Emergency|Humanitarian Aid

Reducing Vulnerabilities for refugees and internally displaced persons in Afghanistan – CARE/ABADEI Baseline

Reducing vulnerabilities for returnees and IDPs in 4 provinces of Afghanistan is a Resilience Building Program in Afghanistan, which is implemented by CARE Afghanistan. This project, which is funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is targeting 312,800 vulnerable people (153,272 female & 159,528 male). This program is aimed at reducing vulnerabilities for returnees and IDPs through the provision of essential services to local communities and protecting them against natural disasters; source to support rural livelihoods through strengthened social cohesion.

Towards the end of 2021, CARE conducted a multi-sectoral need assessment, which confirmed the lack of access to health & food. The chronic conflict, lack of humanitarian assistance, poor outlook for the population and lack of available basic services, the assessment emphasized a strong need to meet the basic humanitarian needs for local people, IDPs and, returnees. In particular, health response, cash for work, food provision, and economic improvement / livelihoods initiatives were identified as priority assistance areas. Read More...

The Impact of the Food Crisis on Women and Girls in Afghanistan

CARE conducted a study on how the food crisis in Afghanistan affects women and girls differently to better understand the gendered economic, cultural, and practical barriers to food security. This research highlights key findings on household food security, negative coping strategies women and families adopt, and shortcomings of humanitarian actors in gender-responsive aid delivery. The study is based on a comprehensive desk review of existing data since August 2021, a household survey comprising of 345 women respondents, completed in both urban and rural communities, a series of qualitative interviews with 18 women, 9 focus group discussions (FGDs) with men, and key informant interviews (KIIs) with food security specialists and humanitarian actors. The data was collected in urban and rural districts in 9 provinces in the north, west, south, and center of the country. Read More...

Drought Assessment Report – CARE Morocco

This report will study the overall situation in Morocco and the drought’s negative effects on agriculture, the economy, food security, etc., with gender lenses considering how different gender groups are affected differently on household and community levels. Additionally, the report will provide suggestions and information for the way forward at the local level and per gender group.
Key findings:
• Male community members in the rural areas who used to consider agriculture as their main income source decided to migrate to urban communities seeking temporary or permanent jobs.
• Women are the most affected during the drought season for several reasons:
▪ Women are primarily responsible for fetching water and with the drought, access to water is more challenging.
▪ When the male HHs members migrate to urban areas, female members step forward to take additional responsibilities on top of their existing daily tasks which put them in very overwhelming circumstances.
It is observed that over the past few years, farmers have progressively stopped using local seeds/seedlings/crops aiming for a higher yield using foreign inputs that showed low resilience to Moroccan climate and weather. Similarly, few profitable crops were cultivated in areas that suffer from water scarcity such as watermelon, avocado, and few other crops which led the government to intervene and restrict these crops in certain locations.
• It was reported that veterinary service expenses, which were already high, have increased even more due to inputs and fuel costs which pushed herders to reduce the frequency of veterinary
• Drought can have a significant impact on the macro economy, but through this study, it was confirmed that the most affected sector was the agricultural production and yields, and thus people’s livelihoods such as small farmers and rural workers with specific challenges women and girls were going through due to water and income shortage.
• water consumption was reduced despite the implications on the amount of yield they will harvest later but considering that irrigation expenses won’t be recovered by selling their crops later considering the high production cost and limited purchasing power. Read More...


Financé par UE et AFD, d’un montant de 750 000 Euros, opérationnalisé par un consortium d’ONG à vocation humanitaire, le Projet « Riposte à la crise sanitaire COVID-19 à Madagascar », intégra la Stratégie de riposte nationale, en réponse à la découverte des trois premiers cas importés malagasy le 20 mars 2020, suivie de l’annonce de l’instauration de l’état d’urgence sanitaire dans tout le pays par le Président de la République de Madagascar. Ce consortium est formé de trois ONG internationales et d’une ONG nationale, notamment ACF-CARE-MDM et ASOS. Ce projet ambitionnait de contribuer à la réduction de la morbi-mortalité due à l’épidémie de coronavirus, ainsi que des impacts sociaux des mesures prises pour éviter sa propagation à Madagascar.

