Heatwave Response Sibi District
CARE international in Pakistan implemented heatwave response project in district Sibi. The project aimed to protected the vulnerable community from heatwave by provision of protection kit, cooling stations, information though IEC material displayed at various parts of the districts. provided heatwave protection. In district Sibi 250 individuals were provided with heatwave protection kits. [15 pages] Read More...
PESHAWAR Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa
CARE international in Pakistan conducted Post distribution monitoring study in selected union councils of district Peshawar with beneficiaries of food package& Hygiene Kit. The study was conducted to get beneficiaries feedback about the utilization of food package & Hygiene Kit, distribution process, beneficiaries’ selection criteria, relevance, satisfaction about quality and quantity of kit items, feedback and complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information/risk communication.
CIP provided response to vulnerable community of district Peshawar, affected due to spread of COVID-19 pandemic. The project response was targeted to provide immediate need assistance such as food package and hygiene kits to reduce the financial burden on the selected beneficiaries and to increase their resilience to prevent COVID-19.
PDM Study was conducted in four Union Councils Pishtakhara, Nahaqi, Gullbela and Tehkal to cover maximum number of project beneficiaries. Total 100 recipients of food package & Hygiene Kit were interviewed taking 2.5% as sample of the total distribution. [19 pages]
CIP provided response to vulnerable community of district Peshawar, affected due to spread of COVID-19 pandemic. The project response was targeted to provide immediate need assistance such as food package and hygiene kits to reduce the financial burden on the selected beneficiaries and to increase their resilience to prevent COVID-19.
PDM Study was conducted in four Union Councils Pishtakhara, Nahaqi, Gullbela and Tehkal to cover maximum number of project beneficiaries. Total 100 recipients of food package & Hygiene Kit were interviewed taking 2.5% as sample of the total distribution. [19 pages]
Strengthening government sector health system and providing immediate emergency response to curtail outbreak of COVID-19 across Pakistan in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces
CARE international in Pakistan implementing project “Strengthening government sector health system and providing immediate emergency response to curtail outbreak of COVID-19 across Pakistan in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces” in five district of Pakistan. The project aimed to Reduction of the primary and secondary impacts of COVID-19 through access to WASH facilities and health for 1,235,394 vulnerable people in 14 districts across Pakistan (Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan provinces). Another objective of the project was to improve access of soap to meet hygienic needs of community households. In this regard a package of hand washing soap and detergent powder was provided to 3011 households in five districts of Pakistan. [21 pages] Read More...
CIP provided response to vulnerable community effected by COVID and lockdown by the government. The project response was targeted to provide emergency food security assistance such as Goat package, Poultry Packages, Kitchen Gardening and Mott grass packages and hygiene kits to reduce the financial burden on the selected beneficiaries as well as also help to accomplish the daily needs from provided packages which lead to increase their resilience to prevent COVID-19. CARE international in Pakistan conducted Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) study in selected union councils of district Pishin with beneficiaries of goat, poultry, kitchen gardening and Mott grass package. The study was conducted to get beneficiaries feedback about the utilization of goat, poultry, kitchen gardening and Mott grass package, distribution process, beneficiaries’ selection criteria, relevance, satisfaction about quality and quantity of Packages items, feedback and complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information/risk communication. PDM Study was conducted in Ten (10) villages of UC Walma, UC Ghaizh to cover maximum number of project beneficiaries. Total 75 recipients of Goat package, Poultry Packages, Kitchen Gardening and Mott grass were interviewed taking 5% as sample of the total distribution.
Globally, there are concerted efforts being directed towards reducing disaster risks particularly in developing countries where the vulnerability of people, their assets and livelihoods are increasing du to natural hazards. The international principle of common but differentiated responsibilities also sees different forms of support being channelled from the more developed countries to those less developed. In the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) where Zimbabwe is domiciled, there is a rising trend of vulnerabilities to droughts, floods, storms, and epidemics among others. These hazards arbitrarily impose a heavy burden on majority of the poorer population, worsening their food insecurity, exposing many of them to gender-based violence, communicable diseases, reduced access to pertinent health services and compounded socio-economic setbacks. In that respect, Care International, Dan Church Aid and Plan International established a Rapid Response Management Unit (RRMU) to implement a comprehensive rapid response framework for rapid onset emergencies in seven (7) provinces in Zimbabwe from February 2020 to June 2021. The targeted provinces were Harare, Masvingo, Bulawayo, Midlands, Manicaland, Matabeleland South and Matabeleland North. Read More...
