Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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CARE Perú viene ejecutando desde setiembre del 2019 el Proyecto Alma Llanera (el Proyecto) en las regiones de Lima, Callao, La Libertad, Piura y Tumbes con el objetivo general de mejorar la autosuficiencia y la integración de los/as refugiados/as y migrantes venezolanos/as vulnerables en Perú a través de un mayor acceso a los servicios de protección, salud mental y apoyo a medios de vida.
El objetivo general de la investigación ha sido medir el nivel de satisfacción de la población atendida por el Proyecto ante los niveles de seguridad en y alrededor del lugar donde habitan, así como con los servicios de protección, salud mental y apoyo psicosocial que ellos/as o sus familias reciben del Proyecto y/o del Estado. 98 pages. Read More...

Building Sustainable Livelihoods for Refugees and the Poor, especially Women

The project “Building Sustainable Livelihoods for Refugees and the Poor, especially Women” is a sixteen-month’s project that was implemented by CARE Jordan between April 2019 and July 2020 and funded by Rotary International. The project focused on building the capacity of 175 Jordanian and Syrians entrepreneurs in order to create and accelerate local businesses through conducting small business building and mentoring sessions and distributing toolkits.
The project was implemented in East Amman area which is classified as one of the less fortunate areas in Jordan.
The overall goal of this project was building the capacity of entrepreneurs, community leaders, local organizations, and community networks to support economic development in impoverished communities; developing opportunities for productive work; and reducing poverty in underserved communities. [53 pages]

Kinder und Jugendliche Willkommen KIWI Project III Wirkungsbericht 2020

The KIWI project has been in existence since the beginning of 2016. The pilot phase in North Rhine-Westphalia (January to September 2016) was financed entirely by donations from the alliance Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Funding from the Deutsche Bank Foundation, the RTL Foundation "We Help Children" and the UN Refugee Aid enabled us to expand the program nationwide. Subsequently, we were able to consolidate and further expand KIWI nationwide through funding from the EU's AMIF programme and again from the Deutsche Bank Foundation. The promotion of school projects for the design of diversity and encounters and the awarding of the KIWI prize are part of an accompanying project financed by the Deutsche Bank Foundation. This first impact report according to the Social Reporting Standard includes the results of the third project phase as well as the accompanying project. We also report on the development process of KIWI as a "learning" project. Further funding from the RTL foundation "We help children" gave us the opportunity to transfer the KIWI approach to primary education as part of the KIWI kids pilot project (September 2018 – February 2020). This publication also provides a brief overview of the main results of this pilot phase.

Das KIWI-Projekt existiert seit Anfang 2016. Die Pilotphase in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Januar bis September 2016) wurde vollständig aus Spenden des Bündnisses Aktion Deutschland Hilft finanziert. Eine Förderung durch die Deutsche Bank Stiftung, der Stiftung RTL „Wir helfen Kindern“ sowie der UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe ermöglichte uns die bundesweite Ausdehnung des Programms. Im Anschluss konnten wir durch eine Förderung aus dem AMIF-Programm der EU und wiederum der Deutsche Bank Stiftung KIWI bundesweit konsolidieren und weiter ausbauen. Die Förderung von Schulprojekten zur Gestaltung von Vielfalt und Begegnung und die Verleihung des KIWI-Preises sind Bestandteil eines durch die Deutsche Bank Stiftung finanzierten Begleitprojektes. Dieser erste Wirkungsbericht nach Social Reporting Standard umfasst Ergebnisse der dritten Projektphase sowie des Begleitprojektes. Außerdem berichten wir über den Entstehungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von KIWI als „lernendes“ Projekt. Eine weitere Förderung durch die Stiftung RTL „Wir helfen Kindern“ gab uns die Chance, den KIWI-Ansatz im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts KIWI kids (September 2018 – Februar 2020) auf den Primarschulbereich zu übertragen. Diese Publikation enthält auch einen Kurzüberblick über die wesentlichen Ergebnisse dieser Pilotphase. [64 pages]


Integrated GBV prevention and response to the emergency needs of newly displaced women, men, girls, and boys in Borno State, North-East Nigeria Midterm

Currently, 41 sites across 11 LGAs in Borno are in ‘high congestion’ status with 285,000 individuals above camp capacity resulting in the majority of individuals having no access to shelter and being forced to sleep in overcrowded shelters or outside. The provision of life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable persons of concern is hampered by a continuous unfavorable environment marked by conflict-induced insecurity and protracted displacement. Limited access to adequate services, particularly in newly accessible areas, continues to exacerbate protection risks to the affected population. The ECHO-GBV project is an 18 months’ project funded by ECHO being implemented in Bama and Ngala LGAs of Borno state to provide lifesaving GBV prevention and response services to newly displaced women, girls, boys and men and vulnerable host community members. The intended use of this evaluation is to: assess the performance of project indicators against set objectives, goals and targets, review Programme strategy and methods and inform learning; hence, the primary target of this report is the ECHO participants as well as staff [24 pages]. Read More...

Action for Supporting Host Community Adaptation & Resilience ASHAR Alo Yearly Review 2020

As a multi-year project, mid-term review/year-end assessment has been commissioned to assess relevancy of design, approach and methodology, implementation strategy, efficiency and effectiveness of actions, effects of actions on community people etc. This is an internal assessment to improve the project. The ASHAR Alo project targets host communities located outside of the refugee camps, consolidating programmatic gains through OFDA funding for sustainable development in the area. The project activities are focused on Jaliyapalong, and Palongkhali. CARE aims to strengthen host communities' resilience, by enhancing community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR), upgrading infrastructure and providing livelihoods opportunities, across shelter, settlement and WASH sectors. The project will also respond to the urgent protection and gender-based violence needs in the host community. Activities are being undertaken in collaboration with government and community stakeholders, as well as UN and NGO actors.

