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Search Results: 2021년DB㎲Tel그seiN07 2021년디비 2021년디비판매사이트 2021년디비판매사이트 2021년DB업자 2021년디비판매사이트

Somali Girls Education Promotion Project Transition (SOMGEP-T) Baseline

CARE International launched SOMGEP and, following its successful completion, continued its programming through Somali Girls’ Education Promotion Project – Transition (SOMGEP-T). The project, which began on May 1 2017 and is expected to close on October 31 2021, builds on evidence from SOMGEP and seeks to further address barriers and challenges Somali girls face related to attendance and learning outcomes. At proposal stage, the project was expected to reach a total of 27,146 marginalised girls; calculations based on up to date enrolment data indicate that the project is estimated to reach 27,722 in-school girls across 148 primary schools and 53 secondary schools in Somaliland, Puntland, and Galmudug, as well as 5,140 out-of-school girls in the same locations.
SOMGEP-T aims to bring about sustainable improvements to the learning and transition outcomes of marginalised Somali girls. To address barriers and the causes of marginalisation, the SOMGEP-T Theory of Change (ToC) focuses on four key outputs: (1) Improved access to post-primary options, (2) Supportive school practices and conditions for marginalised girls, (3) Positive shifts on gender and social norms at community and individual girl level, and (4) Enhanced MoEs’ capacity to deliver quality and relevant formal and informal education. Outputs are expected to contribute to the achievement of the project’s four intermediate outcomes of attendance, retention, improved quality of teaching, and life skills development, which will in turn contribute to the long-term goals of improving learning outcomes, boosting transition rates, and ensuring the sustainability of changes brought about by the project.
The SOMGEP-T evaluation uses a mixed-methods, quasi-experimental design, involving a longitudinal panel of girls with a non-randomly assigned comparison group. The baseline sample comprises 76 schools, with 38 intervention schools and 38 comparison schools. The primary findings from the evaluation are summarised below. Read More...


En el año 2000 se aprobó el Protocolo para prevenir, reprimir y sancionar la trata de personas, especialmente mujeres y niños, que complementa la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional que entró en vigor el 25 de diciembre de 2003. Desde esa fecha el desarrollo normativo de la trata de personas es permanente tanto en el Perú como en el Ecuador, países que comparten una amplia frontera común. Paralelamente se han creado nuevos servicios para la protección y asistencia a las víctimas, así como para la persecución y sanción del delito. En ese contexto, diversos fenómenos han ocurrido con particular intensidad, sobre todo en la zona fronteriza entre Perú y Ecuador. Dos en particular han marcado el desarrollo de la trata de personas en esa zona. La crisis humanitaria producto de la migración masiva de ciudadanos venezolanos y el contexto actual de emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, que obligó a ambos países a cerrar sus fronteras, abriéndose más de un circuito clandestino por el cual el flujo migratorio ha continuado discurriendo sin solución de continuidad a pesar del control militar implementado por el Perú desde el 26 de enero del 2021, lo que ha merecido un pronunciamiento conjunto de las Defensorías del Pueblo de Ecuador, Colombia y Perú exhortando a sus autoridades a tener como premisa la dignidad humana de las personas migrantes con necesidad de protección internacional, observar las normas universales y regionales de derechos humanos en este campo, así como evitar actos que promuevan el rechazo por parte de las comunidades de acogida. En ese contexto, las vulnerabilidades propias de las personas migrantes, así como de adolescentes y jóvenes de las regiones contiguas a la zona de frontera, se vieron potenciadas por la crisis económica generada a causa de la pandemia, así como por la pauperización de las condiciones del empleo marcadamente informal. Esas circunstancias que han agravado las necesidades de las personas han sido aprovechadas para la comisión de diversos delitos de explotación de seres humanos. Paralelamente la respuesta pública se ha visto impactada por la crisis sanitaria que ha reducido su capacidad para enfrentar el problema, además de las limitaciones que ya presentaba. En ese escenario, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones de cooperación han jugado un papel importante para paliar las necesidades. Por otra parte, el panorama de la trata de personas en la zona de frontera presenta varios desafíos que están descritos a lo largo del presente estudio y que sugieren un modelo de
gestión más eficiente para poder enfrentarla de manera eficaz, así como para atender el creciente número de personas vulnerables producto de la crisis humanitaria y de la realidad resultante como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria. El cierre de la frontera y su permeabilidad hacen evidente la necesidad de implementar una estrategia migratoria integralen cada país, así como en conjunto. Para la elaboración del presente informe se ha recogido información de fuentes documentales, así como de las instituciones públicas y privadas de ambos lados de la frontera, incluyendo a personas migrantes. Dicha información ha permitido describir las conductas, medios y finalidades del delito de trata; las características de los autores del delito de trata y tráfico de personas, las características de las víctimas; las principales rutas de la trata y tráfico de personas, así como las actividades en las que podría estar presente; los servicios de protección para víctimas; el estado de los mecanismos de sanción del delito de trata y tráfico de personas, así como la relación entre la migración, la trata y tráfico de personas. [46 Pages] Read More...


