Child Nutrition
Baseline Report Evaluation of the CASCADE Programme in Uganda
The Global Alliance for Advanced Nutrition (GAIN) and CARE, with support from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, developed the CAtalyzing Strengthened policy aCtion for heAlthy Diets and resilience (CASCADE) programme application. The overarching goal of CASCADE is to improve food security and reduce malnutrition for at least 5 million women of reproductive age (WRA) and children in Benin, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia,
and Mozambique between June 2022 and December 2026. AIR® partnered with GAIN and CARE to design and conduct rigorous mixed methods impact evaluations of the CASCADE programme in the six target countries. The evaluations will answer questions about CASCADE’s causal impact, strengths, and challenges. The impact evaluation focuses on those aspects of the programme that are implemented at the beneficiary level. The evaluation team will also conduct, in 2027, a process evaluation to assess policy and systems-level change as well as implementation fidelity with support from local country teams.
The primary purpose of this baseline report is to document and describe the study sample in Uganda prior to the start of the programme, and to test for equivalence at baseline between the treatment and comparison groups. This report first explains the context, details, and motivation behind the CASCADE programme. Subsequently, it explains the theory of change (ToC), research questions, study design, baseline data collection, sample description, baseline measures of key indicators and domains, and baseline equivalence between the treatment and comparison groups. Lastly, the report provides insights about the nutritional status at baseline of the target population and identifies key areas to guide activities by the programme implementation team. Read More...
and Mozambique between June 2022 and December 2026. AIR® partnered with GAIN and CARE to design and conduct rigorous mixed methods impact evaluations of the CASCADE programme in the six target countries. The evaluations will answer questions about CASCADE’s causal impact, strengths, and challenges. The impact evaluation focuses on those aspects of the programme that are implemented at the beneficiary level. The evaluation team will also conduct, in 2027, a process evaluation to assess policy and systems-level change as well as implementation fidelity with support from local country teams.
The primary purpose of this baseline report is to document and describe the study sample in Uganda prior to the start of the programme, and to test for equivalence at baseline between the treatment and comparison groups. This report first explains the context, details, and motivation behind the CASCADE programme. Subsequently, it explains the theory of change (ToC), research questions, study design, baseline data collection, sample description, baseline measures of key indicators and domains, and baseline equivalence between the treatment and comparison groups. Lastly, the report provides insights about the nutritional status at baseline of the target population and identifies key areas to guide activities by the programme implementation team. Read More...
Uganda: Food insecurity a pressing concern
The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) was a 38-month long project (January 2020 to February 2023) with an aim to improve food security, maternal and child nutrition, and household incomes for smallholder farmers in 11 districts of Uganda. The project has three major outcomes: increased production of diversified food by both men and women smallholder farmers, enhanced market accessibility for these farmers, and improved nutrition and family planning services through gender responsive community-based approaches. As a result, here was a significant 16.3% increase in adoption and production of diverse food crops and animal products, as well as 23.8% increase in the adoption of climate-smart technologies among the project participants. Read More...
Collective Impact for Nutrition (CI4N)
The objective of the Collective Impact for Nutrition (CI4N) initiative has been to improve the nutritional status of women aged 15 to 49 and children under 2, through a multisectoral approach and initiatives based on two strategic axes: (1) Alliances for learning and advocacy and (2) community nutrition. [34 pages] Read More...
Estudio sobre la situación de la seguridad alimentaria y las prácticas de alimentación infantil en hogares del ámbito de intervención del proyecto “Ella Alimenta el mundo”
CARE Perú es una Organización No Gubernamental que ha venido trabajando por mas de 50 años en intervenciones comunitarias para mejorar la nutrición y desarrollo en niñas y niños, alrededor de todo el país.
El presente estudio, buscó obtener información de primera mano sobre el estado actual de algunos de los indicadores del componente nutricional del proyecto del proyecto “Ella Alimenta al Mundo”, con la finalidad analizar los posibles efectos que pudieron darse un año después de la Línea de Base y considerando los potenciales factores influyentes en estos indicadores de estudio, en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19.
Ante ello, la consultora responsable del estudio diseñó y adaptó un protocolo adecuado con las variables de estudio que pudieran ser medidas de manera online (vía telefónica) como lo han venido haciendo otras intervenciones y estudios en salud pública alrededor del mundo, dado el contexto de la pandemia. La recolección de datos se dio entre los meses de junio y julio del 2021 bajo la modalidad telefónica teniendo en cuenta las restricciones de tránsito y recomendaciones vigentes de los organismos gubernamentales para evitar la propagación de COVID-19 en el país. Se reclutó un equipo de 11 encuestadores con formación de nutrición, quienes fueron designados a tres equipos según ámbito de estudio: i) Piura (Sullana), ii) Ica (San José de los Molinos y Subtanjalla) y iii) –Lima (Pachacámac), quienes aplicaron las encuestas bajo la supervisión de los especialistas y practicantes de cada ámbito, además de la consultora, asegurando la total objetividad y precisión de la información recolectada.
El estudio recolectó información de 569 niños menores de 5 años acerca de sus indicadores sociodemográficos e inseguridad alimentaria, así como también información en prácticas de alimentación infantil en un total de 115 niños menores de 24 meses.
El presente informe final de la evaluación de medio tiempo, resume los resultados de esta información según los indicadores clave y por distritos.
