Inclusive Governance

Empowering women and communities vietnam

This 50 page document provides an overview of the impacts of the Civil Society and Ethnic Minority W... Read More...

Progres 2 etude de base

This 29 page document details baseline findings for the PROGRES 2 project for reinforcing equitable ... Read More...

Local Actors join for inclusive economic development and governance in the South Caucasus (JOIN)

This 58 page document reports the results of the JOIN project in Georgia and Armenia Read More...

15-02-03 eval. mid-term rapport final we-spora

This 47 page document highlights the mid-term results of the Katye Nou Pi Bèl project funded by the ... Read More...

Final tatweer evaluation report final

This 57 page document highlights the results of the TATWEER project funded by the Australian Governm... Read More...

Final ciip formative evaluation

This 65 page document highlights the results of the CIIP Read More...

Mangrove project evaluation

This 72 page project describes the approaches of community-based adaptation of mangroves, DRR, and c... Read More...

An impact assessment of the pathways-sammow project on women agriculture day laborers, their household and communities

This 44 page report highlights the findings of how collective negotiation narrowed the gap between m... Read More...

Evaluation of the tuungane-linked vsla maniema province challenges 25 08 2014 (3)

Final Evaluation of Tuungane Project implemented in DRC: Tuungane, operating in the Democratic Repu... Read More...


This 131 page document describes the results of the ICDP pilot project Read More...

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