Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene


With the objective of providing vulnerable women, men, boys and girls in conflict-affected, underserved and epidemic-prone communities and improving civic participation of local residents, CARE’s interventions targeted highly prioritized areas of West Mosul in need of installation and rehabilitation of water supply systems through close collaboration with the Directorate of Water (DoW) as the local authorities are currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs to enable affected populations to return home.

With this project, CARE addressed three critical gaps in water rehabilitation systems and services in West Mosul by:
• the rehabilitation of water supply system,
• solid waste management, and
• community engagement through establishing hygiene volunteers and water committees.

The endline evaluation seeks to analyze the endline values for key WASH indicators as stated in the project documents in the targeted areas and to assess, impact and effectiveness of programming to successfully track accomplishments of the WASH project, relevance and sustainability of the project after the implementation through the usage of quantitative and qualitative data. The evaluation also looked into areas of success as well as challenges faced implementing activities in Al-Matahin and Al-Islah neighborhoods of West Mosul.


Umeed-e-Nau Project Health and WASH Support project for drought affect people of Umerkot, Sindh

This report present the external evaluation of Umeed-e-Nau project - Health and WASH Support project for drought affect people of Umerkot, Sindh. The project was implemented by CARE International in Pakistan (CIP) through its partner CWSA under UNOCHA’s PHPF-III from February – December 2019.

The evaluation of the CIP’s Umeed-e-Nau project has been carried out as per the DAC criteria such as Relevance/appropriateness, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability. However, CIP has included an additional criteria i.e. Project Management.

Findings of the final evaluation indicate that CIP rightly identified the needs in holistic manner, as the people in the target area were struggling for water and vulnerable to different health related hazards. The community appreciated all the project activities particularly the MMCs due to quality services, equipment and medicines. Innovations introduced by CIP and donor’s flexibility to understand and approve required changes was also an important factor for paving a smooth path towards achieving successful results of the project. The capacity building and awareness raising activities like health & hygiene training, nutrition awareness has inbuilt sustainability. In both WASH and Health interventions, the impact on behaviors and practice can be observed with passage of time. The trend of use of latrines, water filtrations, consultation with qualified health practitioners, realization of importance of health care especially maternal health and last but not the least hygiene awareness are likely to impact positively on beneficiaries’ individual and communal lives for many years.


Humanitarian Project in South Waziristan Tribal District (SWTD): End of Project Evaluation Report

Over five million persons were displaced from the tribal districts of ex-FATA region over the last decade. Over 90% of these persons have now returned and face massive humanitarian needs. CARE International in Pakistan (CIP) is implementing a humanitarian project in SWTD focused on WASH activities. In October 2019, CIP commissioned a joint independent evaluation to assess its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The evaluation collected information through a desk review of key documents, 9 FGDs and 200 household interviews with men and women in the project locations, 6 key informant interviews and physical observations. Overall, the quality and impact of the project is high, which is especially commendable given the extremely challenging work environment and external constraints. Read More...

CARE International in Pakistan (CIP) Humanitarian Project in North Waziristan Tribal District (NWTD): End of Project Evaluation Final Report

Over five million persons from the tribal districts of ex-FATA region were displaced over the last decade. Over 90% of these persons have now returned and face massive humanitarian needs. CARE International in Pakistan (CIP) implemented a humanitarian project in NWTD through a local partner (PRDS) focused on WASH and shelter. In October 2019, CIP commissioned an independent evaluation of the project to assess its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The evaluation collected information through a desk review of key documents, 8 FGDs and 200 household interviews with men and women in the project locations, 8 key informant interviews and physical observations. Overall, the quality and impact of the project is high, which is especially commendable given the extremely challenging work environment and external constraints. Read More...

Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) phase III & Improving Living Condition and Mitigating Monsoon Risk for the Refugees: Endline Study Report

CARE Bangladesh has partnered with IOM since November 2017 as Site Management Support Agency in Camp 16 (Potibunia) and since 01 January 2019 in Camp 13 of Ukhia upazila of Cox’s Bazar District.

A joint End-line assessment was conducted in both camps being site managed and coordinated by CARE Bangladesh (Camps 13 and 16) with the support from IOM and IRW. In addition, Shelter and WASH component were also supported by these two donors for selected HH. The purpose of this end-line study was to provide measurable data against project targets, indicators, outcomes and objectives, as well as to help prioritize activities and focus of work across the two locations.

Overall, the situation seemed improved more in camp 16 than in camp 13 followed by CARE intervention which was at the same level in the baseline. . Participation in decision making process block wise in both camps increased almost by 39%. 95% of respondents said that site development activity was done in last month that indicates the value of work actually ongoing. On the shelter response almost 66% responded they are having good quality shelter. Access to enough water for household need and water treatment stratus before drinking increased simultaneously in a good way. Open defecation is still having a concerning issues in both camp. A variety of factors might explain these differences that explained with deeper analysis in this report. Read More...

