Emergency|Humanitarian Aid

Afghanistan Joint Response 2 post-project

The Afghanistan Joint Response 2 Project 2017 is implemented in Nangrahar and Laghman Provinces funded by DRA and implemented by CARE/ Development & Humanitarian Services for Afghanistan-DHSA in order to provide emergency response to the needy and most vulnerable IDPs and returnees as undocumented for the year 2017 including the most affected children and women to be covered under UCG and CFW. This Post Assessment report is drafted to state to analyze, measure and understand the impacts of the project over IDPs, Returnees and female headed households, who were identified by meeting the set criteria’s Care/DHSA in coordination with DoRR & CARE Kabul as approved. This assessment also revealed the project beneficiaries benefited from Cash for Work and unconditional cash. In addition, the assessment intended to measure the achievements of the project according the planned objectives and the impacts after implementing the above mentioned two interventions. Read More...

ECHO Sud Baseline

Le projet CARE / Echo Sud est un projet de redressement et de renforcement de la capacité de résilience des communautés les plus vulnérables affectées par le choc climatique dans le District d’Ambovombe Androy. Ce district se trouve dans la région Sud de Madagascar qui a été, depuis 2014, terriblement touchée par les sécheresses. Ces sécheresses ont drainé un impact négatif sur les communautés locales en affectant leurs moyens de subsistance, leur sécurité alimentaire et leur santé.
Dans son intervention, le projet soutiendra les communautés les plus affectées et fournira des réponses à leurs besoins essentiels de nourriture et d’eau. Il vise 18.500 bénéficiaires directs dont 11.100 femmes et 7.400 hommes. En tout, ce projet atteindra environ 10,36 % de la population totale affectée dans la région d’Androy. Les femmes, et les femmes célibataires cheffes de familles seront potentiellement les principales cibles de cette action.
Ce projet est une approche intégrée basée sur l’assistance financière en espèces (Cash-forwork et transferts monétaires inconditionnels), la distribution de semences certifiées adaptées au changement climatique, des petits outils agricoles, de stockages de semences, ainsi que l’amélioration de l’accès à l’eau grâce à la construction d’infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau. Il sera mis en oeuvre dans sept Communes les plus affectées dans le district d’Ambovombe, notamment les Communes rurales d’Ambazoa, d’Ambanisarika, d’Ambonaivo, d’Ambondro, d’Analamary, d’Erada, et de Tsimananada.


Summary of CARE’s “One Neighbourhood Approach,” a programme approach that bridges several areas of expertise – shelter, housing and settlements, infrastructure, livelihoods, markets and economics, community-based protection mechanisms and community regeneration, and through which inclusive governance is mainstreamed. CARE recognised the importance of working with the whole community, so individuals are targeted according to need, while the wider neighbourhood is improved through communal spaces and shared infrastructure. The needs, concerns and rights of both landlords and tenants are addressed through tripartite rental agreements generating greater tenure security over a longer period alongside physical improvements to the building and living space and shelter conditions.

The “One Neighbourhood Approach” in Lebanon has been funded by BPRM since 2015 over a three-phase project in Tripoli and Beirut, with US $7 million cumulatively reaching over 5,000 people directly through household-level shelter interventions and 20,000 people through community infrastructure, both refugees themselves or hosts. Phase 4 of this intervention is due to start in 2018. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis – SNNP Region Ethiopia and Gedeo Crisis Response

As of July 14, conflict between Guji Oromo and Gedeo communities displaced over 1 million people (82 per cent in Gedeo; 19 per cent West Guji zones). Internally displaced people (IDPs) stay in cramped public buildings and spontaneous IDP sites while other live with host communities. This massive and sudden population displacement prompted CARE Ethiopia to expand its emergency programme in the South Nation, Nationalities People Region (SNNPR). Consistent with its focus on gender equality, CARE initiated a rapid gender analysis (RGA) to provide gendered data on needs, power relations, access and controls, risks and coping strategies of displaced women, men, boys and girls affected by the conflict.

An RGA mission led by CARE International Rapid Response Team Gender Specialist took place in Dilla town, Gedeb and Yirgachafe woredas (administrative unit in Ethiopia) between 25 and 31 July. Read More...

Rapid Ebola Social Safety Net and Economic Recovery (RESSNER) Program

This report (74 pages) presents findings from the end line and end-of-project performance evaluation of the Rapid Ebola Social Safety Net and Economic Recovery (RESSNER) Program. The RESSNER program was designed to ‘provide immediate access to cash for purchase of basic food items and support to local economic recovery through unconditional cash transfers in nine Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) affected chiefdoms across the districts of Bombali (5 chiefdoms) and Tonkolili (4 chiefdoms)’. Overall the program targeted and reached a total of 8,100 extremely poor households with unconditional cash transfers (implemented in both phases) and 900 poor households with a one-off seed voucher (implemented in the 2nd phase only). The end line evaluation therefore covered these two phases of the program to document the extent to which the program contributed to restoring food security, improving economic recovery and reducing the negative coping mechanisms of EVD affected households in Bombali and Tonkolili districts in northern Sierra Leone.

