This report provides the results of the final evaluation of the Emergency Food Security Program (EFSP) implemented in twelve districts within the four regions of Sool, Sanaag, Galgaduud and Mudug that was conducted during July and August 2019.
Over and above the program performance parameters, the beneficiaries overwhelmingly indicated that the program had had significant positive impacts. The program was considered timely as it was delivered when beneficiaries were getting into months of food insecurity. When asked whether the cash transfer had improved their livelihoods, 93% of the household survey respondents reported that their livelihoods had improved, mainly in terms of improved purchasing power (93%), ease of meeting their basic needs (78%), better social status (22%), better and more recognition (17%), taking children to school (14%), access to healthcare (9%) and in other (non-described) areas (7%). In the household survey, 94% of the respondents received three cycles of the correct amount, whilst 5% who were targeted under the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) received two cycles enabling households to purchase their preferred foods, at least 25Kg of rice, 25Kg of sugar, 25kg wheat flour, 3kg of cooking oil, 10kg of pasta and some vegetables.
The program had a positive impact on the 52,299 households enrolled. The programme resulted in a reduction of distress coping strategies, with an average rCSI of 12.8 reducing from 20.4 at the program baseline. This supports the effectiveness of the program in enabling the beneficiaries to reduce the number of negative coping strategies that they were previously employing in order to meet basic household needs. In addition, as planned, all the households used the cash transfer to meet their basic needs, with 97% of them using the cash transfer to purchase food for the household, indicating that the cash intervention has directly contributed to the enhancement of the household food security during the drought. Trend analysis shows that throughout the program there was a downward trend of the rCSI scores, while there was an increase of household dietary diversity index to 20.4 compared to the baseline of 12.8. Similarly, an analysis of household hunger shows that in general the beneficiaries were experiencing little to no hunger, with only 13% experiencing moderate hunger and 86% of households experiencing little to no hunger. This again indicates that the programme has achieved positive outcomes.
While the evidence suggests that the program generated a number of positive impacts, across many domains, demonstrating effective and efficient implementation, and that the beneficiaries used the cash as per the original objectives of the program, households continue to faces challenges in their capacity to fully recover from the impacts of conflict and drought. Increasing the scale of interventions and developing additional holistic livelihood strategies for the target areas, creating linkages with market-based interventions and improvement in access to water, education and healthcare, experimenting with graduation models combined with local savings (VSLAs) were among some of the areas identified for improving future programming. A more detailed description of these recommendations is provided towards the tail end of the report. Read More...
Over and above the program performance parameters, the beneficiaries overwhelmingly indicated that the program had had significant positive impacts. The program was considered timely as it was delivered when beneficiaries were getting into months of food insecurity. When asked whether the cash transfer had improved their livelihoods, 93% of the household survey respondents reported that their livelihoods had improved, mainly in terms of improved purchasing power (93%), ease of meeting their basic needs (78%), better social status (22%), better and more recognition (17%), taking children to school (14%), access to healthcare (9%) and in other (non-described) areas (7%). In the household survey, 94% of the respondents received three cycles of the correct amount, whilst 5% who were targeted under the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) received two cycles enabling households to purchase their preferred foods, at least 25Kg of rice, 25Kg of sugar, 25kg wheat flour, 3kg of cooking oil, 10kg of pasta and some vegetables.
The program had a positive impact on the 52,299 households enrolled. The programme resulted in a reduction of distress coping strategies, with an average rCSI of 12.8 reducing from 20.4 at the program baseline. This supports the effectiveness of the program in enabling the beneficiaries to reduce the number of negative coping strategies that they were previously employing in order to meet basic household needs. In addition, as planned, all the households used the cash transfer to meet their basic needs, with 97% of them using the cash transfer to purchase food for the household, indicating that the cash intervention has directly contributed to the enhancement of the household food security during the drought. Trend analysis shows that throughout the program there was a downward trend of the rCSI scores, while there was an increase of household dietary diversity index to 20.4 compared to the baseline of 12.8. Similarly, an analysis of household hunger shows that in general the beneficiaries were experiencing little to no hunger, with only 13% experiencing moderate hunger and 86% of households experiencing little to no hunger. This again indicates that the programme has achieved positive outcomes.
