
An analysis of gender equality and social inclusion among flood-affected communities in Attapeu Province, Lao PDR

Tropical Storm Son Tinh, which hit Lao PDR on 18-19 July 2018, led to an overflow of water from the construction site at the Xepien-Xenamnoy hydropower dam on 23 July 2018, causing a flash flood through 13 villages downstream in Attapeu Province. The Government declared the affected areas a National Disaster Area.

CARE is undertaking a rapid gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) analysis in Attapeu to provide information and recommendations about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls including people with a disability and ethnic minority groups. Very little primary data was available for this report due to a lack of access to the affected locations, lack of current information on the situation and recovery efforts, and a lack of sex, age and disability disaggregated data. However, secondary data and insights by humanitarian partners provide evidence that while both women and men are traumatised, depressed and bored, they are facing different vulnerabilities in the aftermath of the flooding. Read More...

Estudio de la Linea de Base del Proyecto “Ella Alimenta al Mundo – Perú”

El presente documento constituye el Informe Final del estudio de Línea de Base del Proyecto “ELLA ALIMENTA AL MUNDO – PERÚ” (Componente 2 - Desarrollo Económico), desarrollado por el equipo consultor de Mi Chacra, de acuerdo con los términos de referencia de CARE Perú y de otros requerimientos que se agregaron a los mismos, desde septiembre hasta diciembre de 2019.
Por definición, se elabora el presente estudio con el objetivo de contar con una Línea de Base que permita medir por comparación los resultados y el impacto del mencionado proyecto (desarrollado en alianza institucional con PepsiCo), cuyos ejes fundamentales se encuentran en el apoyo a mujeres agricultoras y sus familias en tres regiones del Perú (Piura, Lima e Ica): en este contexto, el proyecto proveerá educación, recursos y apoyo económico para ayudarlas a aumentar el rendimiento de sus cultivos, sus ingresos y el acceso a la nutrición a nivel local (Nutrición es el Componente 1 del proyecto). Read More...

Initial Rapid Gender Assessment Report Papua New Guinea 2015 El Niño: Select Communities of Eastern Highlands, Morobe and Chimbu (October 2015)

A Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) is designed to provide information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, girls and boys in a crisis. The objective of this RGA is to provide an overview of the gender relations between men, women, boys and girls in those Papua New Guinea’s highland provinces affected by drought and frost as a result of the 2015 El Niño event.

This initial gender analysis and subsequent recommendations will serve to inform CARE International in PNG’s (CARE PNG) programming response to the 2015 El Niño event in ways which respect the different needs of women, men, girls and boys in El Niño affected communities in Papua New Guinea. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Papua New Guinea – Highlands earthquake

Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining their roles and their relationships. Due to the current limited access to the areas affected by the Highlands earthquake, this document is meant as an initial analysis of gender roles and relations, drawing on pre-crisis information and the limited data that has become available since the disaster. Its purpose is to better understand the gender dynamics within the populations CARE PNG serves.

The objectives are to better understand:
 how women, men, girls and boys are affected by the earthquake
 the impact of the earthquake on gender dynamics
 emerging opportunities to provide an emergency response that meets the differing needs and protect women,
men, boys and girls.

CARE RGA of Sindupalchowk, Nepal (2015)

Rapid Gender Analysis provides information about the different needs, capacities, and coping strategies of men, women, girls, and boys in a crisis. Gender analysis does this by examining the relationship between men, women, girls and boys. This Rapid Gender Analysis is designed to provide an overview of the gender-relations between men, women, girls and boys in a crisis in the Sindupalchowk District.

The Rapid Gender Analysis in Sindupalchowk uses a range of methods to collect data and information. It is based on the CARE Emergency Pocketbook's Rapid Gender Analysis tool adapted from the IASC Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action. Topics covered in this report include sexual reproductive and reproductive health, food security, gender based violence, shelter, and WASH standards. Read More...

