Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
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Rapid Assessment of the FBMT Family Business Management Training
The relevance of the FBMT in relation to the objectives of the W4C (Women for Change) program was analyzed by comparing the FBMT content and the evidence from the interviews with the objectives and indicators of the W4C logframe.
It becomes clear that the FBMT was most effective in increasing IGAs, balancing decision making and improving relationships. The effect of IGAs on household income not entirely clear yet. Access to the training is determined by participation in VSLAs. While this is not detrimental in the first place, potential entry barriers to VSLAs need to be kept in mind when scaling up.
For men the main challenges to participate in the FBMT are a perceived loss of power and possibly the available time to attend. Yet, those who participated were attracted by potential economic gains and finally recognized the advantages of improved relationships.
A mapping of training courses that are related to the FBMT and are applied in the W4C program revealed that the couple dialogues, the gender strategy interventions and FBMT overlap in some areas but the FBMT goes beyond the objectives of the other two courses. The IGA training courses, which are complementary to the FBMT, overlap with some of the contents of the FFBS1 (Farmer Field and Business School). The FFBS also overlaps with some of the FBMT contents on gender and also addresses the couple rather than just the women. However, it comprises of about double the number of training modules of the FBMT.
Training application is divided between technical advisors and field supervisors. This arrangement was not evaluated in detail but might not be the most effective and should be reviewed critically. The FBMT sustainably changed some of the behaviour of participating couples, confirming the sustainability of some of the effects of the training. The provision of the training still depends on external funding and cannot be considered fully sustainable yet. Change plans and their follow up by CARE staff are time consuming, resource intensive and might reduce the ownership of these plans by the couple that developed the plan.
The FBMT has been successful in changing household economies and relationships. Specifically the daily calendar, the income and expenditure tree and the prioritization of expenditures as practiced in the NEEDS and WANTS exercise have proven to be very effective. The perceived economic advantages of the training attract men eventually they discover the rewards of an improved relationship. The benefits of the FBMT have motivated some community members to spread its concepts to other households, which is as an opportunity for future programming. Read More...
Endline Survey services for Waxbar Carurtaada (Educate Your Children) II Project
Evaluation Methodology: A mixed-methods, gender-sensitive endline assessment, inclusive of children with disabilities and other marginalized sub-groups within the targeted population, was conducted to establish endline values. The endline assessment took place at the end of the project, in April 2024, after the three cohorts of Out-of-School Children (OOSC) had been enrolled into the two education pathways; formal education and Accelerated Basic Education, which enabled the direct sampling of the OOSC beneficiaries. Data collection methods included surveys with OOSC and their caregivers to develop profiles and identify attitudes and practices towards education, as well as establishing factors that contributed towards OOSC enrolment. This approach facilitated the longitudinal tracking of all individual OOSCs enrolled in the project to identify patterns regarding attendance and retention, school absorption capacity, learning environment, and community engagement. A total of 1,155 OOSCs were tracked through household surveys, 58 school surveys, 19 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) conducted with Community Education Committees (CECs), OOSCs, and Caregivers, and 12 KIIs with Ministry of Education officials (MoE).
Key Findings:
Education pathway: The majority of students were enrolled in primary education pathways at both baseline and endline, with minor fluctuations in distribution observed across states. Across all states and at both baseline and endline, there was a slightly higher percentage of male students compared to female students in both ABE and primary education pathways, with 49% boys and 51% girls enrolled in both pathways.
The household profiles were comprised of 1,155 children from 1,110 households; 109 (9.4%) children participating in ABE programs, and 1046 (90.6%) children enrolled in formal primary education. Gender parity was fairly similar across both education pathways among the household survey respondents, with girls comprising 51.4% of ABE (48.6% boys) students and 51.7% of formal primary school students (49.3% boys).
Household characteristics and practices: At 42.2%, the proportion of students whose households belonged to agricultural clans attending ABE programs was nearly double the proportion of students whose households belonged to agricultural clans attending formal primary education programs (21.3%). The proportion of students from households belonging to pastoralist clans1 was roughly the same across the two groups, representing 41.7% of children in formal primary education and 39.4% of children in ABE. ABE students were more likely to be members of an agricultural clan than formal primary school students. Students attending formal primary school were more likely to come from a pastoralist clan, as schools selected for participation in EYC II were purposively selected from marginalized pastoralist communities.
Children attending ABE were somewhat more likely to come from an internally displaced household (35.8%) than children attending formal primary education (28.2%). Similarly, children from households that have recently migrated to the city are somewhat more prevalent in ABE (34.9%) than in formal primary education (25.2%). A higher proportion of children attending ABE came from female-headed households (69.7%) when compared to children attending formal primary education (44.5%). Findings from the baseline report found that 40% of children from pastoralist clans on either educational pathway had female-headed households, which increased to 51.6% at the endline. This is likely to be a result of displacement dynamics as well as patterns of livestock management that involve men leaving the home for long periods. Read More...
Baseline Study Report of Flash Flood and Lightning
The study encompassed three districts prone to flash floods, namely Sylhet, Sunamganj, and Netrokona. For the treatment group areas, the selected Upazilas were Gowainghat, Dharmapasha, and Khaliajuri and for control group areas, the selected areas were Sylhet Sadar, Sunamganj Sadar, Madan.
