WOMEN LEAD IN EMERGENCIES Global Learning Evaluation Report

CARE’s Women Lead in Emergencies (Women Lead) model has been developed to operationalise CARE’s commitment to women’s leadership as one of our four focal areas for Gender in Emergencies.1 Women Lead supports women within communities at the frontline of conflict, natural and climate-related hazards, pandemics and other crises to claim their right to a say over the issues that affect them, and to participate in emergency preparedness, response and recovery.
The Women Lead model looks to address fundamental gaps in humanitarian response that result in the exclusion of women from meaningful participation and leadership in the decisions that affect their lives.

Since 2018, CARE has piloted Women Lead in 15 locations in Colombia, Mali, Niger, the Philippines, Tonga and Uganda. In 2020, Women Lead worked directly with 804 women’s groups. Through piloting this approach in diverse locations and within different types of humanitarian crisis, Women Lead has sought to understand challenges, barriers and enablers regarding this kind of programming in different contexts.
Women’s confidence, knowledge and self-efficacy: The evaluation identifies considerable qualitative evidence of increases in confidence, knowledge and capacities. Participants identified the Women Lead model as being relevant to their needs and accessible to them. We can see evidence of women identifying Women Lead as an important enabler of collective action – supporting women to raise their voice, advocate for their needs and engage more effectively with stakeholders. Quantitative surveys support these findings. In Niger, 88% of Women Lead participants feel confident in their knowledge of their rights compared with 58% of non-participants. In Uganda, 58% of Women Lead participants reported ‘confidence in accessing services’ compared with 40% of non-participant women who said the same.
2. Women’s presence and meaningful participation in decision-making: The evaluation finds that Women Lead increases women’s presence, regularity of attendance, and meaningful and effective participation in decision-making community settings. In Niger, 91% of women who participated in Women Lead had attended formal community meetings and almost 60% said they had attended these meetings regularly compared with only 34% of non-Women Lead participants. This had occurred despite men in the community previously challenging women’s presence at these meetings. The Women Lead model appears to normalise women’s presence in decision-making spaces, and we see some evidence of women forming their own decision-making forums and creating opportunities for themselves to make decisions, take action or hold leaders to account. In Uganda, the South Sudanese Refugee Women’s Association has formally registered to become the first recognised women's community-based organisation in Omugo settlement. We also see the incorporation of Women Lead groups in Colombia, where groups have formally registered and started to offer services to other women.
3. Women’s informal and formal leadership: We see strong evidence of women feeling empowered to take up leadership positions within their community, both formally and informally. In Niger, women are significantly more likely to be leaders in their communities than non-participants (31% of Women Lead participants compared with 9% of non-participants). In Uganda, 22% of Women Lead participants hold leadership positions in their communities compared with 14% of non-participants. In Colombia, for which we have pre- and post-comparison data available for this indicator, before Women Lead 21% of members held leadership positions within their community. This had increased to 40% by the time of this evaluation. However, there is scope to enhance this work further and for there to be more consistent promotion of women’s leadership through work around political representation, leadership style and horizontal/inclusive decision-making processes.
September 2022 – Global Evaluation Report vii
4. Women take collective action: The Women Lead approach both helps empower women and serves to address complex barriers to their meaningful participation. Women Lead action plans are a useful tool to mobilise women for collective action to advocate for women’s needs and wants, organise peer support and solidarity activities, and improve their communities by engaging power-holders. Action has also frequently been taken to tackle the preconditions for participation and, in the action plans available for analysis, 42% of actions related to livelihood and income generation. This highlights the importance of women being free to prioritise according to their needs, to ensure they can tackle the preconditions of participation where necessary. We can also see clear qualitative evidence of women taking collective action to make change within their communities. This includes:
• Influencing humanitarian actors and local authorities to address the needs of women and the community: In Uganda, group members successfully advocated for humanitarian response actors to move the food distribution site closer.
• Advocating to address an injustice: In Niger, women had difficulty accessing maternity services owing to high costs. The Women Lead groups advocated to the district medical officer and the head of the hospital – and achieved a considerable reduction in the cost of accessing hospital services.
• Connecting and complementing community actors: In Uganda, Women Lead groups took a lead in addressing community tensions. For instance, when there were tensions around access to land and firewood, women worked with leaders from different communities to put in place agreements on the use of natural resources.
• Direct delivery and problem-solving: We see examples of women working to respond directly to the needs of their peers. In the Read More...

