Sexual|Reproductive Health
Rapid Gender Analysis: COVID-19 in the United States
The United States, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, also has the highest number of cases of COVID-19 in the world, far surpassing global hotspots like Italy and China, with cases continuing to rise at concerning rates. In this humanitarian crisis, CARE is bringing its global expertise—from more than 75 years of implementing humanitarian responses in more than 100 countries—to the context of COVID-19 in the United States. In addition to its expertise in humanitarian and crisis response, CARE developed the industry-standard Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) that builds upon several efforts by humanitarian actors to bring gender to the forefront of programming. The standardized tool to enable humanitarian actors to quickly build crisis responses that take into account the different needs of people of all genders, as well as disenfranchised groups, the extreme poor, and other groups often overlooked by policy, crisis planning, and data.
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, CARE has responded in 67 countries—including the United States—and has published 27 of an anticipated 54 RGAs in contexts around the world. We hope that applying this tool to the specific American context will enable CARE and others to create better responses to the pandemic that meet the needs of all people.
This RGA relies on secondary data collected between May 25 and June 10, 2020. It specifically focuses on highlighting the historic and institutional systems of oppression, gender bias, and racism targeting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). These structural realities and cultural biases put BIPOC communities, especially the women in these communities, at higher exposure to infection and higher risk of death. Simultaneously, these realities and biases exacerbate the already dire lack of access to basic services (such as health, food, housing, etc) experienced by these communities on a regular basis. This RGA offers policy and institutional recommendations for COVID-19 responses to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and affected communities in the face of systemic race, gender and class-based oppression. Without acknowledging these historic legacies around race, gender, and class in the U.S., the entire nation is at risk of perpetuating longstanding injustices and facing even more severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More...
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, CARE has responded in 67 countries—including the United States—and has published 27 of an anticipated 54 RGAs in contexts around the world. We hope that applying this tool to the specific American context will enable CARE and others to create better responses to the pandemic that meet the needs of all people.
This RGA relies on secondary data collected between May 25 and June 10, 2020. It specifically focuses on highlighting the historic and institutional systems of oppression, gender bias, and racism targeting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). These structural realities and cultural biases put BIPOC communities, especially the women in these communities, at higher exposure to infection and higher risk of death. Simultaneously, these realities and biases exacerbate the already dire lack of access to basic services (such as health, food, housing, etc) experienced by these communities on a regular basis. This RGA offers policy and institutional recommendations for COVID-19 responses to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and affected communities in the face of systemic race, gender and class-based oppression. Without acknowledging these historic legacies around race, gender, and class in the U.S., the entire nation is at risk of perpetuating longstanding injustices and facing even more severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More...
Barriers and supports to reducing early child bearing among newly married adolescent girls in Zinder region: A qualitative study
CARE carried out formative research to understand the underlying gender and social norms, barriers to and facilitators for delaying early child birth among married/soon-to-be-married adolescent girls in Zinder region, from the perspective of multiple gatekeepers in the lives of married/soon-to-be-married adolescent girls. Read More...
Adolescent Motherhood: Understanding Individual and Community Perspectives to Delay First Birth in Rural Bangladesh
Globally, more than one third of girls marry before the age of 15. In Bangladesh, like in other developing countries, adolescent marriage is still very common. Early marriage leads to early pregnancy, as young wives are not allowed to make their own decisions about contraceptive use and timing of childbirth, deferring instead to their husbands and extended family. The major objectives of this formative research were to explore the intentions, desires, perspectives, motivators, and de‐motivators around the first pregnancy among married adolescent girls (MAGs). The study also explored ways to delay first pregnancies among MAGs, focusing on influential people in their lives, health providers, and positive deviants. Additionally, we examined alternative opportunities and barriers to delay first pregnancy through pursuit of an alternative life course and the use of modern contraceptives. The findings will be used to design an appropriate intervention for rural Bangladesh. Read More...
Rapid Gender Analysis CARE Morocco (English, French)
This analysis is based on a qualitative survey carried out in the field with the various beneficiaries of CARE Morocco's projects. A questionnaire was developed for the occasion and completed through phone calls by the field teams in different intervention areas of CIM. It should be noted that the survey did not focus on a large number of respondents, but rather on qualitative responses with the leaders of CARE Morocco beneficiary groups such as Village Savings and Loans Associations, cooperatives, educators from the education sector, and other partner associations at the local level. Secondary data were also drawn from various national reports and studies, in particular those conducted by the High Commission for Planning and the National Observatory for Human Development. Read More...
