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Search Results: 2021년DB㎲Tel그seiN07 2021년디비 2021년디비판매사이트 2021년디비판매사이트 2021년DB업자 2021년디비판매사이트

Mid-term Review: Women, Peace, and Security in Yemen

The civil war in Yemen has led to the greatest humanitarian emergency in the world, disproportionately impacting women and girls. The crisis has further deepened gender inequalities and women’s vulnerabilities to violence and harassment. Further amplifying the situation are poor policy implementation, a shrinking civic space - particularly for women’s organisations - and a retreat in recent hard won gains around women’s voices and leadership within peacebuilding processes.

Despite these realities, the context in Yemen offers significant opportunities for advancing the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda. Recognizing this need and opportunity, SOS Foundation for Development (short: SOS Foundation), CARE Yemen, RNW Media, and two implementing partners (Manasati30 and Generation without Qat), as part of an international consortium led by CARE Nederland, have been implementing the WPS3 in Yemen since 2021. The WPS3 is a strategic partnership funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) under the Strengthening Civil Society Policy Framework. It is a five-year initiative that seeks to contribute to lasting peace and to building a more equal society through addressing both women’s immediate needs and the underlying causes of their limited inclusion in relief, recovery and peacebuilding processes.

The Consortium commissioned Optimum Analysis to conduct a mid-term review of the WPS3 programme, covering the first half of programme implementation (1 January 2021 – 30 June 2023). The main purpose of the mid-term review is to assess the overall achievements and effectiveness of the WPS3 programme at the mid-point and provide recommendations on how the Partnership could be improved in moving forward. Read More...

At the last mile: Lessons from Vaccine Distributions in DR Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has one of the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates in the world, with just 0.87% of people in DRC having received even one dose. While the country has received 8.2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, it has managed to administer 528,000 of them—just under 11% of vaccines available. In April of 2021, DRC became one of the first countries to return 1.3 million COVID-19 doses to COVAX because they could not deliver them to people before the vaccines expired.

The challenges that risked more than a million doses expiring are still in play for most of the country. In both January and February 2022, 114,705 vaccines expired in country because there was not enough investment in systems and health workers to deliver vaccines. To reach 70% of the population—62.7 million people—DRC will need to drastically scale up and accelerate COVID-19 vaccination.

CARE is working with 4 vaccination sites—2 in Butembo and 2 in Goma—to support with community mobilization in partnership with local leaders, health center operations, and training. With joint action and communication plans developed with chiefs, religious leaders, and local authorities, and additional equipment to protect health workers, those sites had vaccinated 1,132 people. In those 4 sites, we have also conducted several rounds of research and problem-solving using community dialogues between health workers and clients using the Community Scorecard, as well as the Social Analysis and Action tools, which provides the insights for this case study. The team has also supported local vaccination teams with IT infrastructure, personnel costs, and creating locally adapted COVID-19 communications plans.

Version Francaise
La République démocratique du Congo (RDC) possède un des taux de vaccination les plus bas dans le monde avec la lutte contre COVID-19. Seulement 0,87% des personnes en RDC ont reçu même une seule dose du vaccin. Alors que le pays a reçu 8,2 millions de doses de vaccin contre la COVID-19, il n’a réussi qu’à en administrer 881,204, soit un peu moins de 11% des vaccins disponibles administrés. En avril 2021, la RDC est devenue l’un des premiers pays à restituer 1,3 million de doses de COVID-19 à COVAX parce qu’elle ne pouvait pas les administrer aux personnes avant l’expiration des vaccins.

Les défis qui risquaient d’expirer plus d’un million de doses sont toujours en jeu pour la majeure partie du pays. En janvier et février, 114,705 doses ont expiré dans le pays parce qu’il n’y avait pas assez d’investissements dans les systèmes et les agents de santé pour livrer des vaccins. Pour atteindre 70 % de la population, soit 62,7 millions de personnes, la RDC devra considérablement intensifier et accélérer la vaccination contre la COVID-19.

