
AESC – Model Towards Strengthening Agricultural Extension Service in Bangladesh

In order to sustain the productivity in the agricultural sector in Bangladesh, there is a need to cope with rapid population growth, limited land base, and climate change effects, through the adoption of appropriate technologies, skills and knowledge.

Accordingly, USAID-AESA project has introduced agricultural extension services towards strengthening this service. This report provides an assessment of the performance of the AESC-Model. Read More...

AESA Performance of Mungbean in the South-Central Region of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has been experiencing a shortage of land for pulses, whereas its demand is increasing day by day. This, increasing yield remains to be the option for elevating pulse production in the country. In this regard, mungbean can play an important role especially in the South-Central Region of Bangladesh.

This study was undertaken for scoping increased yield and profitability of the crop in the region. Field experiments were conducted using three genotypes, four locations environments, two seasonal environments, and two managements. Read More...

Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment: The Journey So far; The Experience of the ENSURE Program

The ENSURE Food Security Program is a USAID-funded, five-year intervention designed to profoundly and sustainably impact 215,000 vulnerable and food- insecure Zimbabweans in Manicaland and Masvingo Provinces. The program is a shared commitment by four partners and one service provider—World Vision, CARE, SNV, SAFIRE and ICRISAT—who work together to mainstream gender equity and natural resource management in the three key areas of maternal and child nutrition and health, agricultural production and marketing, and community resilience.

The success of ENSURE can be portrayed through the accounts of thousands of women and men whose lives have been changed through its various programme interventions. Tangible gender transformative changes can be noticed on several dimensions: joint household decision making; reduced violence against women; increased women’s leadership in community leadership; men assisting women with household chores and childcare; women’s ownership of high value productive assets; and increased access and control over income.

CARE International Advocacy and Influencing: A Review of Pathways to Success

This report constitutes a review of 208 advocacy and influencing initiatives that reported having successfully influenced policies, plans and budgets. A sample of 31 cases were included in for review. These comprised influencing outcomes across 16 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, North America and Europe. We estimate that outcomes these initiatives influenced have so far improved the lives of more than 4.2 million people, with the potential for future impacts for a further 116 million people. 20 cases were from national or local level policy, plan or budget influence in the global South, and 11 case from the global North, influencing donor strategies or international negotiations.

Overall, the top 4 strategies employed across the North and the global South were: (i) lobbying-decision-makers; (ii) coalition building; (iii) public forums and (iv) method replication. Twice as common as any other strategy was lobbying decision-makers. This was also judged to be the most effective strategy in both the South and the North. 23 initiatives employed some form of lobbying decision-makers, and in 19 of these it was ranked as the most influential strategy. This lobbying was commonly a form of “insider” approach where CARE and partners already had a good relationship with government line ministries, having built credibility and trust over a number of years. Particularly in the South, advocacy efforts were part of a strategy over more than five years. Such efforts demonstrate that long-term investment is required for policy change to materialise into impact. The main tactics or strategies which did not feature strongly were activism and campaigning such as marches, petitions and use of social media, and evidence for the use of research was also uneven. We consider why this may be the case in greater detail toward the end of the paper

Every Voice Counts: Social Inclusion Report

This qualitative study on social inclusion of women and girls in (in)formal planning and budgeting processes at local level took place under the EVC programme. In Burundi, EVC advocates for the respect of the 30% quota of women’s participation at community level, it aims for inclusion of women and girls in community development planning (PCDC), and advocates for the completion and implementation of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) law; specifically looking at the quality of legal and health services offered to GBV victims and strengthening municipal marriage registration. Key strategies of EVC Burundi include the implementation of the Community Scorecard (CSC), support to Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), and advocacy on the aforementioned topics. Lobby is tied to CSC outcomes as well as existing community peace clubs.

There is very little data available on how women and girls participate in (in)formal governance spaces that focus on planning and budgeting, and how they perceive their participation. This research therefore aims respond to the following main research question: What are the factors or "pathways" that contribute to women and girls participating in (in) formal planning and budgeting processes? In line with the overall research framework of this study, specific emphasis lies on analysing different degrees of participation, notably access, presence and influence. Factors/pathways are tied to three types of empowerment (or obstacles): individual or collective agency of women, their relations with others (ex. family, community, organisations), and support offered by structures (ex. authorities and CSOs/INGOs). Findings aim to improve effectiveness of the EVC programme by offering insight into how the programme can influence these (in) formal planning and budgeting processes. Read More...

