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Search Results: i 경산후불제Ⅶ‘〕 경산출장마사지♚경산풀싸롱♚경산풀싸롱♔경산미러룸☏경산패티쉬룸

Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG)

This evaluation report covers the end of project evaluation of the Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) project, which was launched in 2015; a brain child of CARE International in Rwanda, which was conceived after consideration of lessons learnt, best practices and recommendations of the end-line evaluation of FINAG project (2014). [85 pages] Read More...

Women’s Economic Empowerment in Protracted Crisis: Syrian Refugee Women in Southeastern Turkey

As Syrian refugee crisis entered its ninth year, the protracted nature of the crisis has become more prominent, with the need of better integration of humanitarian response and development goals. Livelihoods activities with their long-term focus play an important role in humanitarian development nexus. This research is conducted to review and discuss best practices and potential risks for women’s economic empowerment (WEE) projects in protracted crisis in general, and in southeastern Turkey context in particular. The following report should be of interest to any humanitarian organization that conducts livelihoods projects for Syrian refugees in SET region, and that shares the commitment to achieve a more gender-equal society.
In general, women face additional social obstacles to reach economic resources, which span from unpaid care work to gender norms regarding women’s being provider. Majority of Syrian women in Turkey are not actively seeking employment because of their childcare responsibilities, not getting permission to work from either their husband or extended family, care of disable and elderly in the household, and housework. Designing a livelihoods program without considering these additional obstacles women face means that the program is not equally approachable for all genders. Hence, women are the ones left behind as they are the less employable. This research clearly shows that the only way to have a sustainable impact on WEE is to ensure not only women’s economic advancement but also women’s empowerment and gender equality. Read More...

SABA+ II Final de Fase

La segunda fase del Proyecto SABA PLUS abarcó el periodo comprendido entre abril del 2015 a abril del 2018. El cual registra a lo largo de este tiempo una serie de resultados, efectos y contribución al sector agua y saneamiento a nivel nacional e internacional, siendo uno de los referentes más importantes en América Latina.

Esto se debe en gran medida al compromiso constante y decidido de la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación COSUDE de la Embajada Suiza, porque la gestión del agua y saneamiento rural de manera descentralizada, en un inicio (hace 2 décadas), solo era imaginado como proyecto piloto; sin embargo la búsqueda de la tan ansiada sostenibilidad llevó a crear y ser parte de una red de actores (de alcance nacional, regional y local) más compleja, que ha permitido que actualmente tales actores se hayan apropiado del enfoque SABA. [117 pages] Read More...

Emergency cash transfers, nutrition and livelihood assistance for chronically food insecure households in Malawi (2016-17)

In May 2016, the Government of Malawi (GoM), assessed 6.5 million people out of total population of 16.8M (39 percent) would not be able to meet their annual food requirements during the 2016/17 consumption period. Additionally, over 1.8 million people were in need of agricultural inputs to restore their livelihoods. About 31 per cent of the cultivated land was affected by the drought, of which 13 per cent was severely affected. Poor nutrition and increased mortality rates were of particular concern in 24 out of a total of 28 districts. Approximately 975,000 children aged 6-23 months and pregnant and lactating women were particularly at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition and requiring nutritional treatment.

The high level of food insecurity was due to two consecutive years of below average production of all key agricultural crops. In 2014/15 Malawi had the worst growing season for seven years, and this was followed by the worst floods in history in January 2015 and then widespread prolonged dry spells. Malawi was then severely impacted by one of the strongest El Niño events in 35 years. This climactic phenomenon has brought below average rainfall in the central and southern regions, and higher than normal rainfall in the north of the country. In response the food insecurity, the President of Malawi declared a state of disaster on 12 April 2016.

In order to address the significant challenges posed by El Niño in Malawi, CARE proposed a comprehensive cash transfer, nutrition and livelihoods response to reduce the vulnerability crisis-affected people, especially women, girls and boys in Salima. The project focuses on three immediate outcomes. First, the project will improve capacity of at-risk populations to meet basic needs and reduce negative coping strategies through cash transfers. Second, the project will focus on improving the nutritional status of women and children through awareness raising, demonstrations of best practices related to food preparing and provision of kitchen garden inputs. Finally, the project will increase the self-reliance of at risk population through the provision of seeds and tools as well as training on post-distribution harvest and storage techniques. [19 pages]

Food Sufficiency For Farmers Summative Evaluation

The Canadian support for the Food Sufficiency for Farmers (FSF) project will come to an end on October 31, 2018, and now it is the interest of the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) to commission this summative evaluation for the purpose of:
• Identifying best practices and approaches that can be built on to inform improvements to the implementation of the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) livelihood components; and
• Informing areas where the FSF project has achieved its results and the level of sustainability of the project results.

