
Zimbabwe Food and Nutrition Emergency Cash Transfer Programme

The programme objective was to mitigate the effects drought induced of El Nino induced food insecurity in 3 wards namely ward 8, 11 and 12 of Gokwe North district.. The aim was to improve Household (HH) food security through unconditional mobile cash transfers and increase access to nutrition intervention to prevent, identify and treat severe and moderate acute malnutrition among children (0-59 months) from February- April 2017. . Under the programme CARE through ECHO funding, reached its target of 9 400 beneficiaries (4 446 men; 4 954 women), drawn from 1 799 households in the district were registered to receive monthly cash transfers to assist them in meeting expenses for basic household needs from February up to April 2017 The cash transfer value was USD7/person/month and USD10 for a single person HH and this amount met 66% of the HH Kilocal needs of the 2,100 kcal/person/day on a basic diet of maize, pulses & vegetable oil. [38 pages] Read More...

Secure Economies and Diversified Livelihoods for Peaceful Coexistence South Darfur and South Kordofan (SEED)

Care International Switzerland in Sudan (CIS) implemented the Secure Economies and Diversified Livelihoods for Peaceful Coexistence in South Darfur and South Kordofan (SEED) project in Sudan. The project aimed to improve household food security and income and contribute to building peaceful coexistence. SEED was implemented in two localities of South Darfur (Kass and Gereida) and in three localities of South Kordofan (Abu Jebeiha, Rashad and Alabassiya). In total, 8,525 households were targeted, including women, youth, traders and traditional leaders in pastoralist and farming communities. Read More...

Smart Nutrition Survey Panrieng County

Global Acute Malnutrition rate is at 24.2% which is above the WHO threshold of 15% for critical. Severe & Moderate Acute Malnutrition was 6.1% & 18.1% respectively. The prevalence of Acute Malnutrition is the same in both boys and girls. IYCF indicators are depressing with poor nutritional status. Similarly poor access to latrines, with Prevalent open defecation in Panrieng at 70% which complementarily affects child health. {55 pages} Read More...

Report of Integrated Nutrition SMART Survey

Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) for Standardized Monitoring of Relief and Transition (SMART) was used to calculate Anthropometry and mortality samples. The calculated sample size for anthropometry was 519 children in 502 households while that of mortality was 2765 persons and 462 households. The anthropometry sample of 502 HHs was the overall sample size for the survey. Each survey team of 4 individuals was estimated to cover 13 households each day and this translated into 39x13 cluster design. The 39 clusters were selected randomly using PPS. In the second stage, selection of 13 HHs to be surveyed was done by simple random sampling from a list of all households in the sampled village/cluster.

NACC Final Evaluation Report

The Nampula Adaptation to Climate Change (NACC) Project is a German Government funded project with a duration of 36 months. Focusing on enhancing household food and nutritional security it operates in Angoche, Larde and Moma districts, Nampula Province, Mozambique. The project officially started in January 2015 and will end in April 2018 following a no-cost extension of 4 months. In October 2015 a baseline study was conducted that established the pre-project values for 11 indicators as per the M&E matrix. This report was commissioned as a follow up of the NACC baseline study with a strong focus on a quantitative survey which took up most of the time of the consultancy. In addition this report contains responses to some of the most important evaluation criteria. Read More...

Projecto Nampula Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas (NACC) Meio Termo

O Projecto Nampula Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas (NACC) é um projecto financiado pelo Governo Alemão com uma duração de 36 meses. O NACC está inserido no Programa Primeiras e Segundas (P & S) da Aliança CARE / WWF e opera nos distritos de Angoche, Larde e Moma, província de Nampula. Seu foco principal é aumentar a segurança alimentar e nutricional das famílias. NACC terá como objetivo atingir 17.760 participantes diretos e 98.000 participantes indiretos de famílias pobres e inseguras alimentares, dos quais 60% serão mulheres do grupo de impacto da CARE, "socialmente, economicamente e politicamente excluídas mulheres com insegurança alimentar e nutricional altamente dependentes de Recursos naturais." Read More...

Cash Assistance to Households Affected by Food Insecurity in Goundam and Niafunke Districts

This 25 page report highlights the final results of an Emergency Cash Transfer project in Northern Mali with funding from USAID's Food for Peace. Read More...

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for the Enhancing Community Resilience Programme

The baseline phase informed an array of indicators, a number of them contained in the programme level Log Frame (LF) and detailed in the Performance Measurement Framework for the programme. This covers indicators at the impact level, outcome level as well as under each of the five programme outputs. Some of these indicators are quantitative in nature, while others are meant to measure the quality of some of the outputs or processes being supported by the programme.
The main methods used during the baseline exercise to inform the indicator values included: a household survey covering the 11 targeted districts, focus groups, an agent-based modelling study, desk review, and an e-survey. Read More...

Rapport Narratif Renforcement des Actions de Nutrition- Actions Integrees de Nutrition et Aliemntation (RAN-AINA)

Ce rapport expose les réalisations du projet RAN‐AINA durant le premier semestre de la troisième  année de mise en œuvre c’est‐à‐dire de janvier à juin de l’année 2017. Le projet RAN‐AINA était  élaboré pour renforcer les actions en Nutrition de AINA, mais ce premier semestre est celui au cours  duquel RAN‐AINA s’est retrouvé « seul » sur terrain vu que la mise en œuvre de AINA par CARE s’est  arrêtée le 31 décembre 2016. Ce premier semestre mesure ainsi les retombées des actions des deux  projets au sein de la population cible des 88 Fokontany d’intervention.   En considérant l’évolution du Taux d’insuffisance Pondéral (TIP) sur les premiers semestres des  années  2016  et  2017,  représentée  par  le  graphique  suivant,  l’effet  de  l’adoption  des  bonnes  pratiques nutritionnelles et d’hygiène diffusées se fait ressentir au sein de la communauté. Ce taux a  accusé une baisse moyenne de 15 points entre les deux périodes.  

Rapport d’évaluation à mi parcours du projet RAN-AINA

Le projet RAN-AINA arrive à mi- terme aussi il est nécessaire d’évaluer les progrès réalisés dans l’atteinte des résultats prévus et la manière dont les activités ont été réalisées, en vue d’en tirer des leçons pour améliorer les interventions au cours de la seconde moitié de la vie du Programme. L’évaluation apprécie la pertinence, l’efficacité, l’efficience, les effets des interventions, et surtout la durabilité des résultats au niveau des communautés.
Par ailleurs, CARE Madagascar s’aligne avec les objectifs CARE 2020 au niveau international, aussi l’évaluation apportera un regard spécifique sur les indicateurs relatifs aux thématiques suivantes : i) Aide humanitaire, ii) Sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition et la résilience au changement climatique, iii) L'approche de CARE (genre – gouvernance – Résilience). Read More...

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