A Win-Win for Gender and Nutrition: Testing A Gender-Transformative Approach From Asia In Africa

Since 2016, CARE Burundi has partnered with Great Lakes Inkingi Development (GLID), RBU2000, and the University of Burundi/Agronomy department and the Africa Center for Gender, Social Research and Impact Assessment to implement and test the EKATA approach – Empowerment through Knowledge And Transformative Action – integrated into an agriculture program to test its effectiveness against a typical gender mainstreaming approach (Gender Light) and a Control (with agriculture interventions only) in a modified randomized control trial, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Win-Win project randomly assigned collines to EKATA, Gender Light and Control groups. Baseline data was collected in 2016 – Midterm was conducted in 2018, and end-line data was collected in 2020 from a random sample of 1,315 households and 1,849 individuals (1,059 female heads of household, and 790 male heads of household). Additionally, the project conducted 36 individual in-depth interviews, disaggregated by sex and age – and male- or female-headed households – at baseline, midline and end-line. This data was complimented with focus group discussions (FGDs). The evaluation looked at the impact of EKATA compared with Gender
Light and Control on several areas, including rice production (which was the main focus crop), income and wealth, gender equality and women’s empowerment. The cost-effectiveness of these approaches also was analyzed. The evaluation used the project level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (Pro-WEAI) to measure changes in gender equality and women’s empowerment. Read More...

Improving Adolescent Reproductive Health and Nutrition through Structural Solutions in West Hararghe Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia Abdiboru Project Final

The final evaluation is divided into three parts, qualitative, quantitative and triangulation final reports.
Triangulation: this project objective was to empower girls through improved reproductive health, nutrition, and education in rural West Hararghe, Ethiopia. It examines the effectiveness of two different set of interventions- a combination of structural and induvial interventions Vs structural, individual, and community level interventions against a control group. Ethiopia is one of the countries in the world characterized by high level of early marriage. In most cases, when girls marry, they move to their husband’s household and are socially isolated, work long hours, and have very little say in decisions that affect them. Keeping girls in schools is essential to their future wellbeing, and Ethiopia has made significant progress on its commitments. But in rural areas, it has been difficult to achieve high levels of secondary schooling for girls. Nutrition is deeply interconnected with reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health. Household gender dynamics often mean that girls are more food-insecure than their male counterparts. Female adolescents, those living in a household with food insecurity and high dependency ratio are more likely to suffer from household food allocation. Schooling, early marriage and nutritional status and overall girls’ empowerment are interrelated maters. They have a complex relationship one affecting the other significantly.

Addressing the issues in package is believed to bring the maximum benefit in improving the social, health and development of adolescent girls and thus empowering them in multiple dimensions. Yet programs that focus sectorally, targeting health indicators of women and girls while ignoring the broader context that radically constricts their choices, have not generated significant or sustained impact over the long term. The structural context in which girls live is the main driver of their reproductive, maternal, and nutritional health and educational opportunities. Read More...


La présente étude vise, en effet, à évaluer l'efficacité de la stratégie nutritionnelle intégrée de l'IRP combinant nutrition, agriculture, eau, assainissement et hygiène (WASH) pour améliorer l'état nutritionnel des femmes enceintes et allaitant et des enfants de moins de 2 ans.

