
Renewing a Long-Term Strategic Partnership: Lessons learned from 20 years of collaboration in global health and development between CARE and Emory University

Over more than 20 years, CARE USA (CARE) and Emory University (EU) – principally within the Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) – have collaborated across global health and development sectors, including water and sanitation (WASH), maternal and child nutrition, food security, HIV/AIDS, and women’s empowerment. This collaboration has included joint research projects, training for CARE field staff, student employment and training, guest lectures by CARE staff at Emory, and employment opportunities at CARE for former Emory students following graduation.
Several high-profile joint research projects have included SWASH+ (Kenya: 2006-2019) and the Tipping Point Project (Nepal: 2019-pres). School Water, Sanitation and Hygiene plus Community Impact (SWASH+) was a 13- year project that is an exemplar of the impact of CARE and Emory collaborations. It has resulted in over 20 publications from both institutions, including policy papers that have contributed significantly to increasing the scale, impact, and sustainability of school WASH interventions in Kenya. The Tipping Point project aims to empower adolescent girls and their communities to delay marriage and to promote girls’ rights in Nepal and
RSPH researchers commenced a four-year partnership with CARE to strengthen the rigor and visibility of the impacts of this program. These projects have resulted in co-funded grants, peer-reviewed manuscripts, and conference presentations (see Appendix A for a complete list). [21 pages] Read More...

Proyecto Aprendemos+ Crecemos y Emprendemos Siempre Baseline Evaluation

El sistema educativo peruano se caracteriza por brechas de aprendizaje que afectan a las escuelas multigrado rurales, y están vinculadas a problemas de calidad en el servicio educativo. A esta brecha educativa se le sumó en 2020 la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19 que supuso la suspensión de clases y la implementación remedial de una propuesta educativa remota a nivel nacional, denominada Aprendo en Casa.
El proyecto APRENDEMOS+ CRECEMOS Y EMPRENDEMOS SIEMPRE es la respuesta educativa de CARE Perú para mejorar los aprendizajes de las Instituciones Educativas de nivel primaria multigrado en ámbitos rurales durante el estado de emergencia del COVID-19 y la educación a distancia. El proyecto se implementó en escuelas rurales de Amazonas y Cajamarca en 2019. En 2020, se está implementando en 115 instituciones educativas multigrado y/o unidocentes de las regiones de Amazonas, Cajamarca, Huánuco y Pasco. La intervención cuenta con tres componentes: un componente pedagógico que busca fortalecer las capacidades de los y las docentes/directores para la implementación de la propuesta pedagógica innovadora centrada en la convivencia saludable y educación social y emprendedora; un componente de gestión escolar centrada en la participación, la convivencia y el bienestar socioemocional, a partir de la asesoría a directivos en materia de planificación y gestión escolar; y un componente de soporte que busca promover el aprendizaje autónomo a través de herramientas digitales, para salvaguardar la salud integral de los y las estudiantes.
El presente informe presenta los resultados del Estudio de Línea de Base del proyecto, desarrollado en el mes de junio y julio de 2020. El estudio está compuesto por dos componentes (cuantitativo y cualitativo), y busca medir los indicadores inicio del proyecto y compararlos con un área de no intervención. Para el componente cuantitativo se aplicaron encuestas a 102 directivos, 55 docentes, 411 estudiantes y 111 padres/madres o cuidadores de escuelas tratamiento (intervenidas por el proyecto) y escuelas control (es decir, sin intervención). Para el componente cualitativo se seleccionaron ocho escuelas (cuatro tratamiento y cuatro control) y se aplicaron 48 entrevistas a directivos, docentes, estudiantes, padres/madres/cuidadores y agentes comunitarios. [134 pages] Read More...

Gestión sostenible para la conservación y restauración del bosque mesófilo del pie de monte volcánico de los municipios del Quetzal, La Reforma, Nuevo Progreso y el Tumbador del departamento de San Marcos en la cuenca del río Naranjo

This document is the results report of the Project Baseline "Sustainable Management for the Conservation and Restoration of the Mesophil forest of the Volcanic Mount Foot of the Municipalities of Quetzal, La Reforma, Nuevo Progreso and the Tomb of the department of San Marcos, in the Naranjo River basin" whose funding comes from the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund (FCA) whose field stage was developed during August-October 2019, in order to provide the initial parameters and indicators to assess the impact of the objectives and results defined by that project. The project was designed with the primary purpose of contributing to the well-being of populations located in the upper and middle part of the Naranjo River basin, through the promotion and implementation of activities aimed at improving agroforestry systems and sustainable conservation and restoration of forest remnants, for the recovery of connectivity as a measure to address biodiversity loss and fragmentation of forest ecosystems. The selected territory has a high wealth of flora and fauna with ecosystem functionality that contribute to the well-being and family economy of 115,891 inhabitants in the four municipalities according to data from the 2018 census. It belongs to the Volcanic Chain Region prioritized by the FCA and according to the National Forest Institute (INAB) for its hydrological potential is defined as a very high priority of intervention. Read More...

