Impacto de una intervención en seguridad alimentaria. Evaluación final del Programa REDESA
El Programa Redes Sostenibles para la Seguridad Alimentaria – REDESA, ejecutado por CARE Perú y financiado por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional – USAID, concluyó sus actividades después de cinco años, con evidentes logros y beneficios para las 58 570 familias pobres de 1 854 comunidades en 125 distritos de Ancash, Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Huancavelica y Puno. REDESA organizó su intervención alrededor del aumento sostenido de los ingresos familiares y de la mejora de las condiciones de salud, nutrición e higiene de las familias, para contribuir con la meta de reducir la desnutrición crónica de niños y niñas menores de tres años.
El Programa REDESA sustentó su intervención en una lógica integral de generación de ingresos sostenibles y de mejora de las condiciones de salud, con el soporte transversal de alianzas y asocios estratégicos con las instituciones y organizaciones locales públicas, privadas y de la sociedad civil. De esta manera, se constituye en un modelo integral experimental que ofrece los elementos y evidencias validadas para ser tomado en cuenta en el diseño e implementación de estrategias y acciones para la lucha contra la desnutrición crónica en el Perú. [80 paginas] Read More...
El Programa REDESA sustentó su intervención en una lógica integral de generación de ingresos sostenibles y de mejora de las condiciones de salud, con el soporte transversal de alianzas y asocios estratégicos con las instituciones y organizaciones locales públicas, privadas y de la sociedad civil. De esta manera, se constituye en un modelo integral experimental que ofrece los elementos y evidencias validadas para ser tomado en cuenta en el diseño e implementación de estrategias y acciones para la lucha contra la desnutrición crónica en el Perú. [80 paginas] Read More...
The WAS program scheme is originally conceptualized in 2011 by a national food company with a non-government organization as the local partner. Since 2016, CARE is responsible as the local partner for the initiation or continuation of Warung Anak Sehat in 350 schools across 4 different locations in Indonesia. In several areas, Warung Anak Sehat was first initiated by other organization and then continued by CARE. The WAS scheme consists of establishment of food kiosks which provides healthy food inside or outside schools. These kiosks are set up and run by vendors (usually female) who are provided with skills, tools and equipment. [27 pages] Read More...
Situación de las Prácticas de Alimentación y Nutrición Materna Infantil Estudio de Línea de Base
El Instituto de Investigación Nutricional realizó la línea de base en el ámbito del proyecto “Ventana de Oportunidad” de CARE Perú en las Regiones de Ayacucho y Apurímac en grupos de intervención del proyecto y grupos de control. Las encuestas fueron realizadas entre septiembre y noviembre de 2010 y fueron aplicadas a una muestra de madres de niños/as entre 0 y 2 años de edad seleccionados al azar en los distritos seleccionados para el proyecto. [153 pages] Read More...
Integrated Community Development Project Endline Evaluation
The main conclusion of this evaluation is that ICDP is making a significant and tangible contribution to improving the well-being of disadvantaged communities living in remote areas of PNG. Communities, Ward Development Committee (WDC) members, LLGs and District authorities are, in general, highly appreciative of the work that ICDP is supporting. It is a highly valued investment, is achieving tangible results, and the work should continue to be supported (taking into account lessons learned so far, including the recommendations contained in this evaluation report). Addressing disadvantage and poverty in remote rural areas requires a long-term and sustained commitment. [131 pages] Read More...
Renforcement des Actions en Nutrition du projet AiNA Ran-Aina Evaluation Finale
Financé par l'Union Européenne et opérationnalisé par CARE International à Madagascar, le projet Ran-Aina s’inscrit dans l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD-c1) qui est de «contribuer à la réduction de la proportion des familles vulnérables qui souffrent de la faim». Son budget total s’élève à 1 055 575 Euro pour une durée de 36 mois. [110 pages] Read More...
Great Ruaha River Basin Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA)
This report presents the methodology and findings of the CARE-WWF Alliance Climate Vulnerability and Capacities Analysis (CVCA) in the Great Ruaha Basin of south-central Tanzania, conducted in September 2017.