The AgroSource project in Ghana was initially designed as a two and half year project implemented between July 2018 and December 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, necessitated a 6-months extension, thus making it a 3-year project that extended into 2021. The project aimed to support smallholder women farmers to:
• Increase availability and access to good quality agricultural inputs in rural communities by 50% through a private sector-led agro-dealership scheme that will establish and support 50 women and men rural agro-dealers by the year 2020.
• Increase availability of and access to certified seed through a community seed production system in partnership with the private sector, which will engage 200 smallholder women, farmers, as out-growers.
• Improve utilization of good quality agricultural inputs by enhancing knowledge of smallholder farmers through input fairs, demonstration plots, and training.
• Create an enabling environment for women in agri-input systems through improving gender responsiveness of both private and government sector partners. Read More...

Somali Girls Education Promotion Program Transition (SOMGEP-T) Midline

Despite ongoing efforts, learning outcomes in Somalia remain among the lowest in the region, particularly for girls. Boys and girls contend with different gender and social norms that tend to undermine their ability to stay in school, study and advance from grade to grade. Girls in Somalia are living in an environment undergoing deep transitions in social and gender norms, where traditional norms expecting women to primarily care for children in the home and assume responsibility for household tasks, and placing little value or emphasis on education for women coexist with new roles for women as entrepreneurs, heads of household and main breadwinners at home, thus increasing demand on girls’ education. Since the time of the baseline, rural-rural migration has increased, predominantly as a result of economic hardship that has persisted among households that have been most heavily affected by drought. At the level of national government, MoE personnel tend to change frequently, leading to lack of continuity over time, but there is also increased funding for educational initiatives. It is in this context that CARE International launched SOMGEP and, following its successful completion, continued its programming through Somali Girls’ Education Promotion Project – Transition (SOMGEP-T). The project, which began on May 1 2017 and is expected to close on October 31 2021, builds on evidence from SOMGEP and seeks to further address barriers and challenges Somali girls face related to attendance and learning outcomes. At proposal stage, the project was expected to reach a total of 27,146 marginalised girls; calculations based on up to date enrolment data indicate that the project is estimated to reach 27,722 in-school girls across 148 primary schools and 53 secondary schools in 22 target districts in Somaliland, Puntland, and Galmudug, as well as 5,140 out-of-school girls in the same locations.
SOMGEP-T aims to bring about sustainable improvements to the learning and transition outcomes of marginalised Somali girls. To address barriers and the causes of marginalisation, the SOMGEP-T Theory of Change (ToC) focuses on four key outputs: (1) Improved access to post-primary options, (2) Supportive school practices and conditions for marginalised girls, (3) Positive shifts on gender and social norms at community and individual girl level, and (4) Enhanced MoEs’ capacity to deliver quality and relevant formal and informal education. Outputs are expected to contribute to the achievement of the project’s four intermediate outcomes of attendance, retention, improved quality of teaching, and life skills development, which will in turn contribute to the long-term goals of improving learning outcomes, boosting transition rates, and ensuring the sustainability of changes brought about by the project.
The SOMGEP-T evaluation uses a mixed-methods, quasi-experimental design, involving a longitudinal panel of girls with a non-randomly assigned comparison group. The present study describes the results after four months of exposure to the intervention for in-school girls and presents the baseline findings for girls attending an alternative learning program (ALP). The midline sample comprises 63 schools, with 32 intervention schools and 31 comparison schools, plus 32 ALP sites (17 shared with the midline sample, 15 unique to the ALP sample). The primary findings from the evaluation are summarised below. Read More...


El presente estudio de base es elaborado con el objetivo de medir la situación inicial PROYECTO “MUJERES RESILIENTES: NUEVAS OPORTUNIDADES PARA SU REACTIVACIÓN ECONÓMICA E INCLUSIÓN FINANCIERA EN RESPUESTA AL IMPACTO DE LA CRISIS DEL COVID-19”, el cual viene siendo ejecutado por CARE Perú. Para el desarrollo del estudio se implementó una metodología predominantemente cuantitativa que emplea principalmente fuente y técnica de recojo de información de naturaleza cuantitativa. El ámbito geográfico del estudio de base comprende las zonas donde actualmente interviene el proyecto, las cuales involucra 38 distritos en los departamentos de Arequipa, La Libertad y Lima. Las principales variables analizadas se corresponden con el contexto local distrital en el que opera el proyecto, con características básicas del público objetivo (características personales de las beneficiarias, de sus hogares, acceso a servicios y afectación por el COVID-19), los cambios esperados por el proyecto como estrategia de intervención (capacidades técnicas, estrategias de mercado, servicios financieros) y la transversalización de género. Estas variables se analizaron en la población objetivo del proyecto. Los informantes que proporcionaron la información requerida para el estudio fueron principalmente las mujeres emprendedoras inscritas en el Proyecto. En este grupo de informantes se aplicaron 302 encuestas a mujeres emprendedoras y se complementó con siete entrevistas a funcionarios públicos de Municipios y Programas Públicos. Para el recojo de información, se diseñó un total de 3 formatos de recojo de información primaria, los cuales fueron aplicados durante los meses de mayo y junio del 2021, con algunas limitaciones propias de una aplicación por teléfono (llamadas no contestadas, servicios suspendidos, números equivocados) y otras referentes a la disponibilidad del informante (rechazo directo, falta de tiempo). [90 Pages]

