gender norms

Assessment and mapping of existing systems, mechanisms and networks on conflict resolution and local peacebuilding in Wau and Pariang Counties

South Sudan is the world’s youngest country, having gained independence from Sudan on 9 July, 2011. The country entered into conflict in 2013 with the breakout of a civil war that has led to the displacement of millions, significant loss of human lives, and has impacted the livelihoods of the country’s population. Since the start of the civil war, both international and national actors have invested in numerous peacebuilding and conflict resolution efforts to encourage the implementation of the 2018 peace agreement and mitigate the disastrous effect of the protracted crisis in South Sudan. While the conflict disproportionately affects women and children, women themselves remain largely excluded from peace processes both at the local and national level. This is largely driven by the patriarchal nature of the South Sudanese society which dictates norms and attitudes limiting women’s empowerment. This acts to enhance their vulnerability to both conflict-induced impacts of violence, and cultural practices and barriers such as early marriage, low levels of education, and economic dependency. Similarly, youth have limited access to platforms through which to engage in peacebuilding and conflict resolution. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis on Power and Participation Ségou region, Mali (GENRE+II PROJECT)

This Rapid Gender Analysis on Power and Participation (RGA-P) is part of the GENRE+II project in the cercles of Bla, Ségou and Barouéli in the Ségou region of Mali. The project is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCDO) to build capacity for climate change adaptation, gender equality and social cohesion in the Ségou region.
This RGA-P is the first step in CARE's Women Lead in Emergencies (WLiE) model. It summarises the impact of the crisis on gender roles and relations, the capacity of women/girls to cope, participate and influence decision-making in response to the crisis, and offers ideas on how women can strengthen their own participation and leadership. The RGA-P is based on secondary and primary data collection carried out in March 2023 in eight communes in the cercles of Ségou, Bla and Barouéli in the Ségou region. Read More...

Gender Norms Study: Women-led Micro and Small Businesses – Peru

Social Norms are the rules that govern behavior. Gender norms are social norms defining acceptable and appropriate actions for women and men in a given group or society. They are embedded in formal and informal institutions, nested in the mind, and produced and reproduced through social interaction. They play a role in shaping women and men’s (often unequal) access to resources and freedoms, thus affecting their voice, power, and sense of self. The purpose of this study was to identify gender barriers, perceptions and factors that limit shared responsibility in the home and which influence the low participation of men in domestic and care work. Read More...

Gender Norms Study: Women-led Micro and Small Businesses – Pakistan

Social Norms are the rules that govern behavior. Gender norms are social norms defining acceptable and appropriate actions for women and men in a given group or society. They are embedded in formal and informal institutions, nested in the mind, and produced and reproduced through social interaction. They play a role in shaping women's and men’s (often unequal) access to resources and freedoms, thus affecting their voice, power, and sense of self. The purpose of this study was to gain quantitative and qualitative information about gender norms faced by women entrepreneurs in Pakistan related to childcare responsibilities and financial decision-making and responsibility, which impact a woman’s ability to run and grow her own business Read More...

Gender Norms Study: Women-led Micro and Small Businesses – Vietnam

Social Norms are the rules that govern behavior. Gender norms are social norms defining acceptable and appropriate actions for women and men in a given group or society. They are embedded in formal and informal institutions, nested in the mind, and produced and reproduced through social interaction. They play a role in shaping women and men’s (often unequal) access to resources and freedoms, thus affecting their voice, power and sense of self. The purpose of this study was to gain quantitative and qualitative information about social and gender norms affecting women entrepreneurs in Vietnam related to childcare responsibilities, who should be the breadwinner and who is upholding these norms. Read More...

Advancing gender equality in coral reef social-ecological systems

Gender equity is considered to be a foundation for the resilience and wellbeing of people dependent on coral reef social-ecological systems. Nonetheless, gender inequality persists, and many interventions are still struggling to meet in practice the commitments they make on paper. Gender transformative approaches (GTAs) are considered the frontier of gender research and development because they challenge and shift the invisible social constructs that underpin and perpetuate inequities. A collaboration between the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, WorldFish, and CARE International sought to determine the extent to which GTAs have been applied alongside or within the management and conservation of coral reefs. The intent of our work is to increase awareness of and knowledge about GTAs among funders, researchers, development agencies, and fisheries and conservation stakeholders who seek to advance gender equality in coral reef-social ecological systems. Read More...

A Win-Win for Gender and Nutrition: Testing A Gender-Transformative Approach From Asia In Africa

Since 2016, CARE Burundi has partnered with Great Lakes Inkingi Development (GLID), RBU2000, and the University of Burundi/Agronomy department and the Africa Center for Gender, Social Research and Impact Assessment to implement and test the EKATA approach – Empowerment through Knowledge And Transformative Action – integrated into an agriculture program to test its effectiveness against a typical gender mainstreaming approach (Gender Light) and a Control (with agriculture interventions only) in a modified randomized control trial, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Win-Win project randomly assigned collines to EKATA, Gender Light and Control groups. Baseline data was collected in 2016 – Midterm was conducted in 2018, and end-line data was collected in 2020 from a random sample of 1,315 households and 1,849 individuals (1,059 female heads of household, and 790 male heads of household). Additionally, the project conducted 36 individual in-depth interviews, disaggregated by sex and age – and male- or female-headed households – at baseline, midline and end-line. This data was complimented with focus group discussions (FGDs). The evaluation looked at the impact of EKATA compared with Gender
Light and Control on several areas, including rice production (which was the main focus crop), income and wealth, gender equality and women’s empowerment. The cost-effectiveness of these approaches also was analyzed. The evaluation used the project level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (Pro-WEAI) to measure changes in gender equality and women’s empowerment. Read More...

The end-line report of “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study of Women’s and Men’s Different Roles for “WE SHARE THE LOAD” Project

CARE Egypt in partnership with Ariel has implemented a project called “We Share the Load” to address women‟s economic and social empowerment and provide them with an opportunity to improve their livelihoods. The objective of the project is to enable “Women in the targeted communities to be able to economically and socially participate in lifting their families out of poverty in a society that is built on gender justice.” The project targets 1000 women/female headed household and 200 men, in two main locations within Assuit governorate: Tatalia village and Arab Tatalia.

Evaluation shows that there are a number of females who works just and that the ratio of female to family members‟ labor force participation rate in the targeted communities reached 16.8%, which indicate that women in targeted communities are economically able to participate in lifting their families out of poverty. However, since the baseline study did not measure all the project‟s indicators, the evaluation team could not assess if the goal objective is achieved or not.

On the other hand, the study tried to identify respondents‟ satisfaction with their current financial situation as compared to the year before the project to define the project‟s role in improving their financial situation. Results indicate that only 30% of respondents are satisfied with their financial situation, and 68.3% stated some improvement in their financial situation compared to previous year. This is consistent with the results of the qualitative study where respondents stated that the increase in their incomes was less than rise in prices. Read More...

Umodzi – research on gender synchronized approaches to adolescent lifeskills

The aim of Umodzi Project was to test the effectiveness of adding gender conscious practice curriculum (GCP) and intergenerational dialogues on existing Auntie Stella life skills curriculum to accelerate and enhance adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health programming. CARE Malawi contracted the CDM to implement the evaluation to compliment routine monitoring activities and establish the effectiveness of the gender synchronized approach. (169 pages) Read More...

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