Durable Solutions for Returnees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS) Project Final Report

The Durable Solutions for Refugees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS) was a three-year that was implemented in Somalia between 10 January 2017 to 9 January 2020 under the consortium of CARE International (Lead agency), Save the Children (SCI), Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), IMPACT Initiatives and Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC). The project was funded by the European Union (EU). The aim of the project was to contribute to the integration of internally displaced persons, returnees and refugees in Somalia by improving access to basic quality services such as education, health, hygiene and sanitation, Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) intervention. Additionally, the project aimed at enhancing relevant and sustainable livelihood opportunities for youth at risk of illegal migrations, radicalization, as well as other vulnerable displaced people, returnees and host communities to enhance integration and social cohesion. The project was being implemented in Puntland, Bari, and Mudug (Bossaso and Galkacyo north districts), Galmudug, Mudug, and Galgaduud (Dhusamareb, Adaado, and Galkacyo south). The sectors targeted by the project include Education, Health, WASH, Child Protection/GBV, women and youth empowerment and integration. Read More...

TVET and Higher Education for Boosting Road Infrastructure Development and Growth of Energy Services (THE BRIDGES) Project Final Report

CARE Somalia/Somaliland was funded by the European Union (EU) to improve the technical skills of the youth in roads and energy service sectors. The Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) and Higher Education for Boosting Road Infrastructure Development and Growth of Energy Services (THE BRIDGES) project aim to support the Government of Somalia/Somaliland plans to enhance inclusive economic growth and reduce poverty. The project aims to assist in the development of high-quality skills both for gainful employment and sustainable economic development. To meet labor demands in road infrastructure and energy sectors, the project further aims to strengthen TVET and Higher Education (HE) to offer high-quality solutions responsive to the changing market situations in the selected priority sectors of the economy. Given the increasingly dynamic employment market in Somalia/Somaliland, there is a need for high-quality competency-based skills development. The BRIDGES project sought to enhance the development of national and local capacities of TVET, and Higher Education linked to the road infrastructure and energy sector services. This is intended to be accomplished through the strengthening of institutional capacities in addition to aligning skills training to standardized international frameworks. Read More...


En el periodo 2017-2019, CARE desarrolló el proyecto “Educación para el desarrollo y la inclusión financiera” (en adelante Proyecto EFI) con el propósito de alcanzar a 3 543 familias en situación de pobreza periurbana y rural para contribuir a mejorar sus ingresos económicos y su calidad de vida de manera sostenible.

El componente 2 del Proyecto EFI tenía como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades emprendedoras y habilidades financieras de 5 mil estudiantes de educación secundaria de cuatro regiones (Arequipa, Junín, Lambayeque y La Libertad), a través de la capacitación a docentes y dotación de recursos pedagógicos (cuadernos de trabajo de educación emprendedora, financiera y previsional) y la incorporación de la temática en las programaciones curriculares.
Este componente se enmarca en el desarrollo de políticas educativas sectoriales vinculadas a mejoras de la calidad educativa en materia de Educación Emprendedora, Financiera y Previsional (en adelante EEFP), a través de la implementación de la Competencia 19 del Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica (en adelante CNEB), que establece las capacidades y los niveles de desarrollo que deben desarrollar todos los estudiantes del Perú a lo largo de su educación básica (es decir en todas las modalidades y niveles).
El proyecto capacitó a 465 docentes de Educación para el Trabajo (EPT), Ciencias Sociales (CCSS) y de otras áreas, con una metodología innovadora e interesante. La capacitación incluyó además la distribución del material (guías para docentes y cuadernos de trabajo para estudiantes). Docentes y directores coinciden
que el proyecto EFI ha promovido aprendizajes relevantes para la vida de los estudiantes, contribuyendo a su desarrollo integral. Los/las docentes reportaron que su participación en el proyecto contribuyó a que fortalezcan desempeños específicos del Marco del Buen Desempeño Docente: el conocimiento actualizado y comprensión de las teorías y prácticas pedagógicas y de la didáctica de las áreas a su cargo (Desempeño 3); el diseño creativo de procesos pedagógicos capaces de despertar curiosidad, interés y compromiso en los estudiantes, para el logro de los aprendizajes previstos (Desempeño 6); y, en menor medida, el diseño de una evaluación de manera sistemática, permanente, formativa y diferencial en concordancia con los aprendizajes esperados (Desempeño 9).

El proyecto EFI permitió capacitar en EEFP y planes de negocio a 7 172 estudiantes. La ampliación de 2019 permitió capacitar adicionalmente a más de 274 mil estudiantes de otras escuelas, logrando un alcance de capacitación de 281262 estudiantes. El proceso de asesoramiento y diseño del proyecto de emprendimiento fue enriquecedor para docentes y estudiantes, e implicó reflexionar sobre una propuesta de valor atractiva, viable, y que incorporara productos y saberes locales.