CARE Endline Evaluation Report: Restoration of water infrastructure and prevention against COVID19

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE Iraq implemented a six–month project, starting from May 1 to October 31, 2021, and aimed to provide an uninterrupted supply of potable water to vulnerable communities for drinking, personal hygiene, and other domestic use through rehabilitation of non-functional parts of the water treatment plant and restoration of water the networks in two neighborhoods (Nabi Sheet and Galawat) of West Mosul. It further aimed to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to COVID-19 by providing hygiene kits and increased risk and safety awareness, improving hygiene behavior, and environmental sanitation services. The project is implemented in West Mosul, Galawat, and Nabi Sheet neighborhoods, targeting IDPs, host communities, and returnees. Read More...

Somali Girls Education Promotion Project Transition (SOMGEP-T) Endline Evaluation

The Somali Girls’ Education Promotion Project – Transition (SOMGEP-T), funded by UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) and USAID, was implemented from 2017-2022 in rural and remote areas of Somaliland, Puntland, and Galmudug, reaching an estimated 20,000 girls and 10,000 boys directly and another 20,000 students through indirect benefits. The implementation of SOMGEP-T followed on the successes of SOMGEP (2013-17, funded by FCDO), with a particular focus on enhancing learning outcomes and transition rates for marginalised adolescent girls. SOMGEP-T was implemented by a consortium formed by CARE International, ADRA, local women’s rights network NAGAAD, and local non-governmental organisations HAVOYOCO (a youth-led committee) and TASS. The project’s activities were conducted in close collaboration with state- and national-level Ministries of Education, responding to priority areas identified in state and Federal-level sector development plans.
SOMGEP-T used a mixed-methods, quasi-experimental design for impact measurement. The endline evaluation sample included 69 primary schools, split between 37 intervention and 32 comparison schools. Additionally, a pre-post evaluation design was used to assess progress on accelerated education programming. Data collection took place in an additional 32 Alternative Learning Programme (ALP) centres and 35 Accelerated Basic Education (ABE) centres, which are located in the same communities as SOMGEP-T intervention schools. In total, the endline sample included 1,802 girls and their households, 965 of whom were re-contacted from the baseline and interviewed successfully. The endline data collection took place in December 2021.
A few key findings emerged from the learning analysis. Firstly, although improvements were observed in numeracy, Somali literacy, English literacy, and financial literacy amongst girls in intervention schools, these improvements were also simultaneously observed in girls in comparison schools. Secondly, learning improvements occurred largely within the first two years of the programme, prior to the ML2 evaluation – a finding which can largely be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting long-running school closures that occurred between the ML2 and endline evaluations.
At the endline, it became evident that SOMGEP-T had a much larger impact on learning among a few specific groups of ultra-marginalised girls, especially those marginalised along multiple overlapping axes, such as girls from relatively poor or pastoralist households who were out-of-school at the baseline, girls with physical disabilities, and the lowest-performing students at the baseline. For instance, girls from pastoralist households who were out-of-school at baseline gained an average of 10.8 percentage points in Somali literacy, over and above the comparison group. A similar, but less stark, pattern was observed in average numeracy scores (3.9 percentage points over and above the comparison group). In both cases gains among this subgroup were larger than among other out-of-school girls or pastoralist girls who were already in school when the programme started. Read More...