The CARE-WWF Alliance is embarking on an ambitious initiative in the Ruaha Basin to have impact at scale on food and nutrition security and climate resilience. Given the context outlined above, undertaking a CVCA with communities in the catchment is critical to effective project design and implementation. This CVCA is intended to be one of three integrated assessment tools that will contribute to a CARE-WWF Alliance approach to markets, ecosystems, and social vulnerability in the context of a changing climate. [49 pages] Read More...
The CARE-WWF Alliance is embarking on an ambitious initiative in the Ruaha Basin to have impact at scale on food and nutrition security and climate resilience. Given the context outlined above, undertaking a CVCA with communities in the catchment is critical to effective project design and implementation. This CVCA is intended to be one of three integrated assessment tools that will contribute to a CARE-WWF Alliance approach to markets, ecosystems, and social vulnerability in the context of a changing climate. [49 pages] Read More...
Origination and Development of the Soy bean small holder farmers in Egypt”
This 46 page final evaluation on CARE Egypt, with the support of Cargill Inc. and Cargill Egypt, implementation of the “Origination and Development of the Soy bean small holder farmers” project in the governorates of Minia, Benisuef and Beheira. The purpose of the 3-year project was to support the communities through increasing agricultural linkages by working to improve socioeconomic conditions for rural communities by increasing local production of Soy beans to reach 6000 metric tons of Soy beans throughout the project life. The project cooperated with the government through Extension Officers, farmers through their cooperatives and professional think tanks through the Agricultural Research Centers. Read More...
Bringing Agroforestry to Scale for Improved Livelihood in Care-Harande resilience zones (BrASIL)
The BrASIL project is a collaboration between the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and CARE Mali (HARANDE Program) for maximizing synergies. The Goal of the Harande program, which means ‘food security’ in Peulh, is “Sustainable food, nutrition and income security for vulnerable household members in Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza in Mopti region. The collaboration under BrASIL aim at ensuring a better intervention that takes full account of adaptation to climate change, optimal natural resource management and reduction of target communities’ vulnerability to climate change. This partnership will put high emphasis on the bottom up and community led, cascading training of trainers and farmer-to-farmers learning approaches. [19 pages] Read More...
Food security, nutrition, climate change resilience and gender
This Policy Analysis is part of series of country-specific studies on Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and Climate Change Resilience (CCR) policies in the Southern African region that CARE International is currently conducting. CARE identifies advocacy as one of the priority approaches to influence broader change and scale up effective
solutions. Multiplying the impact of innovative solutions that bring lasting changes, by documenting and replicating successful experiences, promoting pro-poor approaches and advocating and influencing policies are key aspects of CARE global 2020 Program Strategy. [112 pages] Read More...
solutions. Multiplying the impact of innovative solutions that bring lasting changes, by documenting and replicating successful experiences, promoting pro-poor approaches and advocating and influencing policies are key aspects of CARE global 2020 Program Strategy. [112 pages] Read More...
Zimbabwe Food and Nutrition Emergency Cash Transfer Programme
The programme objective was to mitigate the effects drought induced of El Nino induced food insecurity in 3 wards namely ward 8, 11 and 12 of Gokwe North district.. The aim was to improve Household (HH) food security through unconditional mobile cash transfers and increase access to nutrition intervention to prevent, identify and treat severe and moderate acute malnutrition among children (0-59 months) from February- April 2017. . Under the programme CARE through ECHO funding, reached its target of 9 400 beneficiaries (4 446 men; 4 954 women), drawn from 1 799 households in the district were registered to receive monthly cash transfers to assist them in meeting expenses for basic household needs from February up to April 2017 The cash transfer value was USD7/person/month and USD10 for a single person HH and this amount met 66% of the HH Kilocal needs of the 2,100 kcal/person/day on a basic diet of maize, pulses & vegetable oil. [38 pages] Read More...