Inclusive Governance

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Midterm Evaluation Reports

Every Voice Counts (EVC) in a multi-country program being implemented in sic countries by CARE Netherlands in partnership with The Hague Academy for Local Governance, CARE Country Offices, and local Civil Society Organizations, and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the auspices of strategic partnership "Dialogue and Dissent." [94 pages] Read More...

Women and Girls Participation in Decision Making for Imihigo and GBV issues

Care International Rwanda has contracted “A & G Services Ltd.” to conduct the study on “Women and Girls Participation in Decision Making for Imihigo and GBV issues”. The objective of this initiative was two-fold: The research firstly aimed at understanding which profiles of women and how these women have generally been participating and influencing decisions taken at both national and grassroots level in relation to GBV prevention and response. Secondly, the research additionally sought to analyze gaps and opportunities for Women and girls participation in planning and budgeting of the Imihigo process. [156 pages] Read More...

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Programme Inclusive Governance in Fragile Settings Midterm Report Burundi

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Programme aims to contribute to inclusive and effective governance processes in fragile settings since 1st of January 2016 to 31st December 2020. The programme is implemented by Care Netherlands (CNL), CARE Country Offices (COs) and local partners in Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Rwanda and Burundi. In Burundi, this program is implemented in 3 provinces (Gitega, Muyinga, Kirundo) in 8 communes and 80 collines. This document provides the results of the mid-term review conducted in July 2018 in Burundi. [124 pages] Read More...

Rapport Post Distribution Monitoring Deuxiueme Passage SALI-BASE

Dans le cadre de l’atténuation des effets négatifs de cette crise et son lot de corollaires, CARE NIGER a soumis et obtenu auprès de plusieurs bailleurs (Ministère allemand des affaires étrangères, The Letter Days Saint Charitties et Ministère luxembourgeois des affaires étrangères) pour soutenir ces populations victimes.

Afin de répondre aux besoins alimentaires de base des populations les plus vulnérables parmi les personnes déplacées ainsi que les communautés hôtes , les trois initiatives ont procédé au transfert de cash inconditionnel à 2920 ménages les plus vulnérables dans la région de Diffa dont 2000 ménages pour SALI-BASE pendant 4 tours, 520 ménages pour LDSC pendant 3 tours et 400 ménages pour AMOS pendant 4 tours. [13 pages]

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Program Quarterly Report – 2nd Quarter

CARE Sudan with partner National NGOs Great Family Organization – (GFO), Global Aid Hand (GAH), AlSawahda AlKhadra Organization (AAO) and State Ministry of Social Affairs (SMoA) and other government sector ministries, community structures and with support from CARE Nederland have made significant progress in pushing forward the planned EVC project objectives and activities in the past quarter. [12 pages] Read More...

Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) Midterm Review

To improve the voice and accountability in sub-national democratic development, public service delivery and functions of the Cambodian sub-National Government, the Strategic Framework for Social Accountability (SAF) and a three year plan for the Implementation of the Strategic Framework (I-SAF) in 2015-2017, were designed through a highly consultative process between development partners, civil society and the Secretariat of the National Committee for sub-National Democratic Development (NCDDS). The I-SAF plan was endorsed in a joint meeting of the government and civil society in June 2013 and the SAF was approved by the Royal Government of Cambodia on the 11th of July 2013.The SAF and the I-SAF have been fully incorporated into the Second Implementation Plan (IP3-II) of the National Program for sub-National Democratic Development (NP-SNDD).


What Is the Effect of the Reform ‘Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework’ in the Cambodian Highlander Villages?

In the absence of relevant knowledge, how are citizens going to enjoy their right to public service delivery? It is argued that decentralization of power, such as making local official politics more open and transparent together with an effort to streamline political decisions with citizens’ preferences, is an efficient way to fight poverty (Raffinot, 2015:199). This works only if it is associated with the reinforcement of citizen’s control over the power1. (Raffinot, 2015:199). To alleviate poverty through the reinforcement of citizen’s control must start with their enhancement of relevant knowledge.
The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of an information campaign on Cambodian citizens’ rights and standards in commune councils, primary schools, and health centers. The study is a quasi-experiment that is designed in accordance with the implementation of the reform I-SAF. The information campaign consists of public posters and meetings held that shall disperse the Cambodian citizens’ rights and standards in commune councils, primary schools, and health centers. [38 pages] Read More...

Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace in Kayah State: Mid-Term Review

Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) was commissioned by Care Myanmar to carry out a midterm review (MTR) of its Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace (SNAP) in Kayah State. CARE’s project goal is to enable non-state actors, particularly the Karenni State Women’s Network (KSWN), to support women’s organizations and grassroots members in representing their constituents’ interests in governmental and peace processes. The overall objective of the MTR is to assess the project’s progress in achieving its objectives and outcomes, in addition to facilitating a process to increase the capacity of key stakeholders in all steps of the learning cycle. More specifically, the MTR assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the project in making progress towards achieving areas of impact, and assesses the likely achievement of expected results and specific objectives as specified within CARE’s logical framework. [23 pages] Read More...

What Works? Reducing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment adversely impacts people and business, it has significant physical and mental health consequences, costs business operations in productivity and efficiency, and can affect the wellbeing of all employees in the workplace. This review draws together insight on promising global approaches to addressing harassment in the workplace. The knowledge, practice, and accountability of employers and industry to workplace health and safety can therefore be based on robust evidence of what works to address this sensitive and pervasive issue. [16 pages] Read More...

Empowering Women to Claim Inheritance Rights WIN Project

Women’s lack of access to and control over property and women’s inheritance rights are global issues. Women’s lack of control over land and property places them at a significant disadvantage in terms of securing a place to live, maintaining a means for survival and accessing economic opportunities. Inheritance law is one of the few areas of law that is largely derived from the Quran. As such, it’s been subject to minimal contestation by legal reformers. Egypt complex inheritance rules are mainly expounded in Law no.77 of 19431. The Constitution of 1971 protects women’s rights to own property and inheritance and this is detailed in the Civil Code which govern property ownership and which affirms the right to own. However, the reasons why women do not inherit are complicated. Inheritance is a fundamental issue with regard to how wealth is transferred within a society, and it directly relates to the protection of a woman’s housing and land. In other words, it is not only an issue of establishing the necessary legal frameworks that allow women to own and inherit property, although this element is certainly crucial. Gender-biased policies, customary law, traditions, social norms and attitudes that women cannot and should not own housing, land and property independently from a man, all serve to prevent women from realizing their rights to inherit. With the overall objective of achieving gender equality, CARE is launching in Assiut and Sohag governorates, Upper Egypt “Empowering Women to Claim Inheritance
Rights” (WIN), a three years project co-funded with the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation. Goal of the project is to provide local women with greater access to and control over economic rights, resources and opportunities. The proposed action to contribute to this long term goal is the involvement and the empowerment of actors at community and governorate levels to work coherently through an integrated approach to facilitate women's access to inheritance rights and to enable them to better manage their property and assets in Assiut and Sohag Governorates. The current study conducted by Beit Al Karma Consulting is intended to provide the baseline information to contribute to WIN project’s implementation, determine the awareness messages to be sent out and set the ground to measure project future impact and outcomes. [35 pages] Read More...

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