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Search Results: 소액결제깡⒠dan-gol˛Cом 소액결제팝니다 소액결제수수료 소액결제루트□소액결제깡

Final Project Evaluation Northern Uplands – Promoting Climate Resilience

The Northern Uplands - Promoting Climate Resilience (NU-PCR) is implemented by CARE International in Lao PDR in partnership with the Comité de Coopération avec le Laos (CCL) and the Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA). The project, funded by the European Union (EU), CARE Denmark, and OXFAM (OHK), is designed to improve the resilience of local ethic communities in Phongsaly to the impacts of climate change and to strengthen the capacity of government authorities and local ethnic communities. The objective of the project is to enable improved resilience of remote ethnic upland communities, in particular women, to the impact of climate variability and change, and contribute to the achievement of MDGs 1, 3, and 7. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the project’s success in implementing activities and in attaining the project’s goals and expected results.

NU-PCR has implemented a wide variety of activities to increase the resilience of ethnic communities to climate change and climate variability. The project has been successful in achieving its objectives and expected results. Improvements in households’ resilience to climate change have been validated from results of the end-line study in comparison to baseline values. Project support for cardamom and tea production; intercropping galangal, pineapple, and fruit trees; piloting rattan, bee keeping, and soybeans; vegetable gardening; improved rice production; mushroom production; fishponds; and support to women’s savings and loans groups has resulted in reducing the impact of climatic hazards and improving villagers’ incomes.
(69 pages)

Stop TB and AIDS through RTTR (STAR): Program Report

The program goal is to end AIDS in Thailand by 2030 (reducing annual new infections to below 1,000 cases (from the current 8,134 estimated new infections annually)) and to reduce the prevalence of TB from 159 per 100,000 to 120 per 100,000 between 2015 and 2019. From 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017, the program performed outstandingly over the target in three indicators of MSW, FSW and MW reached with HIV prevention program. The percentage of result over target reported at 115.58%, 120.40%, and 119.83% consecutively. Overachieving results of these indicators described as following:

i) For MSW, the program could exceed the reach target because SRs conducting BCC workshop in
bar. At the workshop, SR introduced knowledge and information of HIV prevention including HIV,
VCCT, STIs, TB, PrEP, and PEP. Condom and lubricant were made available for MSWs. SR MPLUS
targeted non-venue based MSW who work around the public park in Chiang Mai. The online
application was also used as a channel to reach non venue-based MSWs. The SRs conducted
face-to-face individual talk for the online-reached MSWs. HIV Testing Center (HTC) operated by
SRs could offer additional service of syphilis testing to MSWs.

ii) For FSW, the outstanding performance of resulting from the high season for tourism in Thailand.
SR SWING engaged with employers and organized outreach session in bar before FSWs started
working. The SR reached out to new FSW area in Surawong.

iii) For MW, SRs reached performance were access the target resulting from combination HIV-TB
service provided to migrants in community and at workplace. SR STM started engaging
employers of FSWs at the border of Songkhla. [20 pages] Read More...

Foster good health and economic resilience (in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond): Integrated Programme to Reduce the Medium-term effects of COVID-19 (IPIC) in Sudan

This is the final evaluation for the Kassala state-implemented "Foster Good Health and Economic Resilience (in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond): Integrated Programme to Reduce the Medium-Term Effects of COVID-19 (IPIC)". The evaluation's goal is to assess the project's impact on the targeted beneficiaries and to assess the project's level of achievement, as well as to provide project stakeholders with information about the project's performance in relation to its stated objectives, from January 2020 to December 2022.
Relevance: The project was found to be relevant and responding to the real needs of the targeted communities. The selected communities are among the most vulnerable people in the state, with the majority of them living below the poverty line. According to the baseline survey conducted in October 2020, most of the targeted beneficiaries (53%) have incomes ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 SDG’s per month, which is equivalent to 22 to 44 USD.
Efficiency: The project was carried out with good and acceptable efficiency; the project completed 100% of its planned activities with a high level of participation from the targeted communities and important institutions, particularly the state ministry of health.
Effectiveness: The project was determined to be very effective and resulted in many changes among the targeted persons, as well as a substantial contraption for preventing COVID-19 and reducing its harmful influence on the targeted people, as evidenced by the fact that:
During the project's implementation period, a total of 47,268 people received COVID-19 knowledge and capacity building. This includes all people in the targeted areas, with the possibility of duplicate counting because some people received the awareness more than once. These capacity building and awareness programs were carried out through the execution of awareness campaigns, and the trained community outreached played important roles in disseminating information to their community members. The community outreached were carefully selected with gender (50% women) in mind, and they were trained and provided with the necessary COVID-19 prevention items.
The evaluation witnessed high level of impact and effectiveness in health sector, this ensured by the feedback of all consulted people by direct interviews, FGDs and KII interviews, in addition to the observation of the evaluation team. Different sorts of support offered to the three health facilities enhanced access to health care for 3015 HH (21,105 people), this representing all HH in the three villages.

5 Game Changing Initiatives for Transformative Agricultural Extension

The USAID Agricultural Extension Support Activity (AESA) project is a key part of Bangladesh-centered Feed the Future (FtF) initiative addresses this challenge. Implemented by the Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) with technical partners CARE Bangladesh and mPower Social Enterprises Ltd., the goal of the project which started at late 2012 is to strengthen the existing extension system in southwest and central Bangladesh to sustainably improve food security and nutrition for smallholder farmers. This translates to the enhancement of access to and utilization of agricultural extension services by smallholder farmers – both women and men. Key interventions under this project works to build capacities and creating support to a demand-driven extension system, synergized by the use of ICT. Geographically distributed in the central and southwest Bangladesh, the project operates in 12 districts, covering 26 upazilas, under Jessore, Khulna and Barisal regions as primary intervention areas.