El presente estudio, buscó obtener información de primera mano sobre el estado actual de algunos de los indicadores del componente nutricional del proyecto del proyecto “Ella Alimenta al Mundo”, con la finalidad analizar los posibles efectos que pudieron darse un año después de la Línea de Base y considerando los potenciales factores influyentes en estos indicadores de estudio, en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19.
Ante ello, la consultora responsable del estudio diseñó y adaptó un protocolo adecuado con las variables de estudio que pudieran ser medidas de manera online (vía telefónica) como lo han venido haciendo otras intervenciones y estudios en salud pública alrededor del mundo, dado el contexto de la pandemia. La recolección de datos se dio entre los meses de junio y julio del 2021 bajo la modalidad telefónica teniendo en cuenta las restricciones de tránsito y recomendaciones vigentes de los organismos gubernamentales para evitar la propagación de COVID-19 en el país. Se reclutó un equipo de 11 encuestadores con formación de nutrición, quienes fueron designados a tres equipos según ámbito de estudio: i) Piura (Sullana), ii) Ica (San José de los Molinos y Subtanjalla) y iii) –Lima (Pachacámac), quienes aplicaron las encuestas bajo la supervisión de los especialistas y practicantes de cada ámbito, además de la consultora, asegurando la total objetividad y precisión de la información recolectada.
El estudio recolectó información de 569 niños menores de 5 años acerca de sus indicadores sociodemográficos e inseguridad alimentaria, así como también información en prácticas de alimentación infantil en un total de 115 niños menores de 24 meses.
El presente informe final de la evaluación de medio tiempo, resume los resultados de esta información según los indicadores clave y por distritos.
Cocoa Sustainability Initiative III
The Cocoa Sustainability Initiative phase 3 (CSI III) is a three-year partnership between General Mills Foundation and CARE International that will be implemented over the period December 2020 to November 2023. The project seeks to improve the food and nutrition security of over 3,500 cocoa farmers and their families in 20 communities in the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District in the Central Region of Ghana by promoting sustainable agriculture, climate resilience, inclusive agriculture systems, women’s empowerment and improved nutrition practices. Building on the success of CSI phase I and II, CSI III addresses a range of interconnected issues, from low agricultural productivity and income to gender equality and voice to inclusive governance, child protection, nutrition and climate change resilience. The aim of the study was to provide baseline values for project indicators to help track the progress and impact of the project during and after implementation. Drawing on face-to-face interviews, a mixed method approach with critical gender lens was employed in data collection and analysis. Specifically, data were collected through a household survey (N=225) and Focus Group Discussions with men and women (N=10). A summary of key findings and recommendations are presented below. [71 pages] Read More...
Programme Sante USAID/Kenya Ciwara Rappor D’Analyse de L’Enquete D’Evaluation Finale
The program is part of Strategic Objective 6 (SO 6) which aims to increase the use of high impact services and improve health behaviors / practices. These services relate to the survival of the child (vaccination, malaria, diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, nutrition and vitamin A). The final evaluation takes place two years after the mid-term evaluation and four years after the baseline evaluation. The report is 55 pages long. Read More...
Evaluation Finale du Project USAID/Nutrition WASH
The Mission of the United States Agency for International Development in Mali (USAID / Mali) through the NGO Care Internationale entrusted Kurugan Fuga Consulting with the final evaluation of the USAID / Nutrition and Hygiene project in the regions of Koulikoro, Ségou and Mopti in Mali. At the end of this program, which spanned a 5-year implementation period from October 2014 to September 2018 extended in 2019, its final evaluation was required. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the IRP's integrated nutritional strategy combining nutrition, agriculture, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and breastfeeding women and children of less than 2 years. The report is 80 pages long. Read More...
Baseline Study of the Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Project in Mali Final
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) awarded a contract for a development food assistance project in Mali in fiscal year (FY) 2015 to CARE International. The Human Capital, Accountability and Resilience Advancing Nutrition Security, Diversified Livelihoods and Empowerment (HARANDE) Project is implemented by CARE and its partners: Save the Children; Helen Keller International; Yam Giribolo Tumo; Sahel-Eco; and the Research and Technical Applications Group. The goal of the HARANDE Project—which means food security in Peulh—is to provide access to sustainable food, nutrition, and income security for 310,855 vulnerable household members in four districts (Bandiagara, Douentza, Tenenkou, and Youwarou) of the Mopti region in Mali by 2020. FFP contracted ICF to conduct a baseline study of the HARANDE Project in 2016 as the first phase of a pre-post evaluation cycle. The second phase will include a final evaluation, inclusive of an endline survey, in approximately five years. The baseline study includes a representative population-based household survey to collect data for key FFP indicators and a qualitative study to add context, richness, and depth to the findings from the household survey. The report is 434 pages long. Read More...
Projet Ulu Gnala Se Toliya “Bonne Nutrition des Enfants Maintenant” Midterm Report
Le projet Bonne nutrition des enfants maintenant, qui vise à réduire les causes sociales de la malnutrition, est cofinancé par la Commission de l’Union Européenne et CARE. Il est mis en œuvre depuis mars 2008 dans 97 villages de quatre (4) communes rurales du cercle de Bandiagara sur le plateau dogon, au Mali. Il s’agit des communes de Bara sara, Djamnati, Dourou et Kendié. The report is 44 pages long. Read More...