Les principaux indicateurs du projet dans le domaine de la nutrition aussi bien chez les enfants de moins de 2 ans que les femmes en âge de procréer (réduction de la prévalence de l’émaciation, du retard de croissance, de l’émaciation, de l’anémie, amélioration du régime alimentaire minimum acceptable pour les enfants de moins de deux ans et du défit énergétique chronique, de l’anémie et amélioration du régime alimentaire minimum acceptable) ont tous favorablement évolués entre la situation de départ et la situation actuelle. Par contre, aucune valeur de l’indicateur initialement prévu n’a été atteinte par le projet. Il en est de même pour les indicateurs WASH. Cependant, la motivation des bénéficiaires pour soutenir le projet et ses acquis ont été observé. Les bénéficiaires se disent favorables à la poursuivre les activités réalisées après le retrait du projet. Il s’avère nécessaire de poursuivre les activités du projet pour lui permettre d’atteinte des objectifs fixés. Read More...


La Mission de l'Agence américaine pour le développement international au Mali (USAID/Mali) à travers l’ONG Care Internationale a confié à Kurugan Fuga Consulting l'évaluation finale du projet USAID/Nutrition et Hygiène dans les régions de Koulikoro, Ségou et Mopti au Mali. Au terme de ce programme qui s’étalait sur une période d’exécution de 5 ans allant d’octobre 2014 à septembre
2018 prolongée en 2019, son évaluation finale s’imposait. La présente étude vise, en effet, à évaluer l'efficacité de la stratégie nutritionnelle intégrée de l'IRP combinant nutrition, agriculture, eau, assainissement et hygiène (WASH) pour améliorer l'état nutritionnel des femmes enceintes et allaitant et des enfants de moins de 2 ans.
Matériels et méthodes
Une étude évaluative de type avant/après selon un échantillonnage stratifié en grappe à trois degrés combinant une approche quantitative et qualitative auprès d’un échantillon de 1041 ménages comptant 1204 enfants de moins de 5 ans a été réalisée. Les résultats ont été présentés par leurs proportions et leurs moyennes. Le test de Chi² de Person a été utilisé pour la comparaison des moyennes avec un niveau de confiance de 95% et un risque d’erreur de 5%. Une différence statistiquement significative était observée lorsque le p value était inférieur à 0,05. L’Odd ratio a été calculé pour déterminer le degré de dépendance ou de survenue des facteurs
étudiés. L’étude a été approuvée par le comité éthique de l’INRSP. Read More...

Village Savings and Loan Associations as Economic Drivers

Exploring impacts of Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) at micro level to understand their potential to contribute to the Tanzanian economy

Savings-led microfinance innovation aims to improve access to financial services in remote areas, especially among women. CARE International has been the leading innovator in the field and has initiated Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) programmes across Tanzania. CARE aims to increase members in Tanzania to 8 million by 2025 with the vison to help improve the national economy. CARE thus commissioned SFTZ to carry out a study that investigates the potential of VSLA contributions to local and national economies.

METHODS. The study was implemented in six villages in Mufindi district, Iringa region; four of which were assigned as treatment and two as control. Treatment villages had 9 to 15 NGO-facilitated VSLAs, and control villages had only two comparable VSLAs.

RESULTS. Analysis of the data at the village level did not provide evidence that VSLA initiatives have contributed to large-scale economic growth except for one risk mitigation sub-indicator. A number of issues hindered the village-level comparison: First, microfinance savings groups were also present in control villages. Secondly, the penetration of savings groups within all treatment villages was low (below 30%, except for one village).

However, at the household level, VSLA membership showed significant impacts on a number of micro-level measures of economic growth. VSLA households had higher household savings, drew on VSLA savings to overcome negative impacts of household shocks, attained greater food security and more diverse diets, achieved better agricultural and business outcomes, and enjoyed greater economic status. Although these differences cannot be directly attributed to the VSLA programme without before-and-after comparisons with a meaningful control group, the positive household impacts suggest that a VSLA programme scaled to a high density within each village could have a positive impact
on the local economy.