La présente évaluation a pour objectifs de mesurer l’impact de cette riposte sur une crise inédite à travers la recherche de réponses aux questions d’évaluation liées à des critères d’évaluation ci-après : (i) impacts ou effets larges du projet au niveau individuel, communautaire , et institutionnel ; (ii) son adéquation aux besoins des bénéficiaires, à la stratégie nationale, (iii) sa gouvernance, pointant la qualité des structures et mécanismes de coordination intra-consortium, et envers les autres intervenants et cibles bénéficiaires ; l’optimisation des ressources à travers des réponses à des questions d’économie, d’efficience, d’efficacité, d’équité ; (v) l’analyse de sa durabilité à travers quelques domaines clés : renforcement des capacités (formations, dotations, infrastructures) et l'approche au niveau communautaire, etc. Read More...


El proyecto se ejecutó en un contexto simultáneo de crisis económica y sanitaria provocada por el COVID 19, y de reforma de la Ley de Movilidad Humana propuesta por el gobierno ecuatoriano hacia finales del 2020 y aprobada en febrero de 2021. Las estrategias empleadas para enfrentar la emergencia sanitaria y reducir el retraso de actividades se orientaron a: (a) establecimiento de alianzas y trabajo en asocio con organizaciones sociales locales de las ciudades de Ibarra y Huaquillas con el propósito de dinamizar las entregas de las diferentes modalidades de asistencia (b) organización de brigadas de atención legal y acompañamiento psicosocial y visitas in situ a lugares estratégicos de concentración de población migrante y refugiada (alberges y espacios públicos); (c) fortalecimiento de relaciones con plataformas de coordinación local y nacional y con el Ministerio de Salud Pública para apoyar y complementar acciones desempeñadas por el sistema de salud (CARE, 2021); (d) el abordaje a través de medios digitales y adaptación del SOP a esta modalidad (CARE, 2019). Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis Khanki, Sharya, and Derabon Districts, Duhok Governorate, Iraq September 2022

CARE International in Iraq (CARE Iraq) with the support of The Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation (DG ECHO) is providing life-saving support in Protection and WASH to highly vulnerable persons in acute displacement in Duhok Governorate, Iraq. CARE Iraq is directly implementing WASH activities, while Protection activities are implemented through CARE’s local partner, The Lotus Flower (TLF). CARE Iraq aims to understand different gender norms, roles, and dynamics, in addition to the specific needs of women, girls, and vulnerable people in the project locations to ensure safe, equitable, and dignified access to the services.

The conflict in Iraq and the protracted humanitarian crisis have had a severe impact on infrastructure and service delivery in general, which together with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of the unemployment rate has led to an increase in existing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and protection risks. The continuance of political, and economic instabilities and the decline of humanitarian aid are having a huge effect on the population as a whole; however, conflicts and emergencies impact women and girls differently, and understanding different roles, dynamics and needs will help improve the quality of and access to those services. Dohuk Governorates hosts 155,300 IDPs, including 105,500 living in camps and 45,700 in approx. 401 informal sites.
Key findings
 Around 40% of women in the targeted communities don’t feel that their hygiene needs are being met.
 Around 70% of women in the targeted communities don’t get consulted about their needs by aid organizations
 Women and girls face limited mobility which mainly due to cost of transportation, security, and cultural acceptance
 Water resources are controlled and allocated to families by the Mukhtars.
 Household decision making pertaining to finance are mainly controlled by men, whereas domestic decisions are jointly made. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis Al Hamdaniya District, Ninewa Governorate, Iraq September 2022

CARE International in Iraq (CARE Iraq) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Czech Republic is providing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and protection mainstreaming services in three villages in Al Hamdaniya District in Ninewa governorate. CARE Iraq is directly implementing both services. CARE Iraq aims to understand different gender norms, roles, and dynamics, in addition to the specific needs of women, girls and vulnerable people in the project locations to ensure safe, equitable and dignified access to the services.

The conflict in Iraq and the protracted humanitarian crisis have had a severe impact on infrastructure and service delivery in general, which together with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of the unemployment rate has led to an increase in existing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and protection risks. The continuance of political and economic instabilities is having a huge effect on the population as a whole; however, conflicts and emergencies impact women and girls differently, and understanding different roles, dynamics and needs will help improve the quality of and access to those services. In Ninewa Governorate, the water situation in Al Hamdaniya District, among others, is dire due to a combination of poor management and neglect of the water infrastructure in the district. The current drought phenomena have also caused widespread water scarcity in many parts of Iraq for drinking, agricultural needs, and multiple other purposes. There are several concerns around the hygiene and WASH needs of the targeted community members. In the targeted communities, access to water infrastructure, and access to water in general both for drinking and domestic use are challenges that the communities face in addition to the inadequate sanitation facilities.
Key Findings:
* Cost of transportation is one of the major factors that limit the mobility of community members especially women and girls.
• The majority of the community especially women don’t get consulted about their needs by aid organizations
• Around a third of the targeted community feel that their hygiene needs are not being met.
• There is a dramatic increase in the reports of GBV and the severity of the risks of GBV in Iraq.
• The majority of women do not participate in community decision making.
• Loss of livelihoods and income is prevalent in the targeted communities Read More...

