
Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace in Kayah State: Mid-Term Review

Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) was commissioned by Care Myanmar to carry out a midterm review (MTR) of its Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace (SNAP) in Kayah State. CARE’s project goal is to enable non-state actors, particularly the Karenni State Women’s Network (KSWN), to support women’s organizations and grassroots members in representing their constituents’ interests in governmental and peace processes. The overall objective of the MTR is to assess the project’s progress in achieving its objectives and outcomes, in addition to facilitating a process to increase the capacity of key stakeholders in all steps of the learning cycle. More specifically, the MTR assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the project in making progress towards achieving areas of impact, and assesses the likely achievement of expected results and specific objectives as specified within CARE’s logical framework. [23 pages] Read More...

Programm Approche Communale Pour La Marche Agricole (ACMA) Rapport d’évaluation à mi-parcours

Le programme « Approche Communale pour le Marché Agricole au Bénin » (ACMA) est mis en œuvre par un consortium composé de l’International Fertilizer Development Center, l’Institut Royal des Tropiques, CARE International, Sahel Capital Partners & Advisory Ltd, et Benin Consulting Group International. Le programme est financé par l’Ambassade des pays Bas et le consortium est dirigé par l’IFDC. Il est prévu pour une durée de 4 ans à partir de Novembre 2013. Il intervient dans trois départements, l’Ouémé, le Plateau et le Zou qui comptent 22 communes.

L’approche communale est un élément central dans la stratégie d’intervention pour le développement des marchés des produits agricoles. Elle prend en compte une dynamique multi-acteurs dans laquelle le dialogue secteur public-secteur privé joue un rôle privilégié. L’objectif principal du programme est « l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et l’accroissement des revenus agricoles des acteurs directs ».

‘Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) Project in Sierra Leone’ Midterm Report

The Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) project is funded by the German Development Cooperation (KfW) as a direct response to the Ebola outbreak, for the period 1 November 2015 to 31 May 2017. ECRHS reaches 400 communities in the four northern districts of Bombali (100), Tonkilili (110), Kambia (90) and Koinadugu (100), where the Ebola outbreak was prominent. ECRHS also reaches 233 Peripheral Health Units (PHU) located in these districts. [46 pages] Read More...

USAID/Zambia: Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing (PRISM) Program Mid-term Evaluation

The objectives of USAID/Zambia: Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing (PRISM) Program mid- term evaluation were three-fold: a) to evaluate progress towards intended results made by PRISM towards intended results and describe the context and other possible factors also contributing to the observed changes; b) to determine the effectiveness of the activities, techniques, and processes deployed by PRISM to achieve the intended results within the five-year performance period and recommend modifications to project activities or priorities to address implementation issues, apply lessons learned, or capitalize on new opportunities; and c) to determine the sustainability of gains made through PRISM beyond the life of the program and recommend techniques and/or processes that would further ensure sustainability. A thorough evaluation of the PRISM program was conducted to assess progress towards results; appropriateness and effectiveness; PRISM responsiveness to Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) strategies and protocols; and sustainability. [91 pages] Read More...

Mali Nutrition and WaSH Programs Mid-term Performance

The aim of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness of IRP’s integrated nutrition strategy of combining nutrition, agriculture and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and of children younger than 2 years. USAID/Mali will use the findings of this evaluation to inform the implementation of the current integrated strategy and the development of future projects. USAID/Mali will further share the report with the Government of Mali (GOM) and development partners who may use it to inform their nutrition- related strategies. Read More...

USAID- Nutrition et Hygiène Mi-Parcours

Dans le cadre de l’évaluation à mi-parcours des interventions du Projet USAID/Nutrition et Hygiène, qui couvre 8 districts sanitaires1 des régions de Mopti, Ségou et Koulikoro, une enquête quantitative a été réalisée en 2016. Elle avait pour objectif d’évaluer les tendances d’évolution des indicateurs et les résultats obtenus à mi-parcours dans les principaux domaines d'intervention du projet (Nutrition, Assainissement, Eau et Hygiène). [67 pages] Read More...

Resume Executif RAN-AINA mi-parcours

Resume executive de l'evaluation a mi-parcours de RAN-AINA. Document complet disponible ici: http://careevaluations.org/evaluation/rapport-devaluation-a-mi-parcours-du-projet-ran-aina/

Le projet RAN-AINA arrive à mi- terme aussi il est nécessaire d’évaluer les progrès réalisés dans l’atteinte des résultats prévus et la manière dont les activités ont été réalisées, en vue d’en tirer des leçons pour améliorer les interventions au cours de la seconde moitié de la vie du Programme. L’évaluation apprécie la pertinence, l’efficacité, l’efficience, les effets des interventions, et surtout la durabilité des résultats au niveau des communautés. Read More...

Fanamby mi-parcours

L’objectif global de ce projet est de répondre aux besoins de la population, plus précisément des enfants avec une attention particulière accordée aux filles et à la réduction des risques de catastrophe. Ainsi, 17 000 enfants (dont 50% de filles) du district de VATOMANDRY, âgés de 5 à 15 ans, devront bénéficier d’une part, d’une éducation primaire de qualité et d’autre part, de conditions d’apprentissage améliorées d’ici la fin du projet. Les impacts seront évalués grâce aux indicateurs suivants : un taux d’admission moyen de 75% atteint par niveau, un taux d’abandon ne dépassant pas les 5% chez les filles et les garçons à la fin de chaque année scolaire, un taux d’inscription supérieur à 85% pour les enfants de 5 à 15 ans, un taux de présence de 75% des élèves au cours des périodes de soudure, une augmentation de 7% du taux de maintien des filles à l’école et une augmentation de 10% du budget alloué à l’éducation par les foyers. Read More...

Sabal Midterm Evaluation Report

The goal of the Sabal project is to increase the resilience and food security of targeted vulnerable populations in Nepal. The project, funded by USAID's Food For Peace from 2014-19, commenced in 2014 and is scheduled to end 2019. CARE is one of 7 technical partners and 17 local NGO implementing partners. Save the Children is the overall program leader and primarily responsible for implementation.

The project has three primary “purposes”: 1) livelihoods, 2) health and nutrition, and 3) disaster risk reduction/climate change adaptation (DRR/CCA), as well as a cross-cutting component for gender and social inclusion. Under each design element are sub-purposes and accompanying activities that are meant to achieve sub-purpose goals but also to contribute to cross-purpose outcomes, as part of the desired integration strategy. (123 page evaluation) Read More...

SHOUHARDO III Midterm Methodology report

This Volume II of the report for the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program implemented by CARE and local partners in Bangladesh summarizes the methodology that was used to conduct the MTE over the period from late October 2017 through mid-June 2018. This resource document is being provided as a separate document from the MTE Summary Report (Volume I) [also available on this site] which summarizes the priority recommendations that emerged from the MTE Process. (148 pages) Read More...

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