While the evidence suggests that the program generated a number of positive impacts, across many domains, demonstrating effective and efficient implementation, and that the beneficiaries used the cash as per the original objectives of the program, households continue to faces challenges in their capacity to fully recover from the impacts of conflict and drought. Increasing the scale of interventions and developing additional holistic livelihood strategies for the target areas, creating linkages with market-based interventions and improvement in access to water, education and healthcare, experimenting with graduation models combined with local savings (VSLAs) were among some of the areas identified for improving future programming. A more detailed description of these recommendations is provided towards the tail end of the report. Read More...
WASH support to IDPs & host communities in Dohuk & Ninewa
CARE, REACH and Harikar solicited support from GAC to support their WASH intervention in four IDP camps (Chamishko, Essyan, Mamrashan and Sheikhan) and in host community collectives (Ardawan, Ba’adre, Kalakchi, Mahate and Ayas) in Dohuk and Ninewa from January 2017 to December 2019. The project also had an emergency response component in November 2017 in three neighbourhoods of West Mosul (Al-Mansour, Al-Jawsaq and Wadi Al-Hajar). The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the post intervention situation in the targeted areas against baseline indicators. Furthermore, the study looked at the effectiveness and efficiency of the intervention to reach the expected outcomes. The study also considered criteria such as coverage and appropriateness to evaluate the quality of the intervention. Finally, the evaluation looked at some of the impacts of the intervention.
The final evaluation concludes that CARE, REACH and Harikar reached most of the expected targets during the project implementation. The evaluation team is confident that with the intervention of CARE, REACH and Harikar men, women, boys and girls have improved access to safe water supply (Outcome 100) and to safe sanitation facilities (Outcome 200) in the IDPs camps and also to some extent in the host communities. The evaluation team can also report that IDPs have had improved access to hygiene supplies in 2017 and 2018 thanks to the hygiene voucher system set up by CARE, REACH and Harikar (Outcome 300). Men, women, boys and girls also have improved access to information about hygiene as well as gender and protection both in the IDP camps and host communities (Outcome 300 and 500). The evaluation team collected mixed results however concerning the increased capacity of community actors, local NGOs & local authorities to provide timely WASH assistance to vulnerable IDPs and host communities that meet the differing needs of women & girls (Outcome 400). Due to the volatility of the context and the limited financial capacities of local authorities, the intervention failed to identify a strong exit strategy where local authorities would take over the services provided by CARE, Harikar and REACH with the support of GAC. Read More...
The final evaluation concludes that CARE, REACH and Harikar reached most of the expected targets during the project implementation. The evaluation team is confident that with the intervention of CARE, REACH and Harikar men, women, boys and girls have improved access to safe water supply (Outcome 100) and to safe sanitation facilities (Outcome 200) in the IDPs camps and also to some extent in the host communities. The evaluation team can also report that IDPs have had improved access to hygiene supplies in 2017 and 2018 thanks to the hygiene voucher system set up by CARE, REACH and Harikar (Outcome 300). Men, women, boys and girls also have improved access to information about hygiene as well as gender and protection both in the IDP camps and host communities (Outcome 300 and 500). The evaluation team collected mixed results however concerning the increased capacity of community actors, local NGOs & local authorities to provide timely WASH assistance to vulnerable IDPs and host communities that meet the differing needs of women & girls (Outcome 400). Due to the volatility of the context and the limited financial capacities of local authorities, the intervention failed to identify a strong exit strategy where local authorities would take over the services provided by CARE, Harikar and REACH with the support of GAC. Read More...
