Emergency|Humanitarian Aid
CARE International in Zimbabwe and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) Consortium are currently visible in Chipinge and Chimanimani districts through -support from ECHO. The consortium is currently implementing early recovery interventions which seek to address the immediate WASH and basic needs of the Cyclone Idai affected populations. The interventions are centred on a community-based integrated approach focused on building local capacities and empowering communities to regain control over their lives and become more resilient using a robust cash-based component. Targeting a total of 9 wards in Chimanimani and Chipinge districts, CARE and IRC consortium are maximizing the geographic reach and multi-sectoral coverage of the Action using a harmonized, closely coordinated, gender-sensitive consortium approach. The project is targeting households which were affected by the Cyclone Idai disaster, those whose shelter was completely or partially destroyed. Other vulnerability attributes such as elderly people, People with Disabilities, pregnant and lactating women, child headed households, and Internally Displaced People among other attributes were used for appropriate targeting.
The consortium is currently providing community-driven livelihoods support in four targeted wards through a Cash for Work program that was designed to rebuild community productive assets. The project is also implementing integrated WASH support interventions in 2 wards in Chipinge district and 1 ward in Chimanimani district whilst implementing the Multi-Purpose Cash Transfer project in 4 wards in Chimanimani district. The consortium conducted a baseline survey in both districts for all the interventions underway to facilitate evidence based monitoring and evaluation as well as to match targets with the expected project outcomes. The results will be used for both guiding project implementation and determining project impact by providing the datum for measurement [23 pages].
The consortium is currently providing community-driven livelihoods support in four targeted wards through a Cash for Work program that was designed to rebuild community productive assets. The project is also implementing integrated WASH support interventions in 2 wards in Chipinge district and 1 ward in Chimanimani district whilst implementing the Multi-Purpose Cash Transfer project in 4 wards in Chimanimani district. The consortium conducted a baseline survey in both districts for all the interventions underway to facilitate evidence based monitoring and evaluation as well as to match targets with the expected project outcomes. The results will be used for both guiding project implementation and determining project impact by providing the datum for measurement [23 pages].
When Time Won’t Wait (Spanish, French, and Arabic)
Humanitarian crises can offer a ‘window of opportunity’ to transform unequal gender relations and shift harmful gender norms. Integration of gender into humanitarian programming ensures that the specific vulnerabilities, needs, capacities and priorities of women, girls, men and boys — related to pre-existing gender roles and inequalities, along with the impacts of the crisis — are recognised and addressed.
Sound gender analysis and programming from the outset is critical to effective crisis response in the short-term, and equitable and empowering societal change in the long-term. CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) approach and tool, developed during the humanitarian response in Syria in 2013, aims to drive a shift to locally driven and women-centered needs assessment which influences how needs are defined and responses are developed. The approach aims to provide essential information about gender roles and responsibilities, capacities, and vulnerabilities together with programming recommendations in situations where time is of the essence
and resources can be scarce. The ultimate goal of such an approach is to influence humanitarian response, program design and implementation to ensure that it supports not only the immediate needs of women and girls but also upholds their rights. CARE’s RGA has now been used in over 50 crises around the word and is featured as good practice in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s (IASC) Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action. With rapidly increasing interest in and adoption of CARE’s RGA approach, discussion and questions continue as to whether increased awareness of gender, power and disaggregated data sets are translating into safer, more responsive, and effective aid.
To answer these questions, CARE commissioned an external evaluation to ‘provide an analysis of the effectiveness and influence of the RGA approach on adapting programming to improve gendered outcomes for crises-affected communities.’ The scope of the evaluation was global and focused on rapid gender analyses and related humanitarian programming over the period 2015-2020. These are executive summaries in Spanish, Arabic, and French. You can find the full report in English here: http://careevaluations.org/evaluation/when-time-wont-wait-cares-rapid-gender-analysis-approach-external-evaluation/ Read More...
Sound gender analysis and programming from the outset is critical to effective crisis response in the short-term, and equitable and empowering societal change in the long-term. CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) approach and tool, developed during the humanitarian response in Syria in 2013, aims to drive a shift to locally driven and women-centered needs assessment which influences how needs are defined and responses are developed. The approach aims to provide essential information about gender roles and responsibilities, capacities, and vulnerabilities together with programming recommendations in situations where time is of the essence
and resources can be scarce. The ultimate goal of such an approach is to influence humanitarian response, program design and implementation to ensure that it supports not only the immediate needs of women and girls but also upholds their rights. CARE’s RGA has now been used in over 50 crises around the word and is featured as good practice in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s (IASC) Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action. With rapidly increasing interest in and adoption of CARE’s RGA approach, discussion and questions continue as to whether increased awareness of gender, power and disaggregated data sets are translating into safer, more responsive, and effective aid.