This report identifies 5 game changing initiatives for transformative agricultural extension. Read More...

WAYREP Baseline Report

WAYREP’s overall objective is to “Strengthen the resilience of refugee and Ugandan women, girls and youth to live a life free from violence (LFFV) in Uganda”. WAYREP focuses on women and girls’ empowerment within the context of some of Uganda’s most pressing current challenges such as rapid urbanization, regular and high rates of displacement and migration across and within Uganda’s borders and a very young and largely unemployed population. In 2020, this fragile context was further exacerbated with the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID 19) not only in terms of its health implications, but also in terms of its impact on livelihoods, safety and security. WAYREP is built on the hypothesis that Gender Based Violence (GBV) has two main drivers: gender inequality and poverty. This is exacerbated by displacement whether as a refugee or as an urban dweller coming from rural Uganda. WAYREP’s theory of change therefore states that: if refugee and vulnerable Ugandan women and girls have access to dignified livelihood opportunities, and if the gender, social and cultural norms that perpetuate GBV are challenged and minimized, then the likelihood of resorting to negative coping mechanisms - including GBV like early and forced marriage or commercial sex - will significantly reduce and women and girls’ self- reliance will increase.
The project seeks to achieve four result areas namely;
1. Enhanced sustainable and dignified livelihood for women and youth
2. Reduction of the acceptance of GBV
3. Enhanced psychosocial support to survivors of GBV
4. Increased accountability of the Government of Uganda (GoU) on the implementation of relevant
frameworks for women and girls’ protection and rights
The project is being implemented in Gulu Municipality (Pece and Bardege Divisions), Arua Municipality (River Oli Division, Omugo Settlement zones 4, 5, and 6) and Omugo Sub-county (in Obi, Angazi, Anufira, Duku, Boora and Ndapi Parishes).
This report is 81 pages long.

Youth Employment Project in Aswan (YEP) Midterm Evaluation

118-page midterm report on the “Youth employment in Aswan project” (YEP) which was funded by Swiss program under domain 2 was proposed by CARE and WorldFish (WF) in response to a call for proposal. According to the approved proposal, CARE and WF believed that despite the moment of transition and crisis in Egypt, during the post-2011 revolution period, there are also tremendous opportunities for increased income and employment for youth in the agricultural sector (defined in its broadest sense to encompass farming, animal production and fisheries). Accordingly, the goal of the program was that there will be increased and sustainable income and employment for disadvantaged youth, women and men in Aswan. The project aims to provide increased and sustainable income for 2,500 disadvantaged youth and employment for a further 4,000 youth. Read More...

Women at Work Project Evaluation

The project’s overall goal was to contribute substantially to a reduction in morbidity and mortality... Read More...

The Cost of Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines in Zambia

While Zambia aims to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to 70% of its people by June 30, 2022, the road to getting there is uncertain. The Zambian Ministry of Health reports that, as of February 21, 2022, 21.6% of people were fully
vaccinated. Vaccine doses available in the country are slowly rising, with 6.2 million doses arrived as of February 11, but less than half of those doses have made it into people’s arms. By February 23, only 2.77 million doses had gotten to people. By December 31, 2021, only 7.2% of people had gotten a vaccine, compared to a goal of 40%. Without significant investments in last mile delivery, especially for people at highest risk, Zambia risks missing its next COVID-19 vaccine targets.
CARE estimates that in Zambia, vaccine delivery costs a minimum of $17.18 per fully vaccinated person, or $7.30 per dose delivered. That is 7.2 times more than current global estimates. Even with its robust childhood vaccination system—93% of Zambian children got their first measles vaccine in 2019—Zambia has not been able to get enough COVID-19 vaccines to the last mile. Read More...

Ruby Cups: Girls in Imvepi Refugee Settlement Taking Control

CARE International and WoMena Uganda are currently concluding a menstrual cup (MC) pilot implementation
project in Imvepi Refugee Settlement, funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). This is the second pilot that WoMena has conducted on the use of menstrual cups (the Ruby Cup brand) with refugee women in Uganda. Based on findings from previous studies and Menstrual Health Management (MHM) projects conducted by WoMena, the project’s goal was to improve the capacity of female beneficiaries to safely and effectively manage their menstruation with a menstrual cup called “Ruby Cup”, and to improve general knowledge and perceptions around menstruation in the community. The pilot was integrated into CARE’s existing gender-based violence sector support programs in West Nile and was prompted by evidence of a strong linkage between Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and Gender based violence (GBV) in various CARE assessments. CARE collected information on refugee girls engaging in transactional sex to buy pads. Read More...

Feed the Future Ethiopia Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) Learning Activity

This report presents the baseline resilience analysis of the USAID Feed the Future (FTF) Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) activity in Ethiopia. The overarching goal of L4R is to increase economic growth and resilience in Ethiopia by enhancing livelihood opportunities for chronically food-insecure households in targeted woredas. The objective of this report is to provide insight into the extent to which L4R activities improve key household resilience outcomes and strengthen the resilience capacities of food-insecure and vulnerable households in the project areas. The impact evaluation (IE) baseline study provides estimates against which to monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of L4R activities during implementation and after the activity is completed. Given that the ending of the IE will occur one year after the L4R activities have ended, the final results will also be able to measure the sustainability of the project’s impact.

The L4R impact evaluation seeks to answer eight research questions. This baseline study gathers data that answers some of the research questions now; other questions will be addressed in subsequent recurrent monitoring surveys and the endline report. Read More...

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