Food and Nutrition Security

Madagascar – apinga – rapport d’évaluation finale care mdg (version définitive)

This 74 page report highlights the results of the APINGA project financed by BMZ Read More...

Pathways india endline report

This 92 page final evaluation showcases TANGO's findings on CARE's Pathways program in India Read More...

Tanzania pathways endline report

This 158 page evaluation shows the endline findings of the CARE Pathways program in Tanzania Read More...

Iedeas impact assessment egypt

This 64 page document highlights findings from the CARE/WorldFish project on women in aquaculture wi... Read More...

Malawi pathways endline study

This 116 page report highlihgts endline findings from CARE's Pathways program in Malawi Read More...

Strengthening Livestock Holders’ Livelihoods in Area C (Rawasi Project)

This 43 page document highlights the results of the Rawasi project funded by the European Union Read More...

Care ghana pathways project final evaluation

This 80 page document highlights the endline findings of CARE's Pathways program in Ghana on empower... Read More...

Pathways endline global report

This 110 page evaluation shows TANGO's endline findings on CARE's Pathways findings from the global ... Read More...

Wash Plus- Supportive Environments for Healthy Communities Endline Report

The WASHplus project supports healthy households and communities by creating and delivering interventions that lead to improvements in WASH and household air pollution (HAP). This fiveyear project (2010-2015), funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health and led by FHI 360 in partnership with CARE and Winrock International, uses at-scale programming approaches to reduce diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, the two top killers of children under age 5 globally. [30 pages] Read More...

India kellogg women smallholders and maize 05-16

This 16 page report highlights the results of the Empowering Women Smallholders and Enhancing Maize ... Read More...

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