CARE International DEC Ebola Emergency Response project

Final evaluation of the International Ebola Emergency Response project that addressed the impact of Ebola on particularly water, sanitation hygiene (WASH) and health with funds from the Disaster Emergency Committee (UK) in the United Kingdom. (54 pages)
The project was concentrated in the northern region of Sierra Leone. The evaluation focused on assessing the overall impact of the CARE DEC project activities in relation to WASH and health within the context of Ebola Emergency Response delivery in the four districts. Findings are presented based the research objectives in line with key themes on the data collection instruments as well as qualitative interviews with stakeholders and project beneficiaries, including CARE Sierra Leone DEC project manager. Study limitations and recommendations as well as a management response by CARE to the main recommendations from the evaluation have also been included.
From the report, it is evident that there has been significant increase in beneficiaries’ knowledge, attitude and practice about the Ebola Virus epidemic at the CARE International DEC sites. Survey respondents and qualitative interview participants testified that many non-governmental organizations did different interventions to control and eliminate Ebola. CARE was mentioned in many areas as a major contributor to the control of the epidemic especially as concerns distribution of hygiene kits and WASH sensitization activities. Read More...


This report presents results of the 2014 second trend survey carried out by CARE Malawi, in March, 2014. The report is the source of information of outcome indicators for children, lactating and pregnant mothers’ wellbeing which include health, nutrition, water and sanitation gender and social empowerment. In addition to presenting values for the specific indicators CARE Malawi values the report because it provides valuable information on the status of its activities on women and children in term of access to basic needs such as food, nutrition and health. The report also reveals the progress made over the two years towards the contribution of MAZIKO to the wellbeing of children and caregivers in Kasungu and Dowa. [127 pages] Read More...

“My Solar Water” Participatory Research Project: REPORT 3

The aim of My Solar Water is to improve the quality of drinking water in scattered rural populations of the Amazon. The purpose of this intervention is to evaluate the technical and social response of My Solar Bag, as an instrument to improve the quality of drinking water in the population of rural communities scattered in the Amazon, affected by flooding or in situations of sanitary emergency. The project is implemented with the help of USAID, Puralytics, and Bluewaves. [43 pages] Read More...

Gender and Power Analysis Report: Water for Women Project, Timor-Leste 2018

This is a Gender and Power Analysis for the Australian Aid DFAT funded, Water for Women (WfW) Project commencing July 2018-December 2022. The project will be implemented in Manufahi, Liquica municipalities of Timor-Leste by a consortium of Water Aid and CARE International, who both have strong country presence.

The project will equip each municipality to lead gender transformative, nutrition-sensitive, inclusive, sustainable WASH services to contribute to improvements in health, gender equality and social inclusion. The project will mainstream gender equality and social inclusion approaches by developing and implementing gender and inclusion responsive national and sub-national platforms. Addressing gender inequalities and social exclusion is fundamental to WASH and is embedded in each of the four outcomes of the project:

- Gender equality and social inclusion integrated into effective national WASH systems.
- Women and men share roles and responsibilities in decision making in the household and at
the community level, with a particular emphasis on WASH.
- Municipalities use gender transformative approaches to deliver nutrition sensitive, inclusive,
sustainable WASH services.
- Strengthened National WASH sector knowledge management and learning systems, including
effective exchange between relevant sectors.

The purpose of Gender and Power Analysis (GPA) was to validate the activities already considered for the project but also to identify gender equality and social inclusion gaps within the WASH sector that could be further strengthened by the project. Read More...

Évaluation finale du Projet d’Assainissement Innovant en Milieu Urbain (FAMAFA)

Le Projet d’Assainissement Innovant en milieu Urbain (projet PAIU ou FAMAFA (Fanatsaràna ny Faripiainan’ny Mponina Andrenivohitra amin’ny Fandrindràna ny Fahadiovana sy Fidiovana) vise à contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie et sanitaires des populations vulnérables dans la commune d’Antananarivo.

L’objectif spécifique du projet est d’améliorer les conditions d’hygiène et d’assainissement de 11 053 ménages1 les plus vulnérables, dont 28 186 femmes, en insistant sur la gestion intégréedes déchets solides et liquides sur l’ensemble du cycle d’assainissement par la mobilisation des ressources locales, afin de garantir la mise à l’échelle et la pérennisation du système.

Final abiemnom smart survey report 2017

This 50 page report details a SMART Nutrition Survey undertaken in Abiemnom County, South Sudan in ... Read More...

Eval finale du projet eau-assainissement et fertilisation ecologique

This 41 page report shows the final evaluation findings of the project for Water, Sanitation, and Ec... Read More...

Usaid nutrition hygiene baseline

This 63 page report highlighs baseline findings of the CARE Nutrition and Hygiene program in Mopti r... Read More...

Analyse Rapide Genre au sein des réfugiés de la RCA et les communautés hôtes à Timangolo, Lolo, Mbilé. Département de la Kadey- Est Cameroun

Depuis décembre 2013, environ 128550 réfugiés sont arrivés au Cameroun repartis entre la région de l’Est (95075), l’Adamaoua (23060), le Nord (3540) et Yaounde (3540). Dans le Département de la Kadey, à l’Est, la majorité de réfugiés vivent dans des villages d’accueil et les autres dans plusieurs sites dont ceux de Lolo, Mbilé et Timangolo qui accueillent 26124 réfugiés répartis dans 7403 ménages.

Ces nouveaux réfugiés M’bororos, viennent ajouter à des anciens refugiés centrafricains de la même ethnie accueillis et installés dans la zone depuis 2005.

En mai 2014 CARE a conduit des évaluations des besoins qui ont permis de développer une stratégie de réponseaxée dans le domaine de l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement (EHA), la santé mentale et l’appui psychosocial (SMPS), la sécurité alimentaire avec comme cible principale les réfugiés et leurs populations hôtes le long de l’axe Bertoua-Kentzou and Batouri-Toktoyo.
Actuellement CARE met en œuvre des interventions sur l’EHA sur le site de Timangolo et la SMPS dans les sites de Lolo et Mbile.
Afin de mieux répondre aux besoins spécifiques des réfugiés, hommes, femmes, garçons et filles, CARE organise une analyse genre dont l’objectif est d’appréhender les besoins, les vulnérabilités et les capacités spécifiques aux hommes, aux femmes, aux garçons et aux filles ainsi que les relations, les normes et pratiques genre au sein des réfugiés dans les sites de Timangolo, Lolo, Mbile et leurs communautés hôtes. Read More...

Barrier analysis report ensure

This 63 page report highlihgts barriers to key nutrition behaviors for families in the USAID-funded ... Read More...

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