A Study Report on the Link Between Land Use Planning and Rural Economic Growth through Mobile Applications in the Sagcot Area: A Case Study of Iringa Rural and Kilolo Districts

his study investigated ways in which mobile applications can best be used to link village land use planning and village economic growth so that CARE and its partners will more effectively engage key stakeholders in supporting smallholder farmers to find better ways of using their land to improve their economic wellbeing. This is because, after more than a decade of advocating for the land rights of smallholder farmers, CARE Tanzania is currently looking at how best village land use planning can, in addition to demarcation of village land and issuance of certificates of customary rights of occupancy (CCROs), help to transform the lives of those depending on land as a means of livelihood or identity.

More specifically, this study (a) assessed the extent to which village land use planning in Tanzania improves rural economy in general and the economic wellbeing of smallholder farmers in Tanzania; (b) identified and analyzed the best ways in which mobile applications can be used to link land use planning with rural economy and economic wellbeing of smallholder farmers; and (c) identified and analyzed economic, social, environmental and political factors which help or hinder smallholder farmers with formalized land rights, from improving their economic wellbeing. Read More...

VSLAs as Economic Drivers: Exploring Linkages Between Capital Available within Women’s Savings Groups and Economic Contribution to the Tanzanian Economy

Savings-led microfinance innovation aims to improve access to financial services in remote areas, especially among women. In the past decade, more and more researchers and practitioners have recognized and taken advantage of this informal financial service to help improve lives of the poor. A leading innovator in the field, CARE International, has spawned extensive household- and community-level benefits from its Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) programmes. With about 700,000 members in 28,000 groups in Tanzania, CARE is seeking to measure the potential contribution of VSLAs on the growth of the Tanzanian national economy.
This literature review shows some important insights and establishes a foundation for future research on the topic. Read More...

Literature Review of Gender and Power Analyses in the Provinces of North and South Kivu Kivu, DRC

This report is a literature review of gender and power analyses in the provinces of North and South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It was commissioned by CARE DRC. CARE DRC aligns with the CARE 2020 Program Strategy1, which emphasizes that ‘at its root, poverty is caused by unequal power relations that result in the inequitable distribution of resources and opportunities between women and men, between power-holders and marginalized communities, and between countries'. CARE believes that poverty cannot be overcome without addressing those underlying power imbalances.

Incorporating a gender and power analysis3 to inform programming is the first commitment of CARE International Gender Equality Policy4. CARE DRC’s Strategic Plan5 highlights its experience in programming for gender justice and reducing GBV as a strength. Therefore this contextual analysis of gender and power relations in the provinces of North Kivu and South Kivu aims to ‘provide elements to update the problems, the underlying causes, aspirations and specific potentials for women and men, girls and boys, male and female youth in these two provinces’ so that CARE DRC programs, especially the future GEWEP III and MAWE TATU II programs (see brief description in Box 1) as well as any new proposals, will in the future be more transformative. Read More...

GEWEP II Mali Final Evaluation Report

The Women and Girls Empowerment and Civil Society Governance Projet (GEWEP) known as MAAYA DANBE in local language, is funded by the Norway Government through CARE Norway for four years (2016-2019) and seeks to empower women and girls affected by poverty, inequality, violence and social marginalization to claim and achieve their human rights. The GEWEP project comprises four theme-based cross-cutting components: (i) strengthening civil society, (ii) women’s economic empowerment and entrepreurship, (iii) women’s participation in decision-making processes and (iv) men/boys’ engagement in the transformation of gender norms. The GEWEP projet is part of a global funding provided by CARE Norway, through the Norway Government, to some African countries including Mali, Niger, DRC, Rwanda and Burundi.

The key findings from the final evaluation of GEWEP II are presented in this report which looks at a number of crosscutting themes. Read More...

Social Norms and Barriers Analysis for Agro-pastoralist Women and Girls in South Darfur, Sudan

This report takes a special focus on examining the changing reality of life for agro pastoralist women and girls in South Darfur, Sudan through the lens of social norms and barriers, adding to a set of regional studies (Ritchie 2015 - 2017). Increasingly fragile, agro-pastoralist groups in East Africa now often combine pastoralism with both farming and trading. Women in such societies have been identified as both marginalized and vulnerable.

In the Darfur region of Sudan, rural women remain particularly challenged, with insecurity conflict and displacement. Yet with appropriate development interventions, access to services and government policies, women and girls stand at the forefront of social change, as they adopt new livelihood opportunities and embrace new rights and entitlements.

This research aimed to capture both qualitative as well as quantitative dynamics of current change in agro-pastoralist girls’ and women’s social norms, customs and practices in South Darfur. Read More...

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