Nourishing the future
This 28 page report highlights the final M&E findings from the CARE-Cargill partnership Read More...
The journey so far – the experience of the ensure program january 2017
This 48 page mid-term report highlights results in gender progress from the USAID-funded ENSURE prog... Read More...
Madagascar – apinga – rapport d’évaluation finale care mdg (version définitive)
This 74 page report highlights the results of the APINGA project financed by BMZ Read More...
“fortaleciendo a organizaciones andinas para la incidencia en política pública sobre seguridad alimentaria en bolivia, ecua
El programa ya ha llegado a su etapa de cierre, por ello se hace necesario realizar una evaluación d... Read More...
Promise final external evaluation
Ths 83 page report showcases the external evaluators findings on the results of CARE's PROMISE/LINKA... Read More...
Wash Plus- Supportive Environments for Healthy Communities Endline Report
The WASHplus project supports healthy households and communities by creating and delivering interventions that lead to improvements in WASH and household air pollution (HAP). This fiveyear project (2010-2015), funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health and led by FHI 360 in partnership with CARE and Winrock International, uses at-scale programming approaches to reduce diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, the two top killers of children under age 5 globally. [30 pages] Read More...
Madagascar – rapport final baseline velontegna – copie
Le Projet VELONTEGNA est mis en œuvre dans six communes des Districts de Toamasina II et de Brickaville. L’objectif du projet est d’améliorer de façon durable la sécurité alimentaire de 85 000 personnes dans ses deux Districts d’intervention. Ce chiffre comprend environ 21 970 femmes et jeunes filles âgées de 15 à 49 ans et un minimum de 4 000 femmes chef de ménage vulnérables. Read More...
PROSADE Post-Project Improved bean varieties increase yields by 250%
This research report on the action research of conservation agriculture practices whos how every $1 ... Read More...
N@c Nutrition at the Center midterm review report – bangladesh
The Midterm Review (MTR) is an assessment of the progress made in implementing N@C activities to dat... Read More...