Gender Sensitive Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment for Harande Development Food Assistance Program
The Human Capital, Accountability and Resilience program for the Promotion of Nutrition Security, Livelihoods and Accountability, or Harandé, is designed to promote resilience of participants through coordinated interventions to improve food and nutrition security, while strengthening the capacity
of the population at the household and community level to respond and deal with a myriad of shocks and stress factors. Recognizing climate change, gender inequality along with the vulnerability of some sections of the community as an obstacle underlying food and nutrition insecurity, and a key stressor towards instability and insecurity, a holistic understanding of gender sensitive‐climate vulnerability and adaptive capacities of target communities is an imperative step for the success of program interventions. The report is 77 pages long. Read More...
of the population at the household and community level to respond and deal with a myriad of shocks and stress factors. Recognizing climate change, gender inequality along with the vulnerability of some sections of the community as an obstacle underlying food and nutrition insecurity, and a key stressor towards instability and insecurity, a holistic understanding of gender sensitive‐climate vulnerability and adaptive capacities of target communities is an imperative step for the success of program interventions. The report is 77 pages long. Read More...
Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) Project Annual Evaluation
Second year evaluation. Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) project aims at reducing malnutrition and addressing nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women including adolescents. JANO also focuses on capacity building of multiple levels of government bodies, especially enhancing capacities of Nutrition Committees (NC) at the upazila and district levels in terms of developing nutritional plans, budget and effective supervision. Funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by CARE, Plan International, including Eco Social Development Organization (ESDO). JANO collaborated with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in implementing the National Plan of Action for Nutrition (NPAN)-2) at the local, regional, and national levels selected all 65 unions of the seven most vulnerable upazilas of Rangpur and Nilphamari (with a stunting rate of 42.1%) were selected for this project. These include Gangachara, Kaunia, Taraganj, Domar, Jaldhaka, Kishorgonj and Nilphamari Sadar. [101 pages]. Read More...
This report is presented by Adroit Consult International following a successful evaluation of the Emergency Mobile Health, Nutrition & Protection Project in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan. This main objective of the endline evaluation was to provide information on the impact of the 3 year integrated Health, Nutrition and Gender Based Violence (GBV) project and also measure results at the outcome and impact levels. The evaluation was conducted with project stakeholders such as; Community leaders, Households of beneficiaries, Individual women and men, Children under five, Health workers, Government officials, CSO/NGO partners among others, and covered the areas of Lopa Lafon and Ikotos. The evaluation reached a total of 287 respondents in project implementation areas [27 pages]. Read More...
Análisis de la Información de indicadores del proyecto “Ella Alimenta el mundo”
Information about the nutritional component indicators such as demographical characteristics, anthropometric measures, and nutritional status and habits, was obtained in the context of the project “She feeds the world”, in order to characterize the current situation in these settings prior to CARE Peru’s intervention. The baseline information was collected by an independent consultancy group, selected following the regular process in order to guarantee the objectivity of the information during the data collection and analysis. This baseline data collection was conducted between February and May 2020, and data analysis was developed on May and June 2020.
The Executive Summary is in Both English and in Spanish.
The Executive Summary is in Both English and in Spanish.
P4PII to P4PIII Final Report
In order to prevent malnutrition among children from 0 to 23 months and women of childbearing age, CARE International Benin/Togo has initiated an integrated nutrition program called “Nutrition at the Center”. This program is the starting point for the implementation of the P4P project which has just completed its third phase. The main goal of P4P III is to help reduce stunting and anemia in children under 2 years of age, and anemia in women of childbearing age, by increasing availability and equitable access foods of animal and vegetable origin with high nutritional value. The present study aims to assess the results of P4P II in the communes of Adjohoun and Dangbo and of P4P III in the 4 beneficiary communes: Adjohoun, Dangbo, Covè and Djakotomey. Information was collected from 475 mother-child couples aged 6 to 23 months using individual interviews and questionnaires, and from 114 P4P beneficiary groups using an interview guide. Read More...
In alignment with USAID’s resilience strategy to mitigate recurrent shocks on vulnerable populations in Mali, the overall goal of the Integrated Rural Program to Improve Nutrition and Hygiene – USAID Nutrition and Hygiene – project (2013‐2019) was to improve the nutritional status of women and children, with a special emphasis on building resilience through the prevention and treatment of undernutrition.
The project – which was implemented by a CARE‐led consortium that included Family Health International (FHI 360), the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and a Malian non‐governmental organization (NGO) called Yam‐Giribolo‐Tumo (YA‐G‐TU) – targeted three regions in Mali: Mopti, Ségou and Koulikoro. These regions are all characterized by drought and climate‐related chronic food insecurity and high acute malnutrition rates. The project was implemented in nine districts across these three regions: Nara (Koulikoro Region), Niono (Ségou Region), Mopti, Bandiagara, Bankass, Tenenkou, Youwarou, Koro and Djenne (Mopti Region). In 2016, the
project received additional funding from Feed the Future to reinforce its agriculture component in the Mopti region.
The project aimed to reach children during the 1,000‐day “window of opportunity” period between conception and the first two years of life through the promotion of community and health sector services, improved agricultural practices, nutrition education and social behavior change communication. Our approach addressed both the immediate causes of malnutrition – such as inadequate dietary intake and infectious diseases, including diarrheal diseases – and the underlying root causes of malnutrition – such as poor hygiene, inadequate sanitation infrastructure and barriers to the access to and consumption of quality, diverse foods. Read More...
