
CARE Endline Evaluation Report: Restoration of water infrastructure and prevention against COVID19

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE Iraq implemented a six–month project, starting from May 1 to October 31, 2021, and aimed to provide an uninterrupted supply of potable water to vulnerable communities for drinking, personal hygiene, and other domestic use through rehabilitation of non-functional parts of the water treatment plant and restoration of water the networks in two neighborhoods (Nabi Sheet and Galawat) of West Mosul. It further aimed to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to COVID-19 by providing hygiene kits and increased risk and safety awareness, improving hygiene behavior, and environmental sanitation services. The project is implemented in West Mosul, Galawat, and Nabi Sheet neighborhoods, targeting IDPs, host communities, and returnees. Read More...


Due to repeated climate shocks, continued conflict, and protracted displacement mean that Somalia remains one of the most prolonged humanitarian crises in the world. Over 4.2 million people, including 2.5 million children are estimated to need humanitarian assistance and protection in 2019. Significant displacement and destitution driven by the 2016/17 drought and protracted conflict have left more than 1.5 million people across Somalia facing acute food insecurity through June 2019 with 903,100 children under the age of five are likely to be malnourished in 2019 including 138,200 who are likely to be severely malnourished. Women and children like in many other instances of conflicts represented the majority of the 2.6 million people displaced across the country.

The Somalia Relief and Recovery Project-SRRP's main goal was to address the most urgent and basic needs of drought-affected communities in Bari, Galgaduud, Lower Juba, Mudug, Sanaag, Hiraan, and Sool regions that have been severely affected by the recurrent drought crisis. In particular, the project aimed to improve access to safe water and hygiene in drought-affected communities, provide temporary employment opportunities, deliver treatment services for acutely malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women, provide basic health services, and protection services. The project also aimed at improving coordination through the Somalia NGO consortium to a concert and coordinate efforts to adequately address the recurrent humanitarian challenges in Somalia. Read More...

Economic support for COVID affected Women -Tiffany Foundation project.

The objective is to assess the extent to which the program had achieved its strategic objective of improved food security to drought-affected households in the target locations according to a baseline survey carried out earlier in April. The study focused on assessing the status of vulnerable women, whose economic mainstay has been affected by the recurrent shocks & stress and had difficulties accessing essential services. Also, the maternal health situation reflects the prevalences of morbidity and mortality cases caused either during pregnancy or childbirth/delivery. The delay of rains, desert locust invasion, and supply chain disruption with COVID19 hazards had adversely affected food security and nutrition outcomes, which exacerbated vulnerable households’ nutritional status and wellbeing. Read More...


The end-line survey was commissioned by CARE International in Somalia to assess the overall change outcomes of the COVID-19 Hygiene Behavior Change Campaign as per the project’s theory of change and to identify key lessons learned for the campaign that could inform future strategies. The project was implemented through an extensive mass media, digital and interpersonal hygiene promotion information, and messaging campaign in communities and institutions supported by the provision of water supply and handwashing kits and infrastructure as well as provision of relevant Personal Protective Equipment-PPE, as per the context. Read More...


This end-of-project evaluation study was carried out between August and September 2021. The overall purpose of the evaluation was to assess the extent to which the program had achieved its strategic objective of improved food security for drought-affected households in the target locations. This included the use of the OECD- DAC criteria, more specifically Relevance and Appropriateness, Efficiency and Effectiveness as well as the project’s impact on the community. Read More...

Looking at the Chivi WASH Project 4 Years Later

Four years after the close of the Chivi WASH Project in 2017 in Chivi North, CARE conducted an “ex-post” evaluation in March 2021 to see which aspects of the project, were sustained. The evaluation focused on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); specifically: open defecation status, latrine coverage, and access to an improved water source. The evaluation also inquired about attitudes towards leadership roles of women and girls, and whether COVID-19 lockdowns affected water and sanitation services. Read More...


CARE Nepal and Handicap International implemented a community-based disaster risk reduction project called VISTAR-II in Kailali, Dadeldhura, Kanchanpur, and Dang districts under the DIPECHO-VIIII cycle. This project was for a period of 22 months from March 1, 2015, to December 31, 2016. The project aimed to strengthen the resilience of communities and institutions to natural disasters through building leadership and management capacities from the community level to the national level. After five years of the VISTAR-II intervention, a Post Project Sustainability Study was carried out in two randomly selected intervention districts, namely Kailali and Kanchanpur. out of the four districts. Read More...