Final Project End-line assessment of Shelter, NFI, Hygiene, SRHR and Livelihood Support for Disaster-Affected Populations in Afghanistan 2018-2020
The Emergency Shelter, NFI, Hygiene, SRHR and Livelihood Support for Disaster-Affected Populations in Afghanistan 2018-2020 Project aims to provide emergency assistance to the identified beneficiaries settled in Kabul, Parwan, Kapisa, Balkh, Ghazni, Khost and Paktya provinces of Afghanistan. The interventions covered under this project included Shelter, NFI, WASH, Livelihoods and SRHR needs of the women, men, boys and girls affected by disasters. The sample of 352 households for this end line evaluation was structured as according to the proportion beneficiaries per the different project outputs The two main output blocks of hygiene/SRHR on the one hand and different forms of cash and NFI support on the other are well captured in the end line survey. In addition to the quantitative approach, 8 FGDs, 7 KIIs and 3 IDIs conducted were conducted with the project beneficiaries, stakeholders and the GAC project team.
Analyse Rapide Genre pour COVID-19 Niger
Le Covid-19 est une nouvelle souche de coronavirus (CoV) n´ayant pas été précédemment identifiée chez l'homme. L'épidémie à Covid-19 s'est propagée à l'échelle mondiale depuis son premier signalement et elle a été déclarée une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale (USPPI), classé le 11 mars 2020 parmi les pandémies.
Cette situation de crise sanitaire a un impact certain sur le système de santé nigérien et sur son économie, mais aussi et principalement sur la vie des populations nigériennes déjà bouleversées par d´autres chocs et stress. Au Niger l'impact de la pandémie est encore exacerbé par la crise sécuritaire, la violence continue et les urgences humanitaires.
L´expérience tirée des épidémies précédentes confirme que l´impact des crises est différent chez les femmes, les hommes, les filles et les garçons, et que les réponses qui mettent en place des dispositifs incluant les aspects séxoespécifiques permettent de maintenir le bien être des personnes et évitent que les ménages sombrent dans la pauvreté et l´exclusion. Les analyses des effets et impacts de ces crises ont permis d´identifier des points forts et des vulnérabilités que nous ne devons pas oublier en ce moment.
Les études faites ont tendance à conclure que les inégalités de genre et autres inégalités s’aggravent souvent pendant une crise, mais en réalité les évidences montrent que les crises révèlent les inégalités structurelles et systémiques préexistantes qui causent lors d´une crise plusieurs types et niveau d’impacts sur les personnes selon leurs groupes d´appartenance.
Malheureusement, ces inégalités ne sont pas systématiquement incluses dans les réponses aux crises. CARE International et Le projet GenCap au Niger ont senti la nécessité de conduire une analyse rapide genre pour mettre en évidence les impacts sexospécifiques de la pandémie de Covid-19 pouvant informer l´équipe humanitaire pays (EHP) dans la réponse au Covid-19.
Ce rapport est destiné à l´équipe humanitaire. Il est organisé autour de grands thèmes et domaines d’intérêt particulièrement importants pour ceux dont la programmation fait progresser l’égalité des sexes. Il cherche à approfondir l’analyse de genre disponible en tirant des enseignements des données disponibles sur le genre pour l’urgence de santé publique Covid-19.
Cette situation de crise sanitaire a un impact certain sur le système de santé nigérien et sur son économie, mais aussi et principalement sur la vie des populations nigériennes déjà bouleversées par d´autres chocs et stress. Au Niger l'impact de la pandémie est encore exacerbé par la crise sécuritaire, la violence continue et les urgences humanitaires.
L´expérience tirée des épidémies précédentes confirme que l´impact des crises est différent chez les femmes, les hommes, les filles et les garçons, et que les réponses qui mettent en place des dispositifs incluant les aspects séxoespécifiques permettent de maintenir le bien être des personnes et évitent que les ménages sombrent dans la pauvreté et l´exclusion. Les analyses des effets et impacts de ces crises ont permis d´identifier des points forts et des vulnérabilités que nous ne devons pas oublier en ce moment.
Les études faites ont tendance à conclure que les inégalités de genre et autres inégalités s’aggravent souvent pendant une crise, mais en réalité les évidences montrent que les crises révèlent les inégalités structurelles et systémiques préexistantes qui causent lors d´une crise plusieurs types et niveau d’impacts sur les personnes selon leurs groupes d´appartenance.
Malheureusement, ces inégalités ne sont pas systématiquement incluses dans les réponses aux crises. CARE International et Le projet GenCap au Niger ont senti la nécessité de conduire une analyse rapide genre pour mettre en évidence les impacts sexospécifiques de la pandémie de Covid-19 pouvant informer l´équipe humanitaire pays (EHP) dans la réponse au Covid-19.
