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Search Results: j 2021년디비㉷【TelㄹSEin07》 2021년DB판매 2021년디비 2021년디비판매합니다 2021년DB팝니다 2021년DB판매

Community Scorecard for COVID-19 Vaccines in Malawi

The significant amount of misinformation surrounding COVID-19 has deteriorated trust in governments and health systems, leading the World Health Organization to claim it as an “infodemic.” As the massive vaccine roll-out efforts launch, systematic trust-building and social accountability approaches are vital to ensure that civil society can hold governments accountable for equitable and people-centered vaccine roll-out that reaches the last mile. CARE knows that epidemics, like COVID-19 and Ebola, start and end with communities, which is why we are working to build meaningful citizen engagement into national vaccine roll-out frameworks to increase trust, accountability, and information dissemination.
CARE’s Community Score Card
The Community Score Card (CSC) was developed by CARE Malawi in 2002 and has been effectively used in a wide range of settings and sectors to ensure that public services are accountable to the people and communities they serve. CSC has demonstrated impact on power-shifting and improving service quality and trust building within and between communities and government actors. When COVID-19 arrived in Malawi during March 2020, CARE adapted CSC for remote use. The remote CSC includes an SMS platform and WhatsApp groups through which groups of men, women, youth, community and religious leaders, and service providers could voice their concerns and hesitancies about the vaccine and other health services. The CSC helped to identify major concerns around the vaccine and aided stakeholders in creating locally-driven solutions to combat vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.
Building on these early experiences, from May to June 2021, CARE further implemented a pilot project designed to support efficient and equitable COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in three locations in Malawi: Kandeu and Chigodi health facility catchment populations in Ntcheu district and the New Hope Clinic health facility catchment population in Ngolowindo in Salima district. In all three locations, key stakeholders included groups of women, men, youth, community leaders (chiefs and religious), district health management teams, and health personnel (including health surveillance staff, health facility staff in-charge, and the health center management committee). CARE Malawi’s CSC team led the implementation of the pilot with support from CARE USA and digital support from Kwantu. Read More...

RED/SAACC-Niger Baseline

Le projet de recherche-développement pour la sécurité alimentaire et l’adaptation climatique des systèmes ruraux de production au Niger (RED/SAACC-Niger) a pour objectif d’améliorer d’ici fin 2021, les revenus, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle de 15.000 exploitations agricoles familiales fragiles à faible résilience, dans 15 communes des régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri . Read More...

HBCC (Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition) Project: Inclusive Communities – Changing behaviors to respond to COVID-19

The “Promoting safer hygiene practices for women and girls to remain safe and live better lives project has been implemented between the 23rd of July 2020 and the 31st of August 2021 through CARE International in Jordan and funded by Unilever-UKAID HBCC (Hygiene Behaviour Change Coalition). The project’s overall objective was to support the most vulnerable women and girls in conflict communities, refugee, asylum and host populations within the Syrian crisis region to improve their key hygiene behaviours and be better equipped to protect themselves from COVID-19 transmission through mass awareness, interpersonal communication and digital media communication.
CARE Jordan implemented a package of multiple interventions which includes mass media, digital communication, and in some cases targeted face-to-face interactions complemented by the provision of hygiene and dignity kits to promote key hygiene behaviours of the targeted beneficiaries. The mass media and digital campaign, which targeted community members who live in Amman, Zarqa/Azraq town, Irbid, Mafraq, and Azraq Refugee Camp, but also reached beyond these areas in particular with the mass media intervention; focused on a variety of messages in line with the national/local Health Service approved guidelines as well as some of the Unilever Global assets like the PASSWORD Campaigns, Snake and Ladder game, and Mobile Doctorni. Messages covered issues of prevention, protection, safety, security and where to seek early support when showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Read More...