DEC Supported Emergency Response Project in Amran and Abyan Governorates, Yemen

Under the Yemen Crisis Appeal and with the support from Disasters Emergency Committee, CARE Yemen has been implementing two emergency response projects in Abyan and Amran Governorates of Yemen with the aim of responding to the WASH, food insecurity and Cholera/Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) Crisis. This report provides the findings of the evaluation of the two phases of the DEC funded emergency response projects in Sawyer districts of Amran Governorate, Yemen.
The overall purpose of this evaluation was to ensure accountability and identify lessons learned and best practices so as to feed into and inform the decision making process of the project stakeholders, including the donor, beneficiaries, and government counterparts. In addition, the evaluation aimed to objectively assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the project in light of its objectives and provide recommendations for future programming. Furthermore, the evaluation assessed how the project ensured accountability to affected groups, considering the commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standards, and how the project ensured quality of implementation vis-à-vis emergency response standards such as SPHERE. [72 pages]


This is the 34 page final evaluation of "Social Entrepreneurship: a Step towards Independence. SESTI Project" by CARE International in cooperation with partners organizations Centre for Roma Initiatives (CRI) from Niksic and Bona Fide from Pljevlja started implementation of the project. This project was funded by the EU through the IPA 2014 Civil Society Facility Montenegro Programme.
The focus of this project is support to the Montenegro civil society organizations in the struggle to achieve sustainability of their core operations and achieve independence of their fundamental programs from the donors’ funding. To raise stability and independence of the civil society sector, the project recognised economic empowerment of NGOs and, more particularly, NGO engagement in social entrepreneurship, as one of the best “tools”, which will help them maintain their full mandate to represent the citizens in achievement of their rights. Read More...

Northern Uganda Women Empowerment Program (NUWEP)

On July 2010 the Engaging Men Initiative started implementation in 10 CARE country offices. These COs used different mechanisms to implement the initiative. In some COs the initiative was integrated into ongoing Norad-supported Women Empowerment Programs (WEPs). Others implemented the initiative across the entire WEP portfolio of the CO, while in few COs men’s engagement supplemented smaller women empowerment projects. While the experience of working with men long existed in CARE, there has not been a deliberate attempt to target and mobilize men as allies to pursue CARE’s women’s empowerment agenda. There neither is the understanding/proper documentation of which strategies work best in this regards, or what the potential consequences of engaging men would be. The purpose with this reporting therefore is mainly to support the learning that is taking place within COs in the implementation of the Engaging Men Initiative through creating opportunity for critical reflection as well as the documentation of the key results. Please note that most of the questions below refer specifically to the Engaging Men Initiative and not to the larger WEP portfolio. [18 page]

COSACA 1 Final Evaluation

The COSACA consortium composed of Save the Children, Concern, Oxfam and Care International implemented with DFID funding from 1st of October 2013 to 30th of September 2016, but extended to 30th of November 2016, a project called - Floods Emergency Response and from 15th of December 2015 to 30th of October 2016, extending until 30th of November 2016 a Preparedness and Drought Response Project. The consortium was set up with the aim of making intervention modalities efficient and effective in emergency response issues regarding prevention and mitigation of the impact of natural disasters in the country.
This report presents the results of the level of project implementation in the two components: drought and floods. The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, impact and sustainability of the activities implemented by COSACA, so that, on the basis of best practices and lessons learned, recommendations should stand out that will serve as a model for other consortia in Mozambique, in other African countries, and on the other hand, to improve future strategies for coordination and management of the consortium, as well as to propose better ways to implement future successful activities. Read More...

PCTFI Malawi: FY15 to FY17 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

The redesigned PCTFI Malawi project takes a holistic approach to adolescent girls’ empowerment with interventions in education and SRH underpinned by cross-cutting activities in gender, participatory governance and capacity building and buoyed by a proactive learning agenda to influence policy at all levels through advocacy. Its goal is to empower adolescent girls in rural Kasungu to claim and exercise their rights to good quality education and sexual and reproductive information and services.
The project strategy leverages six years of PCTFI implementation in Malawi, best practices, lessons learned and proven approaches and tools for the CARE world; and opportunities for collaboration at all levels to map out the pathways to achieving the impact goal. The proposed interventions are organized under 3 thematic areas related to the adolescent girl’s agency and relations and to the structures that influence her empowerment. Read More...

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