Ce rapport est destiné à l´équipe humanitaire. Il est organisé autour de grands thèmes et domaines d’intérêt particulièrement importants pour ceux dont la programmation fait progresser l’égalité des sexes. Il cherche à approfondir l’analyse de genre disponible en tirant des enseignements des données disponibles sur le genre pour l’urgence de santé publique Covid-19.
Combining GBV and Reproductive Health Services in Cox’s Bazar
Since 2018, CARE has implemented static health services at four health posts in CxB, GBV case management at 12 women and girls’ safe spaces, household and sub-block level sensitization for awareness on service availability through 14 outreach teams, and provision of basic health services at mobile outreach spots at the sub-block level. These comprehensive service and demand-side components addressing individual, household, and community barriers to accessing services have enabled a gender-responsive, integrated approach to reach women and girls. See the learning brief here: Read More...
End line Survey Report: Meeting Basic Needs livelihood, Enhancing Access to WASH and Improving Reproductive Health Services in Yemen, 2018-2020
CARE Yemen has been implementing the “Meeting basic needs livelihood, Enhancing Access to WASH and Improving Reproductive Health Services in Yemen” project from 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2020. The project aimed to address the WASH, Health and food security needs of the most vulnerable and conflict affected communities living in the targeted areas. The key results of the project were: (1) increased capacity for vulnerable and conflict affected households, especially women, to meet livelihoods and basic needs; (2) improved access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services for vulnerable households in conflict affected areas; (3) increased equitable access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Right (SRHR) services for targeted communities. Read More...
Baseline Survey in East and South Darfur Focused on Health, Nutrition and WASH
The humanitarian situation in Sudan has continued to deteriorate since 2018, where the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance steadily rose from an estimated 700,000 to a total of 5.5M individuals. Across Sudan, 3.8 million people are urgently in need of WASH assistance, 5.2 million people are in urgent need of access to basic primary health care services, and a total of 2.8 million children and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) suffering from acute malnutrition. Darfur remains an epicenter of large-scale protracted displacement.
There have been limited baseline assessments conducted in CARE’s project areas due to the recent political uncertainties, insecurity, staff capacity and funding constraints. The assessment interviewed 277 households.
* 53% of people (46%m, 56%f) have good knowledge on positive nutrition practices.
* The survey found out that of the women interviewed, 62% were aware and had good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding
* disease incidence averaged at 44% across the study area.
* 66% of the respondents still use unsafe drinking water sources;
* 34% of the respondents having access to adequate sanitation but still about 28% of respondents confirmed that at least one member of their HH practiced open defecation.
* 65% of the respondents being able to mention at least 3 critical times to perform hand washing.
* 21% of the respondents said women were actively involved as members of WASH committees within their communities.
There have been limited baseline assessments conducted in CARE’s project areas due to the recent political uncertainties, insecurity, staff capacity and funding constraints. The assessment interviewed 277 households.
* 53% of people (46%m, 56%f) have good knowledge on positive nutrition practices.
* The survey found out that of the women interviewed, 62% were aware and had good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding
* disease incidence averaged at 44% across the study area.
* 66% of the respondents still use unsafe drinking water sources;
* 34% of the respondents having access to adequate sanitation but still about 28% of respondents confirmed that at least one member of their HH practiced open defecation.
* 65% of the respondents being able to mention at least 3 critical times to perform hand washing.
* 21% of the respondents said women were actively involved as members of WASH committees within their communities.
Evaluation d’impact Genre de la réponse de CARE à la crise du Bassin du Lac Tchad au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad
La crise du BLT, née du conflit armé au Nord Nigéria qui s’est étendu au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad a créé une crise humanitaire qui a entrainé le déplacement de 4.025.486 personnes au niveau de ces quatre pays (OIM DTM, Avril 2018). Cette crise révèle une dimension protection sans précèdent avec notamment des violences multiformes à l’encontre des femmes et de filles (kidnapping, violences et abus sexuelles, transformées en kamikaze), des violences physiques à l’encontre des hommes et jeunes garçons (décapités ou enrôlés de force dans les combats) ; la dislocation des milliers de familles a laissé aux femmes et aux enfants la responsabilité de se prendre en charge leurs familles. Cette évaluation a pour objectif d’analyser l’impact de l’intégration du genre dans la qualité de la réponse de CARE dans les trois pays du bassin du Lac Tchad que sont Le Cameroun, le Niger et le Tchad. Read More...