Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

WASH support to IDPs & host communities in Dohuk & Ninewa

CARE, REACH and Harikar solicited support from GAC to support their WASH intervention in four IDP camps (Chamishko, Essyan, Mamrashan and Sheikhan) and in host community collectives (Ardawan, Ba’adre, Kalakchi, Mahate and Ayas) in Dohuk and Ninewa from January 2017 to December 2019. The project also had an emergency response component in November 2017 in three neighbourhoods of West Mosul (Al-Mansour, Al-Jawsaq and Wadi Al-Hajar). The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the post intervention situation in the targeted areas against baseline indicators. Furthermore, the study looked at the effectiveness and efficiency of the intervention to reach the expected outcomes. The study also considered criteria such as coverage and appropriateness to evaluate the quality of the intervention. Finally, the evaluation looked at some of the impacts of the intervention.
The final evaluation concludes that CARE, REACH and Harikar reached most of the expected targets during the project implementation. The evaluation team is confident that with the intervention of CARE, REACH and Harikar men, women, boys and girls have improved access to safe water supply (Outcome 100) and to safe sanitation facilities (Outcome 200) in the IDPs camps and also to some extent in the host communities. The evaluation team can also report that IDPs have had improved access to hygiene supplies in 2017 and 2018 thanks to the hygiene voucher system set up by CARE, REACH and Harikar (Outcome 300). Men, women, boys and girls also have improved access to information about hygiene as well as gender and protection both in the IDP camps and host communities (Outcome 300 and 500). The evaluation team collected mixed results however concerning the increased capacity of community actors, local NGOs & local authorities to provide timely WASH assistance to vulnerable IDPs and host communities that meet the differing needs of women & girls (Outcome 400). Due to the volatility of the context and the limited financial capacities of local authorities, the intervention failed to identify a strong exit strategy where local authorities would take over the services provided by CARE, Harikar and REACH with the support of GAC. Read More...

Inter-agency Response to Tropical Cyclone Gita Tonga

In response to the damage and the immediate needs of the affected population, taking in to account the expertise of the agencies, MORDI Trust Tonga (MORDI), Live & Learn Environmental Education (LLEE) and CARE Australia (CARE) formed a partnership to deliver humanitarian assistance on the islands of Tongatapu and ‘Eua.

The response program included assistance provided in the areas of shelter, WASH, food security and livelihoods, with an underlying focus on gender and social inclusion. Donor funding for the response program through CARE Australia included DFAT funding through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership, ECHO and the START Network. Additional grants directly to MORDI from Oxfam and Rotary/MFAT also formed part of the overall response program.
This report will aim to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall response program. Read More...

Tropical Cyclone Gita Response Program Evaluation

Tropical Cyclone (TC) Gita, a Category 4 cyclone, struck Tonga in February 2018. CARE, Live and Learn, and MORDI (‘the partnership’) responded to the immediate needs of communities on Tongatapu and ‘Eua islands, delivering emergency shelter and hygiene kits. In the recovery phase the partnership supported communities with shelter, repairs to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, and food security and livelihood recovery efforts, including a specific project focused on the recovery priorities of seven women’s groups on ‘Eua island.

CARE commissioned this evaluation to assess the assistance provided through the response and recovery program in the first six months (February – August 2018). The evaluation focused on four main areas of enquiry: the partnership, the response, gender and inclusion, and localisation.

This report documents the findings from the evaluation and provides forward-looking recommendations for the partnership and for preparedness and future emergency response in Tonga. Read More...


CARE, à travers le Programme Intégré d’Assainissement d’Antananarivo (PIAA), met en oeuvre le projet «Volet Mission D'Action de proximité via des ONGs» dans 12 fokontany au niveau des quartiers vulnérables de la Commune Urbaine d’Antananarivo pendant 3 ans.
L’intervention consistera à:
1. Appuyer et sensibiliser les communautés locales pour le bon fonctionnement et l'entretien des infrastructures d'assainissement et principalement ceux réalisés dans le cadre du PIAA. Ces actions font référence en Particulier au problème de dépôt des déchets solides dans les canaux de drainage des quartiers qui pénalisent leur hydraulicité;
2. Sensibiliser la population locale en matière d'hygiène et de santé Publique, contribuant à réduire les risques sanitaires liées à la gestion des eaux usées ;
3. Proposer des activités liées à 1a réduction des risques et catastrophes, utiles pour réagir efficacement lors des évènements d'inondations.
L’objectif visent la pérennisation des acquis dans le cadre du PIAA (investissements, renforcement de capacités, améliorations obtenues en matière d’assainissement), en contribuant à l’intensification des prises de responsabilité des structures communautaires et des collectivités, ainsi qu’à la prise de conscience citoyenne des individus, face aux problèmes d’inondation et de gestion des eaux usées au sein de 12 fokontany au niveau des quartiers vulnérables de la Commune Urbaine d’Antananarivo.
En ce début du projet, CARE procédera à une évaluation initiale qui sera dirigée par un évaluateur externe et utilisera des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives afin d'établir les points de référence par rapport auxquels les progrès de tous les indicateurs seront mesurés. Il mettra également en évidence les opportunités et les défis potentiels de l'application des approches proposées pour mieux informer la mise en oeuvre du projet. Read More...