CARE travaille avec 4 sites de vaccination – 2 à Butembo et 2 à Goma – pour soutenir la mobilisation communautaire en partenariat avec les leaders et structures locaux, les opérations des centres de santé et la formation. Ces sites avaient vacciné 1 132 personnes. Dans ces 4 sites, nous avons également mené plusieurs séries de recherches et de résolution de problèmes à travers des dialogues communautaires entre les prestataires des services et les clients avec la Carte Communautaire et l’analyse et l’action sociale, à l’aide de la carte de pointage communautaire, qui fournit les informations nécessaires à cette étude de cas. On a aussi appuyé les missions de supervisions avec l’infrastructure pour la connexion internet, la motivation des prestataires, et l’élaboration des plans de communication adaptes aux contextes.

Tackling Vaccine Hesistancy and Expanding Vaccine Access in Tanzania with Community Health Workers in the Lead

Since September 2021, CARE Tanzania has worked as a partner to the Government of Tanzania to improve vaccine access across the country. CARE’s logistical support has helped the government to cover large, underserved geographical areas. To increase vaccine uptake, CARE staff has also engaged local Community Health Workers (CHWs) to address vaccination misconceptions and developed improved health communication and data management tools. An initial training took place in November 2021 and trained 217 CHWs in the Tabora region. With these new resources, these health workers on the front lines have put in place two new strategies. First, COVID-19 vaccination is now integrated with other basic health services at local facilities. CARE supported COVID-19 vaccine distribution in 268 health facilities in Tabora Region. These facilities distributed 20,287 COVID vaccines in areas supported by CARE. Second, the CHWs are now conducting targeted outreach informed by local concerns to address vaccine hesitancy in women and children. Now, not only are vaccinations being provided, CHWs have confirmed that women have increased their acceptance of vaccination shots. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis Sofala – Beira

On the 23rd of January 2021 Tropical Cyclone Eloise made its landfall, in central Mozambique.. Over 441,686 people were affected, with 43,327 persons being displaced (the Instituto Nacional de Gestão Reduçãodo Risco de Desastres (INGD).) The storm also destroyed farmland, infrastructure and thousands of homes. Most of the areas hit by Cyclone Eloise were the same areas affected by Cyclone Idai less than two years ago and hit by tropical storm Chalane on 30 December 2020. CARE conducted a Rapid Gender Analysis from the 12th to the 18th of February in three of the affected districts in Sofala Province, Beira (with the focus on Inhamizua, IFAPA accommodation center, and Chipangara) Nhamatanda (with focus on Tica, and Jhon Segredo Accommodation center), and Buzi (with focus on Guara-Guara), at the transit centers, resettlement sites, and catchment areas. About 56 364 houses were totally or partially destroyed, others flooded, forcing some families to shelter with host families. Others families had been evacuated from flooded areas and were staying in crowded temporary accommodation. Those that were staying in accommodation centers had lost most of their resources, and were dependent on government for daily provision. Read More...

Recipe for Response: What We Know About the Next Global Food Crisis, and How to Fight it

The genesis of the present hunger crisis goes back farther than February 2022 and is due to a combination of global and localized factors. Globally, climate change has compromised agricultural livelihoods and led to displacement, especially in regions like the Horn of Africa and Central America’s Dry Corridor, where famers struggle to produce yields that meet the needs of local markets. The global economic fallouts associated with COVID-19, and inadequate social safety nets, have led to record unemployment and growing poverty—especially for women and women-led households (UN Women 2021)—so that even where food is available, high prices put basic items out of reach for many. Armed conflict is also driving food insecurity, for example by making it difficult for farmers to cultivate their lands, or damaging or disrupting vital agricultural infrastructure—such as transportation, storage and distribution sites—and reducing access to markets and assistance.
Women and girls are disproportionately impacted by food insecurity and related shocks. Gender norms and roles mean that women are often responsible for their households’ food security, including shopping for and preparing food, yet they might also be the ones to eat “last and least” in their household. Women are also more likely to be excluded from decision-making when it comes
to addressing hunger in their communities (CARE 2020). These types of gendered imbalances hurt entire communities: in a 2021 assessment in Sudan, CARE found that 82% of people living in female-headed households reported recently skipping a meal, compared with 56% of people living in male-headed households. Read More...

