
SEMI-DURABLE SHELTER CONSTRUCTION AND THE TRIPLE NEXUS A study of the multisector ECHO-funded PAMUNOR project in southern Chad

LA CONSTRUCTION D’ABRIS SEMI-DURABLES ET LE TRIPLE NEXUS Une étude portant sur le projet d’assistance multi-sectorielle d’urgence financé par ECHO pour les réfugiés centrafricains et les communautés hôtes (PAMUNOR) au sud du Tchad

En novembre 2019, deux membres de l’équipe mondiale chargée des abris d’urgence de CARE International Royaume Uni a effectué une visite de deux semaines dans le sud du Tchad afin d’évaluer la composante Abris dans le cadre du projet PAMUNOR (Projet d’Assistance Multisectorielle d’Urgence pour les Nouveaux Réfugiés Centrafricains et des Communautés Hôtes) qui est financé par ECHO et géré par CARE Tchad. Ce projet cherche à promouvoir un environnement sûr et sécurisé, notamment en fournissant des abris semi-durables, et à favoriser les moyens de subsistance pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et atténuer les stratégies d’adaptation négatives adoptées par les réfugiés centrafricains (RCA) nouvellement arrivés, ainsi que par les membres vulnérables au sein de la communauté hôte. L’un des objectifs spécifiques visant à promouvoir un « environnement sécurisé » consistait à réduire les risques de violence basée sur le genre (VBG) et à assurer une médiation intra et intercommunautaire afin de garantir la coexistence pacifique – condition préalable indispensable à la protection et à la mise en œuvre de l’autosuffisance. L’évaluation s’est intéressée aux détails techniques et opérationnels de la composante Abris et a cherché à comprendre comment cette dernière s’intégrait à une approche programmatique plus large dans le contexte local. Elle a également examiné ses liens avec les différents mécanismes communautaires bénéficiant du soutien du projet. Le succès de la mise en œuvre s’explique par cette approche intégrée qui répond à la fois aux besoins urgents et fondamentaux en termes d’abris et de réduction des risques liés à la VBG, jette les bases pour la sûreté et la sécurité, et génère un environnement propice au développement des moyens de subsistance et favorable à la naissance d’aspirations et d’ambitions en termes d’éducation, de formation et d’apprentissage. Il est important de mentionner l’éventail de mécanismes qui a été mis en place par la communauté pour atténuer les conflits communautaires et la violence basée sur le genre, fruit d’un processus inclusif qui favorise la viabilité et l’appropriation. Les processus de renforcement de la coexistence pacifique, de la cohésion sociale et visant à favoriser l’intégration locale font partie intégrante de l’approche suivie par le projet, l’objectif recherché étant l’autosuffisance, et ils incarnent incontestablement le « troisième côté du triangle » au cœur du nexus Humanitaire-Développement-Paix. De ce point de vue, le projet permettrait de tirer de précieux enseignements programmatiques qui pourraient s’avérer pertinents dans d’autres contextes, au Tchad ou dans d’autres pays, connaissant des déplacements prolongés, un conflit communautaire de faible intensité, des besoins humanitaires et des opportunités de renforcement de la résilience, de l’autosuffisance et de la viabilité.

Two members of CARE International UK’s global Emergency Shelter Team conducted a two-week visit to southern Chad in November 2019 to evaluate the shelter component of CARE Chad’s ECHO-funded PAMUNOR project (Projet d’Assistance Multisectorielle d’Urgence pour les Nouveaux Réfugiés Centrafricains et des Communautés Hôtes / Project to provide multisectoral emergency assistance to newly displaced Central African Republic refugees and host communities). This project seeks to support safe and secure living environments, including through the provision of semi-durable shelters, and to stimulate livelihoods, improving food security and reducing negative coping mechanisms amongst newly arrived refugees from Central African Republic (CAR) as well as vulnerable members of the host community. A specific focus on supporting a “secure environment” was through reducing the risks of genderbased violence (GBV) and mediating within and between communities to ensure peaceful coexistence as a necessary pre-requisite for protection and the establishment of self-sufficiency. The evaluation was achieved by looking closely at the shelter component in technical and operational detail as well as by probing its connection to a broader programmatic approach within the local context and its links to various community mechanisms supported through the project. Effective implementation has been achieved through this integrated approach that simultaneously addresses urgent and fundamental needs for shelter and GBV-risk reduction while laying the foundations for safety and security and creating an enabling environment for the development of livelihoods and the growth of aspirations and ambitions for education, training and learning. Of particular note is the range of mechanisms to reduce community conflict and gender-based violence established through a highly effective community-led and inclusive process that brings sustainability and ownership. Processes of strengthening peaceful co-existence, social cohesion and stimulating local integration run through the project’s approach, seeking to catalyse self-sufficiency, and arguably represents the “third side of the triangle” within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. In this regard, the project could provide valuable programmatic lessons to other contexts in Chad or elsewhere where protracted displacement, low-level community conflict, humanitarian needs and some opportunities for strengthening resilience, self-sufficiency and sustainability are present. [94 pages] Read More...

Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo Midterm Report

Provision to the improvement of living conditions of IDPs and returnees from readmission process in Serbia and support to the sustainable return to Kosovo/Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo

The project “Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo”, being implemented over a period of 24 months, from July 11, 2018 to July 11, 2020. It is funded by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and implemented in Serbia, specifically South Serbia, Pcinja District, the City of Vranje, and municipalities Vladicin Han, Surdulica, Bosilegrad, Trgoviste, Bujanovac and Presevo, by CARE and local CSO Nexus as a project partner, and municipality of Vranje, as the supporting project partner.

The overall goal of the project is to enable IDPs and returnees from the readmission process to exercise their full rights, supported by enabling migration policies and processes in Republic of Serbia. This wider impact is planned to be achieved through reaching the specific objective - to support the sustainable process of return to Kosovo, for IDPs and readmissions - persons returned to Republic of Serbia according to the Readmission Agreement in the process of reintegration. The Action was envisaged to provide actions to support a sustainable return of beneficiaries interested to move their households and businesses to Kosovo*. As the narrative interim report demonstrated, there were some alterations in the setup of the project as a result of external political circumstances, which influenced these activities.


Le projet « Soutenir la relance économique et renforcer la sécurité alimentaire dans les ménages victimes de la crise des groupes armés dans la Province du lac Tchad (ERSFS) » a été mis en œuvre dans la province du Lac Tchad, département de FOULI, MAMDI et KAYA. Il a été entièrement financé par le gouvernement Tchèque. Cette évaluation finale interne révèle les éléments suivants les principaux critères de l’évaluation que sont : sa pertinence, son efficience, son efficacité, ses impacts et sa durabilité.

• 82% des ménages appuyés ont amélioré leur score de consommation alimentaire suite à l’action ;
• 100 bénéficiaires sont formés sur les risques liées à la migration en Europe
• 375 femmes appuyées par le projet développent des Activités Génératrices de Revenus (AGR) ;
• 250 ménages ont bénéficié de cash pendant la période de soudure (juillet, aout et septembre) pour un montant total de 45000 XAF soit 15000 XAF par ménage et par mois.
• Un montant total de 11.250.000 XAF a été injecté en cash pour favoriser l’accès aux marchés en faveur de ménages pauvres pendant la période de soudure ;
• 77% des ménages touchés par le projet ont pu satisfaire leur besoin alimentaire grâce au cash reçu ;
• La durée des stocks de denrées de première nécessité détenus par les ménages pour leur propre consommation a augmenté de 4 mois ;
• 200 ménages ont été appuyés à reconstituer leur cheptel animal avec 600 sujets soit 3 petits ruminants pour un ménage. Un montant total de 10.500.000 XAF a été injecté pour l’acquisition de ruminants pendant cette foire ;

Rapport Etude de Base ASANGARA

Situé dans la pointe Sud ’Ouest d’Haïti, le département de la Grand ‘Anse est exposé aux risques de sécheresse, d’inondation, de glissement de terrain et de tremblement de terre4. Il a été frappé par la sécheresse de 2015/2016, fortement dévasté par l’ouragan Matthew de catégorie 4 en octobre 2016 et également affecté par les intempéries d’avril/mai 2017.

C’est dans ce contexte d’insécurité alimentaire aigue, de catastrophes répétées, de problèmes nutritionnels et d’insécurité économique que le consortium composé de CARE, AAH et KPGA vont débuter avec le projet d’Appui à la Sécurité Alimentaire, au Renforcement Agricole et à l’Amélioration Nutritionnelle dans la Grande-Anse (ASARANGA) au niveau des communes de Beaumont, de Jérémie et de Roseaux.

Le projet ASARANGA a pour objectif principal de contribuer à l’augmentation de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des groupes vulnérables affectés par le passage de l'ouragan Matthew dans les communes de Jérémie, Beaumont et Roseaux. Read More...

STRENGTHENING RESILIENCE AND PROMOTING INCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM (STRENPO): Experiences of advocacy and action for climate change resilience

Care International in Uganda presents to you experiences and lessons learnt while implementing Strengthening Resilience and Promoting Inclusive Governance for Women and Youth in Vulnerable Communities Project (STRENPO). At Care we are using the nexus of humanitarian and long-term development to build resilience that bridges humanitarian action and sustainable development. Our approach to increasing resilience operates in synergy with gender transformation and inclusive governance.

We also show the models used to empower citizens such as engaging duty bearers, building civil society organizational capacity to engage with the duty bearers and claim citizens’ rights and provide information to citizens, build organization legitimacy and support multi-stakeholder platforms for engagement and informing policy processes. Read More...