To answer these questions, CARE commissioned an external evaluation to ‘provide an analysis of the effectiveness and influence of the RGA approach on adapting programming to improve gendered outcomes for crises-affected communities.’ The scope of the evaluation was global and focused on rapid gender analyses and related humanitarian programming over the period 2015-2020. These are executive summaries in Spanish, Arabic, and French. You can find the full report in English here: http://careevaluations.org/evaluation/when-time-wont-wait-cares-rapid-gender-analysis-approach-external-evaluation/ Read More...
El 15 de marzo de 2020, luego de declarar la OMS como pandemia por Coronavirus (COVID19), el Estado Peruano declaró Estado de Emergencia Nacional e inicio de una cuarentena. Las medidas gubernamentales implementadas, si bien contuvo inicialmente la propagación de la infección, generó impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de las familias en situación de pobreza y pobreza extrema (20,5% según INP 2018) y los programas de apoyo y subsidio generados por el gobierno, no eran suficientes. El periodo de cuarentena agudizó la situación de precariedad de una economía peruana altamente informal, un sistema sanitario débil y evidenció las limitaciones de acceso que tenían las familias a medios de comunicación virtual.
Bajo este contexto CARE Perú, entiende que estos impactos repercuten en mayor medida a las mujeres y niñas, y entre otros a los pequeños emprendedores, como los dueños de bodegas. Existen en el país alrededor de 500,000 bodegas1 y más del 60% son emprendidas por mujeres, estas bodegas han presentado una caída de más de un 50% en sus ventas. En este sentido, CARE Perú diseñó una intervención innovadora de doble impacto, que consideró abordar a las familias en situación de vulnerabilidad y contribuir en la reactivación de las bodegas de las localidades donde ellas radican, aplicando mecanismos que involucran el uso de la tecnología.
El Proyecto se denominó “Electronic food vouchers for coping with new challenges”, financiado por Fundación Coca Cola, conocido como “Canastas virtuales Coca Cola”, el cual fue implementado entre mayo y octubre de 2020 y tuvo como objetivo beneficiar a 800 familias de Lima, Junín, Arequipa y Piura, mediante la entrega de un kitCARE (canasta familiar de productos alimenticios nutritivos) por tres oportunidades (más de 3500 canastas), adquiridos en una bodega a través de una plataforma virtual, que operaba como una pasarela de pago, para más del 70% de las beneficiarias, el otro grupo de 30% utilizó otro medio. Estudio de satisfaccion [44 pages]. Read More...
Bajo este contexto CARE Perú, entiende que estos impactos repercuten en mayor medida a las mujeres y niñas, y entre otros a los pequeños emprendedores, como los dueños de bodegas. Existen en el país alrededor de 500,000 bodegas1 y más del 60% son emprendidas por mujeres, estas bodegas han presentado una caída de más de un 50% en sus ventas. En este sentido, CARE Perú diseñó una intervención innovadora de doble impacto, que consideró abordar a las familias en situación de vulnerabilidad y contribuir en la reactivación de las bodegas de las localidades donde ellas radican, aplicando mecanismos que involucran el uso de la tecnología.
El Proyecto se denominó “Electronic food vouchers for coping with new challenges”, financiado por Fundación Coca Cola, conocido como “Canastas virtuales Coca Cola”, el cual fue implementado entre mayo y octubre de 2020 y tuvo como objetivo beneficiar a 800 familias de Lima, Junín, Arequipa y Piura, mediante la entrega de un kitCARE (canasta familiar de productos alimenticios nutritivos) por tres oportunidades (más de 3500 canastas), adquiridos en una bodega a través de una plataforma virtual, que operaba como una pasarela de pago, para más del 70% de las beneficiarias, el otro grupo de 30% utilizó otro medio. Estudio de satisfaccion [44 pages]. Read More...