Sports for Change (S4C) Baseline

Sports for change (S4C) projects aims at leveraging sports activities (Karate and Soccer) to contribute to addressing female disempowerment, gender based violence that is common in schools. The project seeks to raise awareness in schools and communities around schools targeting both learners aged 12-17 and key gatekeepers that interface with the girl including teachers, parents and religious leaders. By the end of the project in 2021, the project hopes to have built a critical mass of youth’s advocates that will keep the momentum of advocating for girl on issues of GBV and gender equality. The project also hopes to cause a shift in society’s attitude towards girls’ empowerment and sexual gender based violence. The project commenced in 2018 is expected to wrap up in 2021. [51 pages] Read More...

Enquête communautaire sur la contraception et les soins après avortement

CARE, en collaboration avec RAISE, avait commencé à appuyer le ministère de la Santé Publique (MSP) de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) pour fournir des services contraceptifs au sein de la zone de santé de Kasongo dans la province du Maniema en 2009. Le programme SAFPAC, L'appui facilitant l’accès à la planification familiale et soins post avortement en situations d’urgence, appuie 19 structures sanitaires dans les zones de santé de Kayna, Lubero, Butembo et Kasongo (Provinces du Nord Kivu et du Maniema) couvrant une population d’à-peu-près 320.000 personnes entre 2011 et 2015. Actuellement, le programme couvre 48 structures sanitaires au sein des zones de santé de Lubero, Kayna et Butembo en province du Nord Kivu, servant une population de 915.538 personnes.

Pour promouvoir la capacité des femmes et adolescentes de prendre conscience de leurs droits d'accès aux services de santé de la reproduction de haute qualité dans cet environnement complexe, la stratégie de CARE porte sur quatre grands domaines d'intervention: 1) formation clinique basée sur les compétences complétée par des suivis et coaching des prestataires ; 2) pourvoie et appui à la chaine d’approvisionnement en contraceptifs et consommables médicaux ; 3) supervision basée sur les données en partenariat avec les autorités sanitaires locales ; 4) engagement des communautés à appuyer l’accès des femmes aux services de santé de la reproduction. Le programme CARE met l’accent sur une gouvernance par la communauté et se focalise sur les adolescents. Ces importantes approches transversales sont reflétées dans ce travail de santé de la reproduction par le biais d’une intensification de la mobilisation sociale visant les adultes et les adolescents pour faciliter l’accès à la contraception des adolescents, une représentation des communautés dans la gouvernance de la santé au niveau des structures sanitaires et des zones de santé, et les apports au niveau des parlements de jeunes focalisés vers les activités des adolescents là où c’est faisable et approprié comme par exemple parmi les déplacés aux environs de Goma dans le Nord Kivu.

En 2016 RAISE et CARE ont conduit une enquête communautaire pour évaluer le niveau des connaissances, les attitudes et comportements de femmes en ce qui concerne la contraception et les soins après avortement dans les zones de rayonnements des structures sanitaires appuyés par CARE au sein des zones de santé Lubero et Kayna dans le Nord Kivu. Read More...

RAPPORT FINAL Etude de base Projet Voix Collective des Femmes et des Filles dans les régions de Ségou & Mopti