Provision of lifesaving and sustainable WASH services for Vulnerable Populations in South Darfur and South Kordofan states, and emergency WASH services to Tigray refugees in Gedarif State Baseline

This baseline survey was conducted internally by CARE staff, led by the MEAL coordinator. The main objective is to collect information on the project's indicators and to provide baseline data generated for the intervention areas in South Darfur and South Kordofan States. The baseline data was collected in SD using both quantitative and qualitative methods. In SK, the project used endline data from the recently ended ECHO project as a baseline, as that dataset covers the same areas and same indicators. The data collection and consultation involved 253 individuals (118 females, 135 males). 123 people were consulted in SD (34 females, 89 males) while 130 were consulted in SK (84 females, 46 males).
All consulted households have no water inside houses, and they have to go to collect water from external sources. The distance to water sources varies between communities, and takes considerable time they spend fetching water. Most of households confirmed they collect more than 5 Jerri Cans of water per day, but this is not available all year. This water is not only for human consumption and use; they use it also for animal consumption and irrigating trees.
There are many problems in water sources affecting participants' access to safe water. The top rated problems are the high cost of water, continuous breakdown of water points, congested water sources, and far distance to the sources.

Impact Evaluation of the Integrated Humanitarian Assistance Project that aiming to Reduce the Secondary Impacts of COVID-19 on the Most Vulnerable Populations in South and East Darfur

The evaluation intended to assess integrated WASH, health, nutrition, and multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA) programs. The evaluation conducted to answer questions related to quality and relevance of the project design, its activities and objectives in addressing the priority issues. This is in addition to assessment of project efficiency and to what extent the project resources have been used economically and in a timely manner. Moreover, the evaluation assessed the effectiveness and major achievements of the project to date. The evaluation also assessed the project impact and to what extent the project contributed to provision of sustainable, adequate, and lifesaving WASH, Health and Nutrition services to the targeted communities. This beside Identification of which positive outcomes that likely to continue after the project ends in addition to assessment of bottlenecks, opportunities and lessons learned to inform future planning.
Based on the desk review of available data, the evaluation was deploying different approaches to ensure rich data and triangulation of findings. These approaches were combining qualitative and quantitative methods to maximize validity and reliability. The main methods of data collection used were interviews with the primary stakeholders, observation, asking questions, review of documents and transect walking at sites. Different tools for data collections were used as well that included focus group discussions with different target groups, and observation check list, Key Informant Interview, questionnaire, asking open and closed questions with beneficiaries at water points and at health and nutrition centers.
The project is in line with national and State WASH plans. It was also found that, the project followed and complied with SMoH specifications and guidelines. The comprehensive community consultation indicated that all project activities, technology adopted, and outputs are quite relevant to the target communities and their actual needs and also appropriate for the selected areas. Generally, the evaluation team concluded that, the planned activities were completed with same allocated initial budget. Despite difficulties and challenges in the SLA areas and at sites located in territories between the government and SLA areas the evaluation team believes that, the project is efficient in terms of implementation of the planned activities and management of resources. Read More...

Comprehensive Multisector Need Assessment South Kordofan State

The overall objective of need assessment is to assess the current situation, identify the gaps and needs of the targeted communities and recommend of key interventions that meet the real needs of the targeted people. The data was collected in four sectors:
➢ Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL): Covers the issues that relate to, and affect the livelihood of the targeted people, including the sources of income, capacity of people, opportunities, with giving special consideration to agriculture and animal resources as they are the main activities in the targeted areas.
➢ WASH: Hygiene promotion/awareness and hand washing practices, access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities, sufficient and safe water for domestic use, particularly in the targeted locations.
➢ Health and Nutrition: Situation and gaps in health services including public and maternity health. The assessment especially looked at the gap on children's nutrition, malnutrition among children, and mother’s capacity.
➢ Peace building: Existing conflicts in the assessed areas, including the types and drivers of conflicts and the existing mechanisms of conflicts transformation. The capacity of the targeted communities and need for improving peace. Read More...

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