Where the Rain Falls Phase III (2017 – 2019): Final Evaluation Report

In 2009, the Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) initiative started as a three-year research project investigating the impact of rainfall variability on food and livelihood security, and migration.

This research culminated in a global policy report (2012) and the development of more action-oriented community-based adaptation (CBA) pilot projects in each India, Thailand and Bangladesh. A second phase (2014 – 2016), and later a third phase (2017 – 2019), aimed to scale results, impacts and lessons learned to date for broader support for, and uptake of, CBA methods and approaches.

In October 2019, CARE France engaged an International Consultant to lead WtRF’ first multi-county evaluation. As per the Terms of Reference (TORs) for this evaluation (see Annex IV) the main objectives of the evaluation are two-fold:
(i) to assess the degree of achievement of the WtRF global and specific objectives in India and Thailand respectively; and
(ii) to extract common and/or comparable lessons learned about factors contributing to and hindering achievements (e.g. barriers and enablers) Read More...

Supporting Partnerships and Resilience of Communities (SPARC) in Northern Rakhine State End-of-Project Evaluation

The Supporting Partnerships and Resilience of Communities (SPARC) project, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), was implemented in Maungdaw District, northern Rakhine State between December 2011- December 2019.

SPARC’s goal is to contribute to the sustainable reduction of poverty in communities through improving the social and economic position of poor, vulnerable households, and to strengthen household and community capacity to sustain such improvements. To achieve this goal, CARE implements integrated livelihood activities that improve food security and economic opportunities, including community forestry, crop productivity intensification, facilitating access to education and introducing financial services through Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA).

An end-of-project evaluation was recently commissioned ‘to determine if SPARC achieved its end of project outcomes of sustainable reduction of poverty in poor, vulnerable communities and strengthened household and community capacity to sustain such improvements’.

The evaluation used a mixed method approach combining a literature review and quantitative data sets drawn primarily from the project monitoring system, together with qualitative data, collected using participatory approaches such as focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), and Stories of Change Interviews (SoCs). Read More...


This report presents findings of a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Analysis in relation to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Timor-Leste, from a national and municipal level perspective. The GESI Analysis aims to improve understanding of marginalization in the WASH sector, be it on the basis of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, poverty or other. The analysis generates practical inputs to improve national policies and strategies and thereby ensure that the project improves conditions for equality in terms of access to and use of WASH services while striving to apply “do-no-harm” and non-discrimination principles.

Gender equality is an enabler for achieving sustainable development in Timor-Leste. Recognized in the National Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030) and overseen by the national machinery – the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) – achieving gender equality is the responsibility of all government agencies and development partners.

The study was carried out by a CARE International WASH and Gender Advisor with support from CARE International Timor-Leste and WaterAid Timor-Leste project staff and partner organizations in November 2019. Read More...

The NGO Health Service Delivery Project 2012 – 2018

Bangladesh is the tenth most densely populated country in the world.3 Despite its growing economy—it is expect- ed to become a middle-income country by 2020—the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has not been able to invest sufficient resources in its health system. To close the gap, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) has formally integrated the non-governmen- tal organization (NGO) sector into the national health system. A significant proportion of this plan has included the Surjer Hashi (SH), or Smiling Sun, network, a group of NGOs supported by the United States Agency for In- ternational Development (USAID) and its implementing partners since 1997.
From 2012 to 2017, USAID supported the SH network through the NGO Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP). The UK Department for International Devel- opment (DfID) provided additional funding beginning in the second project year. Led by Pathfinder International, NHSDP provided material and technical support to 25 NGOs, who served a catchment area of 26.3 million peo- ple through a network of 399 static and 10,872 satellite clinics and 11,842 community service providers.

This is the final report for this project and outlines the results from the project. Read More...

Informe Final de Evaluación Proyecto Nutriendo el Futuro Fase II

El Proyecto Nutriendo el Futuro Fase II se ejecutó en el marco de la alianza CARE y Cargill, en apoyo a cuatro países del área centroamericana: Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Costa Rica.
Su objetivo fue contribuir a que los productores/as y microempresarios/as de las áreas rurales y periurbanas del área de influencia de Cargill mejoraran la calidad de vida de sus familias, garantizando su seguridad alimentaria y el manejo sostenible de sus recursos naturales. El mismo se implementó por un período de 36 meses, entre septiembre de 2016 y agosto de 2019. El Proyecto brindó apoyo directo a un total de 84 comunidades, 1,606 pequeños productores/as, 968 microempresarios/as y 25,968 niños y niñas en edad escolar. Más del 50% de los beneficiarios (12,863) fueron mujeres y niñas. Read More...

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