The Impact of COVID-19 on Women in Democratic Republic of Congo
Evidence worldwide indicates that women are disproportionately affected by the health and socio-economic impacts of intervention
measures applied for the control of COVID-19. Women make up the majority of the informal labour sector and are more likely to suffer job losses or reduced income as a result of closed borders, markets and shops, and restricted movement. Sexual and reproductive health services are often the first to face restrictions in terms of availability and access. School closures place an additional burden on women, who take on childcare responsibilities, including ensuring adequate nutrition. Girls who cannot go to school are at increased risk of sexual violence, pregnancy, and early marriage - a trend that was widely observed in areas affected by Ebola during the 2014-2016 epidemic in West Africa. Risks are exacerbated for women and girls living in the poorest households in remote rural areas.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in March 2020, mixed methods data produced by the Social Sciences Analytics Cell (CASS) and its partners presents a dynamic where pre-existing disparities between men and women in terms of health, social protection and economic status are being exacerbated by the outbreak and its response. This report presents an integrated multidisciplinary analysis of the impact of COVID-19 and its response on women and girls in the DRC, highlighting changes that have occurred since the beginning of the outbreak. The objective of this report is to provide evidence to support decision-making for strategies to respond to the outbreak to ensure that the health, protection and economic security of women and girls is prioritised. Read More...
measures applied for the control of COVID-19. Women make up the majority of the informal labour sector and are more likely to suffer job losses or reduced income as a result of closed borders, markets and shops, and restricted movement. Sexual and reproductive health services are often the first to face restrictions in terms of availability and access. School closures place an additional burden on women, who take on childcare responsibilities, including ensuring adequate nutrition. Girls who cannot go to school are at increased risk of sexual violence, pregnancy, and early marriage - a trend that was widely observed in areas affected by Ebola during the 2014-2016 epidemic in West Africa. Risks are exacerbated for women and girls living in the poorest households in remote rural areas.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in March 2020, mixed methods data produced by the Social Sciences Analytics Cell (CASS) and its partners presents a dynamic where pre-existing disparities between men and women in terms of health, social protection and economic status are being exacerbated by the outbreak and its response. This report presents an integrated multidisciplinary analysis of the impact of COVID-19 and its response on women and girls in the DRC, highlighting changes that have occurred since the beginning of the outbreak. The objective of this report is to provide evidence to support decision-making for strategies to respond to the outbreak to ensure that the health, protection and economic security of women and girls is prioritised. Read More...
COVID-19 Rapid Gender Analysis DR Congo
Depuis le début de l’épidémie déclarée le 10 mars 2020 jusqu’en date du 26 Aout 2020, le cumul des cas est de 9.915, dont 9.914 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Au total, il y a eu 255 décès (254 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable) et 9.020 personnes guéries.i
En RDC, la prévention et la réponse à la pandémie COVID 19 sont guidées au niveau National par un « Plan de préparation et de riposte à l’épidémie de COVID 19 » publié en début Mars 2020. Ce plan comprend 9 objectifs bien définis mais les aspects spécifiques aux questions de protection transversale et de genre sont faiblement développés.
Quoi que les données nationales qui renseignent sur la situation épidémiologique en RDC ne soient pas désagrégées par âge et par sexe, il est évident que les hommes, femmes, filles et garçons des différents âges, situations sociales confondues ne sont pas touchées de la même manière par la pandémie à COVID 19 surtout que déjà traditionnellement, il s’observe un déséquilibre entre les hommes, les femmes, les filles et les garçons au niveau des rôles, responsabilités, accès et contrôle, participation et prise de décision et au niveau des aspects de protection.
Dans le souci d’améliorer sa mise en oeuvre pendant la période de la pandémie, CARE I DRC a fait une analyse genre rapide période du 15 Avril jusqu’en fin Mai 2020. Une mise à jour a été faite sur base des informations recueillies le 18 Juillet 2020. Cette analyse qualitative vise à renseigner sur les problèmes spécifiques des femmes, hommes, filles et garçons pendant cette période de pandémie à COVID 19. Les éléments issus des données secondaires appuieront la triangulation des informations. Les thématiques d’analyse sont : rôles et responsabilités, accès aux ressources, services et l’information, prise des décisions, influence des croyances, sécurité, et sante / bien être. Les informations ont été recueillies dans les villes urbaines et cités rurales dans lesquelles CARE I mène des activités et a des bureaux et au moins 1 staff. Les provinces concernées sont le Nord Kivu (Beni, Butembo, Goma et territoire de Nyiragongo), Sud Kivu (Bukavu et Uvira) et la ville province de Kinshasa. Read More...
