Inclusive Governance

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project First Quarterly Report

The Ghana Strengthening Accountability Mechanism (GSAM) project is a five (5) year USAIDfunded project, which focuses on strengthening citizens’ oversight of capital development projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana. GSAM is designed to strengthen social accountability by improving availability of District Assembly capital project information to citizens to enhance their capacity to demand accountability. The GSAM project interventions directly contribute to the attainment of USAID/Ghana Country Development Cooperation Strategy, - Strengthened Responsive, Democratic Governance under intermediate results; IR 1.2.1 “increased capacity of CSOs to advocate on behalf of citizens for improved government services’’; and sub IR 1.2.2 ‘‘strengthened CSO and National Audit Authority oversight of government services’’. Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project 2nd Year Annual Report

The Ghana Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project” is five year social accountability project which was formulated by the Government of the United States of America through its development agency, USAID, in collaboration with the Government of Ghana. The project focuses on strengthening citizens’ oversight of capital projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana.
The implementation of the GSAM project directly contributes to intermediate results; IR 1.2.1 “increased capacity of CSOs to advocate on behalf of citizens for improved government services’’; and sub IR 1.2.2 ‘‘strengthened CSO and National Audit Authority oversight of government services’’ under USAID/Ghana Country Development Cooperation strategy,- Strengthened Responsive, Democratic Governance. Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project Quarterly Report

The Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project seeks to strengthen citizens’ oversight of capital projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana. CARE International in Ghana, IBIS in Ghana and Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) are implementing the project in collaboration with twenty-seven Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholders.

This report highlights activities carried out in Quarter Two (January-March, 2017) of Year 3 of the project’s implementation. It presents information relating to administration and project infrastructure, programme activities, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Information on project implementation challenges, lessons learnt for the period, conclusions and recommendations are also presented as part of the report. Read More...

Midline SBGV Focus Group Assessment

In order to determine whether beneficiaries reported a change in knowledge towards SGBV, we conducted a midline assessment in terms of focus groups. Five focus groups were held in Cairo and Alexandria during October 2016 to a total of 29 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women, 8 Syrian men, and 14 Syrian children (7 girls and 7 boys). In Cairo, 15 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women were interviewed in two focus groups, and a third mixed-gender focus group was conducted with 14 children aged between 8 and 12. In Alexandria, one focus group was conducted to 14 Syrian women and another to 8 Syrian men. Interviewees were a randomly picked sample of beneficiaries who attended the project’s activities throughout the first year. [2 pages] Read More...

Integration of Men and Boys into Gender-Based Violence Education Arabic

113-page evaluation on the manifestations of gender-based violence among young people and men and how to confront it and reduce its spread and causes. Read More...

Local Partnership for Accountability Final Evaluation

86-page final evaluation of the LPA project is implemented by CARE International - Egypt, governance and civic engagement program in partnership with CARE England, It is funded by Arab Partnership Fund - Commonwealth Office in England. Project Duration: From May 2013 - until March 2015 and aims to increase the responsiveness of service providers to accountability through the establishment of mechanisms of social accountability and provide an opportunity for mutual dialogue between citizens and service providers. The project is implemented in five communities in three governorates (BeniSuef - Qena, Luxor), in cooperation with a partner association in each governorate (Better Life Association in Beni Suef, Ana Masry in Qena and Luxor) Read More...

HAQI and GYOB Projects Final Evaluations

31-page final evaluation on CARE Egypt’s governance program works to enhance good governance at the local and national level. Apart of the governance program, CARE implemented two projects: How to Access Quality Initiative (HAQI) and Get Youth on Board project (GYOB). HAGI adopted the rights based approach to access quality services while GYOB aims to empower youth to be part of decision making in local communities. The final evaluation will assess to what extent the two project were able to achieve their targets indicators and effectiveness of their implementation modality to impact the targeted communities. Read More...

Strengthening Civil Society Participation in the Agricultural Sector in Egypt-SCPAE Project Evaluation

This 46-page study aims to evaluate the SCPAE project through explaining the following aspects: 1) Assessing the rationale of the SCPAE project; 2) Assessing the efficiency of the project in achieving the planned activities and results; 3) Assessing the impact of the project and identifying the unintended results achieved from the project; 4) Exploring the level of project sustainability and the possibility of scaling-up the project in the future; 5) Exploring the key challenges which the project faced or still faces. The study concludes by summarizing the strengths and success of the project in addition to the points of weaknesses or areas for improvement in the project.

Evaluation to “Strengthening Civil Society Participation in the Agricultural Sector in Egypt-SCPAE” Project

This 107-page study aims to evaluate the SCPAE project through explaining the following aspects: 1) Assessing the rationale of the SCPAE project; 2) Assessing the efficiency of the project in achieving the planned activities and results; 3) Assessing the impact of the project and identifying the unintended results achieved from the project; 4) Exploring the level of project sustainability and the possibility of scaling-up the project in the future; 5) Exploring the key challenges which the project faced or still faces. The study concludes by summarizing the strengths and success of the project in addition to the points of weaknesses or areas for improvement in the project.

Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Young Men Initiative Project (YMI)

46 final evaluation of "Young Men Initiative - Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes". CARE worked in partnership with three experienced local youth non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Sarajevo (Association "XY"), Banja Luka (Institute for Youth and Community Development "Perpetuum Mobile") and Mostar ("Youth Power"), which further built capacities of other youth NGOs in 10-15 locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The project’s overall goal is to increase the uptake of healthy, nonviolent and gender equitable lifestyles among young men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this project, over 10,000 young people in BiH were directly targeted through a range of activities. The intervention intended to address harmful lifestyles that impact both young men and young women. The project is supported by the Swiss Confederation represented by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs acting through the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Read More...

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