Les résultats clés de l’étude de base de l’initiative « Voix Collectives des Femmes » sont présentés par résultat.
 Résultat 1 : La société civile est redynamisée via la structuration les Associations Villageoises d'Epargne Crédit (AVEC) en fédérations et le renforcement des capacités de leurs membres.
Le mouvement associatif féminin occupe un espace politique indéniable et compte un nombre important ’organisations faîtières. CARE International au Mali a mis en place plus d’une cinquantaine de réseaux villageois et une trentaine de réseaux communaux dans les régions de Ségou et Mopti. Les capacités de ces réseaux MJT ont été enforcés sur les techniques de plaidoyer et de négociation sociale, de leadership, de la planification, le suivi et la réponse à la crise alimentaire, etc.
Dans les sept communes enquêtées sur les 14, on compte 69 conseillères communales, soit 26% des élus communaux. Dix-huit (18%) des femmes, membres d’un parti politique, estiment être en mesure d’influencer les décisions au niveau de la communauté et non au niveau régional ou national.
Neuf personnes sur dix (9/10) des enquêtées font partie d’une association communautaire de base dont la plupart sont membres des groupements MJT créer par CARE MALI, soit 84%. La proportion des femmes enquêtées qui sont membre d’un organe décisionnel au niveau des collectivités territoriales et qui estime être capable d’influencer les décisions au sein de la communauté est de 48%. En effet, 26% affirment pouvoir influencer beaucoup les décisions au sein de la communauté, 19% modérément et 2% estiment qu’elles n’exercent aucune influence sur les décisions prises au sein de la communauté. Read More...

Call to Action Field Implementation (CAFI) II

CAFI seeks to catalyze the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (CTA) on the ground. The project works with women-led organizations (WLOs) to drive change and foster Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention, risk mitigation, and response in humanitarian emergencies.

In 2013, governments, donors, and humanitarian organizations launched the CTA, to fundamentally transform how GBV prevention, risk mitigation, and response are addressed. The CTA aims to strengthen accountability in policies, systems, and mechanisms.
The partnership has grown to more than 100 members, but consolidating CTA implementation in the field is a key gap that needs to be addressed. As a result, CAFI was launched to advance the Call to Action 2021- 2025 Road Map on the ground.
What are the main objectives of CAFI?
● Catalyze increased representation and leadership of women and girls, specifically WLOs, in decision making structures and humanitarian assistance
● Amplify GBV expertise: scaling existing capacity of WLOs
● Address GBV root causes and coordinate effective response and risk mitigation
How does CAFI work?
CAFI aims at contributing to WLO strengthening through capacity-sharing approaches between partners. WLOs are engaged from the beginning, allowing them to co-create and adapt the project according to their needs and contexts and ensuring
accountability and women’s voice and leadership throughout the whole project cycle.

CAFI works through a consortium of 10 WLOs across Latin America and the Caribbean, West and Central Africa, the Middle East/North Africa, and Europe, who coordinate national networks of WLOs: Arab Women Organization (AWO) of Jordan, Baghdad Women Association (BWA) in Iraq, Center Women’s Perspectives (CWP) in Ukraine, Comité des Jeunes Filles Leaders (COJEFIL) in Niger, Dynamique des Femmes Juristes (DFJ) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Fundación
para el Desarrollo en Género y Familia (GENFAMI) in Colombia, Global Media Campaign (GMC) in Mali, Himaya Daeem Aataa (HDA) in Lebanon, and Tinta Violeta in Venezuela. In Iraq, Lebanon, and Venezuela, project activities are co-led by WEO, Sama for Development, and Uniandes, respectively. Read More...

SELAM 1 Early Recovery and Socio-Economic Stability in Tigray: FPI MONITORING REPORT

In June 2023, Altai Consulting, the Third-Party Monitor (TPM) for the EU FPI, was tasked by the Nairobi Regional Team (RT) to research and
communicate the progress and impact on the ground of the project NDICI CRISIS FPI/2021/427-921 – “SELAM 1 Early Recovery and Socio-Economic Stability in Tigray”, implemented by CARE and REST.

The project is implemented in Tigray as part of a cluster of projects alongside CST and MdM projects also montiroed by Altai during this visit. These interventions focus on responding to Tigray’s post-war challenges, mostly related to livelihoods support, access to health services, and trauma healing.

The monitoring team looked to capture progress towards the project’s intended objectives at the mid-stage of its implementation. During an earlier monitoring conducted in December 2022, the Altai team found that progress had stalled due to security challenges on the ground but that the projects were gaining momentum due to the peace agreement signed in November 2022. Read More...

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