Lafiyayyan Yara (Healthy Child) – Reducing Infections Disease Among Children Under Five (RIDCU) Bade LGA, Yobe State

The Lafiyayyan Yara (Healthy Child): Reducing Infectious Disease among Children under Five (RIDCU-5) project was a 27-month private donor funded project implemented from October 2021 through December 2023. The project strengthened health systems in Bade Local Government Area (LGA) of Yobe state by providing required equipment and medication for health facilities, increasing capacity of health personnel to use approved diagnostic methods, and engaging the community to improve uptake of health services.
The primary objective of the evaluation was to assess the project's performance and document its achievements, challenges, and best practices to guide future similar programming; and provide recommendations to CARE Nigeria and its partners to make informed decisions and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of future initiatives.
Evidence from the desk review showed that the project made remarkable progress towards reducing mortality in under-5 children through a community-based health systems strengthening approach that ensures that communities receive a core package of services. The major factors that influenced the effectiveness and achievement of the project results were the use of community structures (community health volunteers, model mothers, and community-based surveillance focal points), capacity building, the referral system and the Social Analysis and Action (SAA) approach through community dialogues, supportive supervision, routine monitoring visits and facility health promotion session. The SAA approach also helped to shift practices related to family planning, immunization and poor health seeking behavior, as evidenced from the qualitative findings.
In both the design and implementation of the project activities, CARE International RIDCU5 team ensured that the project was efficient. The project design allowed the RIDCU5 project to train and work with community members as volunteers and adequately build their capacity and work collaboratively with local partners and relevant stakeholders. The use of community structures and local partners made the project implementation cost effective and created the opportunity for sustainability.
The project’s design engaged community volunteers1 to serve as model mothers, community-based surveillance focal points, feedback and accountability volunteers, and community health volunteers, has enabled the project to increase community mobilization through a cost-effective approach. Through the community referral system, and health promotion sessions, many women were reached through the activities of the community volunteers.
Findings showed that the objectives and activities of the CARE RIDCU5 project were relevant in addressing the humanitarian needs of Bade Local Government communities. The weekly dialogue session with model mothers helped to address social norms and practices that negatively impact maternal and child health and the strengthened detection and referral of infectious disease (acute respiratory illness, malaria, diarrhea, and measles) through community-based surveillance (CBS) that included door-to-door visits and referrals for care. Also, health promotion sessions and supportive supervision in the 22 health facilities of the implementation contributed to quality of services. The project was able to respond largely to the needs of the target groups, including Community Health Workers (licensed and volunteers); children under five and their caregivers; pregnant and postpartum women and adolescent girls through support to strengthen referral systems, community engagement approaches to improve health behaviors and accountability of the health system as well as capacity building and provision of supplies and equipment to improve health service delivery.
The involvement of community volunteers assisted in the community ownership of the project. At present, community volunteers and community leaders, who benefited from the training conducted by CARE International, are engaged in community mobilization and awareness creation among community members on various aspects of the project. Respondents reported that that through the knowledge gained from CARE international, they were able to strengthen their cooperation among each other. The project has also built the capacity of the local partners and community members in a sustainable way through supportive supervision and training for health care workers and volunteers to improve and enhance their capacity to diagnose and detect infectious diseases. Read More...

Looking at the Chivi WASH Project 4 Years Later

Four years after the close of the Chivi WASH Project in 2017 in Chivi North, CARE conducted an “ex-post” evaluation in March 2021 to see which aspects of the project, were sustained. The evaluation focused on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); specifically: open defecation status, latrine coverage, and access to an improved water source. The evaluation also inquired about attitudes towards leadership roles of women and girls, and whether COVID-19 lockdowns affected water and sanitation services. Read More...

MAGNIFYING INEQUALITIES AND COMPOUNDING RISKS The Impact of COVID-19 on the Health and Protection of Women and Girls on the Move

More than one year into the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic—with some countries seemingly on their way out of the crisis while others enter new waves—evidence of its impact is growing. COVID-19 is increasing short-term humanitarian needs and negatively affecting longer-term outcomes for marginalized populations and people in vulnerable situations, significantly setting back hard-won development gains, magnifying inequalities, and compounding risks. Among those worst affected are the more than 80 million people worldwide—approximately half of whom are women and girls—who have been forcibly displaced by drivers such as persecution, conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations.1
The majority of forcibly displaced people live in resource-poor countries with weak public health and social protection systems, and economies that have been hard-hit by the pandemic.2 Yet, to date, there has only been limited research around the unique ways in which women and girls on the move are affected.3 This despite predictions of significant impacts on access to, and use of, basic health services—including for sexual and reproductive health (SRH)—and the overall protection environment, including increases in prevalence and risk of gender-based violence (GBV).
Placing gender at the center of its humanitarian and development responses, CARE undertook new research in Afghanistan, Ecuador, and Turkey between April and May 2021 to better understand how COVID-19 is impacting the health and protection of women and girls on the move. The three countries represent different types of forced displacement across multiple regions: internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugee returnees in Afghanistan; more recent migrants and refugees due to the Venezuelan crisis in Ecuador; and longer-term Syrian refugees living under temporary international protection in Turkey. The primary data collected for this research included more than 1,000 surveys with women on the move and from host communities, to allow comparison; 31 focus group discussions (FGDs) with women and adolescent girls; and 45 key informant interviews (KIIs) with government actors, health and protection service providers, humanitarian organizations, and CARE staff. Read More...

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