Promoting Peace and Socio-Economic Development among Conflict-Affected Communities In South, East Darfur and South Kordofan States

CARE has Implemented IcSP project “Promoting Peace and Socio-Economic Development for Conflict–Affected Communities in South Darfur, East Darfur and South Kordofan states" to contribute in achieving relevant results in terms of social stability, increased social cohesion, enhanced recovery and socio-economic integration among conflicting communities for selected vulnerable communities.
The final evaluation was conducted for this project from 12 September to 30 October 2021 to assess the project performance and achieving the intended results. Different methods were used for collecting the data, including: desk review, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), in addition to direct interviews with 393 household leaders, 59.2% of them are females.
The impact of conflict and dispute to the community needa to be addressed. 28.9% of respondants declare that it will led to Loss lives & properties,12% to destruction of infrastructure,16.6 % to displacement, 23.3% dismantling social coexistence,12.3% loss of livelihoods. 75% of total respondents say it will be all above.
People report that the best way and means of resolving conflict are: 84.9 % resolved by in official fair mechanism, 5.1% report that by official courts. This indicates that they trust in CBRMs are effective in solving disputes/cases and are accessible to everyone.
45.6% report that CBRMs are accessible to everyone to great extent, ,22.8 % to some extent, 8.1% minimally, and 23.6% not at all. On the other hand, 71.7% report that decisions made by conflicts resolution mechanisms are acceptable, where 23.3 % report that to some extent and 8.1% minimally.
Communities in the targeted areas get their drinking water from various sources,66% report that from water point, 23.5% from hand pumps, 8.8 % from hand dug wells, where 1.7 % from Haffir. The result indicated that around 10 % of total population get their water from contaminated surface water source other 90% get their water from safe water sources. Read More...

Tabora Maternal & Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI): Year 4 results

The Tabora Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI) is a five-year project led by CARE in partnership with the Government of Tanzania’s Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and the Prime Minister’s Office for Regional and Local Government (PO-RALG). Implementing partners include the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC), the Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Tanzania (AGOTA), the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH), McGill University’s Institute for Health & Social Policy, and Ifakara Health Institute (IHI). The project is financially supported by the Government of Canada and is closely aligned to Government of Tanzania (GoT) health polices, strategies and guidelines.
The Annual Report covers the period of April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021.The report provides an analysis on operations to date against the Year Four Annual Work Plan. This report also highlights how the project
pivoted to respond to the COVID-19 global pandemic and includes reporting on COVID response programming as approved by GAC in March 2020. Read More...

RANO WASH Final Evaluation

Rural Access to New Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (RANO WASH) is a five-year
$30 million bilateral United States Agency for International Development (USAID) water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activity in Madagascar. Its period of performance is June 2017 to June 2022. CARE International leads the consortium implementing the project, and sub-awardees include Catholic Relief Services (CRS), WaterAid, BushProof, and Sandandrano. The program aims to reach 250 rural communes in six high-priority regions of Madagascar: Vatovavy Fitovinany, Atsinanana, Alaotra Mangoro, Amoron’i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, and Vakinankaratra. RANO WASH is built around three interconnected strategic objectives (SOs):
• SO 1: Strengthening the governance and monitoring of water and sanitation
• SO 2: Increasing the engagement of the private sector in the delivery of WASH services
• SO 3: Accelerating the adoption of healthy behaviors and the use of WASH service

The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability (WASHPaLS) project completed a mid-term evaluation between April and August 2021 to assess whether the approaches employed and activities undertaken are successfully contributing to the program’s goal of increasing equitable and sustainable access to WASH services.
Overall, the Evaluation Team assessed the program to be complex, ambitious, and innovative; perceived positively by a large majority of stakeholders; and seen as a sector leader. While water supply provision through the public private partnership (PPP) model is substantially off-track, there are plausible reasons for these delays, and important lessons to be learned. Sanitation results, particularly regarding Open Defecation Free (ODF) status, are above target Read More...

The Final Evaluation of the Opportunities for Mother and Infants Development Project

The Opportunities for Mother and Infant Development (OMID) is a three year project (from 2018 to 2021), funded by The Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK). The current phase of the project has been implemented in the two districts (16th and 17th) in Kabul city. The main purpose of the project is to improve the health and reduce the mortality among mothers, newborns and children in the most vulnerable communities through community-based interventions facilitated and delivered by Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Community Midwives (CMWs).

Overall, the project has been effective in achieving the intended outcomes. Access and utilization of Maternal and Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) services have improved as demonstrated by achievement of the project’s key performance indicators across the continuum of care.