CARE y Fundación Capital tienen una alianza estratégica en Perú con el fin de promover soluciones de inclusión financiera a través del desarrollo de iniciativas de fortalecimiento de capacidades financieras que incorporan elementos digitales. Por su parte, CARE ofrece una sólida presencia y capacidad operativa, construida a través del desarrollo de diferentes iniciativas enfocadas en promover el fortalecimiento económico y financiero entre población de bajos ingresos, principalmente mujeres emprendedores. Fundación Capital aporta su experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones digitales diseñadas para cubrir las necesidades de la población de bajos ingresos en América Latina.
Dada la experiencia de LISTA y los buenos resultados obtenidos en países como Colombia, Honduras y México; CARE y Fundación Capital decidieron trabajar conjuntamente, usando LISTA como herramienta para la promoción de capacidades económicas y financieras en Perú, específicamente, en los departamentos de Piura y Junín.
Conéctate, es una iniciativa que busca llegar a 2,200 mujeres en el Perú través de la implementación de 3 componentes:
1. Asesoría móvil financiera, por medio de la cual se envían mensajes de texto o mensajes a través de grupos de WhatsApp, donde se refuerzan contenidos de educación financiera y se resuelven dudas o inquietudes a través de un modelo de asistente financiera.
2. LISTA Perú, una aplicación de educación financiera que funciona con tabletas digitales, las cuales son rotadas a través de las diferentes asociaciones de mujeres emprendedoras que participan en el proyecto.
3. Acercamiento a instituciones financieras, por medio del cual se busca acercar la oferta a la demanda de servicios financieros, a través de talleres presenciales donde algunas instituciones financieras presentes en la zona podrán promocionar los diferentes productos disponibles.
En el marco de esta experiencia se plantea la realización de una evaluación de resultados que tiene como fin analizar el desempeño de una muestra representativa de participantes en el proyecto. Con estos resultados, se busca recopilar evidencia empírica que sustente los resultados cualitativos y demuestre la efectividad del programa, así como sus diferentes mecanismos de transmisión entre las localidades, medidos en siete grupos de variables. Junto con la evaluación de procesos realizada en septiembre de 2019, este documento busca proveer insumos que permitan mejorar la implementación y realizar ajustes basados en evidencia para subsecuentes experiencias. Read More...
Dada la experiencia de LISTA y los buenos resultados obtenidos en países como Colombia, Honduras y México; CARE y Fundación Capital decidieron trabajar conjuntamente, usando LISTA como herramienta para la promoción de capacidades económicas y financieras en Perú, específicamente, en los departamentos de Piura y Junín.
Conéctate, es una iniciativa que busca llegar a 2,200 mujeres en el Perú través de la implementación de 3 componentes:
1. Asesoría móvil financiera, por medio de la cual se envían mensajes de texto o mensajes a través de grupos de WhatsApp, donde se refuerzan contenidos de educación financiera y se resuelven dudas o inquietudes a través de un modelo de asistente financiera.
2. LISTA Perú, una aplicación de educación financiera que funciona con tabletas digitales, las cuales son rotadas a través de las diferentes asociaciones de mujeres emprendedoras que participan en el proyecto.
3. Acercamiento a instituciones financieras, por medio del cual se busca acercar la oferta a la demanda de servicios financieros, a través de talleres presenciales donde algunas instituciones financieras presentes en la zona podrán promocionar los diferentes productos disponibles.
En el marco de esta experiencia se plantea la realización de una evaluación de resultados que tiene como fin analizar el desempeño de una muestra representativa de participantes en el proyecto. Con estos resultados, se busca recopilar evidencia empírica que sustente los resultados cualitativos y demuestre la efectividad del programa, así como sus diferentes mecanismos de transmisión entre las localidades, medidos en siete grupos de variables. Junto con la evaluación de procesos realizada en septiembre de 2019, este documento busca proveer insumos que permitan mejorar la implementación y realizar ajustes basados en evidencia para subsecuentes experiencias. Read More...
