials includes (1) natural limits to the number of citizens reached by the intervention, (2) limited district government capacity and frequent turnover, and (3) local government dependence on federal budget transfers. Read More...


The “Education and Protection for Syrians in Jordan'' project has been implemented through CARE International in Jordan and funded by ADA. This project is designed to address the needs of vulnerable Syrians and Jordanian citizens, and targeted four urban areas of Jordan, including Amman, Irbid, Mafraq, and Zarqa. The first objective provided conditional cash for the protection and education of vulnerable youth who are at risk of dropping out or have already dropped out of school due to either working or due to the risk of early/child marriage and, therefore, not attending school. The second objective focused on providing vulnerable families with case-management support, following which referrals were made in order to connect these beneficiaries with both internal and/or external services. In addition, interventions included peer-to-peer support group activities, as well as one-day Psychosocial sessions (PS) implemented at CARE community centers that were focused on recreational, educational, and empowerment activities. The third objective provided small business development training and grants to entrepreneurs hoping to establish or expand their businesses. [19 pages]. Read More...

Kinder und Jugendliche Willkommen KIWI Project III Wirkungsbericht 2020

The KIWI project has been in existence since the beginning of 2016. The pilot phase in North Rhine-Westphalia (January to September 2016) was financed entirely by donations from the alliance Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Funding from the Deutsche Bank Foundation, the RTL Foundation "We Help Children" and the UN Refugee Aid enabled us to expand the program nationwide. Subsequently, we were able to consolidate and further expand KIWI nationwide through funding from the EU's AMIF programme and again from the Deutsche Bank Foundation. The promotion of school projects for the design of diversity and encounters and the awarding of the KIWI prize are part of an accompanying project financed by the Deutsche Bank Foundation. This first impact report according to the Social Reporting Standard includes the results of the third project phase as well as the accompanying project. We also report on the development process of KIWI as a "learning" project. Further funding from the RTL foundation "We help children" gave us the opportunity to transfer the KIWI approach to primary education as part of the KIWI kids pilot project (September 2018 – February 2020). This publication also provides a brief overview of the main results of this pilot phase.

Das KIWI-Projekt existiert seit Anfang 2016. Die Pilotphase in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Januar bis September 2016) wurde vollständig aus Spenden des Bündnisses Aktion Deutschland Hilft finanziert. Eine Förderung durch die Deutsche Bank Stiftung, der Stiftung RTL „Wir helfen Kindern“ sowie der UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe ermöglichte uns die bundesweite Ausdehnung des Programms. Im Anschluss konnten wir durch eine Förderung aus dem AMIF-Programm der EU und wiederum der Deutsche Bank Stiftung KIWI bundesweit konsolidieren und weiter ausbauen. Die Förderung von Schulprojekten zur Gestaltung von Vielfalt und Begegnung und die Verleihung des KIWI-Preises sind Bestandteil eines durch die Deutsche Bank Stiftung finanzierten Begleitprojektes. Dieser erste Wirkungsbericht nach Social Reporting Standard umfasst Ergebnisse der dritten Projektphase sowie des Begleitprojektes. Außerdem berichten wir über den Entstehungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von KIWI als „lernendes“ Projekt. Eine weitere Förderung durch die Stiftung RTL „Wir helfen Kindern“ gab uns die Chance, den KIWI-Ansatz im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts KIWI kids (September 2018 – Februar 2020) auf den Primarschulbereich zu übertragen. Diese Publikation enthält auch einen Kurzüberblick über die wesentlichen Ergebnisse dieser Pilotphase. [64 pages]


Strengthening Access to Emergency Primary Health and Protection Services for Most- affected Vulnerable Returnees and Host Families in Ninewa Governorate, Zummar sub-district

