
POWER Africa Midline – Effects of Linkage (Rwanda Cote d’Ivoire) Report Oct 2017

This report contains an midline analysis of CARE’s POWER/PROFIR (Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment) project on the financial health of village savings and loans groups in Cote d’Ivoire and Rwanda. The project is a collaboration between CARE Canada, Access Africa, and MasterCard Foundation. POWER Africa /PROFIR is based on the VSLA approach as a means to provide access to valuable financial services and build a pathway towards formal financial inclusion for poor households in rural areas. The key measures of the effects of linkage that are assess in this study are (1) Standardized return on savings (ROS), (2) Standardized return on assets (ROA), (3) Savings per member, (4) bank balances, (5) bank account usage, and (6) Adoption of individual bank accounts. These indicators measure the outcomes of the project along key dimensions of POWER Africa/PROFIR’s objectives of building financial capacity for all clients and decreasing gender gaps in access to and control of financial skills, assets, and services. We also look at how group characteristics, like the proportion of women members, attendance, access to credit, and Read More...

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Midterm Evaluation Reports

Every Voice Counts (EVC) in a multi-country program being implemented in sic countries by CARE Netherlands in partnership with The Hague Academy for Local Governance, CARE Country Offices, and local Civil Society Organizations, and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the auspices of strategic partnership "Dialogue and Dissent." [94 pages] Read More...

The Win-Win for Gender, Agriculture and Nutrition Project Midline Assessment

Results of the midline assessment report for The Win-Win for Gender, Agriculture and Nutrition Project. [18 pages] Read More...

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Programme Inclusive Governance in Fragile Settings Midterm Report Burundi

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Programme aims to contribute to inclusive and effective governance processes in fragile settings since 1st of January 2016 to 31st December 2020. The programme is implemented by Care Netherlands (CNL), CARE Country Offices (COs) and local partners in Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Rwanda and Burundi. In Burundi, this program is implemented in 3 provinces (Gitega, Muyinga, Kirundo) in 8 communes and 80 collines. This document provides the results of the mid-term review conducted in July 2018 in Burundi. [124 pages] Read More...

BECOMES Midterm Review Report

At the mid-point of BECOMES there is evidence the project has enhanced the capacity of smallholder cocoa farmers, strengthened collective farming practices and made a solid start on building the capacity of community coops and business groups. BECOMES’ successful Model Farming Families (MFF) strategy and Farmer Business Management Training (FBMT) have enhanced the capacity of local farmers to contribute to improved cocoa farming practices and increased gender equity within smallholder households. Changes towards more gender equitable social practices in individuals and groups, entrepreneurial capacity building and improved access to value chain opportunities have led to greater involvement of women and young farmers in cocoa production and more equity in the economic benefits. This win-win situation has been widely recognized by smallholders and industry stakeholders. Read More...

POWER Africa Midterm Evaluation

A reflective, formative Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Rural Africa (POWER)/Promoting Opportunities for Financial Inclusion project in Rwanda (PROFIR) Program, commissioned by CARE Canada and the MasterCard Foundation (MCF), was implemented over a period of six months, from January to June 2016. The central objective of this evaluation was to “comprehensively and systematically summarize strategic learning and results that POWER has generated thus far in order to facilitate reflection on program achievements and challenges”. [154 pages] Read More...

Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) Midterm Review

To improve the voice and accountability in sub-national democratic development, public service delivery and functions of the Cambodian sub-National Government, the Strategic Framework for Social Accountability (SAF) and a three year plan for the Implementation of the Strategic Framework (I-SAF) in 2015-2017, were designed through a highly consultative process between development partners, civil society and the Secretariat of the National Committee for sub-National Democratic Development (NCDDS). The I-SAF plan was endorsed in a joint meeting of the government and civil society in June 2013 and the SAF was approved by the Royal Government of Cambodia on the 11th of July 2013.The SAF and the I-SAF have been fully incorporated into the Second Implementation Plan (IP3-II) of the National Program for sub-National Democratic Development (NP-SNDD).


Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace in Kayah State: Mid-Term Review

Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) was commissioned by Care Myanmar to carry out a midterm review (MTR) of its Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace (SNAP) in Kayah State. CARE’s project goal is to enable non-state actors, particularly the Karenni State Women’s Network (KSWN), to support women’s organizations and grassroots members in representing their constituents’ interests in governmental and peace processes. The overall objective of the MTR is to assess the project’s progress in achieving its objectives and outcomes, in addition to facilitating a process to increase the capacity of key stakeholders in all steps of the learning cycle. More specifically, the MTR assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the project in making progress towards achieving areas of impact, and assesses the likely achievement of expected results and specific objectives as specified within CARE’s logical framework. [23 pages] Read More...

Programm Approche Communale Pour La Marche Agricole (ACMA) Rapport d’évaluation à mi-parcours

Le programme « Approche Communale pour le Marché Agricole au Bénin » (ACMA) est mis en œuvre par un consortium composé de l’International Fertilizer Development Center, l’Institut Royal des Tropiques, CARE International, Sahel Capital Partners & Advisory Ltd, et Benin Consulting Group International. Le programme est financé par l’Ambassade des pays Bas et le consortium est dirigé par l’IFDC. Il est prévu pour une durée de 4 ans à partir de Novembre 2013. Il intervient dans trois départements, l’Ouémé, le Plateau et le Zou qui comptent 22 communes.

L’approche communale est un élément central dans la stratégie d’intervention pour le développement des marchés des produits agricoles. Elle prend en compte une dynamique multi-acteurs dans laquelle le dialogue secteur public-secteur privé joue un rôle privilégié. L’objectif principal du programme est « l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et l’accroissement des revenus agricoles des acteurs directs ».

‘Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) Project in Sierra Leone’ Midterm Report

The Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) project is funded by the German Development Cooperation (KfW) as a direct response to the Ebola outbreak, for the period 1 November 2015 to 31 May 2017. ECRHS reaches 400 communities in the four northern districts of Bombali (100), Tonkilili (110), Kambia (90) and Koinadugu (100), where the Ebola outbreak was prominent. ECRHS also reaches 233 Peripheral Health Units (PHU) located in these districts. [46 pages] Read More...

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