The project – which was implemented by a CARE‐led consortium that included Family Health International (FHI 360), the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and a Malian non‐governmental organization (NGO) called Yam‐Giribolo‐Tumo (YA‐G‐TU) – targeted three regions in Mali: Mopti, Ségou and Koulikoro. These regions are all characterized by drought and climate‐related chronic food insecurity and high acute malnutrition rates. The project was implemented in nine districts across these three regions: Nara (Koulikoro Region), Niono (Ségou Region), Mopti, Bandiagara, Bankass, Tenenkou, Youwarou, Koro and Djenne (Mopti Region). In 2016, the
project received additional funding from Feed the Future to reinforce its agriculture component in the Mopti region.
The project aimed to reach children during the 1,000‐day “window of opportunity” period between conception and the first two years of life through the promotion of community and health sector services, improved agricultural practices, nutrition education and social behavior change communication. Our approach addressed both the immediate causes of malnutrition – such as inadequate dietary intake and infectious diseases, including diarrheal diseases – and the underlying root causes of malnutrition – such as poor hygiene, inadequate sanitation infrastructure and barriers to the access to and consumption of quality, diverse foods. Read More...
Harande Outcome Mapping Report
The USAID-funded Harande program aims to sustainably improve the food, nutrition and income security of 179,690 vulnerable household members by 2020 in 193 communities of Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza districts in the Mopti region. This area is located in the center of Mali and suffers from frequent drought and current conflict and political instability. The program is a Development Food Assistance Program (DFAP) and is implemented by a consortium of international NGOs, composed of CARE International (lead), Save the Children International (SCI), Helen Keller International (HKI) and two national NGOs, namely: YAGTU and Sahel Eco.
Starting from July 2019, the program set in motion a qualitative and participative approach known as « Outcome Mapping » through its M&E Team (Harande MEAL Team). This approach was favored because it allows adequate monitoring and also helps to assess the level of expected changes.
Upon completion of the implementation approach – which lasted for about 9 months – the Harande MEAL Team prepared this report based on information collected from community actors and beneficiaries of the program. Read More...
Starting from July 2019, the program set in motion a qualitative and participative approach known as « Outcome Mapping » through its M&E Team (Harande MEAL Team). This approach was favored because it allows adequate monitoring and also helps to assess the level of expected changes.
Upon completion of the implementation approach – which lasted for about 9 months – the Harande MEAL Team prepared this report based on information collected from community actors and beneficiaries of the program. Read More...
School Feeding Program Study Report
The Government of Timor-Leste’s school feeding program provides a meal or snack to all students in preschools and basic education (Grades 1-9) throughout the country. In full implementation, this represents providing mostly cooked meals to about one quarter of the population.1 The nationwide School Feeding Program was established by the Government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) in 2005 and has been through several phases of implementation. The Manual which has guided the program implementation since 2013 is in the process of being revised (end of 2019 to early 2020). To support the Timor-Leste government to review and improve the School Feeding Program (SFP), CARE International in Timor-Leste studied the program and commissioned this report with the objectives to review and assess how the program is being implemented as well as gather opinions and suggestions from various stakeholders on how to improve the program. Read More...
This report covers the analysis and findings of a Cost of the Diet (CotD) study conducted in the four operational municipalities of the HATUTAN program, namely Ainaro, Ermera, Liquica and Manatuto. The study was commissioned by Mercy Corps Timor-Leste with funding from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The CotD study was presented to the National Institute of Health (INS) for approval prior to implementation.1 The study was designed to answer the following seven key questions:
1. What are the locally available and affordable foods found in each of the HATUTAN municipalities that could be used for nutritious school meals?
2. What is the cost of a nutritious school meal based on locally available foods?
3. What are the recommended foods to purchase, based on the current $0.25 and proposed $0.50 per child per day, to maximize nutrition outcomes?
4. What is the estimated cost of the non-food consumables – such as transportation, soap and firewood – that also need to be covered within the amount budgeted per student per a meal?
5. What is the nutritional value of a locally-sourced school meal?
6. How does the nutritional value of a locally-sourced school meal differ from the currently provided school meal?
7. How does a school meal for a child help close the nutrition gap at the household level? Read More...
1. What are the locally available and affordable foods found in each of the HATUTAN municipalities that could be used for nutritious school meals?
2. What is the cost of a nutritious school meal based on locally available foods?
3. What are the recommended foods to purchase, based on the current $0.25 and proposed $0.50 per child per day, to maximize nutrition outcomes?
4. What is the estimated cost of the non-food consumables – such as transportation, soap and firewood – that also need to be covered within the amount budgeted per student per a meal?
5. What is the nutritional value of a locally-sourced school meal?
6. How does the nutritional value of a locally-sourced school meal differ from the currently provided school meal?
7. How does a school meal for a child help close the nutrition gap at the household level? Read More...
Final Performance Evaluation of the Kore Lavi Development Food Assistance Project in Haiti
In FY 2013, the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) issued an award to a consortium of three organizations, CARE, Action Contre La Faim (ACF), and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to implement a Development Food Assistance Project (DFAP). World Vision (WV) later joined the consortium. The four-year project, titled ‘Kore Lavi’ (‘supporting life’ in Haitian Creole) started in August 2013. Following a two-year extension granted in 2017, the projected ended in September 2019.
The overall purpose of Kore Lavi was to support the Haitian Government in creating a social safety net for food and nutrition security that prioritizes consumption of locally grown quality products. The overall goal was to contribute to reducing food insecurity and vulnerability in targeted communities by establishing a replicable safety net system and expanding government capacities to prevent child under nutrition.
The overall purpose of Kore Lavi was to support the Haitian Government in creating a social safety net for food and nutrition security that prioritizes consumption of locally grown quality products. The overall goal was to contribute to reducing food insecurity and vulnerability in targeted communities by establishing a replicable safety net system and expanding government capacities to prevent child under nutrition.