With the objective of Increasing access to quality and equitable health care and protection services for vulnerable women, men, boys and girls conflict-affected populations in Zummar primary health care centre (PHCC), underserved and epidemic-prone communities and improving civic participation of local residents, CARE’s interventions targeted highly prioritized areas of Zummar surrounded villages and Zummar PHCC in need of rehabilitation as well as continuing to provide a variety of essential medicine and laboratory supplies for NCD treatment. The SRMH service package included medication (such as oxytocin ampoule, methergine vaginal tablet and suppositories) and medical consumables including suture materials, sterile and non-sterile gauze, gloves to meet needs of patients visiting Zummar PHCC through close collaboration with the Ninawa Directorate of Health (DoH) as the local authorities are currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs to enable affected populations to return home. The project also distributed dignity kits packages to GBV survivors, mainly, vulnerable women and adolescent girls based on pre identified criteria and continued to avail safe space for women and children. The provision of safe space allowed the female patients to concentrate on their medical consultations with the doctors at the PHCC and meaningfully participate in awareness sessions delivered by CARE at the free space within the PHCC without worrying about the safety of their children.
The endline evaluation seeks to analyze the endline values for key SRMH and protection indicators as stated in the project documents in the targeted areas and to assess, impact and effectiveness of programming to successfully track accomplishments of the project, relevance and sustainability of the project after the implementation through the usage of quantitative and qualitative data. The evaluation also looked into areas of success as well as challenges faced implementing activities in Zummar sub-district. [28 pages]. Read More...

Building Sustainable Livelihoods for Refugees and the Poor, especially Women

The project “Building Sustainable Livelihoods for Refugees and the Poor, especially Women” is a sixteen-month’s project that was implemented by CARE Jordan between April 2019 and July 2020 and funded by Rotary International. The project focused on building the capacity of 175 Jordanian and Syrians entrepreneurs in order to create and accelerate local businesses through conducting small business building and mentoring sessions and distributing toolkits.
The project was implemented in East Amman area which is classified as one of the less fortunate areas in Jordan.
The overall goal of this project was building the capacity of entrepreneurs, community leaders, local organizations, and community networks to support economic development in impoverished communities; developing opportunities for productive work; and reducing poverty in underserved communities. [53 pages]

Informed to Influence: Increasing ethnic minority women’s access to information for improved governance and development

“Informed to influence: Increasing ethnic minority women’s access to information for improved governance and development” in Vietnam which supported a Network of Civil Society Organisations to represent the interests of ethnic minorities in Northern Vietnam, strengthened the voice of ethnic minority women through livelihood and rights clubs and contributed to the implementation of the Law on access to information. Read More...

REDUCIENDO LA VULNERABILIDAD DE LOS MIGRANTES/REFUGIADOS VENEZOLANOS EN PERÚ Informe de sistematización del componente de transferencias monetarias no condicionadas

El proyecto "Reduciendo la Vulnerabilidad de los Migrantes Venezolanos / Refugiados en Perú" se basó en la experiencia exitosa del proyecto piloto Start Fund, que World Vision y Care Perú implementaron previamente, en el cual proporcionaron transferencias de dinero en efectivo no condicionado y multipropósito, para más de 1,125 familias en Tumbes, entregando tarjetas de débito. Con el proyecto se desarrolló una aplicación móvil innovador para inscribir y rastrear a los beneficiarios venezolanos en tránsito que a su vez facilitó la recarga remota de las tarjetas de débito. El proyecto tuvo un gran éxito en la provisión de efectivo a los migrantes con el fin de satisfacer sus necesidades más urgentes, logrando un índice de satisfacción de más del 95% de los beneficiarios.
El proyecto "Reduciendo la Vulnerabilidad de los Migrantes Venezolanos / Refugiados en Perú" desarrolló una estrategia de transferencias de dinero no condicionado con el fin de apoyar a los migrantes en condición de vulnerabilidad y desprotección, el cual funcionó como un mecanismo ágil y eficiente para la gestión de la crisis humanitaria en los migrantes. Siendo el componente de transferencias en efectivo es innovador, Care Perú decidió que se sistematizara la experiencia con el fin de compartirlo con los diseñadores de políticas públicas de protección social y con el Subgrupo en transferencia de efectivo (CBI por sus siglas en inglés) del Grupo de Trabajo para Personas Refugiadas y Migrantes (GTRM) de Perú. Read More...


CARE Perú viene ejecutando desde setiembre del 2019 el Proyecto Alma Llanera (el Proyecto) en las regiones de Lima, Callao, La Libertad, Piura y Tumbes con el objetivo general de mejorar la autosuficiencia y la integración de los/as refugiados/as y migrantes venezolanos/as vulnerables en Perú a través de un mayor acceso a los servicios de protección, salud mental y apoyo a medios de vida.
El objetivo general de la investigación ha sido medir el nivel de satisfacción de la población atendida por el Proyecto ante los niveles de seguridad en y alrededor del lugar donde habitan, así como con los servicios de protección, salud mental y apoyo psicosocial que ellos/as o sus familias reciben del Proyecto y/o del Estado. 98 pages. Read More...

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