Rapport d’évaluation Finale du Projet Fagnoitse

Financé par OFDA et opérationnalisé par CARE International à Madagascar, le projet Fagnoitse a pour objectif de renforcer la résilience des populations vulnérables touchées par la sécheresse dans le sud de Madagascar. Son budget total s’élève à 1 262 725 USD pour une durée de 12 mois.
L’intervention vise au total 42 000 individus directs et se concentre sur trois volets dont :
1. Amélioration de la production agricole et de la sécurité alimentaire en fournissant : des intrants adéquats (semences/plants améliorés et résistants à la sécheresse), des outils, une formation aux techniques résilientes au climat (12,000 personnes) ; formation et mise en place d’installations de stockage pour la sécurité des semences et des productions agricoles (12,000 personnes) ; fourniture de petits ruminants/volaille, coupons d’alimentation/fourrage, formation technique (6,000 personnes);
2. Soutien de la reprise économique et des systèmes de marché en restaurant les moyens de subsistance (6,000 personnes) ; le soutien au développement de nouvelles entreprises en fonction de la mise en place de groupe d’épargne et de crédit (12,000 personnes) et le soutien à la transformation agricole/produits de la pêche (12,000 personnes) ; élaboration de business plans (9,000 personnes) ;
3. Promotion de l’accès à l’eau et l’hygiène par la mise en place/opérationnalisation de 120 comités de gestion des transports d'eau, la fourniture de charrettes à boeufs et des futs (12,000 personnes) ; fourniture d'équipements de stockage d’eau (900 personnes), la fourniture de séances de sensibilisation/information sur l’hygiène, l'alimentation et la nutrition (36,000 personnes), et la fourniture de kits Wash (bidons d’eau, seaux d’eau, gobelet, barres de savon) (3,000 personnes). Read More...

SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project: Midterm Evaluation Report

This report refers to the midterm evaluation (MTE) of “SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project” funded by Austrian Development Cooperation through Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and implemented by CARE Ethiopia. The project was commenced in October 2017 and will be implemented through September 2020 in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State. The ultimate impact was to improve the food security and resiliency of chronically food insecure households in Belesa Woredas.

The purpose of this mid-term evaluation was assessing the degree of success of the project thus far. Read More...

SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection in East and West Belesa Project

CARE Ethiopia, with the financial support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), will implement a three years’ project entitled “Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection (SWEEP)” Project in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gonder Zone, Amhara Regional State. The SWEEP project will address the socio-economic and environmental problems causing food insecurity in East and West Belesa, including poor access to water supply and environmental degradation; social barriers and gender inequality; as well as limited livelihood opportunities and low productivity. As part of the inception phase of the project, this particular baseline survey has been carried out with the ultimate aim of gathering evidence from different sources and set benchmarks and baseline values for each project outcome indicator. Read More...

Participatory community development projects in indigenous communities of the highlands of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia (GERMAN)

Since 1994 CARE Deutschland e.V. (hereinafter CARE) has been carrying out participatory community development projects in the Andean region with the support of the BMZ. Target groups of these projects were Andean indigenous communities in the highlands of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The projects were implemented by local NGOs: Yachachic (1994-2006) in Ecuador, Acción Andina Peru (1997-2018) in Peru and Asociación Acción Andina Bolivien (2010-2017) in Bolivia. As these long-term interventions have so far not been systematically analyzed, it was decided to conduct this evaluation to assess their direct and indirect effects, to analyze the project approach and to formulate recommendations for future CARE projects in the Andean region.
(Full report is in German)
2. Evaluation methodology
The evaluation was carried out through an extensive field study between November and December 2018, visiting 12 indigenous communities in Ecuador, 12 in Peru and 8 in Bolivia. Read More...

Socio-Economic Status Analysis for Potential Job Creation Interventions Assessment Report

CARE Ethiopia is implementing a three-year project entitled “Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection (SWEEP)” in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gonder Zone, Amhara Regional State. The project focuses on marginalized rural women and girls, people with disabilities and unemployed youth. As one of the project activities, this “socio-economic status analysis of unemployment among youth (15-29) and other vulnerable target groups (female family heads and persons with disability) for potential job creation interventions” was conducted.
In this assessment, the sustainable livelihood analysis framework was used to understand the socio- economic context of the target group. Read More...

Emergency Response for Drought Affected Households in Northern Afghanistan Project: Baseline Survey Report

CARE’s Emergency Response for Drought Affected Households in Northern Afghanistan (OFDA) Project has planned to assist 4,100 households in two Provinces (Balkh and Samangan) in Northern Afghanistan. This baseline study was conducted to establish baseline values for indicators of intended outcomes and collect information about the target group prior to intervention. Read More...

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