En RDC, la prévention et la réponse à la pandémie COVID 19 sont guidées au niveau National par un « Plan de préparation et de riposte à l’épidémie de COVID 19 » publié en début Mars 2020. Ce plan comprend 9 objectifs bien définis mais les aspects spécifiques aux questions de protection transversale et de genre sont faiblement développés.
Quoi que les données nationales qui renseignent sur la situation épidémiologique en RDC ne soient pas désagrégées par âge et par sexe, il est évident que les hommes, femmes, filles et garçons des différents âges, situations sociales confondues ne sont pas touchées de la même manière par la pandémie à COVID 19 surtout que déjà traditionnellement, il s’observe un déséquilibre entre les hommes, les femmes, les filles et les garçons au niveau des rôles, responsabilités, accès et contrôle, participation et prise de décision et au niveau des aspects de protection.
Dans le souci d’améliorer sa mise en oeuvre pendant la période de la pandémie, CARE I DRC a fait une analyse genre rapide période du 15 Avril jusqu’en fin Mai 2020. Une mise à jour a été faite sur base des informations recueillies le 18 Juillet 2020. Cette analyse qualitative vise à renseigner sur les problèmes spécifiques des femmes, hommes, filles et garçons pendant cette période de pandémie à COVID 19. Les éléments issus des données secondaires appuieront la triangulation des informations. Les thématiques d’analyse sont : rôles et responsabilités, accès aux ressources, services et l’information, prise des décisions, influence des croyances, sécurité, et sante / bien être. Les informations ont été recueillies dans les villes urbaines et cités rurales dans lesquelles CARE I mène des activités et a des bureaux et au moins 1 staff. Les provinces concernées sont le Nord Kivu (Beni, Butembo, Goma et territoire de Nyiragongo), Sud Kivu (Bukavu et Uvira) et la ville province de Kinshasa. Read More...
Emergency Response After Action Review for CARE Ghana’s Response to the 2019 Floods in Upper East Region Final Evaluation
Torrential rains in the Upper East region of Ghana occurred from the 2nd to the 15th of October 2019. The continuous rains led to flooding in all the fifteen (15) administrative districts/municipalities which resulted in the collapse of buildings, deaths and displacement of a sizeable percentage of the population . The most affected districts were; Builsa North, Kassena Nankana Municipal, Bongo, Kassena Nankana West, Builsa South, Tempane and Talensi .
CARE International in Ghana, collaborated with government agencies namely National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Ghana Health Service (GHS) and Information Service Department in the region to respond to the emergency. Key interventions implemented as part of the emergency response were the distribution of food and non-food relief items, cash disbursements, Covid-19 risk communication to victims in four worst affected districts. The districts are; Bongo, Talensi Builsa North and Kassena Nankana Municipal. The relief items included; rice, oil, gari, sugar, Winimix, maize, beans, fish aqua tabs, sanitary pads, buckets bar soap and cloth. Additionally, cash to the tune of GHC 814.00 per flood affected household was disbursed through mobile money system and physical distribution to a total of 700 flood victims across the four districts in three tranches. The cash transfers were meant to enable beneficiaries rebuild after the disaster [12 pages]. Read More...
CARE International in Ghana, collaborated with government agencies namely National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Ghana Health Service (GHS) and Information Service Department in the region to respond to the emergency. Key interventions implemented as part of the emergency response were the distribution of food and non-food relief items, cash disbursements, Covid-19 risk communication to victims in four worst affected districts. The districts are; Bongo, Talensi Builsa North and Kassena Nankana Municipal. The relief items included; rice, oil, gari, sugar, Winimix, maize, beans, fish aqua tabs, sanitary pads, buckets bar soap and cloth. Additionally, cash to the tune of GHC 814.00 per flood affected household was disbursed through mobile money system and physical distribution to a total of 700 flood victims across the four districts in three tranches. The cash transfers were meant to enable beneficiaries rebuild after the disaster [12 pages]. Read More...