The evaluation findings revealed that the RESSNER cash transfer program achieved its aim of providing support for immediate access to cash for basic food needs; and also resulted in other unexpected outcomes including economic independence, high dietary diversity and low hunger situation for extremely poor and vulnerable households. These achievements were evidenced from outcomes such as reduced negative coping strategies, high dietary diversity scores, low household hunger scale, expanded expenditures and improved economic activities (as sustainability strategies) among extremely poor households across communities in the two intervention districts. Read More...

CARE International DEC Ebola Emergency Response project

Final evaluation of the International Ebola Emergency Response project that addressed the impact of Ebola on particularly water, sanitation hygiene (WASH) and health with funds from the Disaster Emergency Committee (UK) in the United Kingdom. (54 pages)
The project was concentrated in the northern region of Sierra Leone. The evaluation focused on assessing the overall impact of the CARE DEC project activities in relation to WASH and health within the context of Ebola Emergency Response delivery in the four districts. Findings are presented based the research objectives in line with key themes on the data collection instruments as well as qualitative interviews with stakeholders and project beneficiaries, including CARE Sierra Leone DEC project manager. Study limitations and recommendations as well as a management response by CARE to the main recommendations from the evaluation have also been included.
From the report, it is evident that there has been significant increase in beneficiaries’ knowledge, attitude and practice about the Ebola Virus epidemic at the CARE International DEC sites. Survey respondents and qualitative interview participants testified that many non-governmental organizations did different interventions to control and eliminate Ebola. CARE was mentioned in many areas as a major contributor to the control of the epidemic especially as concerns distribution of hygiene kits and WASH sensitization activities. Read More...

Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis

With funds from the United States Agency for International Development/Food for Peace USAID/FFP), CARE implemented the Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis (EFAS) project from April 2017-May 2018 in the Sanaag and Sool regions of Somalia/Somaliland benefiting 13,882 households. Respondents and CARE felt that the impact was positive. The cash transfer helped recipients met basic needs, improve credit, positively impacted local markets and promoted impendence for women in shopping. Mobile money was an efficient delivery mechanism allowing for a fast project start-up, and beneficiaries access to fund. Mobile money service providers were inefficient in coordinating for service delivery but CARE took measures to counter this. CARE’s project approaches were efficient especially the use of the Biometric Beneficiaries Registration System, expeditated administrative processes, and staff deployment, but they were also viewed as bureaucratic. (41 pages) Read More...

Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis After Action Review

CARE implemented the Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis (EFAS) project over twelve months (April 2017 – March
2018) the Sool and Sanaag regions of Somalia/Somaliland. With funding from USAID, the project provided unconditional cash transfers to communities in need in 135 villages under Caynabo, Lascanod, Cerigabo, Celafweyn and Badhan Districts to 13,182 households (HH). As part of the project evaluation, CARE sought to complete an After-Action Review (AAR) with the staff who supported the project implementation. (26 pages) Read More...


Highlights the final evaluation of the “Typhoon Haiyan Response,” a three-year (November 2013 - December 2016) initiative implemented by CARE Philippines. The Program aims to assist affected communities (men, women, boys and girls) in Regions 6 and 8 to recover, build back safer and increase resilience. Phase 3 is the medium-term recovery phase, which covers the period January 2015 – November 2016. Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) in Germany, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministere des Affaires Etrangeresor MAE) in Luxemburg, H&M Conscious Foundation in Netherlands, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC), Global Affairs Canada (previously DFATD), Foundation of Dutch Cooperating Aid Organizations (SHO), European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), funds from the people of Austria, Australia, Germany, UK, and the USA, and from private foundations such as InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) and French private companies. (95 pages) Read More...

Relief Support for Flood and Cyclone Affected Population in Need in South-East Bangladesh (RESPONSE) Project

Heavy rainfall befell Bangladesh in the last week of June 2015, causing landslides and flash flooding. 29 Upazilas (sub-districts) of the South-Eastern districts of Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban and Chittagong were the worst affected areas as identified by the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) - a Joint Needs Assessment revealed that a total of over 1.8 million people were adversely impacted.

Incessant rainfalls in turn resulted in a depression in the North Bay of Bengal and transformed in to a Cyclonic Storm ‘Komen’ on 30 July 2015, affecting 15 districts situated in the low-lying areas of the coastal belt, offshore islands, and chars. ‘Komen’ led to further heavy to very heavy rainfall across the entire country, and caused inundation in many areas of Southeast Bangladesh, including those which were affected by the initial phase of heavy rainfall. Consequently the lives and livelihoods of a large cross section of people from these areas were severely impacted – JNA and a post-cyclone rapid impact assessment conducted in the most affected districts revealed that the total number of people affected by flash floods and ‘Komen’ stood at 2.6 million in Southern Bangladesh!

The assessments identified Food Security/Supply, Livelihoods, WASH, and Shelter as the immediate needs of the affected people. Humanitarian actors came together to incorporate these needs in to a Joint Response Plan (JRP) aimed at addressing the immediate and emerging adversities facing the most vulnerable and affected communities. The response plan was also endorsed by the key stakeholders including government and donor organizations.

Based on the JRP the National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives (NARRI) consortium undertook a response project in the most affected areas. NARRI responded to the immediate needs of affected communities by providing unconditional cash grants as assistance. CARE Bangladesh led the consortium with Oxfam, Concern Worldwide (CWW), Concern Universal (CU) and Plan International as consortium members, while Handicap International served as technical partner. [4 pages] Read More...

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