Tufaidike Wote

Le but global du projet a été de renforcer la stabilité socio-économiques des populations dans les communautés à travers la promotion des mécanismes de gestion et prévention des conflits, de bonne gouvernance et les moyens de subsistances avec un accent particulier sur le statut de la femme. Le but de cette évaluation a été de mieux comprendre les stratégies qui ont bien marché et les changements produits au cours de l’exécution du projet ‘Tufaidike Wote’ afin de mieux informer la programmation d’un tel projet dans le futur. De manière spécifique, l’évaluation a voulu déterminer dans quelle mesure le projet a eu un impact, notamment en ce qui concerne la dynamique sociale et la dynamique économique et évaluer dans quelles conditions et contextes et pourquoi ces changements ont eu lieu. Elle a voulu aussi analyser la mise en œuvre de la stratégie à réponse rapide par le mécanisme de fonds flexible, si oui ou non elle a contribué à la cohésion sociale dans les communautés à potentiel conflictuel. Read More...

Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality Endline Report

Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality, was a research project, whose aim was to test the effectiveness of adding gender conscious practice curriculum (GCP) and intergenerational dialogues on existing Auntie Stella life skills curriculum to accelerate and enhance adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health programming. The project was implemented in Suza Zone. CARE Malawi, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) at district level, had already been working in Suza and Linyangwa Zones to implement an enhanced life skills curriculum that was being implemented by public school teachers in two zones in Kasungu District. The initiative was supported by PCTFI under the CARE Malawi Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment (AGE) program.

Under the Umodzi project, the idea was to test the effectiveness of adding a gender conscious practice curriculum to the existing life skills curriculum. Therefore, the main activity that was implemented under the project was the delivery of a gender synchronized intervention through the Gender Conscious Practice (GCP) curriculum to the supplementary life skills curriculum that was delivered after school by trained teachers in Suza and Linyangwa Zones in Kasungu District. To enhance adoption of GCP, the project promoted intergenerational discussions through the Working with Men and Boys to Advance Gender Equality and SRH (WMB/SRH) manual targeting mostly older men, commonly called ‘Male Champions of gender’ that were recruited through the Pathways program.

This document is a report of findings of an end line evaluation of the Umodzi Project implemented in Suza Education Zone in Kasungu District in the Central Region of Malawi. Data collection and analysis for the end line evaluation took place in February 2018 while the report was compiled in March 2018. The end line evaluation was part of evaluation activities for the project, which were subcontracted to CDM to support learning. Read More...

Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) Pilot Phase Impact Report

CARE Bangladesh has designed a project titled “Where the Rain Falls (WtRF)”, based on a research, which has been implemented in two sub-districts of Kurigram district in the northwestern Bangladesh with financial support from Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. This study provides an account of the effectiveness of a few measures considered under the project, in order to meet the above-mentioned needs of the smallholder farmers of the two target sub-districts. [63 pages] Read More...

Evaluation finale du Programme Actions Intégrées Nutrition et Alimentation (AINA)

Financé par l'Union Européenne au titre du 10è Fonds Européen pour le Développement (FED), le Programme Aina s’inscrit dans l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD-c1) qui est de «contribuer à la réduction de la proportion des familles vulnérables qui souffrent de la faim». Son budget total s’élève à 12,5 M€ pour une durée initiale de 36 mois à la date de signature entre l’UE et la FAO (07/05/2013) qui assure son pilotage. Les interventions du programme s’articulent autour de 3 axes dont (i) l’augmentation de la production agricole vivrière, (ii) l’amélioration de la disponibilité et le l’accessibilité alimentaire et (iii) l’amélioration de la pratique nutritionnelle et l’hygiène. Elles ciblent 107507 ménages vulnérables des 106 Communes réparties dans 16 districts réparties dans les 5 régions d’intervention (Amoron’i Mania, Androy, Anosy, Atsimo Atsinanana et Vatovavy Fitovinany). Ces zones, dotées d'un capital naturel de grande importance (terres arables, filières agricoles et de rentes, ressources naturelles), sont classées parmi les plus vulnérables où les indices de développement humain sont les plus bas de tout Madagascar. Read More...

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