The Covid-19 pandemic remains a global concern, it has affected all social-economic spheres of life around the world. People have and continue to lose life. The global economies continue to decline. Countries and the development partners continue to spread millions of dollars in educating people on dangers, control and prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic. Multiple barriers can affect efforts to minimize transmission and harmful impacts of health emergencies; this is not different for COVID-19. The barriers vary from inadequate knowledge at individual and community levels and limited access to hygiene/WASH facilities among others. With such limitations, the risk of contracting Covid-19 increases. As part of Rwanda’s Covid-19 response plan, CARE Rwanda designed and implemented HBCC project over the period of 1 year (July 2020-July 2021). (54 pages) Read More...
CARE West Africa: Women’s Collective Voice – Global Report FY2017-21
The CARE West Africa: Women’s Collective Voice - Global Report FY2017-21 outlines the Women on the Move (WOM) initiative, which empowers women and girls through the mobilization of savings groups, known as solidarity groups, to assert their rights and enhance their socio-economic status. By fostering connections among these groups and building alliances with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the initiative promotes gender equality and social justice. The report highlights the ambitious goal of positively impacting 8 million women and girls by increasing their participation in decision-making processes and advocating for policies that benefit them. Notable successes include partnerships with private sector actors, such as Mars Wrigley Confectionery, and the integration of the Village Savings & Loan model into national strategies across several West African countries. Additionally, the WOM initiative has strengthened women’s leadership during crises, such as COVID-19, and improved their access to formal financial institutions, showcasing the transformative power of collective action in achieving gender justice.
Total Page Count: 26
Total Page Count: 26
This report presents the results of the baseline survey on the project “Promoting Solar Powered Energy Efficient Stoves in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement”. Kyangwali settlement is one of the eleven (11)1 refugee settlements in Uganda with a population of over 12,780 refugees who mainly come from DRC (118,390 refugees); South Sudan (3,383 refugees); Rwanda (1,124 refugees); Burundi (107 refugees); Kenya (11 refugees); Somali (7 refugees) and Sudan (2 refugees) (UNHCR, 2020). It is located in Kikuube district in Western Uganda bordered by DRC in the West, Hoima district in the North and Kagadi in the South.
This innovative clean energy project is being implemented by CARE International in Uganda in partnership with African Clean Energy (ACE) and Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC) and is supported by the Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund. It aims at improving the accessibility of quality and affordable clean energy solutions to refugees (particularly women) in the Kyangwali refugee settlement. The project’s innovative package includes two complementary programs namely; a) The User Referral Bonus (URB) model whereby the ACE package (ACE one stove + smart phone + solar powered lamp) will be made affordable to refugees in Kyangwali settlement and host communities, by allowing for payment in installments and also enabling URB participants to earn waivers on their monthly instalments through recommendation of peers; and b) Briquetting program whereby the first ten groups (farming cooperatives/VSLAs) which enroll at least half of their members into the URB will be supported with knowledge and equipment for clean, biomass briquette production, and also empowered to set up their own briquetting businesses. Read More...
This innovative clean energy project is being implemented by CARE International in Uganda in partnership with African Clean Energy (ACE) and Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC) and is supported by the Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund. It aims at improving the accessibility of quality and affordable clean energy solutions to refugees (particularly women) in the Kyangwali refugee settlement. The project’s innovative package includes two complementary programs namely; a) The User Referral Bonus (URB) model whereby the ACE package (ACE one stove + smart phone + solar powered lamp) will be made affordable to refugees in Kyangwali settlement and host communities, by allowing for payment in installments and also enabling URB participants to earn waivers on their monthly instalments through recommendation of peers; and b) Briquetting program whereby the first ten groups (farming cooperatives/VSLAs) which enroll at least half of their members into the URB will be supported with knowledge and equipment for clean, biomass briquette production, and also empowered to set up their own briquetting businesses. Read More...
Uganda Case Study External End Evaluation Partners for Resilience 2016-2020 programme
This report presents the findings and analysis from the evaluation of the PfR II Uganda country case. It is one of five case studies that were requested in the Terms of Reference (ToR) and subsequent exchanges with the PfR Evaluation Management Team (EMT) during the inception phase. The report starts with a short description of the PfR II Uganda country programme, followed by a clustering of findings and judgements along the structure of the evaluation matrix which had been agreed upon with the PfR EMT during the inception phase. The report ends with a section that lists a number of emerging observations and preliminary conclusions from this case. The annex compiles the documents reviewed, the persons interviewed and the results of the outcome harvesting workshop which was conducted at the end of the Uganda country visit. This visit was carried out by Mr George Kasumba, local consultant, and Mr Matthias Deneckere, ECDPM. The Uganda evaluation was supported by desk research conducted by ECDPM staff members Matthias Deneckere and Ashley Neat prior to the country visit. Read More...