El presente documento constituye el Informe Final del “Estudio de Línea de Base del Proyecto Educación para el Desarrollo e Inclusión Financiera EFI", desarrollado por el equipo consultor de Mi Chacra de acuerdo a los términos de referencia de CARE Perú. La consultoría tenía el objetivo de evaluar los resultados y el impacto del proyecto, considerando sólo uno de sus ejes fundamentales, el referido a familias emprendedoras. El proyecto se desarrolló en los departamentos de Lambayeque, La Libertad, Junín y Arequipa, con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo.
Además de presentar los resultados globales del trabajo de campo, consideramos imprescindible hacer una división a nivel departamental debido tanto a las diferencias en los desarrollos relativos de cada uno de ellos que existían desde la línea de base, como en el propio desarrollo del proyecto. La principal conclusión al observar los principales indicadores de resultado es que el proyecto ha conseguido o superado los objetivos propuestos, lo que se destaca y analiza con detalle en el presente informe final de la consultoría. Read More...
Además de presentar los resultados globales del trabajo de campo, consideramos imprescindible hacer una división a nivel departamental debido tanto a las diferencias en los desarrollos relativos de cada uno de ellos que existían desde la línea de base, como en el propio desarrollo del proyecto. La principal conclusión al observar los principales indicadores de resultado es que el proyecto ha conseguido o superado los objetivos propuestos, lo que se destaca y analiza con detalle en el presente informe final de la consultoría. Read More...
Building Resilience Among the Crisis Affected in Jordan
The Building Resilience among the Crisis Affected in Jordan project falls under CARE Jordan’s Urban
Protection Program that aims to provide labor market linkages and improved access to vulnerable Syrian
refugees and host community Jordanians in targeted urban areas in Jordan. The expected outcomes of
the project include:
1. Improved access to the labor market for the most vulnerable refugees.
2. Increased access for refugees and host communities to market linkages and economic
3. Expanded opportunities for dignified employment for refugees in new sectors.
One of the two outcome indicators was achieved for the project. Outcome 1 indicator achieved a total
of 24.2% average-for which the target was 20%- for those who reported improved access to the labor
marker and when disaggregated by sex, males reported a slightly higher access at 26.1% while females
reported 20% on average.
Protection Program that aims to provide labor market linkages and improved access to vulnerable Syrian
refugees and host community Jordanians in targeted urban areas in Jordan. The expected outcomes of
the project include:
1. Improved access to the labor market for the most vulnerable refugees.
2. Increased access for refugees and host communities to market linkages and economic
3. Expanded opportunities for dignified employment for refugees in new sectors.
One of the two outcome indicators was achieved for the project. Outcome 1 indicator achieved a total
of 24.2% average-for which the target was 20%- for those who reported improved access to the labor
marker and when disaggregated by sex, males reported a slightly higher access at 26.1% while females
reported 20% on average.
Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement in the Community
Overall, P.A.C.E project has empowered all participating female migrant in terms of agency and created solidarity and platforms for them to speak out about their interests.
Firstly, the project has enhanced 412 female urban migrants’ personal agency through 280 training sessions on life-skills with three previous core P.A.C.E. modules – 1) communication; 2) problem solving and decision making; and 3) time and stress management and one new module on financial literacy to support women to save and manage their finances. This module also supports the implementation of two village savings and loans (VSLAs) in the target locations.
Secondly, the project has successfully established two VSLA groups in 2 locations and improved female urban migrants’ financial inclusion by increasing their access to savings and loans. While it took time for the targeted groups to build their trust within the group and with the model, hence, the process of forming VSLA group only happened near the end of the project; they have all acknowledged that VSLA is an effective tool for financial management.
Thirdly, the project has created useful platform and increased opportunities for female urban migrants’ to come together to discuss issues that collectively affect them and raise their voice, not only through the training sessions but also with the VSLA meeting, which will continue to be held monthly. Many participants who were not used to speak up have shown remarkable changes with their newly equipped skills. They have successfully applied their new knowledge and skills in their daily life for better life, work and relationship management. Read More...