GBV Localization Mapping Study

Despite the presence of global commitments to GBV localization, including the 2016 WHS, the Grand Bargain, and the Call to Action on Protection From GBV in Emergencies2, there is little evidence to suggest that the protection of women and girls is being adequately prioritized or that women and WLOs are meaningfully integrated as change agents in response initiatives (Latimir & Mollett, 2018). The Global Protection Custer (GPC) remains significantly underfunded, with the GBV Sub-Cluster particularly underfunded when compared to other cluster areas (Fletcher-Wood and Mutandwa, 2018).

Global humanitarian funding data reported to the Financial Tracking System (FTS) between 2016 and 2018 found that GBV accounted for just 0.12% of all humanitarian funding, which represented only one-third of all GBV funding requests
(IRC, 2019). Localized funding across all humanitarian response remains strikingly low, with local agencies receiving just
0.4% of all humanitarian assistance funding in 2015 and 0.3% in 2016 (IRC, 2017). Currently, financial tracking mechanisms neither provide a means to report how much funding is targeted to women and girls nor how much funding is received by WLOs (Fletcher-Wood & Mutandwa, 2019). Read More...

Positive Masculinities in a Refugee Context: A Case Study from Uganda

This exploratory study on positive masculinity in a refugee context was conducted in July 2018 by CARE International in Uganda, Arua sub-office across three (3) refugee settlements of Rhino (including Omugo zone) and Imvepi in Arua district and Bidibidi in Yumbe district of West-Nile.

The objective was to understand more deeply and collect lessons learnt on how engaging men and boys works in the refugee setting, drawing from the experience of two ECHO1 projects and building on initial lessons documented from the UNFPA funded initiative in June 2017.

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Bardarash Camp.

Following the military operation launched by Turkey on October 9th, an estimated number of 180,000 people displaced in Northeast Syria (OCHA, 2019). Around 18,991 of those displaced population1 have crossed into Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and majority of those are settled in Bardarash camp in Duhok governorate which is managed by Barzani Charity Foundation. A smaller group of refugees are also settled in Gawilan camp, located in Duhok governorate. Despite many challenges, multiple organizations operate in the camp to assist people in need and provide support.

In order to understand the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of refugee women, men, boys and girls in KRI camps from northeast Syria, CARE has conducted a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA). Using a range of primary and secondary information, this RGA is built up progressively and aims at providing practical programming and operational recommendations to meet different needs of women, men, boys and girls and to ensure ‘do-no-harm’ principle. Read More...

WASH support to IDPs & host communities in Dohuk & Ninewa

CARE, REACH and Harikar solicited support from GAC to support their WASH intervention in four IDP camps (Chamishko, Essyan, Mamrashan and Sheikhan) and in host community collectives (Ardawan, Ba’adre, Kalakchi, Mahate and Ayas) in Dohuk and Ninewa from January 2017 to December 2019. The project also had an emergency response component in November 2017 in three neighbourhoods of West Mosul (Al-Mansour, Al-Jawsaq and Wadi Al-Hajar). The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the post intervention situation in the targeted areas against baseline indicators. Furthermore, the study looked at the effectiveness and efficiency of the intervention to reach the expected outcomes. The study also considered criteria such as coverage and appropriateness to evaluate the quality of the intervention. Finally, the evaluation looked at some of the impacts of the intervention.
The final evaluation concludes that CARE, REACH and Harikar reached most of the expected targets during the project implementation. The evaluation team is confident that with the intervention of CARE, REACH and Harikar men, women, boys and girls have improved access to safe water supply (Outcome 100) and to safe sanitation facilities (Outcome 200) in the IDPs camps and also to some extent in the host communities. The evaluation team can also report that IDPs have had improved access to hygiene supplies in 2017 and 2018 thanks to the hygiene voucher system set up by CARE, REACH and Harikar (Outcome 300). Men, women, boys and girls also have improved access to information about hygiene as well as gender and protection both in the IDP camps and host communities (Outcome 300 and 500). The evaluation team collected mixed results however concerning the increased capacity of community actors, local NGOs & local authorities to provide timely WASH assistance to vulnerable IDPs and host communities that meet the differing needs of women & girls (Outcome 400). Due to the volatility of the context and the limited financial capacities of local authorities, the intervention failed to identify a strong exit strategy where local authorities would take over the services provided by CARE, Harikar and REACH with the support of GAC. Read More...

Inter-agency Response to Tropical Cyclone Gita Tonga

In response to the damage and the immediate needs of the affected population, taking in to account the expertise of the agencies, MORDI Trust Tonga (MORDI), Live & Learn Environmental Education (LLEE) and CARE Australia (CARE) formed a partnership to deliver humanitarian assistance on the islands of Tongatapu and ‘Eua.

The response program included assistance provided in the areas of shelter, WASH, food security and livelihoods, with an underlying focus on gender and social inclusion. Donor funding for the response program through CARE Australia included DFAT funding through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership, ECHO and the START Network. Additional grants directly to MORDI from Oxfam and Rotary/MFAT also formed part of the overall response program.
This report will aim to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall response program. Read More...

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