This included increases in the %:
- of women reporting ANC utilization
- of women who undertook the first ANC visit before by the 3rd trimester of their pregnancy
- of those who knew the date that the baby was expected to arrive
- of those women who had a plan where she would deliver the baby
- of those women who believed health facility is safer to deliver there

And decreases in the %:
- of those who didn’t go for ANC and believed it is not important
- of those who didn’t go for ANC and indicated the high cost of care as reason

The community systems strengthening undertaken by the project through establishment of community based health facilities and CHWs was effective in increasing health awareness and adoption of positive MNCH behaviors and practices. Read More...


Pour contribuer à la lutte contre la pandémie Covid-19 initiée par le gouvernement camerounais, l’ONG de développement CARE International au Cameroun a mis en place le projet « Relèvement et renforcement Financier des populations vulnérables affectées par la COVID-19 », en abrégé « ResCOV-19 » ; soit COOPERER III avec l’appui financier du Centre de crise et de Soutien du Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Etrangères. Le projet est exécuté dans les communes de Kaélé et Touloum du département de mayo kani et la Commune de Yagoua du département de Maayo Danay, et avait pour objectif de contribuer à l’accès aux services sociaux de base en matière d’eau et aux opportunités économiques des femmes et des jeunes touchés par la pandémie de la COVID-19, sur la période allant du 1er janvier 2021 au 31 Mars 2022 soit une durée globale de 15 mois.
Arrivé à son terme, une mission d’évaluation externe a été réalisée pour renseigner les critères usuels d’évaluation que sont la pertinence, la cohérence, l’efficacité, l’efficience, la durabilité et l’impact.
Cette mission a utilisé une approche mixte qui combine les techniques qualitatives et quantitative pour obtenir les données aussi bien primaires que secondaires. A la suite de la première phase de revue documentaire, une collecte des données primaires a été réalisée auprès des personnes ressources pour ce qui concerne les entretiens et focus-group et dans les ménages et auprès des membres des AVEC d’une part et l’inventaire des points d’eau d’autre part avec les outils d’enquête par questionnaires. Ces outils ont été déployés dans les 03 communes du projet Kaélé, Touloum et Yagoua. Une répartition de 70% et 30% respectivement pour les bénéficiaires, membres des AVEC et les ménages non bénéficiaires a été observée. Pour la constitution de l’échantillon des membres des AVEC, 70% des femmes et 30% des hommes ont été définis. La méthodologie mise en place a permis de réaliser 29 personnes (05 femmes et 24 hommes) lors des entretiens avec les personnes ressources, 18 focus group (07 Comités de gestion des points d’eau, 08 AVEC et 03 micro-assurances) avec 88 femmes et 87 hommes et d’administrer 576 questionnaires (Membres des AVEC, Ménages) soit 435 femmes et 141 hommes. Après la collecte par questionnaires grâce à l’application de collecte numérique (Kobocollect), s’en est suivi la phase d’apurement et traitement dans Excel.
Malgré le retard constaté dans la mise en oeuvre de certaines activités du fait du Covid – 19, 39 649 personnes dont 22 655 femmes (soit 57 %) (Sans double comptage) ont été sensibilisées directement dans les communautés, par porte à porte et séance en groupe de 15 à 30 personnes, sur les thématiques tels que la prévention de la COVID-19 et le respect des règles d’hygiène et de salubrité, le civisme, le genre, le planning familiale, etc. le projet a également couvert environ 150 000 habitants suite à la diffusion des messages radiophoniques de sensibilisation.
L’analyse des différentes questions d’évaluation montre que le projet COOPERER III est cohérent car il s’inscrit dans le cadre de la Stratégie Nationale de Développement 2020-2030 et dans le plan riposte contre la Covid-19 du Cameroun. Le projet s’aligne également aux lois et aux directives nationales et sectorielles et à la mission de Care qui vise à sauver des vies, vaincre la pauvreté et parvenir à la justice sociale. Du point de vue de sa pertinence, le projet apporte une réponse aux besoins spécifiques des différentes catégories de cibles (femmes, hommes et jeunes hommes, jeunes femmes) et des populations et a mis en place des approches et mécanismes de suivi-évaluation des activités du projet adaptées pour la mesure des résultats.
Le projet dans sa globalité a contribué aux changements des comportements au sein des AVEC, au sein de leurs ménages et leur statut social au sein de leurs communautés ; à l’équipement des AVEC ; au renforcement des capacités des membres des associations. En terme de changement, il a été constaté que : (i) les membres de comités de gestion des points d’eau formés nettoient et entretiennent leur point d’eau, (ii) les membres des AVEC tiennent des AGR et organisent régulièrement des réunions et sont engagés à réaliser une activité propre à leur AVEC ; (iii) que les personnes sensibilisées sur les bonne pratiques d’hygiènes font plus attention dans la manipulation des denrées alimentaires ; etc. Outre ces changements, le respect des règles d’hygiène (lavage des mains, des toilettes et récipients d’eau, etc.) et des mesures anti Covid-19 (port des masques facials, distanciation sociale, etc.) par les bénéficiaires s’est accru grâce aux activités du projet. Le projet a également permis aux bénéficiaires directs et indirects d’améliorer leurs connaissances, attitudes et pratiques sur plusieurs aspects. Il s’agit notamment des mesures de prévention et de protection contre le COVID-19, l’hygiène autour des points d’eau, mais également les connaissances des membres des AVEC sur des thématiques telles que la comptabilité simplifiée pratique, l’entrepreneuriat, le marketing, les techniques d’animation et de sensibilisation des groupes, etc… Read More...