Integrated GBV prevention and response to the emergency needs of newly displaced women, men, girls, and boys in Borno State, North-East Nigeria Midterm
Currently, 41 sites across 11 LGAs in Borno are in ‘high congestion’ status with 285,000 individuals above camp capacity resulting in the majority of individuals having no access to shelter and being forced to sleep in overcrowded shelters or outside. The provision of life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable persons of concern is hampered by a continuous unfavorable environment marked by conflict-induced insecurity and protracted displacement. Limited access to adequate services, particularly in newly accessible areas, continues to exacerbate protection risks to the affected population. The ECHO-GBV project is an 18 months’ project funded by ECHO being implemented in Bama and Ngala LGAs of Borno state to provide lifesaving GBV prevention and response services to newly displaced women, girls, boys and men and vulnerable host community members. The intended use of this evaluation is to: assess the performance of project indicators against set objectives, goals and targets, review Programme strategy and methods and inform learning; hence, the primary target of this report is the ECHO participants as well as staff [24 pages]. Read More...
Integrated GBV prevention and response to the emergency needs of newly displaced women, men, girls, and boys in Borno State, North-East Nigeria Baseline
To ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the project, CARE pays specific attention to the changes to be made, effects and impacts of the intervention for displaced populations, and hosts affected within Borno State. It therefore appears necessary to define the baseline situation in order to have information that can provide precise indicators on the sector concerned by the assistance, and to develop a monitoring and evaluation system for the continuous updating of the changes and facilitate the analysis of the transformations induced at the end of the project. A total of 3 IDP camps (Arabic camp and International Secondary School of in Ngala and Government Secondary School GSS camp in Bama LGA) and 4 host communities (Ngala, Gambaru A and B in Ngala and Bama town in Bama LGA) were covered by the baseline, within the two targeted LGAs. Taking 5% of each population, 5,009 respondents in Bama and 2,054 respondents in Ngala were surveyed [23 pages]. Read More...
Integrated GBV Prevention and Response to the Emergency Needs of Newly Displaced Women, Men, Girls, and Boys in Borno State, North-East Nigeria Final Report
Under the European Commission Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) funding with support of CARE France, CARE Nigeria to implement a Gender Based Violence in Emergencies project. The project was implemented in Bama and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) – Northeast, the goal of the project was to contribute to the protection of the lives of vulnerable women, men, girls, and boys most affected by the crisis in North-eastern Nigeria. The evaluation survey showed that beneficiaries in both intervention LGAs were aware of GBV issues and referral pathways facilitated by the project. There was an increase in the awareness of beneficiaries from the mid-term evaluation; as more respondents were more likely to make a report on GBV related incidences (i.e. sexual violence, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and forced marriages). Based on analyzed evaluation data, of the total number of beneficiaries interviewed, the following project activities were most effective in increasing beneficiary GBV knowledge e.g. Use of GBV champions - 87.5% (Ngala 32.9% and Bama 54.6%), Sensitization activities – 91.5% (55.5% in Bama and 36% in Ngala) and provision of livelihood assistance – 66.8% (43.5% in Bama and 23.3% in Ngala).
At the final evaluation, awareness amongst beneficiaries was greater in Bama than Ngala; as project-driven sensitization activities emerged as the predominant means by which beneficiaries were informed of GBV issues and accompanying referral pathways by the project. In spite of CARE Nigeria not having an on the ground presence in Ngala at the time of the final evaluation study (i.e. due to the lack of funding for GBV interventions since August 2020); interviewed beneficiaries remained knowledgeable of GBV issues and referral pathways. [122 pages] Read More...
At the final evaluation, awareness amongst beneficiaries was greater in Bama than Ngala; as project-driven sensitization activities emerged as the predominant means by which beneficiaries were informed of GBV issues and accompanying referral pathways by the project. In spite of CARE Nigeria not having an on the ground presence in Ngala at the time of the final evaluation study (i.e. due to the lack of funding for GBV interventions since August 2020); interviewed beneficiaries remained knowledgeable of GBV issues and referral pathways. [122 pages] Read More...
Dioptra Costing Tool Case Study Jordan
The Syrian crisis that began in 2011 has caused mass internal and external displacement — about 1.3 million Syrians have migrated to Jordan, mostly living in urban areas outside refugee camps (estimated 81%). An assessment by CARE in 2018 found high unmet needs in food security, shelter, protection, education, and livelihoods among Syrian refugees and Jordanian host community members. Many refugee children have missed the crucial years of early education: about 40% of registered school-age Syrian children are out of school and at risk of child labor and early marriage To address these needs, CARE provides comprehensive protection services to vulnerable refugees and Jordanians in Amman, Irbid, Mafraq, Zarqa, and Karak. These services include, but are not limited to, Protection Case Management, Conditional Cash for Education, and Emergency Cash Assistance. [7pages] Read More...