The assessment was conducted in September 2020 applying both quantitative and qualitative tools and approaches. The samples were drawn purposively. Considering the COVID-19 situation, the short sample size was determined following most common statistical formulae. Throughout the study, it follows USAID compliance and directives. It covers a total of 228 respondent’s households from 4 WARDs under Jaliyapalong Union in Ukhiya Upazailla, Cox’s Bazar district. Quantitative Data collection has been conducted with Tablets using KoBo. [41 pages].


The “Education and Protection for Syrians in Jordan'' project has been implemented through CARE International in Jordan and funded by ADA. This project is designed to address the needs of vulnerable Syrians and Jordanian citizens, and targeted four urban areas of Jordan, including Amman, Irbid, Mafraq, and Zarqa. The first objective provided conditional cash for the protection and education of vulnerable youth who are at risk of dropping out or have already dropped out of school due to either working or due to the risk of early/child marriage and, therefore, not attending school. The second objective focused on providing vulnerable families with case-management support, following which referrals were made in order to connect these beneficiaries with both internal and/or external services. In addition, interventions included peer-to-peer support group activities, as well as one-day Psychosocial sessions (PS) implemented at CARE community centers that were focused on recreational, educational, and empowerment activities. The third objective provided small business development training and grants to entrepreneurs hoping to establish or expand their businesses. [19 pages]. Read More...


With funding support from the Global Affairs Canada (GAC), CARE implements a 24 months multi-sectoral livesaving project: WASH, Protection and SRMH support to IDPs and Returnees in Iraq 2020-2021 in Duhok governorate (Chamishko and Essyan IDP camps) and Ninewa governorate (Sinjar district) with 64,434 individuals (18,169 women, 14,701 girls, 16,924 men, 14,640 boys) direct beneficiaries aiming at WASH, Protection Intervention, and SMRH. The methodology for baseline survey is based on using mixed-method participatory approach as baseline team believes that participation improves quality and enhances ownership.
The CARE baseline survey data collection for the camps took place from May 21, 2020 to May 31, 2020, and in Sinjar district from September 1, 2020 to September 10, 2020. The purpose of the baseline study is to better understand the situation and current needs of the population in order to ensure more effective and responsive project implementation as well as improved living conditions for IDPs, returnees and host communities in the project areas [45 pages]. Read More...

“Political Economy Analysis for food and nutrition security and community resilience, and analysis of conflicts affecting food, nutrition and income security in Harande program area” Integrated Report

The major findings of this twofold study firstly highlight peaceful as well as contentious coexistence between formal institutions put in place with decentralization and informal and customary institutions managing resources essential to food and nutrition security. Stemming from a centuries-old tradition based on the right of the first occupant, the paramount importance of lineage and family, strict intra-community differentiation of socio- professional categories both in the management of pastoral resources and fisheries in Delta flooded areas and farming in dry areas, these customary institutions are still greatly relevant and legitimate in the eyes of the different communities today. Conversely, these communities often find it difficult to grasp the legal principles and norms (State land domain, local communities’ responsibilities, local governance, the role of deconcentrated State officials etc.) supporting local governments’ role in resource management. Consequently, the implementation of the Harande Program should be guided by the socio-cultural specifities of the target areas and should take into account the customary conflict management mechanisms as well as those promoted by civil society organizations which are the most validated by populations in the region of Mopti. The report is 140 pages long. Read More...


The following evaluation corresponds to the 12-month implementation of the project Protection, WASH, and Shelter Support for Vulnerable Venezuelan Refugees in Ecuador, which was funded by the Government of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) and that took place from April 2019 to March 2020. The goal of this process was to analyze the fulfillment of results and strategies used to respond to the urgent needs of the Venezuelan migrant population in the areas of shelter, protection and WASH. The objectives of the evaluation focused on a) determining the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the sustainability of actions and results by component; b) identifying milestones and innovations, as well as the main challenges; and, c) identifying recommendations and opportunities for improvement for future interventions. To this end, primary and secondary information, both qualitative and quantitative was collected and analyzed, and was then structured according to the evaluation criteria and the project components.
This report is 59 pages long.

External ex-post evaluation of the “Multi-sectoral Protection Response for Vulnerable Populations in Ecuador affected by the Humanitarian Crisis” Project executed by CARE, Alas de Colibrí Foundation and Diálogo Diverso between 2019 and 2020

To respond to the migration crisis CARE Ecuador (CARE), Diálogo Diverso (DD) and Alas de Colibrí Fundation (ACF) associated to implement, with funding from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State (that finances assistance actions for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations around the world), the “Multi-sectoral Protection Response for Vulnerable Populations in Ecuador affected by the Humanitarian Crisis” Project (PRM Project), from September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020. The Project aimed at improving health and physical and psychological well-being of the forced-to-migrate Venezuelan population (and other nationalities), both migrants and refugees; as well as of the vulnerable local population, particularly LGBTIQ+ individuals and women survivors of gender-based violence, through a multi-sectoral intervention that includes: health care, legal and psychosocial advice, shelter, and comprehensive support interventions for the migrant humanitarian crisis. The project also generated advocacy actions to strengthen the capacities of public officials and institutions related to migratory processes, and to promote the restitution of migrants and refugees’ rights.
This report is 78 pages long.

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