Sustaining Women’s Livelihoods: Stories of Recovery 7 Years Post-Haiyan (Yolanda)

From July 2014 to November 2016, CARE Philippines launched Women Enterprise Fund (WEF), a women-targeted livelihood recovery programming that worked on women's entrepreneurship development. The project assisted the beneficiaries from the most vulnerable households affected by Typhoon Haiyan to establish sustainable livelihoods to help them secure their basic needs, generate employment and other economic opportunities by contributing to long-term solutions of addressing social and gender inequality and increasing the resilience among women. Read More...

Worker Wellbeing Project in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam Endline Evaluation

This endline evaluation was conducted to assess change and impact resulting from the Worker Wellbeing Project in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam. It was carried out independently by Rapid Asia to conduct an endline evaluation of the Worker Well-Being Project to provide a final report to the donor, capture details on impact and analyse lessons learned to be applied to future programming. The purpose of the Worker Wellbeing Project is to improve wellbeing for garment workers through access to dignified working conditions, legal and social protections and gender-equitable relationships. Findings from the evaluation will also be used to learn from and develop the Dignified Work portfolio and promote women's economic justice worldwide.

This evaluation sought to identify the extent to which the project achieved meaningful change in women workers’ lives both at home, community and in the workplace through the activities in each country by identifying outcomes from project activities and outputs to understand linkages between those outcomes and the projects outputs.

Key Findings
The EKATA engagement model
The EKATA model proved to be highly successful in greatly enacting change for women garment workers in the factories and at home. Women workers consistently highlighted the usefulness of the training had on their daily lives. Through the training, the women learnt how to reclaim those voices and negotiate at work for better conditions.
Engagement with men
Recognising the crucial role that men play in delivering gender-transformative impac by engaging them as stakeholders proved to be successful. Men were found to be receptive in recognising gender as a social construct, which then formed the basis for understanding the value of women and why domestic responsibilities should be shared and that sexual harassment of women is unacceptable.
Duty bearers’ responsiveness
Garment factory management staff believed they could see not only the benefit of the project but also an improvement in the conditions of the women workers, which they recognised as having a positive impact on their business. Employers appeared to welcome women garment workers raising their concerns, mainly due to the workers' improved communication skills.
Outcomes and their relation to activities
Beneficiaries of EKATA training found the sessions on financial management, gender equality, labour rights, leadership and communication the most valuable and impactful in their daily lives. It was found however, that such training alone would not be enough to deliver true impact. Evidence demonstrated that establishing committees from where women can launch collective demands was a significant trigger to exercising women’s rights.
Project sustainability
There is great potential for women recognising labour violations and unfair practices, gender inequality, and the capacity to take action without a considerable reliance on outside support. Sustainability is also underpinned by network activities, namely the linking of community worker association to local federations and trade unions and local service providers. Read More...

RANO WASH Rural Access to New Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene Mid-Term Review Report

The $33 million USAID-funded Rural Access to New Opportunities in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (RANO WASH) program seeks to increase equitable and sustainable access to WASH services to maximize impact on human health and nutrition and preserve the environment in 250 rural communes of Alaotra Mangoro, Amoron'i Mania, Atsinanana, Haute Matsiatra, Vakinankaratra, and Vatovavy Fitovinany regions of Madagascar. RANO WASH has three strategic objectives:
1) To support governance and monitoring at national, regional, and communal levels for sustainable WASH services;
2) To increase access to water and sanitation supply through supporting private sector capacity and public-private partnerships for sustainable water and sanitation supply across several regions in Madagascar; and
3) To increase good hygiene and sanitation behaviors by identifying and addressing multiple behavioral determinants.

The project was designed using the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) Collaborative Behaviors and is guided by a system strengthening approach that establishes the building blocks for sustainable delivery of WASH services. This report presents findings from the midterm review, which evaluated the project's performance from 2018 to 2020 across five criteria, benchmarked progress and contribution towards WASH building blocks, and assessed the effectiveness of the consortium team. Read More...

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