climate change resilience

Madagascar – masoala mikary rapport evaluation finale (janvier 2016)

This 39 page report highlights the Préservation et Entretien de Masoala project supported by the Eur... Read More...

Microdose impact evaluation

This 27 page document shows the results of using conservation agriculture technologis across partner... Read More...

Unnati endline

This 59 page document highlights findings from the endline evaluation of CARE Nepal's Unnati project... Read More...

Integrated community-based adaptation in the mekong (icam) project – final narrative report

This 35 page report shows the final results of the COMMUNITY-BASED CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION GRANTS (CBC... Read More...

Final ecrp flood study report

This 46 page documents highlights families' resilience to flooding crises in th 2014 floods in Malaw... Read More...

Grad ir assessment report 2015

This 73 page report covers the 3rd year assessment for the USAID-funded GRAD program for livelihoods... Read More...

Braced presences baseline report

This 20 page reports highlights the main findings from the DFID-funded BRACED project Read More...

Alp final evaluation 050815

Describes the impacts of the ALP program in Kenya, Niger, Mozambique, and Ghana Read More...

Alp 2014 report

This 98 page report highlights progress from CARE's DFID-funded Adaptation and Learning Program Read More...

Maka’as final evaluation report

This 62 page evaluation describes the work and impacts of CARE's MAKA'AS program, focusing on water ... Read More...

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