Firstly, the project has enhanced 412 female urban migrants’ personal agency through 280 training sessions on life-skills with three previous core P.A.C.E. modules – 1) communication; 2) problem solving and decision making; and 3) time and stress management and one new module on financial literacy to support women to save and manage their finances. This module also supports the implementation of two village savings and loans (VSLAs) in the target locations.
Secondly, the project has successfully established two VSLA groups in 2 locations and improved female urban migrants’ financial inclusion by increasing their access to savings and loans. While it took time for the targeted groups to build their trust within the group and with the model, hence, the process of forming VSLA group only happened near the end of the project; they have all acknowledged that VSLA is an effective tool for financial management.
Thirdly, the project has created useful platform and increased opportunities for female urban migrants’ to come together to discuss issues that collectively affect them and raise their voice, not only through the training sessions but also with the VSLA meeting, which will continue to be held monthly. Many participants who were not used to speak up have shown remarkable changes with their newly equipped skills. They have successfully applied their new knowledge and skills in their daily life for better life, work and relationship management. Read More...
The purpose of this evaluation is “to assess whether or not the Community Scorecard (CSC) approach as adapted to Vanuatu through the Storian Blong Yumi pilot (SBY) project offers a viable model for community-centred social accountability in Vanuatu and to document lessons from the pilot for future application”.
The Storian Blong Yumi project (SBY) tested the Community Scorecard approach for the first time in the Pacific, applying the CSC to Sexual and Reproductive Health services delivered by Vanuatu MoH health facilities serving 4 communities in Tafea Province.
The Storian Blong Yumi pilot of the CSC model in Vanuatu demonstrated results in the following areas, most strongly in the first two areas:
Stimulating dialogue between service providers and communities and overcoming social taboos to open up discussion within the community on SRH issues. Across all groups, including young men, who were the group that proved most difficult to engage, participants valued the process of community discussion. This dialogue appears to have been the basis for establishing better understanding and relationship between service providers and community members. This in turn seems to have laid the foundations for increased access to services by community members and responsiveness by service providers.
Increasing awareness of the SRH services available within their local health facility. Across groups of older and younger men and women in all locations people were aware of what family planning and STI services were available to them and what the role of the health staff were. in all locations, people who participated in the evaluation were more aware of what family planning and STI services were available to them and what the role of the health staff were. Men in all locations reported that they didn’t previously know what happened in the health centre regarding SRH, but now they have a better understanding. Read More...
The Storian Blong Yumi project (SBY) tested the Community Scorecard approach for the first time in the Pacific, applying the CSC to Sexual and Reproductive Health services delivered by Vanuatu MoH health facilities serving 4 communities in Tafea Province.
The Storian Blong Yumi pilot of the CSC model in Vanuatu demonstrated results in the following areas, most strongly in the first two areas:
Stimulating dialogue between service providers and communities and overcoming social taboos to open up discussion within the community on SRH issues. Across all groups, including young men, who were the group that proved most difficult to engage, participants valued the process of community discussion. This dialogue appears to have been the basis for establishing better understanding and relationship between service providers and community members. This in turn seems to have laid the foundations for increased access to services by community members and responsiveness by service providers.
Increasing awareness of the SRH services available within their local health facility. Across groups of older and younger men and women in all locations people were aware of what family planning and STI services were available to them and what the role of the health staff were. in all locations, people who participated in the evaluation were more aware of what family planning and STI services were available to them and what the role of the health staff were. Men in all locations reported that they didn’t previously know what happened in the health centre regarding SRH, but now they have a better understanding. Read More...