Data was collected from 502 households, 12 focus group discussions, and 19 key informant interviews. The study's findings indicate that flash floods and lightning are recurrent and severe hazards that pose significant threats to the communities lives, assets, and livelihoods. These hazards are disproportionately affect women, individuals with disabilities and farmers. The study also identified several shortcomings in the existing early warning systems, including issues related to timeliness, quality, coverage, accessibility, comprehension, and trust.
Adolescent Girls’ Education in Somalia (AGES) Post Project Evaluation Summaries
Additionally, The Adolescent Girls’ Education in Somalia (AGES) project worked to improve learning outcomes and positive transitions for 90,698 extremely vulnerable girls and female youth in South Somalia. AGES research showed that vulnerable girls’ limited self-confidence and voice hinders participation in class, with a negative impact on learning, particularly among girls with disabilities and displaced youth. To address this barrier, AGES
formed school-based clubs known as Girls’ Empowerment Forum (GEF). Through the GEF, vulnerable students participate in activities to develop leadership skills with support from mentors and are linked to resource
persons within the community. They are trained to act as peer mentors within their schools and community, reaching out to other girls to provide support, and engaging in joint advocacy and action. GEF participants
work together to develop plans to address issues of their choice through girl-led action. GEF mentors and peer mentors are also trained on psychosocial first aid, providing support to those affected by shocks. In 2020-2024, AGES established 911 Girls’ Empowerment Forums with a total of 9,110 members. The GEFs were connected through 18 district-level networks. Read More...
Adolescent Girls’ Education in Somalia (AGES) Endline evaluation
In addition, the programme’s theory of change (ToC) posits that several intermediate outcomes mediate the effect of programme interventions on the primary outcomes. As such, this study also examines progress on several intermediate outcomes: 1) attendance rates, 2) quality of teaching practices, 3) girls’ leadership and life skills, 4) school management and governance, 5) community support for girls’ education, 6) girl’s self-efficacy, 7) strengthened economic circumstances for female youth, and finally, 8) access to social support services.
Importantly, this study comprises evaluations for three separate groups of girls, all recruited into the study at various points in time. The study began with an original baseline cohort of girls participating in the formal education (FE), Alternative Basic Education (ABE), and Non-Formal Education (NFE) programmes. These girls were recruited from schools in the following states, or geographic zone: Banadir, South West State, and Jubaland. The ABE programme focused on accelerated education of basic skills to enable girls to transition into the formal education system, while the NFE programme aimed to equip girls with the skills – both hard and soft – needed to pursue livelihoods, though some NFE girls also transition to the formal education system. These initial groups – whom we collectively refer to as Cohort 1 (C1) or the baseline cohort – were first recruited at BL in 2019, and were funded by the UK’s Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) fund.
Two further cohorts, funded by USAID, were later introduced. Cohort 4, or C4, NFE girls were introduced into the study at ML1, while Cohort 5, or C5, NFE girls were introduced to the study at ML2. As such, unlike the C1 girls, we take the ML1 and ML2 evaluation rounds as the cohort-specific baselines for C4 and C5 NFE girls, respectively, and compare changes in main and intermediate outcomes from those rounds to EL. The USAID expansion of the NFE programming also meant the C4 and C5 Read More...
Esta sistematización, orientada desde una mirada comunitaria y participativa, incorpora las voces y saberes de las diferentes personas involucradas en la estrategia: equipo central y regional del proyecto, consultores del proyecto, responsables de la estrategia de salud mental de las DIRIS/DIRESAS/GERESAS, jefe/as y/o responsable de participación social comunitaria de los CSMC, agentes comunitarios de salud y beneficiarios/as del proyecto; a fin de recoger buenas prácticas, lecciones aprendidas y procesos innovadores, que permitan generar aprendizajes internos e interinstitucionales a partir de la implementación de esta estrategia. Las entrevistas individuales y los grupos de discusión fueron las técnicas principales para recolectar la información, complementado con la revisión de documentos concernientes al programa y a la estrategia en particular. Read More...
Supporting meaningful civic engagement for improved accountability by leveraging digital technologies (Ref: ISAF-II) 2019-2023
Objective of the Evaluation
The overall objective of the end of project evaluation is to provide a full assessment of the intended goals and objectives of the action including the treatment of key evaluation questions and using the six Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) criteria; relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability. The evaluation also aims to capture best practices, challenges, and lessons learned during the project intervention, and provide clear recommendations for CARE, the National Committee for Sub-national Democratic Development (NCDD), European Union (EU), World Bank and other relevant Development Partners and stakeholders for future interventions. The evaluation will measure the impact and progress against the project’s logical framework. The evaluation will assess all three sectors (commune administration, health centres, and school services) in all five selected provinces under CARE’s mandate.
End of project respondents were chosen from key project participants: citizens, youth (aged 15 to 30 years old), local authorities/services providers (commune and district levels, healthcare centres and primary schools) and Community Accountability Facilitators (CAFs). A total of 649 respondents were interviewed for the evaluation. Data collection was conducted with a team of 10 data collectors in December 2023. Read More...
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