CARE RGA of Lamjung, Nepal (2015)

Rapid Gender Analysis provides information about the different needs, capacities, and coping strategies of men, women, girls, and boys in a crisis. Gender analysis does this by examining the relationship between men, women, girls and boys. This Rapid Gender Analysis is designed to provide an overview of the gender-relations between men, women, girls and boys in a crisis in the Lamjung District.

The Rapid Gender Analysis in Lamjung uses a range of methods to collect data and information. It is based on the CARE Emergency Pocketbook's Rapid Gender Analysis tool adapted from the IASC Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action. Topics covered in this report include sexual, maternal, and reproductive health, food security, gender based violence, shelter, and WASH standards. Read More...

Gender Relations in Nepal Overview

This is a comprehensive overview of gender relations data in Nepal based on the topics of education and economics. The overview looks at distinctions of culture and social factors to assess gender relations across the country. The is a brief document that entails government participation and opportunities based on education and access to resources. Read More...


El Análisis Rápido de Género que presentamos da cuenta de los hallazgos encontrados en la identificación de los impactos diferenciados de género de la crisis migratoria en las vidas de los hombres, mujeres, niños, y niñas refugiados y migrantes, de procedencia venezolana en el Perú, y busca informar sobre las condiciones de vulnerabilidad que impactan en las mujeres adultas y adolescentes, en relación con temas de protección, violencia basada en género, salud sexual y reproductiva, medios de vida, y acceso a servicios básicos en el contexto de movilidad humana que enfrentan.

El proceso de análisis explora como los impactos diferenciados de género de la crisis migratoria sobre las personas, contribuyen a las desigualdades de género, particularmente cuando se superponen otras áreas de marginalización debido a la clase social, edad, situación de discapacidad, preferencia sexual, entre otras.

Identificadas estas diferencias de género, hemos desarrollado una selección de recomendaciones, con la aspiración de que puedan ser incluidas en las estrategias e intervenciones humanitarias de las organizaciones públicas y de la sociedad civil que están buscan responder a la situación que enfrenta la población refugiada y migrante en el Perú. Read More...

Better Governance for Education End of Project Evaluation Report

Better Governance for Education (BG4E) is a 4 year project (July 2016 – June 2020) funded by the Australian Government’s ‘Australian NGO Cooperation Program’ (ANCP) with a total budget of 1.7 million Australian dollars. It is a pilot project that aims to develop and test a model that shows that better governance (and therefore better decision-making, resource allocation, project implementation oversight, monitoring & evaluation) results in improved service delivery. BG4E is based on CARE International’s Governance Framework, which states that if marginalised citizens are empowered, if power-holders are effective, accountable and responsive, and if spaces for negotiation are created, expanded, effective and inclusive, then sustainable and equitable development can be achieved, particularly for marginalised women and girls. The project worked intensively in four school communities, within the Obura Wanenera District, and at sub-national level in 3 districts (Obura Wonenara, Okapa and Lufa) within Eastern Highlands Province.

The evaluation focused on answering four key evaluation questions:

1) IMPACT - Has improved gender inclusive governance led to better service delivery in education?

2) MODEL - Has this project produced a proven or promising approach?

3) RELEVANCE - How relevant is the project to the policy context?

4) SUSTAINABILITY - Are the outcomes and impacts likely to be sustained after the end of the project? Read More...

CARE HAITI RAPPORT EVALUATION FINALE EGRA: Projet Haïti Gagne: Lire, Ecrire et Réussir

Cette évaluation est la troisième, en trois ans, menée par le staff du projet. Cette dernière, à l’instar des précédentes, avait pour objectif d’évaluer d’une part les compétences en lecture et écriture des élèves particulièrement ceux des deux premières années du cycle fondamental, d’autre part, la relation entre l’environnement immédiat (Ecole, maison) de l’élève et ses compétences de base.

L’évaluation a été conduite entre mai et juin dans 40 sur les 53 écoles partenaires du projet dont 20 écoles dans le Nord et 20 écoles dans le Sud’ Est. Elle a été réalisée auprès des élèves des trois premières Classes du fondamental. La troisième année a été ajoutée juste à titre de comparaison mais ne figure pas parmi les indicateurs prioritaires du projet. Read More...

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