IMPACT ASSESSMENT: CARE’s Psychosocial Support Program

As part of the CARE’s response under the Syria Regional Response Plan (3RP), CARE International in Jordan is providing Psycho Social Support (PSS) to refugee and Jordanian women, girls, boys, and men in urban areas and Azraq camp, covering the second and the third layers of IASC’s intervention pyramid; community and family supports and focused, non-specialized supports. The main purpose of the PSS program is to protect them from psychosocial distress, improve their emotional and social well-being, and strengthen their coping mechanisms and resilience.
With more than twenty-one Jordanian staff as of August 2021, according to CARE, the program has benefitted over 44,627 women, 17,936 girls, 19,265 boys, and 33,049 men including 94,421 refugees and 20,456 Jordanians to date. There are eight safe spaces at CARE’s community centers in urban areas (Amman, Mafraq, Zarqa, and Irbid) and Azraq camp.
This document presents the findings of a qualitative impact assessment that aims to explore the impact of the PSS interventions, including both intended and unintended impact on targeted beneficiaries. The Programs Quality (PQ) Department used the Outcome Harvesting participatory approach, which collects evidence of what has changed “outcomes” and, then, working backwards, ascertaining whether, how, and to what extent the intervention has contributed to these changes.

Línea de base del proyecto “IGNITE: Liberando el poder de las empresarias”

El objetivo general de la evaluación es implementar la Línea de Base del Proyecto IGNITE, a través de la medición de los valores de 20 indicadores de desempeño del Proyecto (de impacto, de resultados intermedios e inmediatos), como de factores contextuales y externos asociados. La estimación del valor de los indicadores se ha realizado a partir de los resultados obtenidos de aplicar una Encuesta en mayo del 2021 a 315 personas beneficiarias del Proyecto. Estas personas integran las Bases de Datos facilitadas por CARE para la presente evaluación, que a su vez han sido proporcionadas por socios institucionales de CARE para la implementación del
Proyecto: (a) Financiera Confianza, (b) PROMUC, y (c) Proyecto Mujeres Emprendedoras. Adicionalmente, estas 315 personas cumplían con las siguientes características: contaban con celulares operativos (requisito indispensable ya que la encuesta se realizó exclusivamente por vía telefónica); no se dedicaban a la agricultura o ganadería como único negocio; y tenían personas laborando en su negocio desde antes del inicio de la pandemia. Una limitación ha sido la tasa de no aplicación de la Encuesta debido a que no contestaron el celular o a que desistieron de participar en la Encuesta (aproximadamente el 40% del universo inicialmente previsto). [89 Pages] Read More...

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