Women's Economic Empowerment
Livelihoods for Resilience Labor Assessment
This 59 page labor market assessment shows the findings and planning for the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity's primary and secondary assessment of the demand for off-farm wage employment. The three main sectors in the formal Ethiopian economy that offer the most opportunity for wage employment for youth are Construction, Light Manufacturing, and the Services sector. Livelihoods for Resilience is a USAID-funded Feed the Future activity. Read More...
Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality Endline Report
Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality, was a research project, whose aim was to test the effectiveness of adding gender conscious practice curriculum (GCP) and intergenerational dialogues on existing Auntie Stella life skills curriculum to accelerate and enhance adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health programming. The project was implemented in Suza Zone. CARE Malawi, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) at district level, had already been working in Suza and Linyangwa Zones to implement an enhanced life skills curriculum that was being implemented by public school teachers in two zones in Kasungu District. The initiative was supported by PCTFI under the CARE Malawi Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment (AGE) program.
Under the Umodzi project, the idea was to test the effectiveness of adding a gender conscious practice curriculum to the existing life skills curriculum. Therefore, the main activity that was implemented under the project was the delivery of a gender synchronized intervention through the Gender Conscious Practice (GCP) curriculum to the supplementary life skills curriculum that was delivered after school by trained teachers in Suza and Linyangwa Zones in Kasungu District. To enhance adoption of GCP, the project promoted intergenerational discussions through the Working with Men and Boys to Advance Gender Equality and SRH (WMB/SRH) manual targeting mostly older men, commonly called ‘Male Champions of gender’ that were recruited through the Pathways program.
This document is a report of findings of an end line evaluation of the Umodzi Project implemented in Suza Education Zone in Kasungu District in the Central Region of Malawi. Data collection and analysis for the end line evaluation took place in February 2018 while the report was compiled in March 2018. The end line evaluation was part of evaluation activities for the project, which were subcontracted to CDM to support learning. Read More...
Under the Umodzi project, the idea was to test the effectiveness of adding a gender conscious practice curriculum to the existing life skills curriculum. Therefore, the main activity that was implemented under the project was the delivery of a gender synchronized intervention through the Gender Conscious Practice (GCP) curriculum to the supplementary life skills curriculum that was delivered after school by trained teachers in Suza and Linyangwa Zones in Kasungu District. To enhance adoption of GCP, the project promoted intergenerational discussions through the Working with Men and Boys to Advance Gender Equality and SRH (WMB/SRH) manual targeting mostly older men, commonly called ‘Male Champions of gender’ that were recruited through the Pathways program.
This document is a report of findings of an end line evaluation of the Umodzi Project implemented in Suza Education Zone in Kasungu District in the Central Region of Malawi. Data collection and analysis for the end line evaluation took place in February 2018 while the report was compiled in March 2018. The end line evaluation was part of evaluation activities for the project, which were subcontracted to CDM to support learning. Read More...
Urban Protection Response Program
CARE Jordan’s Urban Protection Response Program encompasses a resilience programming by managing a system of incentive-based volunteering and internship programs, creating opportunities for income-generation, conducting vocational and capacity-building training sessions, and providing kits and raw materials to facilitate the establishment of home-based businesses. Livelihood training sessions have included vocational skills such as beautification,
barbering, cooking, sewing, handicrafts design and production, and technological repairs and maintenance. CARE’s livelihoods impact assessment carried out in October 2016 indicated that these activities have improved participants’ resilience, with 60% reporting that they felt more economically self-reliant, and 75% stating that they had learnt new skills that would increase their chances of earning a better income. Respondents also indicated that their participation in livelihood activities had allowed them to develop new friendships and interact within their communities. In addition to livelihood activities, CARE Jordan has worked on building the capacities of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and supported the development of microbusinesses as well as savings and loans associations. [36 pages] Read More...
barbering, cooking, sewing, handicrafts design and production, and technological repairs and maintenance. CARE’s livelihoods impact assessment carried out in October 2016 indicated that these activities have improved participants’ resilience, with 60% reporting that they felt more economically self-reliant, and 75% stating that they had learnt new skills that would increase their chances of earning a better income. Respondents also indicated that their participation in livelihood activities had allowed them to develop new friendships and interact within their communities. In addition to livelihood activities, CARE Jordan has worked on building the capacities of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and supported the development of microbusinesses as well as savings and loans associations. [36 pages] Read More...
Inclusión Económica y Financiera de Mujeres Rurales Pobres en El Departamento De Junín
Por encargo de CARE Perú se realizó la evaluación del proyecto INCLUSIÓN ECONÓMICA Y FINANCIERA DE MUJERES RURALES POBRES EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE JUNÍN, el mismo que tuvo una duración de un año y contó con el apoyo financiero de Generall Mills. La finalidad del proyecto fue incrementar los ingresos económicos de mujeres participantes al tiempo de fortalecer su empoderamiento económico; para ello se planteó como estrategia principal el fortalecimiento de sus capacidades en las dimensiones de gestión, financiera y productiva.