School Feeding Program Study Report

The Government of Timor-Leste’s school feeding program provides a meal or snack to all students in preschools and basic education (Grades 1-9) throughout the country. In full implementation, this represents providing mostly cooked meals to about one quarter of the population.1 The nationwide School Feeding Program was established by the Government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) in 2005 and has been through several phases of implementation. The Manual which has guided the program implementation since 2013 is in the process of being revised (end of 2019 to early 2020). To support the Timor-Leste government to review and improve the School Feeding Program (SFP), CARE International in Timor-Leste studied the program and commissioned this report with the objectives to review and assess how the program is being implemented as well as gather opinions and suggestions from various stakeholders on how to improve the program. Read More...


This report covers the analysis and findings of a Cost of the Diet (CotD) study conducted in the four operational municipalities of the HATUTAN program, namely Ainaro, Ermera, Liquica and Manatuto. The study was commissioned by Mercy Corps Timor-Leste with funding from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The CotD study was presented to the National Institute of Health (INS) for approval prior to implementation.1 The study was designed to answer the following seven key questions:
1. What are the locally available and affordable foods found in each of the HATUTAN municipalities that could be used for nutritious school meals?
2. What is the cost of a nutritious school meal based on locally available foods?
3. What are the recommended foods to purchase, based on the current $0.25 and proposed $0.50 per child per day, to maximize nutrition outcomes?
4. What is the estimated cost of the non-food consumables – such as transportation, soap and firewood – that also need to be covered within the amount budgeted per student per a meal?
5. What is the nutritional value of a locally-sourced school meal?
6. How does the nutritional value of a locally-sourced school meal differ from the currently provided school meal?
7. How does a school meal for a child help close the nutrition gap at the household level? Read More...

HATUTAN in Timor-Leste Baseline

The HATUTAN program (Hahán ne’ebé Atu fó Tulun ho Nutrisaun no Edukasaun) or “Food to Support Nutrition and Education” in English) is a five-year initiative to build a partnership between schools and their communities to improve literacy, learning, health and nutrition for children and adults in Timor-Leste. Working in partnership with the Government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) and key development stakeholders, the HATUTAN program focuses on two strategic objectives: (1): Improved literacy of School-Aged Children, and (2): Increased Use of Health, Nutrition and Dietary Practices. The HATUTAN program is funded by the US Government through the Foreign Agricultural Service of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the McGovern Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is the lead government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) partner, in collaboration with the Ministries of Health (MOH), State Administration (MSA) and Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). The program is implemented by a consortium led by CARE International in Timor-Leste together with Mercy Corps and WaterAid.
The program will work in four municipalities namely: Ainaro, Ermera, Liquica and Manatuto. Support for the School Feeding Program will operate at the national and municipal level and in all the schools covered by the GOTL School Feeding Program in the four municipalities (estimated at 440 schools). The priority is to support the government SFP to fully operate in all basic education and preschools throughout the school year as per plan. As an interim measure, however, the program will import USDA provided food commodities of fortified rice, pinto beans and fortified vegetable oil to the estimated 90,000 preschool and primary-aged children in
440 schools in the first trimester of school years 2020-2022.1 Read More...

Cambodia COVID-19 Rapid Gender Analysis

The number of COVID-19 cases in Cambodia is quite low (141) however the impact on global supply chains and the livelihood of thousands of factory and migrant workers, who are mostly women, is immense. The loss of income could potentially push families back into poverty and the value of unpaid care work which will increase during the pandemic, is not measured in financial terms, nor seen as a valuable contribution. Additionally, the growth of women’s empowerment which is strongly linked to financial contributions to the household, will decline.

Women and girls in Cambodia face inequalities in many areas such as in employment and payment, division of domestic labour, decision making and participation. Those are likely to further increase in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. An area of specific concern is in the education of girls and boys, from poor families, who do not have the technical infrastructure and capacity to support online home schooling.

The current health system does not have the capacity to deal with an increasing number of COVID-19 cases. Sub- national health facilities are considered low quality and previous health crisis showed that patients will directly consult provincial and national facilities which is going to exceed their capacity.

There is still uncertainty about transmission of COVID-19 which causes fear and creates potential for rumours causing
stigmatisation and discrimination of certain population groups such as foreigners, women working with foreigners as in bar work and Muslim groups.

Gender based violence is common and widely accepted in Cambodia. Globally, intimate partner violence (IPV) may be the most common type of violence women and girls experience during emergencies. In the context of COVID-19 quarantine and isolation measures, IPV has the potential to dramatically increase for women and girls. Life-saving care and support to GBV survivors may be disrupted when front-line service providers and systems such as health, policing and social welfare are overburdened and preoccupied with handling COVID- 19 cases. Restrictions on mobility also mean that women are particularly exposed to intimate-partner violence at home with limited options for accessing support services. Read More...

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