This document is the final report of the performance evaluation of the binational project Zika Response in Ecuador and Peru, implemented in Ecuador and Peru by CARE from 2016 to 2019. The main objectives of the project were to strengthen community, local and national capacities to respond to the outbreak of Zika virus and other vector-borne diseases, as well as to improve regional and national efforts to reduce Zika transmission rates.
The evaluation of the project in Ecuador was carried out in the intervention zones of 10 cantons of the provinces of El Oro, Manabí and Esmeraldas, between August and September 2019; in Peru, in 20 districts of 10 provinces of the departments of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and Cajamarca. After the elaboration of the work proposal and the methodological design of the evaluation, secondary information was collected and primary information was collected at field through interviews, focus groups and social mapping (in Ecuador), and a Likert scale survey (in Peru). The evaluation was framed in five blocks: General Aspects, Community Mobilization, Community-Based Surveillance, Social and Behavioral Change, and Inter-Institutional Planning and Coordination.
The main findings of the evaluation determine that the project achieved, for the most part, the objectives of the project, having as its main achievement the facilitation of inter-institutional coordination of the different actors in the territory. In Peru, the experience of community-based vector control, supported by technological and communications innovations, stands out. In both countries, the project successfully mobilized the community to carry out prevention strategies against Zika and increase knowledge of the risks of this type of disease, as well as useful individual and collective strategies for its prevention. Read More...
The evaluation of the project in Ecuador was carried out in the intervention zones of 10 cantons of the provinces of El Oro, Manabí and Esmeraldas, between August and September 2019; in Peru, in 20 districts of 10 provinces of the departments of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and Cajamarca. After the elaboration of the work proposal and the methodological design of the evaluation, secondary information was collected and primary information was collected at field through interviews, focus groups and social mapping (in Ecuador), and a Likert scale survey (in Peru). The evaluation was framed in five blocks: General Aspects, Community Mobilization, Community-Based Surveillance, Social and Behavioral Change, and Inter-Institutional Planning and Coordination.
The main findings of the evaluation determine that the project achieved, for the most part, the objectives of the project, having as its main achievement the facilitation of inter-institutional coordination of the different actors in the territory. In Peru, the experience of community-based vector control, supported by technological and communications innovations, stands out. In both countries, the project successfully mobilized the community to carry out prevention strategies against Zika and increase knowledge of the risks of this type of disease, as well as useful individual and collective strategies for its prevention. Read More...
El presente documento hace un recorrido evaluativo de las acciones emprendidas por el proyecto “Construyendo resiliencia en gestión de riesgos de desastres en barrios peri-urbanos y comunidades rurales de Manabí y Esmeraldas” durante sus 19 meses de implementación. En este recorrido se plantean los objetivos y el enfoque metodológico, se hace una breve descripción del proyecto para conocer su contexto, se explican los avances en los cuatro criterios de evaluación previamente definidos (pertinencia, eficiencia, eficacia; en cuanto a la sostenibilidad); posteriormente, se hace un FODA del proyecto Read More...
Evaluación del Proyecto “Mujeres con Voz”
Mujeres con Voz fue implementado entre febrero 2017 y enero de 2019. Este documento recoge sus logros, a partir de una descripción del contexto local y de los cambios ocurridos; identifica sus aportes estratégicos, y analiza el impacto y sostenibilidad de las acciones implementadas durante su ejecución.
Como en todo balance, las cifras no reflejan en sus resultados la profundidad de las acciones y las vidas que fueron tocadas y transformadas en su trayecto; quizá las palabras hagan suponer lo que el trabajo exhaustivo en la cotidianidad del proyecto procuró para que esa realidad de violencia concluya, y la sociedad se encamine a otros tiempos de equidad y no
Como en todo balance, las cifras no reflejan en sus resultados la profundidad de las acciones y las vidas que fueron tocadas y transformadas en su trayecto; quizá las palabras hagan suponer lo que el trabajo exhaustivo en la cotidianidad del proyecto procuró para que esa realidad de violencia concluya, y la sociedad se encamine a otros tiempos de equidad y no