La evaluación tuvo una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, utilizando tanto información d e fuente directa como indirecta. Se reconstruyó la línea de base del proyecto para varios de los indicadores cuya medición
inicial no se disponía. Como técnica cualitativa se priorizó los grupos focales y para la cuantitativa se aplicó una encuesta con un cuestionario cerrado. Este trabajo se realizó durante los meses de julio y agosto del 2016. [71 pages] Read More...
La evaluación tuvo una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, utilizando tanto información d e fuente directa como indirecta. Se reconstruyó la línea de base del proyecto para varios de los indicadores cuya medición
inicial no se disponía. Como técnica cualitativa se priorizó los grupos focales y para la cuantitativa se aplicó una encuesta con un cuestionario cerrado. Este trabajo se realizó durante los meses de julio y agosto del 2016. [71 pages] Read More...
Entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of women in rural communities of the coast and the Andean region of Peru
En un trabajo coordinado y bajo objetivos claros, CARE Perú, con el financiamiento de H&M ConsciousFoundation, se propusieron el empoderamiento duradero y sostenible de la mujer de manera que constituya un catalizador de cambio positivo. El programa insignia de H&M ConsciousFoundation invierte en la adopción de medidas que fortalecen a la mujer en los países en desarrollo para transformar su futuro. Se centra en potenciar la economía de la mujer, y en inspirar y asesorar sobre cambios políticos necesarios en el mundo para permitir la plena participación de la mujer en todos los ámbitos de la vida tal como propone el Proyecto liderado por CARE Perú “Women leaders making their destiny and progress: Entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of women in rural communities of the coast and the Andean region of Peru”. [25 pages] Read More...
Educación Para El Desarrollo e Inclusión Financiera Estudio de Línea de Base
El presente documento constituye el Informe Final del “Estudio de Línea de Base del Proyecto educación para el desarrollo e inclusión financiera", desarrollado por el equipo consultor de acuerdo a los términos de referencia de CARE Perú desde noviembre de 2016 hasta febrero de 2017.
El proyecto se desarrolla en los departamentos de Lambayeque, La Libertad, Junín y Arequipa, con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo. [100 pages] Read More...
El proyecto se desarrolla en los departamentos de Lambayeque, La Libertad, Junín y Arequipa, con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo. [100 pages] Read More...
Desarrollo Economico Inclusivo: Generación de ingresos y empleo en unidades productivas familiares del altiplano mediante la cadena de valor de ganado vacuno para carne
El proyecto “Generación de ingresos y empleo en unidades productivas familiares del altiplano mediante la cadena de valor de ganado vacuno para carne” fue implementado por CARE Perú con el financiamiento de FONDOEMPLEO. La evaluación de impacto ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de CARE Internacional UK, con financiamiento del Departamento del Gobierno del Reino Unido para el Desarrollo Internacional (DFID) – PPA III. La publicación y presentación del estudio recibieron el apoyo financiero de CARE USA a través de la Unidad de Desarrollo Económico y la Plataforma Plan-Barclays-CARE. [64 pages] Read More...
Coffee Industry Support Project: Midterm Evaluation
The Coffee Industry Support Project (CISP) is funded by the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women) program and implemented by CARE International in Papua New Guinea (CARE). It supports coffee industry stakeholders in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea to mainstream gender equity in their policies, practices and approaches. CISP increases women’s access to training and extension services. It improves family business management practices so smallholder coffee farming families can work together more effectively. This enables the whole family to benefit from coffee production and income. [52 pages] Read More...
Integrated Community Development Project Endline Evaluation
The main conclusion of this evaluation is that ICDP is making a significant and tangible contribution to improving the well-being of disadvantaged communities living in remote areas of PNG. Communities, Ward Development Committee (WDC) members, LLGs and District authorities are, in general, highly appreciative of the work that ICDP is supporting. It is a highly valued investment, is achieving tangible results, and the work should continue to be supported (taking into account lessons learned so far, including the recommendations contained in this evaluation report). Addressing disadvantage and poverty in remote rural areas requires a long-term and sustained commitment. [131 pages] Read More...
For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans (FAIR II) Midterm Report
The mid-term evaluation was carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the project progress, to work-out lessons learned and to provide recommendations for further action. This was done as an internal assessment, conducted by the CARE Balkans Regional Gender Program Coordinator and cover the first 23 months of project implementation (Nov 1, 2015 inclusive of September 2017). This evaluation builds upon the internally conducted Baseline Assessment that was finished and a report produced in December of 2016. [50 pages] Read More...